Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1998, Image 76
632-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. TUES JULY 21 - 9AM 378 Slackwater Rd, Millersville, Lane Co PA Elec appl, Hh tgoods, 1949 AMI |uke box, power & hand tools, snowmobiles, 1975 Indian motorcycle, bows, fishing & reloading equip By Sharon H Lilley Howard E Shaub, Auct 717-464-3541 TUES JULY 21 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co Pa Quilt, craft & buggies A&C Ditfenbaoh Auction Inc TUES JULY 21 -9AM 114 Har vey Ave, Pennside, Reading Household Goods & Tools Joseph Grande Estate Dale L Putt Auct TUES JULY 21 -10 AM 1825 E Boston Ave, Phila ,PA Scissors lift, forklifts, carpet, vinyl & ceram ic tile flooring, tools, plumbing §eneral mdse Wm F Comly & on Inc , Aucls .215-634-2500 TUES JULY 21 - IPM Farm ersville Auct, 3mi east of Brown stown, Farmersville, Lane Co PA Hh goods, antiques, col lectibles & fum Larry Rutl, Auct, 717-354-5095 TUES JULY 21 IPMOnRte 44 15 mi north ol Coudersport PA, 7 mi south of Shmglehouse, turn on Clair Rd (SR 433/230 BR) go 1 mi to farm Complete Dispersal beef cattle & farm machinery By Mr & Mrs Thomas J Wilde ShaylorAucts 717-297-3278 TUES JULY 21 - 4PM 590 Mar tmdaie Rd, Martmdale Lane Co PA From Ephrata, Rt 322 east to Hmklelown traffic light turn left to Martmdale Rd thru square in Martmdale property on right Personal prop , antiques tools NH & Case lawn tractors By Ivan G & Mary E Witmer Kline, KreiderS Good Aucts . 717-445- 4309 TUES JULY 21 -6PM 130 Sto bers Dam Rd, Stevens West Cocalico Twp Lane Co , PA Real estate 2 sty log home w/horsebarn on 2 2 acres By Miriam Snyder Keith Snyder Auct 717-933-4247 TUES JULY 21 - 7 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carlisle PA Feeder cattle sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc , 717 249- 4511 TUES JULY 21 - 9AM & WED JULY 22 - 9AM Quilt, craft & buggy auction Buggies sold Tues at IPM A & C Diffenbach Auction Inc WED JULY 22 - 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co ,PA Farm Equipment Auction Wolgemuth Auction. 717-656-2947 WED JULY 22 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co Pa Quilt & craft auction A&C Diftenbach Auction Inc WED JULY 22 - 9AM Consign- xn PUBLIC AUCTION Of Valuable Real Estate 2 1/2 Story Brick Dwelling & 1 1/2 Story • Frame Barn w/2.4 Acres m/1 Saturday, August 22,1998 • ipm 740 Sandstone Rd., Strasburg, PA, Strasburg Twp, Dir: From Lane, take Rt. 222 South (Beaver Valley Pike). Just before New Providence turn left on Old Road. Home is on corner of Old Road & Sandstone Rd. Beautiful Natural Chestnut Woi Throughout. Closets, Plastert Walls, New Replacement Window* Attic Storage, Basement Concrete < Brick Floors, Oil Fired Furnai w/Hot Water Radiators, On-S? Well & Sewer System. Good Investment Property ~Beautiful Historic Setting OPEN HOUSE: Sat., August 8,1-3 pm: or Call (717) 687-6857 for appointment. TERMS: 10% down, balance on or before October 15,1998. ATTORNEY: Harry B. Yost Appel & Yost Sale For: Courtney & Judy Osborne MILLER & SIEGRIST AUCTIONEERS (717)687-6857 AU-1723L ment sale of tractors farm equip ment, and truck lots Wolgernuth Auction WED JULY 22 - 9AM Cumber land Valley HS, 6746 Carlisle Pike, Mechamcsburg, PA 17th Ann West Shore Council of Gov ernments Auct, bicycles, office equip, computers, sports equip , lawn & snow equip, tools, veticiels, golf carts, & misc By West Shore Council of Govern ments Claude C Wolfe & Assoc. 