A4O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998 Needless to say, income and expenses affect farm profits Thus, it is important for you to know your costs of production Until you know that, you can not make smart management decisions. Total Farm Income In addition to knowing total costs for the farm, it is very helpful to summarize your costs by categories cwt * cow and by enterprises With the aid of your farm records or your tax return, it is relatively easy to do. First, break your income and expenses into several broad categories, such as: Dairy Income Land Costs Non-Dairy Income Machinery Costs General Dairy Costs Buildings and Facilities Costs Feed Purchases Labor Costs Crop Costs Miscellaneous Costs Next, assign your income and expense items to one of the general categories listed above. For example, milk and cattle sales would be assigned to dairy income. Crop sales would be non-dairy income. Vet and medical expenses would go under general dairy costs. Fuel used in the field could go under machinery costs, whereas fuel used around the bam might be a general dairy cost. Expense items such as rent, repairs, interest, depreciation or principal payments, real-estate taxes, etc. appear under several broad categories, as illustrated in the worksheet. Create a column for total farm income and expenses, and enter your farm totals. Some expense items, such as interest, depreciation, insurance, repairs, etc. will appear in several different categories, so you may want to allocate a portion of that expense item to several appropriate categories For example, half of the farm rent might go under buildings and facilities and the other half might be assigned to land costs Depending on how detailed your records are, you might have to make a guess as to what allocation might be appropriate for your farm. Don’t let that hinder you from doing it. Even though it won’t be perfect, it will still be a useful guide, and a whole lot better than nothing. Off to the right of the column for farm totals, create additional columns for enterprises, such as those listed below Then, allocate a portion of the total farm income and expenses, which you have just entered above, to each enterprise, as appropriate Here again, some more guess work might be needed . Average per cwt milk Com (silage and grain) c e *l .. cro P SU PP* Cows Hay t ' ert ’ lime ’ cnem Replacements (heifers) Pasture Subtotal Then, calculate the totals and averages for each of the enterprises, and for each category of expense. Avg / acre Now, you can also calculate cost per cwt. of milk shipped, cost per cow, cost per replacement, cost per Av ®' cwt * cow acre, cost per ton, cowt per bushel, etc. You now have some very valuable management information You also have a detailed record of your itemized costs of production. With this cost breakdown you can identify where costs and productions are out of line with your goals. You can decide if it is more economical to raise feed or buy it, to do all of your own field work or hire someone to do some of it for you, to raise replacements vs. contracting them out for someone else to raise or purchasing them, etc Penn State Fruit Times Newsletter UPCOMING DATES July 29 - Rock Springs Fruit and Vegetable Field Day Russell E Larson Research Center, Rock Springs, PA August 20-21 - U S Apple Association Apple Crop Outlook & Marketing Conference Chicago FRUIT AND VEGETABLE FIELD DAY - JULY 29 Mark your calendars for the Fruit and Vegetable Field day to be held at the Russell E Larson Research Center at Rock Springs This full day event will feature the latest research being conducted on vegetables and tree fruit and small fruit Registration begins at 8.00 a m with tours starting at 9-15 a.m Highlights in tree fruit include Fire blight susceptibility of different rootstocks and cultivars Reduced pesticide applications for control of sooty blotch and fly speck 1990 8 Cultivar by 4 rootstock replicated Inal 1993 Liberty planting on Cornell Geneva Semidwarf rootstocks 1994 Gala planting on M 9 size rootstocks 1995 Gala & Ginger Gold planting on M 9 and B 9 NE-183 National Apple Qultivar Planting Tnal Utilization of an m-row cover for weed control and a hydrophilic polymer Utilization of the plant growth regulator Apogee for growth control Use of ReTam on early apples to reduce preharvest drop and improve fruit color In addition to the tours we will also have exhibitors on hand displaying some of the latest equipment for horticultural crop production The meeting is jointly sponsored by Penn State University, State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association Registration is $2O 00 advance for adults and $l5 00 for children under 16 and $25 00 after July 22 Send in registration to Mrs Maureen Irvin, State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania, ' 697 Mountain Rd, Orrtanna, PA 17353 You can also phone your reservations in bv calling 717- 677-4184 3 6 ENTOMOLOGY; PHEROMONE TRAP COUNTS Weekly capture in pheromone traps at Biglerville This information, updated each Friday, can now be reached from chttp //free cas psu edu> under the Current Events menu ecies 5/14 5/J RBLR S 3 EM OFM CM TABM LPTB LAW OBLR DWB PI B " \ }/S. ■L DAIRY FARM MANAGEMENT BASICS A Farm Management Course by Glenn A. Shirk Penn State Extension Agent Lancaster County, Pennsylvania 1911 28 183 110 38 65 79 3497 6/11 6/18 35 4347 30 77 4095 76 3549 Farm Total No. head or acres Production / unit Yields (farm totals) Cwt milk shipped No. dairy workers Milk / worker Income Categoru Dairy Income: Milk sales Cull cattle Breeding cattle Subtotal Avg / cwt & cow Non-Dairy Income. Crop sales Custom work Dividends, interest Subtotal Avg / acre Avg / cwt & cow Farm TPtaj Expenses Categories General Dairy Costs' Dairy supplies Breed, test, register Vet, medicine Marketing(dairy) Trucking (dairy) Manure hauling Utilities Fuel (dairy) Cow purchases Heifer contracts Interest (cattle) Dep, Pnnc (cows) Insurance Subtotal Avg / cwt & cow Purchased Feeds Avg / cwt & cow Land Costs; Rent Taxes (land) Interest (land) Principal (land) Conservation Subtotal Avg / acre Avg / cwt & cow Mach & Equip Costs: Fuel, oil (field) Repair Purchases Custom work Interest Deprec or Principal Insurance Subtotal Avg / acre Avg / cwt & cow Farm Total Buildings, Facilities; Rent (buildings) Repair (buildings) Taxes (buildings) Interest (buildings) Dep or pnnc (bldg) Insurance (bldg) Subtotal Avg / acre Avg / cwt & cow Labor Costs - Unpaid (optional) Hired labor Benefits (value) Wage taxes Insurance Subtotal Avg / acre Avg / cwt & cow Avg / worker Miscellaneous Costs Equity int (option) Subtotal Avg / acre Avg / cwt & cow Per Cwt of Milk Heif or Cows Reolac Per Cwt of Milk Heif or Cows Replac Heif or Cows Replac Per Cwt of Milk Com Com Silagg- Grain Hay Pasture Com Com Silage Grain Hav Pasture Com Com Silage Grain Hay Pasture