Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1998, Image 120
C24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998 D & R EQUIPMENT INC. Rt. 579, Ringoes, New Jersey (908) 782-5082 IH 1066, cab, 1,100 hrs., One of a Kind! JD 6300, 60 hrs. JD 2555, hi-low, sharp JD 4840, cab & air JD 4240, cab & air, quad JD 4240, cab & air, power shift JD 4040,4 post JD 4230, fender JD 4430, cab & air, 20x38 tires, sharp JD 4230, cab & air, power shift JD 2440, hi-tm JD 4450,4 post, power shift JD 4250, MFWD, cab & air, power shift JD 2355, 4WD JD 2155 JD 2150 JD 4320, new tires JD 4020, diesel, syncro JD 4010, diesel JD 3020, diesel, WF Case IH 2096, cab & air, 1,800 hrs, sharp IH 5130 MFWD, open IH 2444 IH 3088, cab & air, 2,500 hrs., sharp Case IH 2096, cab & air, 1,800 hrs, sharp IH 1586, cab & air IH 1086, cab & air IH 1066 IH 986, cab, air IH 186, hydro, cab & air IH 84 hydro IH 504, diesel MF 2705, cab & air, excellent MF 35, power steering AC 8010 cab & air, sharp COLLECTOR TRACK JD 730, diesel w/3 pt, 1 owner JD 4010 w/new Bush Hog 2845 Idr. JO 2840 w/loader MF 1085 w/loader Ford 7710,4WD, cab & air w/ldr, 1,200 hrs INDUSTRIAL Ford 340 w/loader, sharp Gehl 4600 skid steer, very good Gehl 4610 skid steer, diesel IH Consertill 10' JD2500 sbtm 18” spring reset AC 5 btm JD 5 btm 444 JD con heads JD 643 com head JD 443 com head JD 7720, 4WD, 2,300 hrs., excellent JD 6620, Hydro, 1983 JD 3300 w/2 row head JD 3300, diesel, 1978 JD 336 baler w/thrower JD 346 wire baler JD 347 wire baler JD 347 twine baler JD 348 baler, excellent NH 320 baler NH 630 round baler NH Rake NH 1033 stack wagon (3) Gravity Wagons Gehl 7190 feeder wagon Taylorway 25’ disc Glenco soil finisher, 12’ 18' IH field cultivator, hyd fold JD 950 12’ roller harrow JD 7000 6R conservation planter, liq insect, very good JD 750 15' no-till grain drill IH 510 Grain Drill, DD IH 2350 Loader IH 2250 Loader JD 58 loader Arps 105 3 pt hitch backhoe, 10’ Bnllion 5 Shank V-npper, New Unverferth gravity boxes on 10 ton running gear, 290 bu NEW ■B5 GMC C-7000 w/26’ Jerr-Dann Body, Air Brakes, Air Tag Axle ‘75 Chevy C 65 w/24’ Jerr-Dann Body, 5 Spd. & 2 Spd. Rear i Mr. Famey is talking about mixing 11.5% long stem dry hay by ration weight m the Knight Reel Auggie 3450, which he and his sons decided to purchase in September of 1994 Herbert was born the day Herbert Hoover was elected president The Fameys previously owned a three-auger Oswalt stationary unit They state that the “old mixer tended to ball material up. especially in 3000 Reel Auggie TMR Mixers Now available in seven sizes with capacities from 147 to 600 cubic feet USED EQUIPMENT • VD Lagoon Pump Demo • Rlssler Stationary Mixer •Harsh 200 cu ft Portable Mixer w/Beam Scales 105 Cu Ft • 285 Henke portable • 3 Pi Lagoon Pump Rent or • VD Sllnger Spreader 3300fial tank Sale • Hea\y Duty Post Dover • 2250 Kntghi Portable • Demo Unit Mixer In Stock Call For A FREE Demonstration 425 cu. ft. Lucknow portable mixer w/ J-Star scales. Excellent cond., 3 yrs. old Herbert Hoover Farney says, “I didn’t think they could mix it.” Steve, Dale, and Herbert Hoover Farney Silvery Falls Farms - Lowville, NY wetter forages, while the Reel Auggie 3450 ‘fluffs’ the ration.” The Famey’s herd average is up about 1,000 lbs., and they have a higher protein test as well. They milk 160 Holsteins, and feed a total of 260 head They like the low power requirement the 390 cubic foot machine is powered by a John Deere 2030 tractor. MILLCREEK FENCE & FARM SYSTEMS 2285 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 396-8987