Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1998, Image 11

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    (Continued from Pago AID)
Grazing and pasture meeting,
Dave and Ruth Ann Hallow,
r»iwy Shore. '^P j m j -^Jjffl^
Fairgrounds, Meyersdale, 6:30
Eastern Apicultural Society Short
Course and Conference, Con
ference at Seven Springs
Mountain Resort, Champion,
thru July 17.
World Sheep and Wool Congress,
Fairplex, Pomona, Calif., thru
Weed Science Field Day,
Kent County Fair, Kent Ag Center,
Tolchester, thru July 19.
Pa Young Fanners Tours and
Conference, Tulpehocken High
School, also tour on July 17
(buses leave from high school).
Peny County Holstein Club picn
ic, leksburg Park, Icksburg,
7:30 p.m.
Lycoming County Fair, Hughes
ville, thru July 25.
Berks County Grazing Walk, Papa
Farm, managed by Brian and
Karen Mohn, Bethel, 6:30 p.m.
Northeast Wool Pool, Furman’s
Warehouse, Northumberland, 7
Weed Science Field Days,
Progress Through Communica
tions For Agriculture Annual
Tour of Local Agricultural and
Forest Facilities and Picnic,
Coolridge Farms, 1 p.m. tour.
Call THE Combine
I&SSSBSSh 8007324017 800 341-4028
picnic at 7 p.m.
New England Sheep Sale, Big E
Agricultural Complex, West
Springfield, Mass., 9 a.m., thru
July 18.
Dauphin County Holstein picnic.
Dale and Ray Kennedy Farm,
Middletown 7
Grate Area Antique Marchinery
Association Ihc. Show, thru
July 19.
NYS Percheron Association Picn
ic and Field Day, Cayuga Coun
ty Fairgrounds, Weedsport,
N.Y., 11 a.m.
Pa. Cattlemen’s Field Day, McEl
hancy Stock Farm and Hook
stown Fairgrounds.
Va. Angus Association Tomor
row’s Future For Today’s Cat
tlemen Seminar, Rockingham
County Fairgrounds and Rama-
Alleghany County Fair
grounds, Cumberland, thru July
Rough Riders 4-H and Pony Club
Annual Open Horse Show,
Water Gap Equestrian Center,
Atglcn, 9 a.m.
Jefferson County Fair, Brookville,
6th Annual Hoss’s Fore FFA Golf
Tournament and Dinner/
Auction, Foxchasc Golf
Course, Stevens.
Kimberton Community Fair, Kim
berton, thru July 25.
DEP CAFO Proposal Meeting/
Hearings, Northern Bedford
High School, Bedford, 6:30
Pa. District 4-H/FFA Daily Show
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West, Potter County Fair
grounds, Prospect.
Jefferson Township Fair, Mercer,
thru July 25.
Shippensburg Community Fair,
Shippcnsburg, thru July 25.
Cambria County 4-H Day Camp,
Wilderness Hollow 4-H Prop-
erty, thru July 21.
Roundup Ready Com Weed Con
trol Test, Jerusalem School
Plainfield Farmers Fair, Plainfield,
thru July 25.
BAGS Field Day, Schantz's Farm,
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Agricultural Agencies Conference
and Tour, Watershed Agricul
tural Program of the New York
City Watersheds, Scotch Val
ley Ski Center and Resort,
Rexmere Lodge, Stamford,
N.Y.. thru July__23,
Penn State Agronomic Field Diag
nostic Clinic, Rockspring, thru
July 23.
Southeast Pa. Extension Vegetable
Field Day, Kutztowu Auction,
3 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Shrubs For Your Landscape, Pitts-
burgh Civic Garden Center,
thru July 24.
Black and White Show, Plainfield
Fair, 10 a.m.
Va. Cattlemen’s Dinner and Dis
cussion with local cattle feed
ers, Yoder’s Restaurant, New
Jefferson County Holstein Show,
Jefferson County Fairgrounds,
Brookville, 9 a.m.
Lycoming County Holstein Show,
Hughcsville Fairgrounds,
Hughesville, 10 a.m.
Northampton County Holstein
Show, Plainfield Fanner’s
Grove, Bangor, 10 a.m.
