Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1998, Image 72
828-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998 mail ox market F R SALE j B 1989 Chevy C3O Mason dump, 4 sp , PS, PB, new paint, trailer hitch, runs exc , nice shape, warranty, $6595 908-735-5532 Hunt Co Tomato plants, field grown, $2O/100 Alex, 215-343- 0342 Bucks Co Goat kids, pygmy does and wethers, shots and wormed, reg lovely pets, will be small 610-469-9234 Chester Co Early 1928 Ford block, crankshaft, valve tram, and oil pan $lOO 215-257-4391 Bucks Co Pullets, Moyer's brown sexlmk, starting to lay brown eggs Mareks, Newcastles, fowlpox, vaccinated, $4 25 ea Not avail Sundays, 717- 865-2050 Leb Co JDIIO mower w/deck, restore or parts? $250, rear of Dodge p/u for trailer w/tires, 32x11 50R15LT, 10 bolt rear, $35 732-928-5029 NJ Hercules unloader for 20' harvesters, good cond , 717- 724-1344 Tioga Co Pair 2 yr old Belgium geld ings, good match, need work, will trade for older, well broke pair, $2200 304-876- 2754 Jefferson Co Male Jack Russel puppies, NH 489 haybme, field ready, 2 Semmental feeder heifers, 4 over the cab met al hay rack, underground electric gas pump 717- 345-8815 eves Sch Co Scavenger S-1678 side unloading manure spread er tandem axle ready to go, $1495 717-738-3925 Lane Co Llama, white long-haired female, proven, good confor mation, asking $l5OO 410- 592-3312 Balt Co Omaha truck body, 16', 40 sides, alum tailgate and hoist Haines potato grader 36 boom, sorting table, exc 717-665-6908 Lane Co AC B with Henderson loader, wheel weights, $l3OO Farmall H, w/loader, new control valve, $2OOO 080 717- 933-5398 Berks Co 3 point fertilizer spreader, like new, $285, chicken slats, Oliver cultivator, round hog feeder, $75, vac uum pump, $lOO 717-354- 4911 Lane Co QIBVUBVPD ELECTRIC MOTORS OuHJmnßbn supplyco. f*K> f u/ni'j Onahlij jundiuls and sm u( s in /mm and } lona at na'-.nnahlf f>n((\ AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR • SALES & SERVICE A (IffiSTfSi T.IDOS^ ||4|Mgp * OTO "* * WD Dmvc * • Hydraulic Hot* Assemblies r«F iwn / • Pow • , w,,h,r @hcmilizcr j We Ship Daily. ss! iPiMC 24 Hour Emorgoncy Service Shop/On-Slte A vail able T 46 Penn St Washington Boro. Pa 17582 Ph# (717)684-5050 or 684-3940 V Vegetable Growers Field Day July 22, 1998 Kutztown, PA Credits in Core & Category 3 #1 See New Equipment #2 Cultural Techniques #3 Pest Management Technology In Action Any Questions (610) 378-1327 /V Remco skidded mulcher, $4,000, Berth hound air sprayer, $8,500, Wadecam 6”x4o' $75/ea (80 lengths) 6”x3o’ $65/ea (20 lengths) 6”x2o’, $45/ea (50 lengths) 609-259-9381 Bud Co Black ram and ewe Romney cross white rams and ewes, all lambs, $BO ea, Romney crosses, exc wool 610-775- 2189 Berks Co 13-9x36 tires on JDnms, 10% tread, $lOO ea., AC model “60” combine PTO w/bm for parts, belts & can vasses, good, make offer 610-926-4369 Berks Co 1 Hereford cow and calf, 1 Feed oats, one gravity hereford bull, 2 yrs old 717- wagon full 410-751-5578 842-7807 Lacka Co Carroll Co NH 488 haybme, good Young pair of fantail cond , $2900, NH 55 rake, pigeons Call around 7am $3OO 215-538-1175 Bucks or pm, 717-866-7559 Leb Co Co 20 ton ear corn, you haul 610-933-6401 Montg Co AKC yellow lab pups, 13 wk old male, shots, wormed, healthy, great farm dog, $25 717-626-0359 Lane Co 2 tomato bins, 22’, $BOO ea , 22’ IH 475 hyd fold disc, $2400, 84 GMC 1/2 ton, $2500 717-786-1107 Lane Co 472 NH haybme, 7’ cut, $9OO, AC B one bottom plow w/all hook-up 717-872-4484 Lane Co 5-18” multi-fam , fans, van speed, 220 v, good cond , enclosed motor, new $275, $9O ea 717-933-9201 Berks Co New Idea 866 hay pick-up head, very good cond , shed kept, No Sunday calls, 717- 837-0337 Snyder Co MAILBOX MARKET WANTED Portable elevated hog fin ishing floor Prefer a small er unit, but will consider any size and condition 717- 776-6418 Cumb Co Want a smoke house 717- 235-1985 York Co 11 2 38 tire in good shape, PTO shield and rear light for 1947 JOB 610-683-7902 Berks Co Stone rake 6’ or 7’ IH fast hitch factory or custom made 717-432-5663 York Co Air cleaner hood and grill, repair and owner manuals for Oliver OC3 Dozer 4644 Tim bertme Rd , Walnutport, PA 18088 $/ >\ Outside good used 4-6 ton Home for TB stud, won 32 feed bin