Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1998, Image 7
WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SUMMARY JULY 31, 1998 13 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS CATTI-E 4442 Compared with 4260 head last week and 5801 head a year ago Compared with last Friday s sum mary Choice slaughter steers steady to 1 00 lower, Select and Holsteins steady, si heifers steady to 1 00 higher, si cows steady to 1 50 higher, bulls mostly steady SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice & Prime 2-4 61 50-66 00, Choice 1-3 58 50 63 00, Select and Low Choice 2 3 55 00-61 25, Select 1-3 52 GO -59 50 few Standard 1-2 46 00-53 00 HOLSTEINS few High Choice and Prime 2 3 54 50-57 75, Choice 2-3 52 00- 55 00 Select 1-2 46 50 52 50, few Standard I 2 39 00 46 00 HEIFERS Choice 2-4 57 75-62 00 Select I 3 52 25-59 00 lew Standard 1 2 40 00-52 00 COWS Breaking Utility & Commer cial 2-4 35 00-42 50, tew to 43 50, (lit ter & Boning Utility 1-3 33 50- 40 00, few to 32 00, Canncr and Low Cutter 1 2 29 50-42 50, few to 26 00 Shells down to 19 00 BULLS Yield Grade I 1000-2400 lbs 44 00-56 00, Yield Grade 2 900-2000 lbs 39 00-45 50 FEEDERCATILE STEERS Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 60 00-70 00 lew Medium and Large 2 285-500 lbs 45 00-60 00, HEIFERS Medium and Large I 275-550 lbs 53 00 65 00, tew Medium and Large 2 400-800 lbs 40 GO -58 50. BULLS Medium and Large 1 300 700 lbs 54 00-67 00 few Me dium and Large 2 350 750 lbs 42 00- 5 3 00 CALVES 3445 Compared with 3382 head last week and 3357 head a year ago V TALERS steady to weak few Choice 140 350 lbs 60 00-85 00, Good 135- 500 lbs 50 00-65 00, Standard and low Good 70-115 lbs 19 00 34 00 Utility 60-100 lbs 10 00-23 00, few in 5 00 1 \RM CALVES Holstein bull calves steady to 15 00 higher Holstein hciler calves 500 to 30 00 higher No I Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 50 00- 115 00 mostly 60 00-100 00 No 2 85 125 lbs 40 00-80 00 lew to 30 00. No 1 Holstein heifers 85 125 lbs 100 00 212 00 mostly 130 00- 20000, No 2 75 120 lbs 70 00 141 00 lew to 35 00 Beef type bulls and hciters 75-140 lbs 50 00-105 00 lew to 3 5 00 HOGS 2417 Compared with 2570 head Rain or Shine! Directions: Rt 340 to Compass then /Compass Rd, south to 2nd farm on right. Visit the mini stations set up / \ S - throughout the farm! last week and 2234 head a year ago Barrows and gilts unevenly steady, sows steady to I 50 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 220- 265 lbs 35 85-40 00, few to 42 50, IB 1- 210-280 lbs 35 00-38 00, few US 2- 220-320 lbs 33 00-37 00 SOWS US 1-3 300-500 lbs 20 00- 26 50, 500-700 lbs 23 25-28 50 BOARS 12 00-16 00 FEEDER PIGS 258 Compared with 652 head last week and 335 head a year ago Feeder pigs US 1-3 20-40 lbs 10 GO -24 00, 40-60 lbs 21 00-35 00 per head SHEEP 2039 Compared with 2407 head last week and 1909 head a year ago Slaughter lambs uneven under 70 lbs steady to 15 00 higher over 70 lbs steady SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 40-60 lbs 90 00 125 00 55 75 lbs 80 00 107 00, 75 110 lbs 75 00-95 00 few to 69 00. few Good and Choice 40-80 lbs 70 00 90 00 lew 80 110 lbs 55 00 85 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 17 00-45 00 TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 1818 Compared 1049 last week and 1539 head a year ago Feeder pigs 500 to 15 00 lower US 1-2 30-40 lbs 32 00-52 00, 40-50 lbs 32 GO -58 00, 50 60 lbs 28 00-58 00, 60 70 lbs 40 00-52 00, Slaughter 25-50 lbs 40 00-52 00, 50-85 lbs 27 00-34 00 - - per hundredweight MIDDLEBURG LIVESTOCK AUCTION MIDDLEBURG. PA AUGUST 4, 1998 CATTLE 396 