Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1998, Image 22
A22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998 PDA Announces Psuedorabies (Continued from Page A 1) and all of those were expected to be released from quarantine by the end of the year. According to information pre sented to the commission, there were five breeder herds and five feeder herds in Lancaster County under quarantine. There was one feeder herd in Dauphin County. That puts Pennsylvania at Stage 111 in the program. In order to achieve the next stage, or Stage IV, the pseudorabies-free status of the state has to be maintained for 12 months with no new infections found. After officially reaching Stage IV, another disease-free 12 months is to be required in order to achieve the pseudorabies-free status of Stage V. According to a PDA press release, there are 27 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands which already have achieved Stage V in the national testing program. There arc five states in Stage IV. Since taking the job as agricul ture secretary, Hayes has been actively involved in promoting Pennsylvania agricultural com modities. He has assisted estab lished industries and businesses with expanding into global mark ets, as well as worked with groups of startup entreprenuerial ventures of promise. He also has worked with Gov. Tom Ridge and the Legislature to expand their knowledge of the state’s agricultural resources and how it figures in the state’s eco nomic foundation. This eradication program is seen as a way to enhance the value of the state’s swine herd by increas ing the ease of marketing the swine, and ultimately decreasing the cost and risk of doing business here. During the meeting, Hayes praised the wis dom of Gov. Ridge and the members of the Gen eral Assembly for mak ing the funding avail able to pursue animal disease control and eradication programs. “Heretofore, (the state has) not been very robust with the dollars for eradication of ani mal diseases,” he said. But that is changing. He said the General Assembly allocated money to fight avian influenza (which seems to be under control for the time being), and in the last budget increased the state indemnity funding from $50,000 to $250,000, specifically in anticipation of the pscudorabies eradica tion program project. Hayes said that means that the mandate from the Legislature is clear, and so is the sup port of Gov. Ridge. Hayes said that, around the world, the presence of pseudora bies in a herd or an area is one of the first pieces of information potential buyers of swine want to know. Eradication Program He said that, when he has the opportunity to promote Pennsyl vania's swine industry around the nation or abroad, instead of just saying, “Yes, this or that herd is pseudorabies free,” he would like to say, “The whole state is pseudo rabies free.” Dr. John Enck Jr., director of the state Bureau of Animal Health and Diagnostic Services since early June, is project officer for the program. The rest of the project team includes Dr. Phillip Debok, Dr. Zoann Parker, Dr. Bruce Schmucker, Dr. Graham Purchase, Dr. John Roberts, Dr. David Henz ler and USDA’s Dr. Amy Nesselrodt. The project plan for Pennsylva nia’s eradication program was developed by the project team. The plan is a spiral bound document that includes state pseudorabies regulations and the national prog ram regulations, as well as the out line of specific objectives in order to achieve goals. According to the plan’s impact statement, “Pseudorabies has been a serious clinical disease of swine in Pennsylvania and elsewhere in the United States. The economic viability of the swine industry is harmed by the affliction. “Pennsylvania is surrounded by states, which are in an advanced stage of pseudorabies control. Tire lack of an aggressive control prog ram has hampered the export of pigs, especially feeder pigs, from Pennsylvania. “Additionally, certain testing requirements for movement within Pennsylvania will be eased with elimination of pseudorabies. Eradication of the disease may eventually clminate the need to vaccinate for pseudorabies, a pro cedure which has been necessary SHADE TREES for Farm & Industry Red Oak, Pin Oak, Sugar Maple, Ash, Native Red Maple, Locust & More. 2" to 4" Caliper - 13' to 16' Some “Park Grade” Trees Many Pre-Dug for Summer Planting. Large Selection of Sizes - Mostly Small Lots 95 Leisey Road I \ Denver, Lancaster County, Pa 17517 717-336-5515 LANDSCAPING ffuttr Immce pencil "We'n Here To Ser% e " “MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS” If you have high deductibles for health insurance, A Medical Savings Account will make sense! Donations to Medical Savings Accounts are tax deductible, interest bearing, and can be used towards any medical or dental bills. For Information