Enos Miller, 255 races, made over $200,000, E White Oak Rd , Paradise After 4 00, 215-343-2587 PA 17562 610-593-7177 Bucks Co. Lane Co Millcreek brand compact IH 385 or 485 4WD tractor manure spreader, also need w/loader, low hrs 540-348- half draft type horse, nde or 5080 Rockbridge Co drive 804-293-9012 Va Butchering furnace "Atlas” brand 301-371-4866 Fred Co, Md 4 rw front mount cult to fit JD 60 or 730 After dark, 610-683-5540 Berks Co Compl gearbox for #214 Woods mower outside box Will consider whole mower 717-649-5728 Iv mssg. Northumb Co Gram bin, 3500 bu or larg er, also propane tank 717- 445-5696 Lane. Co Dairy farm w/75+ac to rent w/possibility of buying or 50+ acres farmland in Berks Co Call Dennis, 610-682-5056 Berks Co Lehmann wind-up tin toys made 1895-1940 Call/wnte w/pnee, R Huber, Box 3162, Port Jervis, NY 12771 973- 948-4565 Sussex Co 8’ tine harrow for pasture or arena for therapeutic ndmg program 814-847-2789 Bedford Co York Co nverhills or any Lane Co , Va or Md land, swamp, woodland, mt or farm, any gas start diesel engine 717-475-1141 Lane Co Van or walk-in delivery truck, good enough for farm use only Rust ok, must be mechanically sound 717- 367-9494 Lane Co Samoyed puppies from good stock 717-275-4049 Mon tour Co Radiator for Farmall M trac tor, must be in fair cond and priced reasonably 717-362- 8237 Dau Co JD 14 T or 24T baler, pre ferred with engine 717-733- 1180 Lane Co Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace • Standard Model Burns Wood, ‘ Coal or Wood by-products g • Multi-Fuel Model Burns Wood, yf Coal, Oil or Gas • Corning Catalytic Combustor Option Available on all Models Clyde K. Alderfer ML- / Box 246, RD #1 r Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 Adapts to any existing heat system (717) 539-8456 Installation & Accessories Available 1 18th Annual Ag Showcase Dav at the JHQW Cecil County Fair BPHI Tues., July 28, 1998 -10 a.m. Bf IB Rain date - Thursday, July 30 At the Fairgrounds on Rt. 273 near Rt. 213, Fair Hill, Md. Special Features: Case IH 9370 quad trac tractor, Case IH MX 170 tractor, JCB Fast Track 45 mph tractor, JCB Loadall loader, John Deere 8000 T track tractor, John Deere 9300 4 wheel drive tractor, John Deere sprayer. Hay and Silage Quality - Dr. Les Vough, University of Maryland. New Tractor & Loader ride and drive course Hay and Forage Equipment in action Sprayers Subsoilers and disks Available from the Farm Bureau Women Ag Industrial, Coopers, Ben Haines, Hoober, Mid Atlantic Agrisystems Central Maryland Farm Credit, Hoffman Seeds, Martin Limestone, Monsanto, Pennfield Corporation, Southern States Maryland Cooperative Extension Cecil County Fair Board Maryland Department of Natural Resou Cecil Soil Conservation District jS \ Complementary passes available from participating^ Presentations: Demonstrations: Lunch: Dealers: Thanks to: { Organizers: Parts for 753 Bobcat skid loader, fertilizer boxes for 1240 JD cornplanter 717- 859-4422 Lane Co Old Cast Iron kitchen sink, white porcelain, in good shape 717-687-6412 Lane. Co. Farmall 560 tractor, gas or diesel, doesn’t have to be running. 973-584-6140 Mor ns Co NJ ___ 16' bumper pull stock trailer, good cond 717-865-4546 Leb Co. Guide track for sawmill ways, fnck, farquahar or others in good cond., Farmall M w/3 pth, power steering 717- 567-3470 Perry Co Attachments for Panzer trac tors, wheels & tires, for Bolens Husky Gardner and plastic mulch attachment tor tractor 732-251-8895 Mid dlesex Co Electrolux sweeper w/power nozzle 717-266-1363 York Co 100 to 120 gal hydrantic tank 160 Birdell Rd , Honey Brook, PA 19344 Lane Co Steel wheels, 52" to 65”, open or closed centers, also 28” to 32” fronts, JD wheel weights 717-445-0990 Lane Co Pickup cap for Toyota Taco ma ext cap, 5' by 6'5" long Don Ober, 717-665-4310 Lane Co Horse drawn disc in good cond 215-249-3431 Bucks Co . Pequea spreader, would trade Ml 206 in GD Daniel Stoltzfus, 277 Peach Bottom Rd, Peach Bottom, PA 17563 Lane Co NH chopper 717 or 770 hold or parts 610-932-3352 Chester Co Reg polled Charolais Bull must be tame Prefer hal ter broke 717-465-3428 Susq Co Sale Reports CORSNTTZ ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held July 11 for the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Cor