IPDA] SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1205-1430 lbs 62 75-64 00, Choice 2 3 1075 1445 lbs 58 75- 62 75 tew 1500-1590 lbs 55 25-59 75 Select 1 3 55 00-59 50, few Standard I 2 50 75-52 75 HOLSTEINS STEERS few High Choice and Prime 2-3 1290-1570 lbs 55 50 57 00, Choice 2-3 1090 1615 lbs 52 25-55 25, Select 1-2 49 75 5175, Standard 1-2 38 50 46 25 HEIFERS few High Choice and Prime 2- 4 1065-1320 lbs 63 50-65 25 Choice 2 4 1050 1380 lbs 58 50-62 75 Se lect 1-3 58 50 62 75. Standard I 2 54 25 58 25 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 2 3 37 75-4175. one 44 25 low dressing down to 36 50, Outer and Bon ing Utility 1-3 35 25 39 50, low dressing 34 00-34 75 Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 31 00-36 00 Shells down to rm Field Da Mel Lantz's Fan ay, August 27, 1 0:30 am - 2:30 pm Lunch served all Day About the Farm ~ On Agßestore's Biological Program ~ uses Agri-Pro Seeds for corn & beans ~ Uses America's Alfalfa ~ Intense cropping rotation ~ Agßestore's Bio Rich Dairy Program ~ Tunnel Ventilation \ ~ Has cow matresses \ ~ Manure Treating System V ~ Becoming Certified Organic 1 A representative from Penn Certified Organic will be there for the day l your family & neighbors to a very \ ig where you can receive tips A wealthy crops, soil, and livestock! \ \ mg informatk 336-787 \sored rnestead itioa Inc. lolland. Pa W,l_. .hranville Ag Services hranville. Pa 26 00 BULLS Yield Grade 1 800-2090 lbs 46 00-51 25, few Yield Grade 2 1100- 1835 lbs 40 50-45 75 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium and Large I 420-685 lbs 60 00-67 00, Me dium and Large 2 200 600 lbs 46 GO -52 00, few 700-1020 lbs 43 00-54 50. HEIFERS Medium 1 425-630 lbs 51 50-59 50, Medium and Large 2 575- 685 lbs 40 50-42 50, BULLS few Medium 1 585-905 lbs 44 50-56 00, Medium and Large 2 200-530 lbs 41 00-51 00 CALVES 241 VEALERS Standard and Good 75-105 lbs 2400-3100, Utility 70-95 lbs 20 00-25 00 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 95 125 lbs 80 00-117 00, 85-90 lbs 60 00-85 00, No 2 95-130 lbs 30 OCP' 72 00. 80-90 lbs 28 00-32 00 No 1 Holstein heifers 80-125 lbs 120 00- 192 00 No 2 80-115 lbs 40 00-90 00 Few beef type bulls and hellers 85-1 15 lbs 57 00-122 00 HOGS 244 (8/03 & 04/98) Bulk of supply sold on Monday and supplied by the auction BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 235- 273 lbs 3* 00-36 00 US 1 3 225 275 lbs 32 75 34 50 SOWS US 1 3 320-495 lbs 20 GO -22 50, 500 600 lbs 22 00-25 00 BOARS couple 275 & 515 lbs 12 00 & 18 00 FEEDER PIGS 62 US 1-3 20-30 lbs 14 00-17 00, 40-60 lbs 21 00-28 00 - head - per SHEEP 40 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 55-75 lbs 70 00-81 00. 80 100 lbs 70 00 78 00, 100-135 lbs 68 00 74 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 15 00-30 00 GOATS 38 Few Large Billies 74 00 91 00 one Medium 58 00 Large bhn nies 44 00-70 00 few Medium 41,00 53 00, Large Kids 20 00 49 00 Small 14 00-22 00 - per head LEESPORT LIVESTOCK AUC TION LEESPORT, PA AUGUST 5, 1998 CATTLE 254 |PDA| (Supply included 92 slaughter steers and hellers 121 slaughter tows, and 28 leedcr cal tic] slaughter steers steady, si tows steady to 200 higher si bulls steady to strong SLAUGHTER STEERS few High Choice and Prime 2 4 1300 1380 lbs 62 75- 63 25 Choice 2-3 1105 1400 lbs 58 25-62 25 Select 1 3 54 50-59 50 Drop in anytime! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998-A7 tew Standard 1-2 43 75-54 50 HOLSTEINS STEERS few High Choice and Prime 2-3 1175-1545 lbs 55 OD -55 75. Choice 2-3 1300-1605 lbs 52 50 54 75, lew 1685 1935 lbs 48 25- 52 75, Select 1-2 46 75-5175 Stan dard I 2 42 00-46 00 HEIFERS few Select 1 3 55 00 59 00. few Standard 1-2 46 00 51 50 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 2 4 38 00-43 50 one 46 00 low dessing 36 00-37 75. Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 36 25-40 00, low dressing down to 34 00. Canner and Low Qitter 1-2 31 50-37 00 Shells down to 27 25 BULLOCKS couple Choice 2 3 55 00 & 56 75 BULLS Yield Grade 1 1050 1670 Ihs 45 00 47 00 one 55 50 lew Yield Grade 2 1015 1485 lbs 40 75 44 75 FEEDIJT CATTLE STFERS Medium and Large 2 380 720 lbs 45 00 58 50 HEIFERS Medium and Large 2 200 675 lbs 47 50-53 00 lew 730 900 lbs 39 50 49 00 BULLS couple Medium I 200 & 215 lbs 67 50 & 70 00 Me dium and Large 2 250-625 lbs 40 00 49 00 CALVES 143 VEALERS Standard and Good 75-105 lbs 20 00-30 00 Utility 60-75 lbs 10 00-20 00, few @ 5 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls mostly 500 to 700 higher No I Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 75 00-100 00, No 2 90-120 lbs 50 00-75 00, 80-90 lbs 28 00 65 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 95-115 lbs 14000-187 50 few No 2 80-110 lbs 35 00 60 00 HOGS 61 Barrows and gilts mostly 1 00 lower, sows 4 00 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-3 240- 255 lbs 33 00 34 00 SOWS US 13 330 485 lbs 18 00- 21 50, couple 575 & 610 lbs 19 00 & 21 00, lew Medium 335 440 lbs 10 50-15 00 BOARS couple 435 & 530 lbs 11 00 & II 50, one 950 lbs 300 few 155 21 5 lbs 8 00-13 00 FEEDER PIGS 119 US 1-3 20-40 lbs 45 00 80 00 two lots 20 lbs 112 50 &. 120 00 perewt SHEEP 37 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Lhoice 45 75 lbs 70 00 80 00 lew 95 100 lbs 72 50 75 00. lew Good and Choice 40-45 lbs 50 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 22 00-39 00 Sendings 52 00 54 00 GOATS 18 One Large Billy 70 00 one Medium 49 00 one Large Nanny 67 50 tew Medium 42 00-45 00 Large Kids 30 00-45 00, lew Small 10 00-17 50 - per head NEW WILMINGTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION NEW WILMINGTON, PA AUGUST 3, 1998 CATTLE 115 [PDA] Compared with last week s sale si cows 25 to 1 00 lower SLAUGHTER STEERS few Select 1-3 54 00-57 00, few Standard 1-2 46 00- 46 50 HOLSTEINS one Choice 2-3 1400 lbs 55 25 couple Standard 1-2 44 50 & 45 50 HEIFERS one Select 1-3 56 00 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 2-4 34 75-38 75 one 39 50 Cutler and Boning Utility 1-3 315037 50 Canncr and Low Cutter 1-2 29 25 32 75 Shells down to 24 00 BULLS one Yield Grade I 1200 lbs 46 75 tew Yield Grade 2 1400-1760 Ibs4o 00 43 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium 1 250 610 lbs 57 00 67 00 one 71 50 81T,1,5 few Medium and Large I 520 615 lbs 54 00-58 00 CALVES 134 VEALERS few Good 195 265 lbs 55 00 70 00, Standard and Good 80-125 lbs 25 00 34 00 Util ity 65-75 lbs 10 00-27 50 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 9*5 135 lbs 80 50-93 00, few 90 lbs 70 00 No 2 85 135 lbs 40 00-80 00. few No I Holstein heifers 95 110 lbs 130 00 145 00 few No 2 85 100 lbs 80 00- 110 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 75-110 lbs 45 00 102 50 HOGS 215 Barrows and gilts 400 lower BARROWS AND GILTS lIS 12 220 260 lbs 35 75 36 10 couple to 39 00 US 1 3 220 270 lbs 34 60-35 50 IS 2 3 220 270 lbs 33 60 34 75 tew US I 3 180 200 lbs 35 00-38 00 SOWS tew US 1-3 370-520 lbs 22 50 25 00 BOARS few 295 630 lbs 14 50 14 75 one 235 lbs 19 00 FEEDER PIGS 21 US 13 45 60 lbs 16 00-21 00 per head SHEEP 60 SIAUGHFLR LAMBS Choice 55 110 lbs 63 00 81 00 couple to 85 00 Good and Choice 60 90 lbs 57 50 60 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 27 00 29 00 less Yearlings 50 0(1 GOATS 2 Couple Large Nannies 25 00 &49 00 - per head