Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1998, Image 1
824 P 3 056034 980630 I PERIDDH-ALT DIVISION 048 —I ||| v PENN STATE UNIVERSITY I H I L W2OV PATTE LIBRARY 111 [V _ UN IV PARK PA 16802 I m r Vol. 43 No. 37 EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor HERSHEY (Dauphin Co.) —A group of national agriculture len ders were in town last weekend into Monday to visit local farms and agribusinesses and attend edu cational seminars on the unique aspects of agriculture. The meeting agenda Monday morning included subjects related to working relationships between lending institutions and agribusi ness; legislative initiatives and agriculture trade options. These subjects were covered by Bruce Limpert, director of corporate planning and analysis, Wengers Feed Mill, Inc., Rheems; The Hon orable Noah Wenger, Pennsylvani a state senator and majority caucus chairman and acting chairman of Milk Price Makes Record Jump Of $222 NEW YORK, N.Y.—The June Basic Formula Price (BFP) for milk was announced earlier this month at $13.10 per hundreweight at a 3.5% butterfat content This is $2.22 higher than the May BFP of $lO.BB and represents the largest price increase for milk ever recorded. The previous record of $1.12 was set in 1997. The record price decline for the BFP is $2.52. A combination of factors are credited for the strong milk prices. Buttcr/powder returns are very favorable given the record butter prices. Also expectations of higher prices have caused cheese invento ries to be building. Seasonal declines in milk production are resulting in tight supply conditions in some regions of the country. Additional good news shows the oudook for July to be very positive as well with price expectations expected near record levels. At $14.49, the BFP hit an all time high for the month of July in 1996. This year the July BFP con tract at the trading exchange is (Turn to Pago A 39) At the Pennsylvania DHIA Summer Conference, Anne Couch of Huntingdon County received the Herb Gilmore Award from Dave Slusser, general manager. See story page A 22. Four Sections National Agriculture Bankers Visit Pennsylvania the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, Harrisburg, and The Honorable David Spears, commissioner, commodities futures trading commission, Washington, D.C. The Honorable Samuel Hayes. Jr., Pennsylvania’s secretary of agriculture, was the guest speaker. The agricultural and rural bankers committee of the American Bankers Association toured Lancaster County last Saturday as part of the committee’s annual meeting In Hershey. They visited farms and agribusinesses In the area and took a photo break on the lawn of the Robert Rohrer and State Sheep, Wool Growers Hold 50th Keystone VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Fanning Staff HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) The 50th annual Keystone Stud Ram and Ewe Show and Sale Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998 In the business meeting Sunday, discussions were held on the Far mer Mac AgVantage and how to make the ABA Ag Bankers advis ory work group work better. In the evening the bankers and their spouses and children visited the governor’s mansion in Harrisburg. The American Bankers Associa- was held July 10-11 at the Pennsyl vania Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. Judge of the show was Bud Mar tin of Ohio. The show was held July 10 and the sale was held July 11, with 152 sheep sold for an overall average of $238 per ani mal, according to show manager David Harpster of Boalsburg. Gary Saylor of Bell Center, Ohio, and DcWitt Evans of James town, Ohio, were the auctioneers. The show was sponsored by the Dairy Of Distinction Winners Named STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) - Everyone traveling in Pen nsylvania, .both consumers and far mers, will have beautiful dairy farms to observe as they drive through our countryside. At this time each year the new Dairy of Distinction signs go up at the end of winning farm lanes to show everyone they have been judged to be clean, well-kept farmsteads. $29.50 Per Year tion is headquartered in Washing ton, D.C. and is the voice of the American banking industry. Along with participation in public rela tions and legislative efforts for the banking industry, ABA conducts educational and training programs for its members. One such arm of the national Sons family farm at Washington Boro. The Rohrer family includes parents Robert and Lorraine, son Bob and his wife Robin and children Tiffany and Tyler; son Mike and his wife Lori and children Brittany, Andrea, and Mitchell, and sons Bill and Tony.Phofo by Evaratt Nawawanger, managing adltor. Pennsylvania Sheep and Wool Growers Association, and run by a committee of members. Committee members include David Harpster, Bruce Snyder, Ron Miller, Dick Wise, Bob Calvert, Tom Calvert, Ben Bow, and George Hunter. While most organizations make a special note of half-century milestones, not so with the Pa. Sheep and Wool Growers with respect to the Keystone Ram and Ewe Show and Sale. Nevertheless, This year 33 new farms have been added to the 666 farms that had been recognized up to this time since the program began in Pen nsylvania in 1987. The Northeast Dairy Farm Beautification program sponsors these awards to recognize those dairy farmers who pay particular attention to die appearance of their land and buildings. Most people 600 Per Copy organization is the Agricultural and Rural Bankers Committee that is currently chaired by Darvin Boyd, senior vice president and director of the Agri-Finance department. First Union/ Core States, Lancaster. It was through Boyd’s efforts that the (Turn to Pag* A 39) the show has been an important one on the circuit and continues to be an important event to exhibit and offer top quality breeding and showing stock. Next year the show is to receive national attention. It was announced that the 1999 Keystone Ram and Ewe Show and Sale will also serve as host event for the 1999 national Coniedalc youth division show, as well as an open division show and sale. (Turn to Pago A 26) who drive bythe farm don’trealize that, in addition to a lot of work to produce the milk, it also takes a lot of effort to keep the farmstead looking nice, too. But whenever a consumer sees a nice-looking daify farm, the association with good wholesome milk is easy. And milk gets good publicity from this visual association. (Turn to Paga A3l)