Southeast4-HMeats Judging Con
test, Stoltzfus Meats, Inter-
course, 12 pm.-3:30 p.m. ,
Vegetable Growers’ Field Day,
Kutztown Produce Auction, 3
Camp, South Mountain Fair
grounds, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Lancaster County Black and White
Show, Solanco Fairgrounds,
Quarryvillc, 9:30 am.
4-H Dairy Roundup, Plainfield
Fair, 10 am.
Gloucester County 4-H Fair, Mul
lica Hill, NJ., thru July 26.
Future Harvest U, Walt Drum
mond's Farm, Warwick.
Somerset County Fair, Somerset
County Civic Center, thru July
East Central 4-H/FFA Dairy
Show, Beaver Fairgrounds,
Beaver Springs.
Fanning Field Day, Wallin Farm,
Warwick, Md., 4 p.m.-7 p.m.
Pennsylvania Seedsmen's Associ
ation, BAGS Research Farm,
10 am.
Cecil County Fair, Fair Hill, Md.,
thru Aug. 1.
Northwest Championship Hols
tein Show, Lawrence Fair-
ley Expo Center, thru Aug. 1.
Carroll County 4-H/FFA Fair,
Carroll County Ag Center,
Westminster, thru Aug. 1.
Cecil County Old Time Farm
Days, Fairgrounds, Fair Hill,
thru July 26.
Animal Science Day Camp, Cam
bria County Fairgrounds, 1
n.m.-6 n.m.
Pa. Holstein Association State
Picnic, Keith and Debbie
Decker Farm, Knox, noon.
Potter County Fair, Millport, thru
Aug. 1.
Troy Draft Horse Show, Fair
>y tau, .. y,
Juniata County Youth Fair, Pott
Royal Fairgrounds, thru July
Goshen Country Fair, West Ches-
' u
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 18, 1898-All
wood Conference Center, Har
risburg HACC.
Ag Showcase Day, Fair Hill
Natural Resources Manage
ment Area, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
4-H Dairy Roundup, York Fair
grounds, 9:30 a.m.
DEP CAFO Proposal Meeting/
Hearings, DEP NCRO, Wil-
liamsport, 7 p.m.
Electric Deregulation Informa
tional Meeting, Franklin Coun
ty Administration Building,
Chambersburg, 7:30 p.m.-9
Field meeting, Vernon Crum
Farm, Milanville, 12:30
Auction, Chincoteaguc, Va.,
thru July 30.
Horticulture Field Day, Rockspr
ing Research Farm, 8 a.m.-5
Lancaster County Soil Conserva
tion District Annual Expo,
Cedar Meadow Farm (Steve
Groff), Holtwood, 10 a.m.-3
Upper Marlboro Research Farm
Field Day, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
York County Holstein Show, York
Fairgrounds, 10 a.m.
Caroline County Fair, Caroline
County 4-H Park, Denton, thru
Aug. 2.
Muhlenberg Community Days,
Muhlenberg High School, 6
Farmers’-Busincssmen’s Picnic,
Dußrow’s Nurseries, Pitts
town, NJ., tours 4:30 p.m.,
begins at Stone Bam Restaur
ant, Unionvillc, 9 a.m.
Western Maryland Research and
Education Center Field Day,
Kccdysville, 8 a.m.-3 pjn.
Harford County Farm Fair, Har
ford County Equestrian Center,
Bel Air, thru Aug. 2.
M Summer Bonanza M
M Used Grasshoppers >J
M-Q2B 28 hp diesel, 61 M
M an $8,500
M» 721 D 21 hp diesel. 61' H
M cut w/h>draulic deck
M l,tt $7,400 M
72*5 25 hp liquid cooled h
M gas, 61' Cut $6,900 ►<
1622 16 fip twin w/52" M
M cut vac system clean 1
>< owner, ready to go w/M
30 day warranty $3,700
** Other Used Mowers M
>< a'Great Dane 22 hp, 61" p
cut nder domq . .$4,995 M
$ • Encore Z 42 16 hp 42" ||
cut w/vac system like M
M new $4,495 \\
Mask about 12 mos.m
M Lawn Care Equipment M
C Center LLP M