Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1998, Image 70
826-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998 MAILBOX MARKET I F R SALE j s Limestone house to be razed in tact, best offer or give away 717-285-3782 LebCo Surge milk compressor “Alamo' will pull, 4 units sold, dairy asking $995 080 Coatesville area, 610-383- 0581 Chester Co 1030 Case tractor on steel expanded metal, good cond , $5OOO 080 Rd #2, box 67A, Spring Mills PA 16875 Centre Co 1 Brown Swiss calf, 1 6 mo Ayrshire bull, 2 mo old Ayr shire Heifer calves 610-273- 7245 Chester Co 1990 Ford high top conver sion van, 5 8 fuel injected, 79k mi, pw/pl, air, tilt, real nice, just serviced, $7900 610-269-3442 Chester Co JD AW 12 ft disc, some new bearings, MF 880, 4 bottom automatic reset, semi mount plow 717-445- 9871 Lane Co Surge 800 gal milk tank, tank washer, tube cooler, Westfaha Biomilkers, call after 7 pm 610-756-6938 Berks Co Windmill power takeoff to dri ve a flat belt by Myers, adjustable roof pitch scaf folding bases side arm or end arms (scaffolding) out riggers, new 717-467-39?! Schuyl Co 5 Oton wheat straw 4x7 sq bales $6O per ton, will trade for feeder cattle 717-334- 1824 Adams Co Turf tires & rims for Ford 1310 4WD Will trade for my AGs Can deliver 717-852- 1512 day, 292-5969 eve 1950 Ford 6 cyl flathead eng w/4 spd transmission out of 5 ton truck, runs, $lOO 080 717-834-5774 Perry Co Ford New Holland 785 skid steer, late model 3 cyl Ford diesel engine & versatile quick attach, 8500 080 717-445-5697 Lane Co 2-Air Cond , 6,000 btu, 100 v, (15-1/2x21-1/2) & (13- 1/2x24), 1-10,000 btu, 110 v, (14-1/2x24) $lOO-$25 610- 495-5470 Chester Co JD MT $950, JD 2010 tn loaded, $2500, Nl rake mod el 402 $475, 2-13x38 tires, $2OO, lot 31 loader, $2OO 215-598-7546 Bucks Co German shorthair pointer puppies, AKC 4 males left, reduced price, $250, 8 wks old, 7/8/98, must see 717- 438-3331 Perry Co Very nice 12 mo old male miniature donkey, $6OO, also, (25) 3 mo old emu chicks, $5O ea 717-664- 3990 Lane Co Boer goat kids, reg half blood from Texas bred South African Boer, handled from birth and all shots 717-927- 6294 York Co Mobile home, 10x40 great for hunting cabin or farm storage, $3OO 080 Must move 215-343-9061 Bucks Co Fallow deer fawns, bottle fed very friendly, gas water heater, 60 gal capacity, milk ing dump station 610-754- 6854 Montg Co , 10 ea farrowing crates w/creep area, S S creep feeders, S S crate feed ers, Trojan Bowl Water ers, two Noland Freeze gard waterers 717-632- 7766 Adams Co Free mixed Australian cattle dog pups, mostly black 58A Witmer Road , Lane , PA 17602 Lane Co 225 Rissler portable mixer, VGC, 8 Bou matic flow star claws 1,000 gal Majonmer milk tank 717-336-4165 Lane Co 1/2 hp submersible well pump, 30’, 5 lug expanded steel wheels, like new, 71/2” abrasive cut off saw 717- 354-8323 Lane Co Saddle, Ig Circle Y russette leather, exc cond , comfort able soft leather, $550, Iv mssg 908-362-5898 War ren Co, NJ Hunting camp near New Germantown, PA, Perry Co , Bx4o mobile home, $6OOO Call for details, after 5 pm 717-665-4442 or 2627 Lane Co Dapple gray Percheron geld ing, 18 H, heavy horse, needs more regular hard work, $l5OO