Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1998, Image 157
SWINE ARNOLD HOG FARMS BOARSI Duroc - Landrace, York shire, Ultra Sound Scan June 26, 1998. Averaged 284 lbs. .54 BF 6.61 Loin Eye. Figures Actual. BRED GILTS I Handmated dua H—■—Sept.-Oct. OPEN GILTS & FEEDER PIGSj Delivery available to Connecticut late July ' Herd Health Dr, Tim Trayer l-800*222-4084 ‘ t ' -i, '1 4 4 Yorkshire-Landrace-Crossbred - Hampshire - Duroc Leon L. Arnold Lawrence Arnold 355 Schaeffer Rd 38 W. Four Point Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 Womelsdorf, PA 19567 717-273-5880 717-933-8153 FQ HOG EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 24 Farrowing crates, solid steel, galvanized, coated, complete; 64 gestation crates, solid steel, galvan ized, coated; feeders for weaned pigs; waterers; and nipples. Everything in good condition. 717/656-4478. Gestation and farrowing crates, pre-nursery pin ning, S/S fans, wet and dry feeders, 135 KW generator. (301)432-7793 (301)432-8332 Modem Ag SS grower and finisher feeders, drive units and misc. parts for Cyde Flow feeder system. 717/270-0817. Tru-test digital hog scales w/4 load cells $BOO. Zim merman pit scraper w/2 8' stainless steel scrapers. 500+ feet stainless steel cable $4OO. (717)866-7863. HOG EQUIPMENT »>SPECIAL«< INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE!! 57’ CLEAR SPAN TRUSSES CALL FOR DETAILS! Call your full-service Swine Industry Specialists today (Former Tri-County staff) for best pricing if you are Building New. Remodeling, or A & E Enterprises, Inc. 28 Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 17042 (800)220-1545 or (717) 274-3488 |E| POULTRY S SUPPLIES 75 Leghorn pullets, 20+ weeks old, & 3,000 brown Kullets, 17 weeks April 1. loyer's Chicks,. (215)536-3155. Baby Chicks: fast growing broiler chicks, high produc tion layer chicks, brown and white egg. Call Moyer's Chicks, Quaker town, PA, (215)536-3155. WANTED: Fancy, heavy roosters for June thru De cember. Highest Prices. (717)484-4549 CHUKAR CHICKS 720 Buy 1000 Plus Postage • Guaranteed Live Delivery 20,000 weekly WOLFE’S GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa 15825 (814)849-3430 Increase the efficiency of your farm w/high pressure cleaning, disinfecting and paint stripping. We clean all types of buildings and equipment. Agriculture, residential and commercial. * Breeder Houses * Turkey Houses * Hog Barns * Dairy Barns * Milking Parlors * Veal Barns Call to check our prices. Your satisfaction is our goal!! Country Power Washing and Restoration CHUKAR CHICKS AVAILABLE YEAR-ROUND ,71e EA - 1000 CALL FOR PRICING ON UT7 5000 OR MORE JtwSn Shipped Insured for Live Delivery or Van —L Delivery Available with Minimum Order / DOUBLE R. HATCHERY J Ronald and Nancy Wolfe jl Iffd J ry a fr| RD #2, BOX 92 r Templeton, PA 16259 Order Toll Free (888) 584-3876 • Information (724) 868-2173 HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING • Breeder Houses • Hog Finishing Barns Layer Houses. • Sow Units ' • Pullet Houses • Dairy Bams • Turkey Houses • Veal Pens • Broiler Houses We Spray Fot All Types Of Beetles and Insects That Cause Structural Damage to Your Poultry House For More Information Call BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 tfr Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED aH^q.