D2O-Lanc«ster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998 Click’s Horse Dentist Teeth Floating, Wormer. David S. Click 262 Cut RD Gap, PA 17527 71M8MUO Sussex County Horse Show | Sussex County Fairgrounds j Augusta, N. J. August 3 - 9th, 1998 $lO,OOO { Draft Horse Division i Farm ream Competition $ l ,000 \ Lightweight I'eam Pulling $ 1,250 i Heavyweight Team Pulling $ 1,250 Driving j $5,000 North American Classic 6-1 lorse Hitch $ 1,500 Four-I lorse I litch j S<KK) unicorn I litch j $ 1,1 oo total on Single Youth, Lady, Gentleman, Pairs tor information / prize list call Sally Seeger at (908)852-8224 or Sue Gerber at (973)875-2764 j dl Ik LIQUID FEED SUPPLEMENT FOR HORSES NATIONAL HORSE-PRO JtA LIQUID FEED SUPPLEMENT ✓ Provides extra energy .. ✓ Promotes healthy, vibrant hair coat ✓ Aids digestion ✓ Encourages feed consumption in all *' ves^oc^ but especially horses / May be diluted with warm water or applied as is to feed and hay ✓ Processed by Zook Molasses Co. Available in 1,5, 55 Gallon Sizes Mix in feed at a rate of 7-10% to improve the appearance of feed and control dust. Can be top dressed on feeds 1/2 to 1 pound per day per head. May be fed to all types of livestock. Very useful to encourage feed consumption especially for horses. Ingredients; Molasses, Modified Starches, Malto-Dextrines, Maltose, Mold Guard M' and Caramel Flavor Available for pick-up, delivery, or UPS shipment. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-327-4406 -wr ZOOK MOLASSES CO. Main St., Box 160 Honey Brook, PA 19344 HOURS: Monday-Friday 7AM- 5 PM ®pP mg Over 60‘fears of Service n'ailu ■■ Z-Brand Dry Molasses Now Available for Pickup at: uaiiy LAS Sweeteners * 388 E. MainSl.»Leola, PA Standing at Stud New Super ISH Jack and 14'AH Jack “ Proven to Throw Good Quality Blonde Colts • 14 yearlings, blond mollies JJ Ivan K. Stoltzfus Vi 199 Shirktown Road, Narvon, PA 17555 717/445-5956 I M K & K HORSE SALE Saturday - July 25th Mt. Springs Arena Shartlesville, PA Directions: 1-78 to Exit 8 Schartlesville. Follow signs to Mt. Springs camping resort Tack - 2pm Horses - 6pm Upcoming Sales: 8/22, 9/26,10/24,11/28 Information 717-334-7282 Steve Day of sale 610-488-9653 Auctioneer Denny Brownawell AU001604-L ,» Auctioneer John Regan AU003156-L & Young pair Hackney po nies, full brothers, good conformation, well matched, taking offers. 717-687-7075 ' Jack Russell Stud Service Exceptional Color and Confirmation, Outstanding Temperment (717) 872-8602 1111 SHEEP & WKM GOATS 5 full blood Boer bucks for sale, 5500-$l,OOO. Grade Boer goat special $lOO/head. HIS KIDS. (717)746-1664. Alpine goats, high produc ing. Milkers, yearlings, kids. Reasonable. Show stock also available. 860-355-0291 Black-face ram, 3 years old, good breeder. (610)333-5843. tCLUB LAMB FLOCK DISPERSAL Ewes And Wethers. Rams By Achor, Harley, Bob, Sport And Shell Call Evenings 740-922-4077 PENNSYLVANIA’S 20™ PERFORMANCE TESTED RAM LAMB AND INVITATIONAL EWE SALE AND SHEEP PRODUCERS FIELD DAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 1,1998 Sheep Producers Field Day starting at i 9:00 a.m. i i Saturday, August 1,1998 A m. 2:00 p.m. Saturday - * Ram & Ewe Sale AT PSU’S AG ARENA Next To Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s Meat Animal Evaluation Center 651 Fox Hollow Road State College, PA 16801 RAMS ON TEST: 36 Dorsets (14 Fall born) 2 - Polypays 17 - Suffolks 1 - Oxford i 9 - Hampshire* 2 - Cheviots • kl - Corriedale CATALOGS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST ABOUT JULY 22 For Information contact: Glenn Eberly at (814) 238-2527 orj 814-865-5857 Or Write To Thi Educational Seminars & Booths Trade Show & Youth Program Approximately 80 ewes will also be consigned for sale from performance breeders Puin Si iIl is in dlimuiivt. icium cqu il opportunity iiniscrsii> n Si ik cns<iiiri).