Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1998, Image 132
C36-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998 D 1 g For Sale I □ OO Frick Sawmill | | Steel Track | | Three Blades 56”, 52”, 48” | d Debarker - Two Blowers g f 20 ft. Steel Carriage with Five Head Blocks e | Extra Shaft, wheels, Axles, Teeth & Shanks | I Call (717) 748-1095 | j^T!3HU3^Ta!^^^ia!3aLiiqLTL-[uiqiqiqLiL-iaaaaaLiuaLiLiLiKiaL - iau E Best Buys In Used Equipment CALL FOR SPECIAL DEALS - NEW TRACTORS Case 1840 uni loader Case IH S 2 W Maxum tractor cab 4WD. syr S.OOO hour warranty TRACTORS Case IH 2096 2WD cab Fat mall M Tiatloi Case IH 5241) 2WD cab Case IH 7110 2WD w/du ils Case IH 4WD cab duals ll4ohrs f inn ill Cub w/culti\atoi plow & snowblade IH >2BB w/duals cab an COMBINES & HEADS New Case IH 2166 *+\\D2o 1020 head 240 his (demo) JD 6600 cab dicse! Case IH 1640 combine v/1020giam head IS ISSOhrs C isl IH I64ocombine w/IQ2O gram head 171/2 HOOhrs (2)Casc !H 1640 combine w/i()2oeiain head 17 1/2 Case IH 1020 giain head IS NH TRB6 w/973 giain head IS (W) IH 1420 combine w/1 S 820 head IH 844 corn head 4R 36 IH 8!S combine w/820 giain head 13 HAY & FORAGE NH 276 haler turn (W) IH 46 haler (W) Fox 2710 forage Harvester 2R(W) NH 425 Wire Baler (W) NH 718 Forage Han ester (W) Case IH 7660 Round Baler (S) NH 282 Baler w/thrower (W) Kuhn Tedder (W) LAWN & GARDEN (ub Cadei 482,44 ’ mower deck JD STX3O w/bajESBEI Cub Cadei 1320 w/46” mower deck & bagger JD tiller fils on JD 110 1) 2 tractor IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Ag Ram W5OO soft hose, 4 x 990 Cummins diesel 200 hp engine w/Hale 60 FM7 pump Capan D2/50 PTO pump MISCELLANEOUS Unverferlh Pcrfccla 11, IV Hardy air blast, 6pt, 100 gallon AC 600 no till planter, 16R double bar Case 1H 4600 field cultivator w/Buster Bar 22 Cub I hot plow for fast hitch C ase IH 668 seed bed conditioner 4R Bullion 24 crow foot packer IH 140 4X16 roll over plow Mb 620 disc harrow 20 It 1800 plate planter 4R 66 w/fcitilizer gramular insecticide CMC Spiayci 0060 6(XKial Tank 72 Hyd Boom Form-Rilc, ftgrlcufturol Cquipimnl, SuppMt • S«rvlc«s 122 Old Cohansey Rd. 109 E., Avenue Shiloh, NJ 08353 Woodstown, NJ 08098 1-800-752-6373 1-800-848-5051 > 1998 CASF CORPORATION Visit us on the Internet at http //mvw casecorp com CASE 111 CdSe IH is a registered Uddemjft' ol C.iSf Corporation NH 308 Side Delivery spreader, flotation tires, 540 shaft, latest model, excellent condition $3,800 717/445-9241 Lubricants MULTIGUARD® 15W-40 and 10W30 Meets the latest API ratings of GG-4/CF-4/CF/CE/CD/SH. It is formulated to meet the performance requirements placed on today’s low emission engines. ISW-40: 5 gallon container 10W30: 5 gallon container Permatran lII® A multi-purpose fluid which meets or exceeds the performance requirements for transmission and hydraulic systems: Deere J2OB, New Holland M2CI34A/B/C/D, Caterpillar TO-2, Case-IH HYTRAN Plus, B 6; Allison C-4 5 gallon container priced at only $26.49 Call for pricing on 110 and 330 gallon bulk packs! Quality Massey Ferguson Filters Designed to fit the equipment you own. Heavy-gauge cans. Optimum media. Steel center tube designed for your heavy-duty applications. See our parts specialist for your specific application. 1447082M1 Engine oil filter for MF 3& 4 cylinder engines $6.09 Engine oil filter for MF 6 cylinder engines $6.41 Fuel element for MF tractors and combines $3.99 1447048M1 1077260M91 WE KNOW YOUR EQUIPMENT - INSIDE & OUT Qli'lHl 1 jibk. | Agro I QUALITY PARTS The Diesel Doctor Says “If you have a sick diesel injection pump, the diesel doctor can cure it. ” Call For Prices fay DIESEL SPECIALISTS diesel injection pumps rebuilt and recalibrated Member of Satisfaction Guaranteed for over a decade Call Toll-Free 1-800-864-7723 “Lancaster County’s Best Fuel Injection Shop ” 1030 Main Street (Rt. 23), Blue Ball, PA 17506-0426 •717-354-2016 ACC STANDARD INJECTION 909 WP PUMP REBUILD Coupon Must Be Presented When Service Is Ordered. $25.46 $26.31 Reman Electrical Generators • Alternators • Starters Available for most makes. Certified to meet or exceed Massey Ferguson original specifications. Prices based on exchanged price. Stop in or call for our special pricing! Red Head Hitch Pins Our best selling hitch pins. FX01504 3/4” X 6-1/2" heat-treated, red PVC dipped handle Hitch pin w/clip See the difference quality makes! Tuck coil spring. MASSEY FERGUSON' '’tsss? louto*. $3.52 QUALITY PARTS