Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1998, Image 56
88-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998 If you are looking for a recipe but can’t find It, send your recipe request to Lou Ann Good, Cook’s Question Corner, in care of Lancaster Farming, P-O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. There’s no need to send an SASE. If we receive an answer to your question, we will publish It as soon as pos sible. Sometimes we receive numerous answers to the same request, and cannot print each one. Answers to recipe requests should be sent to the same address. QUESTION A reader from Orange County, N.Y. would like a recipe for Half Sour Pickles, she believes the cucumbers are soaked in brine overnight and can be eaten the following day. QUESTION Shawna Whitmer, Bethel, is looking for a recipe to make maraschino cherries with sodium benzoate. She does not want recipe for canning or freezing cherries for pies or desserts. QUESTION Shirley Hodecker, Carlisle, is looking for a recipe for a cool summer drink called orange aid. While on vac ation recently, the Hodecker family purchased the drink while waiting to board a train. QUESTION A Reinholds reader would like to see lots of recipes using zucchini. QUESTION Jeanne Parry, West Chester, would like a recipe for cucumber salad. QUESTION Janet Tyson, Felton, would like a recipe for dried corn. QUESTION Ina Mikalauskas, Evans City, is looking for recipes for tomato jelly, garlic jam. and pickled garlic. QUESTION Betty Jakum, Littlestown, has a recipe for watermelon pickles that requires slaked lime. Does anyone know what it is and where to buy it? Is hydrated or pickling lime the same thing? QUESTION Dixie Fix would like to know where to buy an electric iron to bake New Year’s cakes, which are thin Euro pean waffles like cake. A regular waffle iron and a Belgian iron make too thick a waffle. QUESTION Leora Petet, Hollsopple, is looking for recipes for pecan log and for cherry nut filling for homemade candy. QUESTION —A reader from Finger Lakes, N.Y., would like a recipe to can together sliced onions and green bell peppers (not pickled). Also, she has heard that hot peppers can be stored in an unsealed jar on the counter covered with oil to use as needed and then use the flavored oil afterwards. Can any one verify that the hot peppers will not spoil? QUESTION Cindy Barta, N. Jackson, Ohio, writes that she made quince jelly last fall. It was her first attempt at making jelly. Some of the jelly turned out fine and jelled nicely. But one batch did not gel. She had read that quince has natural pectin and did not use any pectin in the recipe, which did not call for any. She would appreciate any help or recipe that will make this type of jelly jel. QUESTION A Snyder County reader would like a recipe for white chocolate mousse cake. QUESTION Marian Harman, Hughesville, would like a recipe for cherry pig, which she thinks is made with bread dough and fresh cherries. QUESTION A reader wants a recipe for the bretzel QUESTION Rose Diehl, Bloomsburg, wants recipes for turkey scrapple and turkey bologna. ANSWER Doris Bobb, Muncy, wanted a recipe for rhu barb peach jam. Thanks to a reader for sending in the following recipe. 2 quarts fresh or frozen rhubarb, cut into 1-inch pieces 4 cups sugar 3 ounces orange Jelf-0 21-ounce can peach pie filling In a large bowl, combine rhubarb and sugar, allow to stand overnight. Transfer to a large saucepan, bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, dice peaches in pie filling, add to mixture and return to boiling. Remove from Cook’s Question Peach Rhubarb Jam heat. Add orange Jell-0; stir until dissolved. Spoon in freezer If 11 containers. Cool completely. Makes about 7 pints. vwv II w Thanks to Joyce Stuff, Mercersburg, for sending in a recipe that she writes is old and looks and tastes like strawberry preserves. Rhubarb Preserve 5 cups rhubarb, cut up 5 cups sugar 20-ounces crushed pineapple Mix together rhubarb, sugar, and pineapple and boil 20 minutes. Add and boil one minute: 6-ounce box strawberry Jell-O Pour into jelly jars and seal. Thanks to Linda Smucker for sending in a recipe for jam that keep well in the refrigerator or freezer. Rhubarb Jam 5 cups finely cut rhubarb 4 cups sugar 3-ounces strawberry Jell-0 Mix rhubarb and sugar over low heat. Do not add water. Cook until soft. Add Jeli-0 and cook 2 more minutes. ANSWER For Shirley Schwoerer, Wysox, who wanted recipes to use in a Plett pan, here are some from Marian Mose mann, Summit Hill. She writes that plett or platt stands for a Swedish pancake, a very thin type of pancake usually used for desserts. To season the cast iron pan, coat with shortening or other salt-free shortening, place in 350-degree oven for one hour. Let pan cool on a cake rack or let pan cool in oven as oven cools for at least 3 hours. Now the pan is ready to use. Mix recipes for pancakes (plattars). Heat plett pan on top of stove, coat each indentation with non-stick spray. Drop batter into indentations and wait until bubbles occur all over and edges are set. With a fork, gently slip the tines under the edges of the pancake and quickly lift up to flip it. It’s tricky but it works. Use butter between pancakes and stack. Serve with lingonberries or red currants or cranberry sauce. Top with whipped cream. Note: Lingonberries are native to Sweden so blueberries or other berries can be substituted. 3 eggs 1 % cups whole milk S A cup all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon granulated sugar 'A teaspoon salt Beat eggs until thick and lemon colored. Sift together dry ingredients, add dry ingredients to egg mixture. Drop by tablespoons onto moderately hot griddle (plett pan). Spread evenly to make thin pancakes. Do not overcook. Pan cakes should be a light brown, then turn. Spoon melted butter and sprinkle a small amount of sugar over each cake stacked. Makes 52 pancakes. Llngonberry Sauce Combine in saucepan; VA cups granulated sugar 2 tablespoons corn starch Stir in: 4 cups berries 1 cup water Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens then starts to bubble. Cook one minute longer. Serve warm or cool over plat tars or waffles. Yields 5 cups sauce. Note; Pancakes can made on a regular fry pan or griddle and it doesn't take away from the appearance. It's a great summertime supper for a large family. Enjoy. ANSWER Elaine Fyock, Windber, wanted a recipe for oven pickles processed in the oven at a low temperature and left set overnight appeared in this column, but she mislaid the recipe. Thanks to Brenda Young for sending in a recipe her family likes. Delicious Dill Pickles Enough fresh medium sized pickles to fill four one-quart jars. To each jar, add: 1 teaspoon dill seed '/« teaspoon minced garlic Bring the following to a boil: 1 quart water 1 cup vinegar 'A cup uniodized salt 3 teaspoons sugar % teaspoon tumeric Fill jars with syrup and close. Place in oven and turn to 250 degrees for 10 minutes or until light goes out. Turn off oven and let set overnight. By morning, pickles are processed. Where's your mustache? - Plattars (Turn to Page B 9) (Continued from Page B 6) BLENDER SALAD DRESSING 1 cup oil 1 cup sugar Vi teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 medium onion Vi cup vinegar 1 teaspoon celery seed Mix first five ingredients in blender. Slowly add vinegar. Blend until creamy. Add celery seed. Mix and refrigerate. Great over salad greens, cabbage, maca roni, and potatoes. Yields 1 pint THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING 1 cup manyonnaise ’/< cup chili sauce 10 small stuffed olives Vi cup loosely packed parsley leaves Vi small onion 1 hard cooked, egg, peeled and chilled Vi red pepper, stem and seeds removed 1 tablespoon brown sugar Vi teaspoon paprika Combine mayonnaise and chili sauce, stirring until smooth. Shred olives, parsley, and onion. Shred egg into mixture. Cut red pepper into chunks and shred into mix ture. Add brown sugar and papri ka. Stir into mix. Refrigerate. Makes about IVi cups. BUTTERMILK SALAD DRESSING 2 cups mayonnaise 2 cups buttermilk 2'A tablespoons parsley flakes 1 tablespoon coarse ground pepper 1 tablespoon minced onion flakes 1 tablespoon garlic powder 2 teaspoons salt or to taste l'/j teaspoons Accent Combine all ingredients and mix until creamy. Refrigerate in a well-sealed jar. This stays fresh for several weeks. Makes one quart Also makes an excellent dip for raw vegetables. Eileen Greenaway Somerville, NJ. SWEET *N SOUR SALAD DRESSING 'A cup oil / cup vinegar 'A cup water 'A cup ketchup 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon paprika 1 small onion (optional) 1 cup granulated sugar Put all ingredients in blender and puree until smooth and blended well. Pour into salad dressing bottles and store in refrigerator. Makes 2 cups. Prepa ration time; S minutes. The Fruitful Vine LO CAL FRESH ITALIAN DRESSING 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme leaves 1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil leaves 2 teaspoons chopped fresh tarra gon leaves 'A teaspoon ground white pepper 1 .tablespoon minced onion 1 clove garlic 'A cup water 'A cup red or white vinegar 'A cup vegetable oil Combine all ingredients in a blender. Puree until smooth. Let stand in covered container in refrigerator for three hours before serving. P B. Light Lebanon