(.s persons with di<KihliliLs lo p iriKipili. m ns pro^rinis md uliMlits II mu mils ip ik ntcdinj. ms ispcol icsommndalion or liavc qucslions ihotu the physical access ovidcd pis is*, coni tU C irol Enlcy ( Hl4 863 3(y S| m idsance o! sour pirliupilion or mmi Registered Columbia ram and ewe lam be. Registered natural colored ram and ewe lambs. Service size young rams, black or Col- umbia. Gerr Glen Farm (717)987-3219. Superior Quality. South African Genetics. Bucks, Does & Kids 915-836-4431 Boer Goat Kids: full blood and percentage, South Af rican, New Zealand and Australian bloodlines. Bing Crest Farm, (71 7)272-6023. Female Nubian dairy goat, purebred, 2 years old, $lOO. (717)993-0215. Full bred Finnsheep 5 Ram lambs, 1 Ewe lamb, Roots Lineage, fire-champion call 717-292-5220. Reg. Fainting buck kids, naturally hornless, beauti ful black/white markings, eg. Fainting doe, tri 100. Red/white doe color $ $B5. Chocolate/white wether $65. 717/244-0561. Registered herd dispersal. Alpine and Nubian, show and milk. Reasonable. (610)944-0222. Reg. Okie English minia ture babydoll lambs, ador able, white male and black female. 610-756-3312 Reg. Saanen bucks 4-5 months old, dams on DHIA test High butterfat, milk A protein. 610/759-6892. Suffolk cross ram born 1/12/97, proven breeder. Call 610/469-9605. love Address SWINE Approximately 12’ wide, 7’ high or 14’ wide 8 high, prcassembled T sections giving a choice ol 14 21 ’, 28 length Set up in 2to 2 hours Built for livestock Completely portable 20 gauge wall protectors added on the inside Can he used lor almost anything Skids and all hardware for assembly included LEMMON FARM 855 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA 17013 C7I7J 249-8434 800-738-8434 Call now for delivery to Empire Days! INDIVIDUAL FARROWING AND CALF HUT BY PORT-A-HUT All steel completely assembled, ventilated, 7 1/2’ long, optional front doors, guard rails, pig rollers and pens. BENNECOFF HOGS: Or der 4-H project pigs, boars, gilts: Hampshires, Berk shires, Polands, Durocs and Crosses. (610)285-6582. Duroc and Yorkshire boars w/scan figures. Priced to sell! James Parlett, (717)862-3610. Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 931-364-7050 * Duroc * Yorkshire • Spoiler! * Chester • Landraoe * Hampshire * Piclrain * Bred Gilts £ Boors for sale Bred gills lire bred for purebred £ crossbred liners Also, Club Pigs for sale. PRV & Drue, validated herds. —ir-Y —v-r -/-V Calvin Lazanu & Sons 610-799-3375' Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 Nutrient Management Flans ♦ Personal ♦ Computerized ♦ Confidential ♦ Color Map to Scale ♦ On-site Visits ♦ Full Nutrient Plan Schedule your appointment now to beat the Oct. Ist deadline. Call us now at (717) 438-3838 jjfarm@emhl.pa.net The Pig Of Tomorrow at Our Place Today! m Landrace Itfl Yorkshires W liX Large Whites FI Crossbreds /’A .F& A<r s BRED GILTS TO FARROW EACH MONTH Open Gilts In Large Quantities • Boars SEW • AIAO 40 Years of Tested Genetics Certified Brucellosis and Pseudorabies Free Herd Reno Thomas Park Thomas Mark Stehr (717) 658-5821 (717) 658-6544 (717) 658-7007 RD #l, Box 2449, Beavertown, PA 17813 ramm 11 Peterson Dr, Storm Lake, lowa 50588 712-732-2546 M inulauuru nl qualits illordahlc hog and call huts since I9M BERKSHIRES Industry's Meat Quality Leader t PRV Herd #l4 Bruc Free Herd #135 Stress Free Herd Boars & Gilts for Sale Scan Figures Available iDDcrsTs BerfuUres Greg & Beth Innerst 5140 Deer Rd., Red Lion, PA 17356 717-246-1735 Will Deliver ho ij a m/vyi .i :ni Tries niIIUKS/HAMPS Where Genetics & Figures Meat' Duroc Boars - Gilts A Bred Gilts w/due date A figures Delivered just about anywhere Satisfaction Guaranteed! f Continuing to provide ' some of the oeet genetics I in the country! Call Dave 717-235-6966 J-arge Shelter .By Port-A-Hut I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers