Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1998, Image 138

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    D2-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998
Kori Shows ‘Rosie’
(Continued from Page 822) Flock: 1. Travii Redmond.
4-H and Vocational
Spring Ram Lamb: 1 . Rozanne Perazzo 2.
Rozanne Perazzo.
Champion: Rozanne Perazzo. Reserve:
Rozanne Perazzo.
Lightweight (68-100 lbs.): 1. Jill Neiman. 2.
Ben Ruzowlcz. 3. Rozanne Perazzo.
Light Middleweight (106-109
lbs) 1 Elizabeth Cornman 2
Brians Shei
Heavy Middleweight
(118-127 lbs) 1 Kori Morgan
2 Kelly Pike 3 Cmdie Geary
Heavyweight (131-138 lbs)
1 Kelly Pike 2 Cmdie Geary 3
Joshua Eifert
Champion Kon Morgan
Reserve Kelly Pike
Spring Ram Lamb 1 Rozan
ne Perazzo 2 Rozanne
Champion Rozanne Peraz
zo Reserve Rozanne
Spring Ram Lamb 1 Kelly
Glaser 2 Roger Bowman 3
Roger Bowman
Yearling Ram 1 Kelly Glas
er 2 Travis Redmond
Champion Kelly Glaser
Reserve Kelly Glaser
Pair Ram Lambs 1 Roger
Spring Ewe Lamb 1 Kelly
Glaser 2 Kelly Glaser 3
Roger Bowman
Fall Ewe Lamb 1 Kelly
Yearling Ewe 1 Roger Bow
man 2 Kelly Glaser 3 Kelly
Champion Kelly Glaser
Reserve Kelly Glaser
Pair Ewe Lambs 1 Kelly
Glaser 2 Roger Bowman
Breeders Young Flock 1
Roger Bowman
Pen of Lambs 1 Roger
Get of Sire 1 Kelly Glaser
Flock: 1 Kelly Glaser 2
Roger Bowman
Spring Ram Lamb 1 Mere
dith Ruzowicz 2 Ben Ruzo
wicz 3 Ben Ruzowicz
Fall Ram 1 Milton Hershey
Champion Milton Hershey
School Reserve Meredith
Pair Ram Lambs 1 Ben
Ruzowicz 2 Meredith
Spring Ewe Lambs 1 Mere
dith Ruzowicz 2 Ben Ruzo
wicz. 3 Ben Ruzowicz
Fall Ewe Lambs' 1. Milton
Hershey School
Yearling Ewe 1 Ben Ruzo
wicz 2 Meredith Ruzowicz 3
Milton Hershey School
Champion Milton Hershey
School Reserve Ben
Pair Ewe Lambs 1 Ben
Ruzowicz 2 Meredith
Breeders Young Rock 1
Ben Ruzowicz 2 Meredith
Pen of Lambs 1 Ben Ruzo
wicz 2 Meredith Ruzowicz
Gel o( Sire 1 Ben Ruzowicz
2 Meredith Ruzowicz
Flock: 1 Ben Ruzowicz 2
Meredith Ruzowicz
Yearling Ewe 1 Milton Her
shey School 2 Milton Hershey
Champion Milton Hershey
School Reserve Milton Her
shey School
Spring Ram Lamb 1 Derek
Redmond 2 Travis Redmond
3 Travis Redmond
Yearling Ram 1 Travis
Champion Travis Redmond
Reserve. Derek Redmond
Pair Ram Lambs 1 Travis
Spring Ewe Lamb 1 Travis
Redmond 2 Travis Redmond
3 Derek Redmond.
Yearling Ewr 1. Travis Red
mond. 2. Travis Redmond 3.
Derek Redmond
Champion' Travis Redmond.
Reserve Travis Redmond.
Pair Ewe Lambs' 1. Travis
Young Flock 1 Travis
Pen ot Lambs 1 Travis
Get ol Sire. 1 Travis
Spring Ram Lamb: 1. Walter Ernst. 2. Wal
ter EmsL 3. Kelly Pike.
Fall Ram Lamb: 1. Gregory Weitzal.
Champion: Walter Ernst. Reserve. Walter
Pair Ram Lambs; 1. Walter Ernst. 2. Kelly
Pike. 3. Gregory Weitzel.
Spring Ewe Lamb: 1. Doug Pike. 2. Walter
Ernst. 3. Kelly Pike.
Yearling Ewe; 1. Kelly Pike. 2. Walter
Ernst. 3. Kelly Pike
Champion:'Kelly Pike. Reserve; Walter
1998 Penn Ag Days Specials
• I 27 \ 16'6 AlumaSleel" Double End
Sliding Door
• I 1(1 x IS AlumaSleeD Double Side
Sliding Door
•2 3 x 6 8 9100 9 Lite KYNAR 500'
Insulated Walkdoor
• 2-4 x 3 9 Lite Insulated Sliding Windows
with Screens and Shutters
• 1 Vented Sidewall Overhangs
• 2 Gable Overhangs
• 1 24 x 15 KYNARSOO' Insulated
Overhead Door with Operator and
Remote Control
• 2 7 \ 7 Overhead Door Jamb Protectors
• n x 6 8 9100 9 Lite KYNAR 500'
Insulated Walkdoor
• 4-4 x 7 9 Lite Insulated Windows with
Screens and Shutteis
• I Vented Sidewall Overhangs
• 2 Gable Overhangs
• Continuous Ridge Ventilation System
• Exterior Hi Rib Steel Wainscot with
Interior Piolective Liner AJB M MV A A
5 49,l 65.00
•I IS \ 10 Sliding Wood Double End Door
•I 1 x 6 8 9100 9 Lite KYNAR MX)
Insulated WalLdoor
• I Vented Sidewall Overhangs
• I Gable Overhangs
• Continuous Ridge Ventilation Svstem
• Exterior Hi Rib Steel Wainscot
with Interior Protective Liner
*1 4,970.00 _
MJ warrannes include materials and labor and ire nor prorated Special pneme includes mci materials delivers unloading and labor 10 erect within dll miles (rom a Monon Buildings Inc
consirucnoa center Customer musi provide i sue prepared ro Morton buildings Inc Sue Specification form Ilia (i c a level site without underground obstruction; and parncinarc m
Morions progressive pjvmcnr plan Prices mav varv because otlocal building codes One to local price variations these prices do nor include concrete Oiler expires Augusi 29 19%
For completion bs Match 31 1999 Prices mav van lor even 1 i/ H l leer over b 000 leer of elevation
fcoducts ihfmux'lHdaTurkofCdofaCorj»Mf(on*fHJOKOflEX2ooo bncrp IWormcr and AJiinuiid Twdfmarkj 0/ Morion BwJdinp k #WVOO7B4B
Pair Ewe Lamb*; I.'Kelly Pika. 2. Walter
Ernst 3. Gregory Wettzel.
Voung Flock; 1. Walter Emit. 2. Kel V Pike.
3. Gregory Wettzel.
Pen of Lamb*: 1. Walter Ernst. 2. Kelly
Pik*. 3. Gregory Waltz el.
Get of Sire: 1. Walter Ernst 2. Kelly Pike. 3.
Gregory Weitzel.
Flock: 1. Waiter Ernst. 2. Kelly Pike. 3. Gre
gory Weitz?l.
Spring Ram Lamb; 1. Jacob Garges. 2. Jill
Neiman. 3. Jill Neiman.
Champion: Jacob Garges. Reserve: Jill
Pair Ram Lambs: 1. Jill Neiman.
Spring Ewe Lamb; 1. Jacob Garges. 2.
Jacob Garges. 3. Jill Neiman.
