Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection July 9. 1998 CATTLE 130.000 131.000 130.000 496.000 325.000 312.000 WEDNESDAY 7/9/98 (EST) WEEK AGO (ESI) YEAR AGO (ACT) WEEK TO DATE (ESI) SAME PD LT WK (EST) SAME PD LT YR (ESI) BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK AUCTION BELLEVILLE, PA JULY 8, 1998 CATTLE 321 [PDA] si cows 200 to 4 00 higher [Supply included 185 cows and heifers in the dairy sale] SLAUGHTER STEERS couple Choice 2 3 1140-1305 lbs 58 00 & 60 25, cou ple Standard 1-2 39 00 &47 00 HOLSTEINS few Standard 1-2 42 00- 75 HEIFERS few Standard 1-2 40 00- COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-4 40 00-46 75, one 47 50, low dressing 37 25-39 75. Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 36 75-42 50, low dressing 35 00-36 25, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 32 50-38 00 Shells down to 30 00. BULLS few Yield Grade 1 945-1370 lbs 45 00-50 00, few Yield Grade 2 1185-1795 lbs 42 00-43 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Me dium and Urge 2 545-850 lbs 46 00- 46 50, HEIFERS few Medium 1 and 2 315- 845 lbs 43 50-49 00, BULLS few Me dium I 390-625 lbs 50 00-57 00 CALVES 89 VEALERS Standard and Good 80-105 lbs 22 00-3100, Utility 55 90 lbs 10 00-2100 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls steady to spots 500 lower No 1 Hol stein bulls 90-120 lbs 80 00-109 00, No 2 95-125 lbs 40 00-77 50, 80-95 lbs 35 00-40 00, one No 1 Holstein heifer 105 lbs 110 00, few No 275 lbs 22 00-26 00 HOGS 22 . BARROWS AND GILTS' US 1-3 215-255 lbs 35 50-37 75, one lot 38 25 SOWS US 1-3 305-565 lbs 22 00-25 00 BOARS one 325 lbs 14 00 FEEDER PIGS 113 US 1-3 25-40 lbs 1000-1600, 45-55 lbs 27 00-39 00, Out standing in vour field. The Agri-specialists from Farmers First aren’t a bunch of deskbound bankers waiting around for the phone to ring. We get involved with you. Right where you live and work. We lend the money farmers need to keep growing. And, we can help your business in a lot of other ways, too. We talk the talk. And we walk the walk. (wherever that might lead us) ANDY TERRELL (717) 6264735 EXT. 264 ** w \w\ru f CALVES 6,000 6,000 5,000 21,000 20,000 23,000 one lot 47 50 SHEEP 22 SLAUGHTER LAMBS few Choice 70-95 lbs 88 00-94 00, Good and Choice 30-35 lbs 52 00-61 00. few 80-120 lbs 69 00-75 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP few 20 00-30 00 GOATS 28 Couple Large Billies 57 00 & 72 00, few Large Nannies 49 00- 50 00, few Medium 36 00-45 00, Large Kids 20 00-29 00, Small 9 00- 20 00 '■ head per HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS 600 GO -1310 00 - per head Morrison Cove Livestock Martinibnrfc Pa. July 6, 1998 Report mppliod by auctiou CATTLE IS6. STEERS CHOICE 61.00-64.00; GOOD 58.0061.00. HEIFERS: CHOICE 60.00-62.00; GOOD 55.0059.00. COWS: UTTUTY A COMMERCIAL 35.0042.00; CANNER A LOW CUTTER 22.0035.00. BULLOCKS: 45.0052.00. BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. 1 42.0052.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 52.0075.00; BULLS 48.0068.00; HEIF ERS 35.0065.00. CALVES lIS. PRIME. NO MKT. TEST; CHOICE 75.0085.00; GOOD 65.0075.00; STANDARD 18.0035.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 30.008S.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90130 LBS. 80.00125.00 HOGS: 256. US NO. 1-2 39.00