^qqqqqqL l u iqqqH . Rq^qqq q q c| qqi :iqq qq qL-|g Lancaster Farming. Saturday, July 18, 1998-D2l POWER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC, INC. S - I — SPECIALIZING IN GENERATOR SALES, SERVICE AND RENTALS (717) 933-5617 (800) 875-6964 (1) 175 KW Volvo Diesel, Used (1)100 KW AC, Diesel 35 KW Chrysler L-P-G (1) 24 KW AC LPG Used New PTO Generators in Stock New {r (/sc,/ Sivitchcs immuiLncimLi^auiuimunaiaLaiaamaiaciiaiaaoMmuairumammacuacu: ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted Whites Special Wholesale Prices 8 $ 24.95 15 $44.95 m 25 $ 67.95 * VC -50 $ 119.95 r i 100 $ 189.95 'V**' “AVAILABLE NOW” W Cornish X Broiler Chicks Golden Red Egg Layer Chicks REICH POULTRY FARMS Marietta, PA 17545 (717)426-3411 (7171 762*8406 STARTED CAPONS AND CAPONIZING Receive healthy »3'/j week old surgically caponized chicks We will come to your fanrUj^aponiz^ou^hicks cr „ n pp nnne Very Low Slip Percentage HKUa ' Well Feathered Bird 3493 Marietta Ave. Great 4 . H Project Lancaster, PA 17601 Also Available: Started (717) 285-7748 Pullets & Live or Dressed Gene or Jim Market Weight Capons. Bobwhite quail. Call for prices. (717)264-5095. Misc. chicken equipment. Shore Time equipment, Diamond equipment parts. anytime Great Opportunity to Pullets, 18 week brown Aquire Breeding Pairs of egg layers. Shirks, Ostrich. These Birds Must 717/445-6423 No Sunday Gol All Offers Considered, calls. Ron (610)948-6572. iK] FEED i SEED 100 Tons corn silage treated w/silo-king $3O/ton. oun Juniata 717-527-2667. 200 ton innoculated corn silage in trench, delivery available. Annville 717-867-1227 21% protein RYELAGE. Will mix w/corn silage. De livery available. (717)872-9152 (717)392-6854. 400-500 bales Alfalfa mulch hay. 717-768-3652 40 Bales of Second Cutting Alfalfa Balage. 95 Bales of First Cutting Alfalfa Bal- Don age. Call (717)289-4670. 500 ton corn silage from concrete silo, $24/ton. Hauling available. Womelsdorf, Berks Co. 610/589-2117. 5x4 Round Bales Grass Hay, Approx. 20 Tons. Also 20 Tons Mix Hay. $7O-$BO/Ton. Delivery Available. (717)252-1109. , 600+ ton com silage from silo, inoculum added, $25.00 loaded on your truck. Ephrata, (717)733-8528. *9B Alfalfa/Alfalfa Orchard grass, grass, square & round bales. Beeline An gus 410-778-6566 Worton, MO ALFALFA HAYLAGE out of field or out of silo. Deliv ered and blown into your silo. Dale Good. Southern County Lebanon 717-949-2371 ALFALFA Timothy Or chard Grass Mixed Hay. 5x6 Round Bales. $35 Ea. Picked Up At Farm (717)286-0650. Alfalfa Hay. dairy and horse quality, big squares or small squares. We de liver anywhere. Rock Creek Ranch, Cleveland, OK. (918)356-2541 (918)640-0486 mobil, Dwain Carnes. RATITES Balage/Haylage & Corn Silage, rolled, delivered. John Landis. Leola 717-656-6352 Barley & Wheat Straw out of the field Stumpland Farm, Berks Co 610/488-1965 Buying damaged corn 717/426-2905 Buying feed barley and wheat Lancaster County, (717)426-3135 COTTON SEED. CITRUS Pulp Pellets, corn silage, corn gluten feed, distillers, soy hulls, soy meal, any feed commodity in 22 ton lots. Robert McSparren, Jr., 1-888-268-6733. Corn Silage Rolled/ Treated. Must Be moved By Aug Ist. BEST OFFER. (717)653-2314. Corn Silage at Silo $2O/Ton. Delivery Can Be Arranged. (215)256-93437 (215)256-1642. Corn Silage kernel pro cessed. Delivered local. $2B/ton. 717/665-7029. Corn Silage: $23/ton, loaded on your truck from two silos Kernel processor. Ephrata, PA (717)733-8798. Com silage, straw, hay & balage. Delivery available. 610-932-8999 Corn silage, irrigated, rolled. Call for price. Mor gantown, (610)286-9510. Com silage, $25/ton. RyeF age, TMR mixing. F M. BROWN & SONS. Berks Co. 610-582-4591 Com silage, top quality, kernel processed, tested, 'from upright silo. Delivery possible. $24 at silo 717/336-6280. Corn silage. $26/ton. Ju niata Co. 717-527-4076 Corn silage rolled and treated $26 ton at (aim, local delivery available, Lancaster Co. 717-336-7288.' Dry and High Moisture Shelled Corn. STUMP ACRES 717/792-3216.