Your Profit Out of the Gutter! Make more milk and save on feed costs with these options. Each unit provides silage processing and is made to work hard for years. Keep Kernal processor retrofit kit designei for John Deere 3970 & 3950 pull type harvesters. * Comp * ot ®' , ® 9e capability. For More Information See Your Nearest John Deere Dealer Manufactured by Lancaster Silo, 2008 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, PA 17601 • 717/299-3721 • 717/263-3527 Retrofit John Deere 5000 Series Self- Propelled Harvesters to process silage and harvest at the same rate as before. '•4T; BACKHOBS '9B Cat 416 C, 300 Hrs, 4WD, EROPS, Ext. Hoe (2) ’B7 Case 580 Super E's. 2WD, Cab '9O Ford 655 C, 4WD Cab, Ext. Hoe . $27,000 94 Ford 655 D, 4WD Cab, Ext. Hoe $35,000 'BB JCB 14008, 4WD Cab, Standard H0e. 516,000 ■B7 Case 580 SE, 4WD ROPS, Ext. Hoe . $20,000 '9l Case 480 F LL, w/Broom $17,000 'B3 Case 580 D, 4WD, EROPS, 3pt„ P.TO $17,500 WHEEL LOADERS 'B9 JD 6558, ROPS, GP Bucket, V. G00d. .535,500 ‘Bl Cat 977 L, 14X Series GP Bucket $40,000 'B5 JD 544 C, EROPS, Forks w/Clamps . .$25,000 '92 Case 721, EROPS, GP Bucket . ... $57,500 '96 Case 6218, EROPS, GP Bucket $75,500 '9O JD 544 E, EROPS, GP, Very Good $47,500 •91 Case 821, ROPS, GP Bucket $35,000 Cat 910 ROPS, GP Bucket $10,500 •88 Cat IT 188, EROPS, Air, w/Forks, Bucket ’9O JD 444 E, EROPS, GP Bucket. '93 Cat 918 F, EROPS, GP Bucket SKID LOADERS 96 JD 6675, Dsl, 700 Hrs ’96 Case 1840, Dsl, GP Bucket.. .. '92 Case 1845 C, Dsl, Aux Hyd. .. (2) '92 Case 1840, Dsl, Aux Hyd. . Ford N H L-785, Dsl TRUCKS/TRAILERS ‘B7 Ford F-350 1 Ton Dump ‘Bl IH S-1700 Dsl, w/Dump ‘B3 Rodgers 25 Ton Tilt Tops ‘97 Balushe 12 Ton, like new EXCAVATORS 'B4 Cat 235 LC, Long Stick ‘B9 Case 170 C LC. Long Stick '9O Case 688, Long Stick ‘B9 JD 690 D LC, Long Stick Case 9030 ‘95 Case 90108, Excel. Cond Unit Drag Line D/D, very g00d.... ‘B9 Hitachi EX2OO LC, w/Air . .. $59,000 $16,500/ea. CRAWLER DOZERS ‘9l Cat DSH EROPS, 6-Way V.Good ‘9l JD 450 G HOPS. 6-Way LGP 'BB Cat D6H LP ROPS S/T '9O Dresser TD-25G EROPS w/Air S/T. ‘B2 Cat D-3B Cab 6 way Blade ‘BB Case 850 D 6 way Blade V. Good .... ‘9O Komatsu D-31E 6 way Blade '9O Komatsu LTD, D-58E 6 way Blade., '94 Cat D-5C 6 way w/Cab CRAWLER LOADERS ‘B9 Cat 963 LGP, EROPS, GP Bucket (new undercarriage) ‘B9 Lubelr 611, ROPS, GP Bucket. 'B5 JD 855 ROPS, GP Bucket JD 350 w/Backhoe $49,000 $39,000 $48,500 ‘9O Laibhber LR 641, Crawler, Loader, EROPS $14,750 $15,000 FORKLIFTS ‘96 Case 586 E, 4WD, 21‘ ROPS . Hyster H-200, 20,000 Lb. Lift.. Clark 12,000 Lbs, ROPS, Propane .. . $12,500 $11,500/Each 58,900 MISCELLANEOUS Gallon 503 E Motor Grader Cab, Scantier JLG 40' Manhft, Gas Ford 710 Leaf Loader w/Ford Dsl... Ravo 4000 Street Sweeper Dsl Bobcat Hammer, Model 2500 $lO,OOO . $4,500 ..$6,750 $6,500 $30,000 $27,500 $22,500 $35,000 $65,500 $69,500 $17,500 $46,000 ...$6,900 $37,500 $59,000 $55,000 $17,500 $29,000 $23,500 $42,500 $50,000 $60,000 $25,000 $19,000 ..$8,900 $32,500 $28,500 ..$9,500 ..$4,750 $15,000 ..$8,500 ..$6,000 ..$6,500 ..$2,900
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