717-761-2763 WED JULY 22 -10 AM 200 W 4th St, Quarryville, Lane Co , PA Furniture, antiques, Hh goods, ndmg mower & tools By John J Weigand Howard E Shaub, Inc , Aucts 717-464- 3541 WED JULY 22 -10 AM 515 Schoolhouse Rd, Kennett Square, PA Machine shop equip, vehicles, ovens, lathes, balancer, crane, coil winder, power tools, shop, test & office equip By B & H Electric Motor Svc Wm F Comly & Son, Inc. Aucts, 215-634-2500 WED JULY 22 -10 AM 1080 LARGE COIN AUCTION APPROX. 600 LOTS ON: MONDAY, JULY 27. 1998 At 5 P.M. At Springettsbury Fire Co. Social Hall, 3013 E. Market St., York, Pa. The following to be sold at absolute auction for the Clara R. Klinefelter Estate of York, Pa APPROX. 600 LOTS 74 Pcs of Gold consisting of 18 Canada 1 o/ Maple Leaf, 56 Kmgerands - many bags of Silver in $ 10 - $2O - $5O Bags - Also Pennies - Nickels - Dimes - Many Many Quarters & Half Dollars - Ike Dollars & Othei Coins Many Coins to be sold - Lots of Au & Some BU. Also 6 Misc Stamp Albums fiom US Amenca. Europe. Geimany. Hungary. Asia-Atnca PHONE AUCTION FIRM FOR COIN LIST PREVIEW SHOWING 2 PM to Auction Time TERMS: Cash or Approved Check. No out of State Checks. PLEASE COME PREPARED' AUCTION CONDUCTED BY GILBERT & GILBERT AUCTIONEERS 264 FORGE HILL RD., WRIGHTSVILLE, PA JACOB A. GILBERT, LIC. #336 BRIAN L. GILBERT, LIC. #2256 AUCTIONEERS ■ TEL (717) 252-3591 :al Estate consists of 2 1/2 Story Brick Frame Dwelling w Lg. Front Porch - ite Roof, separate 1 1/2 Story Frame irn 24'x30' m/1 situated on 2.4 Acres Dwelling consists of first floor - xhen w/Cupboards, Lg. Dining iom. Lg Living Room, Parlor, Pantry, 11. Open Staircase, Summer Kitchen, id Floor - 4 Bedrooms, Full Bath. Chambersbutg Rd, Gettysburg, PA Sheet metal fabrication equip & supplies By Warrens Heating & Cooling Equipment Liquidators Whse Auct Co, 717-233-5773 WED JULY 22 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgernuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgernuth, Auct WED JULY 22 - 2PM Antiques, Household Goods, Collectibles, Toys & Tools At the Horst Auc tion Center, located at the corner of Rt 322 and Durlach Rd (approx 2-1/2 miles west of Ephrata), Lane Co , Pa Horst Aucts WED JULY 22 - 3PM From Selmsgrove, PA, travel west on Rt 35 to McAlisterville, sale is on right Real estate, antiques, col lectibles &Hh goods By Clarence Dunn Estate Neil A Courtney & Kenneth Hassmger, Aucls . 717-539-8791 WED JULY 22 - 3PM 7959 County Rd 36 (Hunt Hollow Rd), Naples, Ontario Co, NY Antiques & collectibles By Ray & Sheila Huntone, 716-374-2317 Pirrung Aucts, Inc WED JULY 23, THURS JULY 24 & FRI JULY 25 - SAM to 7PM Hampton, NJ, btwn Clinton & Washington, follow signs on Rt 31 Short Notice Contractor’s Liq uidation Sale, drywall, ceiling, masonry, concrete, support equip, tools & power tools, trucks trailers, rigging, pre-cast con crete, hdwr, & misc For info 908-832-5268 THURS JULY 23-9 AM Rt 212 1 mi W ot Pleasant Valley, turn mower toward & Lydia btehr, onto Molasses Way, Three owners Kline, Kreider & Good, Maples Farm household/col- Aucls lectibles, farm equipment James W Mohr & Son. Aucls THURS JULY 23 - 9AM Par adise Sales Barn, Paradise, 8 mi east of Lancaster, PA on Rt 30, turn on Meadow Lane to sale on right Forklifts, air compressors, air dryers, metal working equip, sand paper & grinding stone,, air tools, misc office furn , & wood THURS JULY 23-4 PM 149 Hill working equip By Lancaster g t _ Mountville Boro, Lane Co , Equip, Elam S Stoltzfus Mel pa Appl, glass/chma, guns. Hoover, Aucls. 