•Continuous Ridge Ventilation System
• Estenor Hi Rib Steel Wainscot with
Interior Protective Liner
• Revolutionary FLI'OROFLEX 2000
Roof Paint Svstem
• Premium KYNAR 500VHYLAR 5000
Sidewall Paint System
• Morton Cullers and Downspouts
• Free Morton Weather Vane
• Full Morton Warramv
• Completely Insulated and Lined with
Hi Rib Sleel
• Blown In Fiberglass Ceiling Insulation
• Sidewall Blanket Insulation
• Revolutionary FLUOROFLEX 2000
Roof Paint System
• Premium KYNAR SOO7HYLAR 5000'
Sidewall Paint System
• Motion Gutters and Downspouts
• Free Morton Weather Vane
• Full Morion Warranty
• Re\o!ulionaiv FLUOROFLEX 2000’
Rool Paint System
• Picmium KYNAR 500VHYLAR 5000'
Sidewall Paim System
• Moilon Gutlm and Downspouts
• Frei Morion Weather Vane
• Full Morton Warrants
Yearling Ewe; 1. Jacob Garges. 2. Jacob
Garges. 3. Jill Neiman.
Champion: Jacob Garges. Reserve; Jacob
Pair Ewe Lambs; 1. Jacob Garges. 2. Jill
Young Flock; 1. Jill Neiman.
Pen of Lambs; 1. Jill Neiman.
Gat of Sire: 1. Jill Neiman.
Flock: 1. Jacob Garges.
Yearling Ewe; 1. Milton Her*hey School. 2.
Milton Hershey School.
Champion; Milton Hershey School.
Reserve: Milton Hershey School
Spring Ewe Lambs: 1. Eileen Garges. 2.
Eileen Garges. 3. Kathy Evanchalk.
•121 \ 15 6 AlumaSleel" Double End
Sliding Door
• I 22 6 v 14 AlumaSleel - Double Side
Sliding Door
• n s 6 8 9100 9 Lite KYNAR 500'
Insulated Walkdoor
• 4 Skvlights
• I Vented Sidewall Overhangs
• 2 Gable Overhangs
• Continuous Ridge Ventilation System
$30,749.00 EDZIDOO3
•I 12 \ 9 20 Lite Diamond "M Sliding
Double End Door
• 1-4 x 6 Diamond M Sliding Loti Door
• 4-4 x 7 2 Metal Clad Swinging
Dutch Doors
•14x6 8 91009 Lite KYNARSOO
- Walkdoor
•1-4x4 Insulated Sliding Window with
Screen and Shutters
• I 2 6' x 2’6' Cupola with fan
• I Vented Sidewall Overhangs
•I Gable Overhangs
<29,375.00 _
•2 10 x 8 KYNAR 500‘Insulated
Overhead Doors
• M x 6 8 9100 M Lite KYNAR 500*
Insulated Walkdoor
• I 2 6 \ 2 6 Morion Cupola (no tan)
• 1 Vented Sidewall Overhangs
•2 Cable Overhangs
• Continuous Ridge Ventilation System
4,875.00 «...
Yearling Ewa; 1. biiesn uarget.
Champion: Eileen Garget.
Eileen Garget.
Pair Ewe Lamb*: 1. Eileen G
Kathy EvanchalK.
I «
• Extenor Hi Rib Steel Wainscot with
Interior Protective Liner
• Revolutionary FLUOROFLHX 2000‘
Roof Paint System
• Premium KYNAR 500VHYLAR 5000’
Sidewall Paint System
• Morton Gutters and Downspouts
• Free Morton Weather Vane
• Full Morton Warranty
• 1/2 Hcavv Duly Thenmax* Roof Insulation
• 6 x 4R Porch wnh Diamond "M" Headers
• Exterior Hi Rib Steel Wainscot with
Interior Protective Liner
• Revolutionary FLUOROFLEX 2000'
Roof Paint System
• Premium KYNAR 500'/HYLAR 5000'
Sidewall Paint System
• Morton Cutlers and Downspouts
• Free Morton Weather Vane
• Full Morton Warrantv
• Extenor Hr-Rrb Steel Wainscot with
Intenor Protective Liner
• Revolutionary FLUOROFLEX 2000*
Roof Paint System
• Premium KYNAR W/HYLAR 5000'
Sidewall Paint System
• Morton Gutters and Downspouts
• Free Morton Weather Vane
• Full Morton Warranty
O IVSIK Monon Buildings Inc *