snitz, 755-A Small Val ley Rd., Wayne Twp., Helifax, Pa. the 36 acres with a 9-room house, small bam, butcher house and other buildings was sold for $BO,OOO. David Deibler and Ed Shoop were the auction eers. MAILBOX MARKET NOTICE Menges Mill Steam show, Spring Grove, July 18 & 19. mini tractor pull, petting zoo, children's games country music, free admn 717-235-1104 York Co Urgent - person from Sny der Co who paid $5OO down on a grinder-mixer, call ASAP, lost your phone number 717-367-4454 Lane Co 2 cyl John Deere tractors on display July 25 at Rough & Tumble, Rt 30 Kmzers, PA Lane Co 302-427- 3555 Sat Oct 3, Harvest Festi val at Clear Sprg Mills, 19th Century crafts demos, antique farm mach , music, food, etc 10-4 pm, free 717-432-7702 Lane Co Farm for profit field day at Henry Beiler Farm, 416 Strasburg Pike, Lane , PA 17062 July 22,9 30 till 2 00 Lane Co 7% BRENNAMAN SALE A 114 -story house sold for $95,000 Satur day at public auction held for Paul and Eliza beth Brennaman, 620 Gap Newport Pike, At glen. Hie buyer was Hazel Miller, Cochranville. Also sold were; jelly cupboard $725, blanket chest $4OO, two dry sinks $220 and $lBO, dresser $175, oak desk $250, rope bed $BO, li brary table $125, John Stoltzfus wooden box $625, Stoltzfus family cross-stitch $2lO, two German Bibles $57 and $92, Remington 30.6 ri fle $285, Savage 30.30 rifle $lB5, 12-gauge shotgun $l3O, 1987 Dodge Dakota pickup $2,850, Wheel Horse riding mower $lBO, Echo chainsaw $l5O and two chicken crates $2O each. there were 160 regis tered buyers. The sale was con ducted by D. Stauffer Auctioneers, Manheim. CARPENTER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate, antiques, car, coins and personal property was held Saturday at 45 Sandy Hill Road, Denver, for the estate of Rebecca M. Carpenter. Art Pannebecker Auction Service, Rein holds, conducted the sale, which drew 290 registered bidders. Myron Stoltzfus of Denver bought five acres of land contaiing a two-story sandstone house and separate two car cinderblock garage and other outbuildings for $96,000. Also sold were: Mur ray 8 HP mower $270, 4-dr. 1966 Chevrolet Nova II $525, two wrought-iron chairs $l6O, David Bradley tractor $lOO, 1910 2 'A -dollar gold piece $l3O, chestd of drawers $270, dresser $l3O, chi na closet $l3O, cedar chestd $lO5, fern basket $lOO, old doll $5O and windmill yard ornament $5O. Lebanon Valley Livestock Mkt. Farm Machinery Consignment Sale August 1,1998 9:00 AM 1 mile east of Fredericksburg, PA, along RU22 Farm Equipment, Cars, Trucks, Building Materials, Household Items To have your items advertised, please call A.S.A.P. For more info call: Dave 717-866-5783 Brian 215-257-6271 Neil 717-933-4865 Auctioneers: Keith Byers AU-1924-L Gerald Hoover AU-2794 TOMLINSON SALE A Super “C 6 Farmall tractor brought $1,500 at a public auction held Saturday for Mrs. Gary Tomlinson, 238 Red Hill Road, Martic Township. Other items sold included: electric log splitter $290, Harley Davidson motorcycle (as is) $2OO, Winco generator $l5O, Jacob sen snow blower $BO, table saw $6O, Murray mower $45,30-30 Win chester rifle $l4O, cop per prints from Lancas ter Silk Mill $67.50, Hbley Toy Plane $4O, Hubley Crane Toy $37.50, opera glasses $3O, trumpet $3O, sev eral hand-painted items by the late Gary Tom linson - duck $lOO, oil painting $6O and wood en swan $55. Several baseball cards were sold in cluding: Mickey Mantle card $5O. Sandy Koufax card $25 and Roberto Clemente card $35. There were 245 registered bidders at the sale. The sale was con ducted by Roy and Eric Probst, Willow Street. GLASS ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of an tiques and real estate was held July 11 for the estate of Ruth Glass, 133 Buck Heights Road, New Providence Twp., Quarryvillc, Pa. The 3-bedroom house with a 2-car gar age on one-half acre of land brought $71,500. Other prices were: oak buffet $375, Seth Thomas clock $llO. set of child’s strawberry print dishes $B5, oak chest of drawers $l7O, #2 crock $6O, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck hand car $260, 6 peanut butter glasses “tulip pattern” $32.50, 4-pc. Fire King bowl set $75 and Toni doll (in original box) with hat $225. Orville J. Vick con ducted the sale.