717-354-8397 — ( urn fusing, coll, lawn & garden, THURS JULY 23 ■ 10AM 10 power & hand tools, etc By Mrs Ocola Dr, Paradise, PA Furm Erwin (Dorothy) Fntsch Roy & lure, antiques & collectibles, Eric Probst, Aucts, 717-464- chma & glassware, tools, riding 3190 PUBLIC SALE OF ELEC. APPLIANCES - HOUSEHOLD GOODS - FINE 1949 AMI JUKE BOX - POWER & HAND TOOLS- SNOW MOBILES - 1975 INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE - BOWS - FISHING & RELOADING EQUIP. TUES., JULY 21,1998 at 9:00 A.M. Loc. 378 Slackwater Road, Millersville, Lancaster Co., PA (Directions: At Funk's Farm Market, take South Duke St. to Slackwater Rd.) Motorcycle & Juke Box To Be Sold at 1:00 P.M. Food Served. Sale By SHARON H. LILLEY Howard E. Shaub. Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AL-000831-L) PUBLIC AUCTION Farm Equipment-Antiques Household Goods Sat, Aug. 1,1998 8:00 AM Lewisbeny, York Co., PA From blinker light on Rt 382, go south on Rt 177 -1 mile to auction in gravel lane on left Watch for Signs. Allis Chalmers WD Tractor, Allis Chalmers WC Tractor, Farmall Fl 4 Tractor, Allis Chalmers 60 Pull Type Combine, New Idea #7 Com Picker, H & D York, PA) Hole Com Sheller, New Idea Trailer Mower, Hay Rake, 2 Row Horse Culti., Rollers, 24 Blade Pull Disc, J.D 44 Plow Rope Trip, Ferguson Manure Spreader, 2X Oliver Plow, H & D Com Chopper, 5 hp. Rototiller, Long Handle'Gardening & Farm Tools, Champion Thresher w/Hart Feeder, Boot Drill, David Bradley Wagon, Case Baler, Case 2 Row Com Planter, Wooden Seed Cleaner, #4 Plate Mill, Shovel Plow, 1 Horse Culti., 1 Row Garden Tractor, McCulloch, Polan & Sears Cham Saws, Weedeater, Push Culti., Pump Jack, Rotary Lawn Mowers, Peddle Grind Stone, Bag Track, Wooden Bushel Measures, Wooden Pulleys, Wooden Measures, Stillards, Iron Butcher Kettles & 3 Foot Hog Trough, Scalding Troughs, 2 Wheel Trailer, Wooden Egg Crate, Egg Baskets & Egg Scales, Bucket Bench, Crocks of Various Sizes, Chicken Nests & Feeders, Zenith Wind Charger w/Tower, Milk Cans, Perfection Heater, Single & Double Trees, Wheelbarrow, Sausage Stuffer, Meat Grinder, Table Saw, Wooden Tool Chest Bench Drill Press, Buck Saw, Old Tools, Vise, Bags, Dmkie Stove, Genco Light Plant Kenmore Kerosene 3 Burner Stove, Pitcher Pump. Kalamazoo Cookstove (Tan), Wooden Kitchen Cabinet, Oak Ice Box, Standard Treadle Sewing Machine, Side By Side Secretary, Dresser w/Mirror, Oak Kitchen Cabinet, Night Stand, Maple Table, Oak Living Room Suite, Plant Bottom Chairs, Wash Stand, Empire Chest of Drawers, Iron Beds, Cottage Dresser, Chunk Stove, Piano & Bench, Oak childs Chair, Library Table, Bookcase w/Glass Doors, Portable Sewing Machines, Metal Wardrobes, Ice Cream Freezer, Iron Beds, Mandelin, Academy Accordion, Remington 22 Single Shot, Westfield 12 Ga. Bolt Action Shot Gun, Glassware & Other Household Items, Many Old Items! Terms: Cash Or Good Check Seller: Estate of Andrew B Brenizer EXECUTORS: Robert Brenizer ATTORNEY: Donald Puckett AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzel's Auction Service, EmigsviDe, PA 717-764-6412 PALIC.