on this or any type of insurance, please call; Roger Slusher • Bob Lee * Carol Young • Cindy Beyer 248 B Maple Ave., Quarryvllle, PA 17566 (717)786-1711 (800)882-1415 and costly." The plan, considered a working guideline for the program implementation, subject to future revision as the project accomp lishes goals, also outlines eight goals and objectives: • Release all currently quaranted herds within nine months of the program implementation. • Attain Stage IV (surveillance) Status in the State-Federal- Industry Pseudorabies Program within 12 months of program implementation. (If additional herds are discovered, this may be delayed until approximately 12 months after discovery of the last infected herd.) •Attain Stage V (free) Status ... within 12 months of attaining Stage IV Status. • Maintain current surveillance program until Pennsylvania receives “free” status. • Conduct area testing for all high-risk herds (continuous flow feed lots and herds within a 2-mile radius of previously infected herds). •Eliminate infection from new ly identiGcd infected herds within 6 months. Consideration will be given to condemnation and depo pulation within IS days if neces sary to advance to Stage IV. • Establish additional surveil lance measures as described in the National Program Standards. • Maintain Stage V Status by documenting continued com pliance with National Program Standards. After the announcement, some concerns were expressed by pro ducer representatives that the con demnation and indemnity aspect still remains an unanswered ques tion. Of concern is the difference in value between breeding stock and market stock. • (Turn to Page A 26) *80 .,*140 each F. 0.8. Denver PA Quantity Discounts Evergreen Trees Also Available Mount Nebo Fair, Mount Nebo, thru Aug. IS. Montgomery County 4-H Fair, Creamery, thru Aug. 15. PASA ‘Grazing For Profit’ Field Day, Franklin County. Advanced Cut Rower Conference, Chesapeake College, Wye Bucks County Holstein Club annu al show in conjunction with Middletown Grange Fair, 11 a.m. Wayne County Holstein Show. Wayne Fairgrounds. Hones- dale, 10 a.m. Bucks County Holstein Show, Wrightstown, 11 a.m. Lancaster County Beef Roundup, Lampeter Fairgrounds. Clinton County Junior Dairy Show, Clinton County Fair- grounds, Mackeyville. Clinton County Open Dairy Show, Clinton County Fairgrounds, Mackeyville. PASA Field Day, Willow Springs Farm, Kate and Dale Thomsen, Bedford County, 1 p.m. Cut Flower Tour, Wye Research and Education Center Cut Flower Plots, and other locations. Mow-In, Christ Lutheran Church, Stouchsburg, 9 a.m. Howard County Fair, Howard County Fairgrounds, West Friendship, thru Aug. 22. Washington County Ag Fair, i 22^ Cameron County Fair, Emporium, thru Aug. 22. McKean County Fair, Smethport, thru Aug. 22. Bullsldn Township Community Fair, Woodale, thru Aug. 22. Franklin County Fair, Chambers burg, thru Aug. 23. Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal or Wood by-products Multi-Fuel Model Burns Wood, Coal, Oil or Gas Adapts to any existing heat system Installation & Accessories Available MR. FARMER! You cannot afford to guess when it comes to feeding your livestock. The same is true when it comes to your fertilizer program, which means more profit per acre. Here’s why our customers report more profit per acre using the Gro-Mor Program. ✓ □ On the Farm Consultation ✓ □ A&L Labs For Soil Test ✓ □ Time Tested Crop Programs ✓ □ Trailer Load Cost Saving Discounts ✓ □ Early Cash Discounts Stop In At Ag Progress Days and Let Us Show You Why So Many Farmers Can’t Be Wrong. Gro-More is Known For Service' and Performance mH Fulton County Fair, McConnells burg, thru Aug. 22. Huntingdon County Fair, Hunting- Tioga County Fairgrounds, Whitneyville. Dayton Fair, Dayton, thru Aug. 22. Lawrence County Fair, New Castle, thru Aug. 22. Harford Fair, Harford, thru Aug 22 Tuesday, August IS Ag Progress Days, Rockspring, thru Aug. 20. Huntingdon County Holstein Show, Huntingdon Fair grounds. Huntingdon, 9 a.m. Pa. Holstein Northeast Champion ship Show, Troy Fairgrounds, Troy, 10 a.m. Dairy-MAP On Tour at Ag Progress. Hay Show, Ag Progress Days. Blue Valley Farm Show, Bangor, thru Aug. 22. Pa. Dept Of Ag Meat Animal Eva luation Center 23rd Annual Performance-Tested Boar Sale, Ag Arena, Penn State, 6 p.m. Perry County Holstein Show, Per ry County Fairgrounds, 9:30 a.m. Dairy-MAP Annual Alumni Ice Cream Social At Ag Progress, 3 p.m.-4 p.m. Pa Ag Republican Chicken Bar beque, VFW Picnic Grounds, |>ine6rov^lills^^jlm^^ Wye Field Day, Queenstown. Berks County Grazing Walk, Nevin and Audrey Mast,Oley, 10 a.m.-noon. Great Pocomoke Fair, Pocomoke City, thru Aug. 22. GRO-MOR PLANT FOOD COMPANY, INC. 281 FARMLAND ROAD, LEOLA, PA 17540 (717) 656-4166 Call Toll Free: 1-800-322-0060 s Dealerships Available In Select Territories