Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1998, Image 58
- mm W* LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Farming Staff LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) You’ve heard of disco dancing, but did you ever hear of disco bugs dancing beneath a disco ball? The DJ (disc jockey) calling the songs is a locust and a centipede is break dancing. Well, the bugs aren’t actually dancing except in the imagination of a group of 8- to 9-year-old boys, who created the scene with their bug collection. Damon, Cornell, William, Ter rance, Elibevei, and Miquel com- Bug Brats Irritate cows In the meadow. The Jungle Is crawling with snakes and bugs climbing on bushes, trees, and floating In the swamp. Summer 4-H assistant Paula Marshall admires the crea tivity of the 4-H’ers. Catch The Bug bugs with nets. pleted the project as part of a con- « It was f un< " said 8-year test sponsored by Lancaster Coun- old Damon He and his friend Cor ty 4-H Extension. nell want to be biologists. They Paula Marshall, the 4-H urban borrow books from the library to summer assistant and biology leam about bu gs. major from Lebanon Valley Col- Eight-year-old Rosa said that lege, organized the project named she bugs and put diem in Catch the Bug. cans. she fed them and watched She used a $3OO grant from how acte d. with her group. United Way to organize a summer she caught a butterflies, day camp and to buy nets and other and a king centipede, supplies for about 150 inner city f ew 0 f die children were a bit children. ...... wary of touching the bugs, but The children were divided into found u exdting . smaller groups. The first week they pa , who is 8 years o ld, went to the county park and caught she caught a long legger. The children preserved the bugs and stuck pins in them so that they would dry out until the following week. Kortipr* J / * On the designated day, each group had to create a scene for their bug collection. It took some give and take because each group member had a different idea of what they could do with the bugs. Some wanted to cre ate a bug ranch, others a bug heaven, some wanted to put cows in the meadow with bugs. Pipe cleaners, pompoms, wall paper, string, and glitter were some of the different items available to use. The room hummed with chaos as the children worked together on their projects. When the hour was up, amazingly each group had an original entry that showed creativi ty and talent. Now it’s Paula’s job to judge the entries. She said, “I’ll look at everyone’s boxes, take notes and decide which ones take a first or second place. Next week each child will receive either a blue or red ribbon depending on the group they were in.” Paula wasn’t a 4-H member when she was growing up. She said “I wish I had known about ADADC Scholarship Deadline Looms SYRACUSE, N.Y. - Two $5OO scholarships are available through the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council, Inc. (ADADC). College students are pursuing degrees in the dairy industry from ADADC’s marketing area—including New York, northeastern Pennsylvania, and northern New Jersey—are eligible. ' The Leo Briggs Memorial Scholarship is available to any collegiate individual who has promoted the dairy industry by exhibiting leadership in dairy industry ' organizations Founded in 1983, the scholar ship was established as a tribute to Leo Briggs for his superior leadership within the dairy industry for over 30 years. A second $5OO scholarship, the ADADC Memorial Scholarship, is available to for mer dairy princesses from ADADC’s marketing area. The applicant must have completed one year as a dairy princess and one year of college, and must be pursuing a career in dairy prod uct marketing, dairy manufac turing, home economics, ag com- r ** 5 The Insectors used pipe cleaners and pompoms to show f their bug collection. Dlsco Bugs has a centipede break dancing beneath a dis co ball. A locust stands In as the DJ. 4-H. It offers so many opportuni- Contact your county extension ties. We need to publicize 4-H office if you would like to join a more and this is one way kids learn Catch the Bug’ project or other about 4-H.” 4 ’ H clubs. munications, or journalism. The scholarship is offered in memory of several ADADC staff and board members for their contri butions to dairy promotion. Both college scholarships are based on grade-point-average, extracurricular activities, future plans, and a 400-word essay dis cussing the applicant’s commit ment to a career in the dairy industry. Application deadline for both scholarships is Friday, November 6. Scholarship applications are available through agricultural colleges in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, or by calling the ADADC office at (315) 472-9143. Both scholar- got mi / * I iv ship will be presented at the New York State Dairy Princess Pageant held in Syracuse, February 1999. ADADC oversees the man agement of the scholarship accounts; however, neither scholarship is funded by dairy farmer check-off dollars. As a result, outside donations are critical to ensure the future availability of these scholar ships Any person or organiza tion wishing to make a donation to either scholarship may do so by sending a check to; Joanne Tills, 219 South West Street, 100, Syracuse, NY, 13202-1205, payable to ADADC. k?