#76I THURS JULY 23-11 AM From Rt 422 in Annville, go south on Rt 934 for 1/2 mi to farm on the right, Lebanon Co, PA Farm equip, tractors, combine, tillage equip, vehicles & more By Mrs Naomi Kruger Roy Shirk & Nel son Ebersole, Aucts, 717-867- 1119 Lester Brenizer PUBLIC AUCTION 67 ACRE FARM FARM EQUIPMENT TOOLS - GUNS - COINS MON., SEPT. 7,1998 (Labor Day) - 8:00 A.M. Located: 4 miles East of Pine Grove, PA on PA Rte. 443. REAL ESTATE: Parcel One: 50.3 acres m/l w/over 1/2 mile of road frontage. Improvements consist of a 2-1/2 story frame home w/Ist floor: Lg. eat-in kitchen and Ig. living room. 2nd floor; 4 bedrooms and bathroom. This home also has an attic, cement basement, front porch, and oil hot water heat. There is also a Ig. bank barn, several other out/buildings, sheds, and a pond on this parcel. There is approx. 40 till able acres. Parcel Two: 17.5 acres m/l w/road frontage. There is approx. 12 acres tillable. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to purchase a complete farm in this area. Parcels offered individually and together. INSPECTION: To view Real Estate phone; (717) 345-8262 for an appointment. TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: 10% down day of auction, cash or good PA check. Balance on or before 60 days. Owner is selling due to health reasons. Real Estate offered at 1:00 P.M. w/reserve. Selling for: Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Derfler Robert W. Derfler Auctioneer AU2682-L Pine Grove, PA (717) 345-8262 Richard J. Wiest, Attorney PUBLIC SALE Antiques & Advertising Items Trains, Tin Cars & Trucks Pedal Cars, Collectibles Sat., July 25,1998 9:00 AM Located At 901 Oak Street, Denver, Lancaster County, PA„ (turn off Main street on to North 6th Street to Oak Street). Watch for sale arrows. EARLY WOODEN WASHER (MADE IN READING-DATED 1899) Large 30 Drawer Wooden Store Cabinet, Milk Cupboard, Wood Chest, Hanging Cupboards, Rope Bed, Early Cupboard Tops, Oak Flattop Desk, Cabinetmaker's Workbench, Captain’s Chairs. Wicker Baby Coach, Sotas, Oak Chairs. Early GE Refrigerator with Condenser on Top, Antique Victorian Pedestal Wash Bowl, Coal Range Stove Base, Piece ot Marble, Martin Bird House, Old Bicycle with Front Drum Brake, New Columbia Kodiak 18 Spd. Mountain Bike, Early Tricycle, Old Wagons, shp Gas Go Cart, Sleds, Pictures & Frames LOTS OF ADVERTISING ITEMS Including Piedmont Porcelain Cigarette Sign, The Original Ephrata Sports Center Neon Sign, Ma’s Tin Root Beer Sign, Large Two Sided American Gas Station Sign, Rambler Select Used Car Lighted Sign. Printing Blocks with Old Motorcycles and other Advertising Cuts, Old Wood Type. Mobil Oil Display Racks. Y-S-S Coffee Store Display Show Case. Essex Radiator Cover, Bear Headlight Testers. Early Evenrude Boat Motor, Pilot Jack. Sand Blaster. Riding Mower. Rocky Springs Bumper Car (rough). 8 PEDAL CARS Murray Fire Cheit Car, AMF #519 Fire Engine, Murray Dip Side. Murray Station Wagon, Indy Style Race Car, AMF GTO and 2 BMC Cars LOTS OF EARLY TIN TRUCKS & CARS Including Buddy L Express. Wyandotte Cadillac Station Wagon Wyandotte Town and Country Convertible also Wyandotte, Struteo. and Tonka Truck,’Etc LOTS OF TRAINS Including Lionel, American Flyer & HO, Tram Accessories. Plasticville. Approx.'so Plastic Model Car Kits, Tin Gas Station, Keystone Gas Station. Iron Book Ends. Iron Carbide Cannon, Iron Match Sate, Banks, Lanterns, Store Scale, Platform Scale, Early Seeder with Wooden Wheel, Daisy Air Rifle, Old Car Parts, Car Manuals, Ephrata Post Cards, Old Dolls, Loads of Other Collectible Items. Bring your lawn chairs, good food available. Terms by: DALE & PAT GETZ Dale L. Putt, Auctioneer AU-000733-L Phone - Akron (717) 859-1430