Carl-A-Farms, Inc. Belleville, PA Everett, PA -800-310-9333 814-652-2934 Rory Peachey, Mgr. Frank Samuel, Jr., Mgr. Tbe reaulta you may achieve with your Harveatore® Syetem depend primarily upon your management akilla and may vary from aucceaaful reaulta achieved by othera. Any application in a particular farming operation requirea the advice of qualified experta and la aubjeet to iimitationa of good management, weather or other conditlona preaent at the individual location. Harveatore la a reglatered trademark of A.O. Smith Engineered Storage Produota Co. Schuylkill Co. Dairy Carl Snyder and son Steve S^ N \ Wed., July 22 10:30 AM. (Reservations appreciated - call 717-354-4051) For your convenience now accepting SFarm Plan. BBS] RSSPI A Service of FPC Financial The Charge Account tor Rural America IM PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS, INC. YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AUTHORIZED HARVESTORE® SYSTEMS DEALER P.O. BOX 7 • NEW HOLLAN Berlin, PA 800-434-3308 Joe Simpson, Mgr. Join us to see in action: - side-by-side comparison of haylage unloading from Harvestore 24” trough vs. 30” trough - new Alliance™ Unloader - new ForceFlo™Unloader - new Sierra™ Solids Separator Carl A. Farms, Inc. • Steve & Tracy Snyder Milking 92 cows at 27,200 lbs. milk, 970 lbs. fat, 850 lbs. protein. Twice a day milking. Earlier this year replaced 2050 Harvestore® structure with a 2090 Harvestore structure and Alliance unloader. Watch their second Slurrystore® structure being built during our visit! Newvllle, PA 717-776-3397 Maynard McCullough, Mgr. • 717-354-4051 PA 17 Tour .Columbus, NJ 609-298-7136- Charles Van Mater, Mgr. In Maryland 800-354-4052