Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1998, Image 21
Mason-Dixon RWDCA Sets Picnic The Mason-Dixon Red & White Dairy Cattle Association will hold its annual picnic and Held day on Sept 13, at 1 p.m. Chicken barbecue and drinks will be provided. Each family at- Gettysburg High School districts. Several prominent leaders in the districts have taken a pro-active role in starting up the initiative to help restructure ag education in the classroom into the next century. One of them is Gettysburg. The person behind the implementation of the program is Thomas Oyler, ag science instructor. According to Mimi Lufkin, pro ject director of the Vision for Pen nsylvania Agricultural Education Project who spoke at an ag update meeting in Harrisburg in April, all students need to have a “basic understanding of agriculture so they can make informed decisions as consumers and citizens.” She cited the increasing use of technology in agriculture and schools need to keep up with those developments. Oyler has used the Reinventing Agricultural Education for the Year 2020 Project to guide the actual Vision for Agricultural Edu cation Program. Oyler established a group of 21 stakeholders who have agricultural backgrounds. The stakeholders are graduates of the program, parents, board members, business people, school administrators, and farmers. So far, three local meetings have been conducted to help iron out the plan for the school. The first meeting overviewed the middle and high school prog ram. The second reviewed program objectives, funding, recruitment and reten tion of students, techni cal preparation, and included a discussion of FFA-related programs. The third meeting reviewed observations from visitations to Penn Manor and Solanco high schools. A discussion was held on what kind of programs to offer stu dents in the future. In a story in The Enlightener, a publica tion from Penn State’s Center for Professional Personnel Develop ment, Department of Agricultural and Exten sion Education, Oyler noted that he believes the Reinventing Ag Education for the Year 2020 Project gave his stakeholders “the ability to think futuristically. “The exercises pro vided (for) them the opportunity to think beyond the world as they sec it now.” Vision for Ag Educa tion Project assisted Oyler by providing him with a 12-step plan. Oyler believes four positive things have emerged: • 21 people have become interested in the ag program. tending is asked to bring a covered dish to share. Hosts this year will be Paul and Lucinda Moyer and Family of Peek-A-View Holsteins from Bemville, PA. The Moyers milk about 130 Holsteins, one half of (Continued from Page A 1) • Potentially one half of the stockholders serve on an advisory committee. • The project demonstrates to the school board that a diverse community has great interest in the program. • A needed change in the curri culum’s contest, delivery, and scope is obtainable. Oyler provided other sugges tions that helped his efforts suc ceed. They included calling stake holders not present at the meetings to update them on the progress of the group, limiting the meetings to exactly two hours, making sure the stakeholders receive a letter B BUILDINGIHI FUTURE American CoOlßlfi Fans r Call Northeast Agri Systems Lititz, PA Federalsburg, MD 1 -800-673-2580 1 -800-735-6361 FD 36 Direct drive 36" fan with 115-230 volt 1/2 HP motor in wood crate with guards and cord M 75 QUANTIT Electrical cords, hanging hardware, shutters, thermostats and ail other fans on special Call for free estimates, etc. Authorized master distributor since 1982 IWortheastl Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. 3® ms university ave Flyway Business Park Store hours Mon Fri 7SOto 4 30 dB 139 A West Airport Road 2 4 Hr 7Dayß Litlte PA 17543 m tjiam uime DK n 1.800.673-2580 ™ W&\ * Mn *** which are red and white or red car riers. The picnic is open to all. Please come and visit with red and white enthusiasts, neighbors and friends. Please make reservations by call ing (610) 488-7308 by August 29. including the time, place, and objectives of the meeting, schedul ing the meetings in the fall and winter because of fairs, summer vacations, and other events, and to keep the group focused and on taslc Said Mimi Lufkin, Vision for Pennsylvania Agricultural Educa tion Project director, one of the driving factors creating the need for this project was “the increasing urbanization of the population and with it the decreasing contact of a majority of the population with agriculture. “We all eat food and we are all " directly impacted by ag, and we all need to be educated,” she said. FD 48 Direct drive 48" ton with 115-230 volt. 1 HP motor in wood crote with Guards. $ 329 DISCOUNTS FOR 1 □ NEF4B Belt driven 48" fan with 230 volt, 1 HP energy efficient motor, in wood crate with guards $ 335 OR MORE! Chester Holstein Calf Given Andra Stoltzfus, won the give-away calf at the Chester County Holstein club picnic last Friday. The event was held at the farm of Amos E. Stoltzfus family at Honey Brook. Any one aged 6 to 16 who attended the picnic could sign-up for the free drawing. The calf, a rgistered Holstein, came from the herd of Har old and Glenn Ranch. The sire Is Duster and the dam a VG 26,000 m Calypso daughter. Purina also supplied a 6 months supply of feed for the calf. In the Judging annual judging contest, Christy Guest won the youth division; Kathy Guest won the women’s division; and a three-way-tie in the men’s division was shared by Tom Lapp, Steve Stoltzfus, and David K. SToltzfus. In the photo, Harold and Andrea show the calf. If you thought the performance of PIONEER® brand hybrids was outstanding over the last several out, because you ain't seen nothing yet! Our new lineup has the potential to deliver a better than-ever return! Your Pioneer sales rep will contact you soon to boost your bottom line in 1999. Pioneer vs. All Competitors 2-Year Comparison Report, 1996 - 1997 Pioneer % No. of Yield Moisture Pioneer Trials Adv. Difference Wins Agripro 139 15.5 0.0 75 Agway 106 5.9 -0.2 67 Asgrow 148 4.1 0.6 62 Beachley-Hardy 32 11.0 -0.5 75 Cargill 257 6.2 0.2 63 Chemgro 92 13.9 0.4 79 Dekalb 1157 9.2 0.2 72 Doebler's 316 12.4 0.4 78 DynaGro 21 12.8 4.7 86 Eastland 112 12.8 0.5 77 Fielders Choice 260 15.0 0.7 84 Golden Harvest 13 18.5 1.3 100 Hytest 104 14.9 -0.6 86 Mycogen 114 9.9 0.7 75 NC+ 205 8.6 -0.1 73 Novartis 1166 7.5 -0.9 66 Competitive Brand Maximum number of Intervening strips 8, minimum number of locations 6, maximum RM difference 5 Income per acre based on pnce of com at $2 50 per bushel and drying costs of $0 02 Geographic selection West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York. New England, Pennsylvania, northeastern Ohio Technology That Yields* Pioneer* brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions ot purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents *Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc of Oes Moines, lowa, USA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998-A2l PIONEER. BRAND • PRODUCTS Pioneer Inc. Advantage /Acre /Unit $37 $lll $l4 $42 $l2 $36 $24 $72 $l5 $45 $34 $lO2 $22 $66 $3O $9O $4l $123 $3l $93 $37 $lll $44 $132 $33 $99 $25 . $75 $2O $6O $l5 $45