Raymond Fisher, Box 8, Rebersburg, Pa 16872 Centre Co 2240 JD tractor w/145 loader, 2 bin wagons, 323 New Idea corn picker, 10 ft JD harrow and more 717- 568-4752 Union Co Favorite incubator for sale, holds 600 eggs, great shape, also Phynyx chicks and Pygmy goats, adults, call eves 717-899-7879 Mifflin Co Front mount mowers for ATV 10 5 hp, 48” cut, 3 yr old, works well, weekdays after 4 pm 717-432-7309 York Co 3x3 bales wheat straw, $7O/ton, Wilbeck Offset disk, $l3OO BWK disk, $350 717- 469-2307 Dau Co Surge 2" stainless pipeline for 40 cows, 75 plus pump, 5 dual pulsation milkers, $250, also 800 tank 717-867-4944 Leb Co 2 Duroc sows and 1 Hamp shire boar and 2 farrowing crates 814-752-2304 Jeffer son Co JD 40T, 3 pt, good cond , $l5OO, call after 3 pm 814- 467 8538 Somerset Co NH TR7O combine parts, Goodyear 281-26 12 ply, nice, $5OO/pair 13x6x1 turf, $l5O/pair, 212 Cat grader 410-795-2822 Carroll Co Holland 3 row transplanter, NH 50 thrower, $2OO, Cham pion 1 row tilt potatoe har vester, $4OO, apple crates 717-788-1508 Lu Co Many antique & collector items mcl beer advertise ments, trams, Bibles, china, crystal, Christmas items, toys, Barbie, post cards 610-678-9326 Berks Co Red & white boar pig weighs 250 lbs , best offer 610-589- 1380 or 2851 Leb Co JD 4040 1981 Model Quad POPS dual remotes, $17,700 717-367-9052 Lane Co JD 3RN corn head, very good, $2900, Oswalt 115 mixer, elect scales, good cond, $2OOO 080 716- 786-2197 Wyoming Co Paint stallion black/white, 15 3 hands, syr old, sharp, no papers, $2500, also 3 paint colts, $5OO-SBOO 717- 259-0551 York Co LANCASTER CO. WINDMILL ♦ Ornamental Windmills ♦ ♦ 4’ Dia. Wheel ♦ 20’ High Tower i ♦ Tilt Away Governor | ♦ Ground Brake Handle ♦ 1-year Warranty ♦ Homeowner Call For Price's 717*354-9410 717*354*5554 AIR COMPRESSORS Options Available Automatic Stop Alternator , Electnc'Start Hydraulic Setup LP Gas hookup Honda Or Diesel Units in stock and ready to go. NEW & REBUILT AIR COMPRESSORS We rebuild most any brands We Install Air & Water systems Water Pumps, Air Tanks - Sales & Service SEWER SYSTEMS INSTALLED & REPAIRED Stauffer Pump Works 501 Coopers Drive Kirkwood, PA 17536 Samuel S. King (Owner) 1942 MH 101 Jr twin pow er serial #397928 in good cond , on hit/miss, 3 hp gray engine 610-754-7691 Montg Co. Farmall AV running, $650, Farmall A running, $750, 2 cyl Wisconsin eng , $2OO, running 609-227-8492 Camden Co , NJ AKC St Bernard pups, shots, wormed, sire and dam on premises, ready in Aug , reserve now, $350 610-488- 0813 Berks Co Sullair 185 tag along A com pressor w/title, 4 cyl gas, 383 hours, very good cond , $2500, Wester Proguard snow plow, 61/2 $4OO 717- 386-3143 Schuyl Co Farmall H new bearings, new tires, hyd side hill hitch, pulley, exc tin, exc paiqt, exc cond , $1595 717-837-3673 Snyder Co 34x82 glass sliding door, 65x84 double window, 36”x82" outside door, 67x281/2" windows, every thing thermal glass Dinner bell and belfry 717-867- 4495 Leb Co Golden Retrievers, 2 yrs old, AKC reg proven breed ers, $2OO ea 717-966-2954 Union Co Case IH 5240 2WD, C, A, H, 2000 hr JD 4420 combine, 2600 hr, w/343 head, 71/2 ft snow blower No Sunday calls, 717-672-7289 Col Co 1945 Cat #l2 grader, 6 cyl diesel, pony start, 12’ blade, ran when parked, $B5O 609- 259-3094 Mercer Co Surface grinder magnet, 61/2”x18”, $l5O, 51/2” boring head, holds 11/4” dia boring bars, $175, lathe chucks 717-273- 3982 Leb Co Free cocker spaniel male dog, 2 yrs old 717-354- 9151 Lane Co Elec motorized wheel chair, toy trucks, miter saw, small shop vac, tools, pic nic table, 2 benches, milk bottles 610-458-0239 Chester Co Axeman & Anderson stok ers, 3-130,000 BTUs, 1- 260,000 BTUs, one or all 610-845-7654 Berks Co Bou-Matic double 6 fully autom parlour, meters, takeoffs, NH 350 bu tank spreader, 200 gal , 3 pt sprayer, steel wheels for Ford 9N 717-222-4432 Susq Co Chicken feeders and waterers, various sizes, galvanized and metal, rea sonably priced, good cond 610-593-5708 Chester Co 1 pr Sorrel mules, 18H 8 & 9 yr old, saddlebred gelding, needs lots of driving Henry K Beiler, 170 Loop Rd , Quar ryville, PA Lane Cn 70 brand new cablevey large volumetric feed drop, 8 00 ea , 1 new cablevey drive unit, delivery poss 315-852- 9591 Madison Co. NY Boat trailer 14’-18’, 13” wheels, side stance w/tilt, would make nice utility trail er, good cond , $350 offer 410-756-2087 CarrnllCn AC 190XT Series 111 wide front power steering, exc tires, new paint and decals, runs good, $6300 717-349- 2821 Frankl Co n Lake Ontario Hr Trout 0 Salmon r Fishing k Just for fun charters Point Breeze, New York ft 716-682-5512 Since 1982 Diesel 415 PETERS ROAD Power Systems GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Specializing In MID RANGE • HEAVY DUTY C DIESEL ENGINES POWER UNITS PTO's BWeM PUMP DRIVES !■■■ CLUTCH REDUCTIONS SALES - SERVICE LARGE INVENTORY OF NEW & USED PARTS & ENGINES Used, Rebuilt And Exchange 3208 Caterpillar Engines INCREASE LIFE AND EFFICIENCY ON EQUIPMENT WITH warn "THE FIRST IN SYNTHETICS” MOTOR OILS AND LUBRICANTS INDUSTRIAL - AGRICULTURAL - COMMERCIAL • COMPRESSOR • HYDRAULIC • GEAR • TRANSMISSION • GREASE • 2 CYCLE • BAR & CHAIN • CLEANERS • FULL FLOW, BY PASS & AIR FILTERS.* FUEL ADDITIVES For More Information Write to Address Above or Call (717) 354-4801 Service Graw monarch pneumatic paint sprayer pump w/50’ hose and silver paint, like new, $lO5O 717-726-4299 Clinton Co JD 950 tractor 72" belly mower, 400 hr, exc $B2OO, wanted Dually 4x4 automat ic diesel stake body truck 717-484-2652 Lane Co IH 990 haybme conditioner 9’ $l2OO or BO 717-741- 1720 York Co Case 448 garden tractor, hydro hi-lo range 48” deck 16" rear wheels, 18 hp, very clean, $lB5O 717-299-6200 Lane Co Apprx 300 bales 4 yr old hay make offer, need barn space 717-786-6059 Lane Co AKC reg beagle pups born 4/29/98, shots, wormed, hunting stock, $lOO ea 410- 398-7694 Cecil Co NH 275 baler for parts, $350 609-589-0158 Nights only Gloucester Co, NJ FMC 50 gal air blast sprayer, 3 pt hitch, good cond , perfect for nursery orchards or vineyards 609- 455-4327 Cumb Co Fiberglass underground fuel storage tanks, 8000 gal and 1000 gal, best offer 410- 374-4246 Balt Co. M 715 Kaiser/Jeep p/u trucks for parts, 4 trucks being dis mantled Call for list, 215- 598-8227 Bucks Co 6' 4" bin auger w/boot, 3/4hp motor, $75, window awnings , 8’ and 8 at 34”, $5O 717 865-2943 Leb Co