Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 11, 1998, Image 18
AlB-LancMter Farming, Saturday, July 11 1998 EIGHTY-FOUR LIVESTOCK SALES, INC EIGHTY-FOUR, PA JULY 6, 1998 CATTLE 145 [PDA) si cows steady to 200 lower, bulls steady to 350 lower SLAUGHTER STEERS couple Standard 1-2 35 75-52 50 HEIFERS few Standard 1-2 37 50-44 25 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 2 4 36 75-42 25 Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 32 25-37 00. Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 25 00 32 50 Shells down to 22 00 BULLS Yield Grade 1 1015-1900 lbs 44 50-52 50, few Yield Grade 2 900- 1255 lbs 36 50-44 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Me dium and Large I 300-725 lbs 63 00- 76 00, few Medium and Large 2 535 865 lbs 40 50-59 50, HEIFERS few Medium and Large 1 300-625 lbs 59 50-68 00, Medium and Large 2 365- 880 lbs 47 50-58 00, BULLS Me dium and Large I 385-750 lbs 55 DO -64 00. Medium and Large 2 340-980 lbs 45 50-53 50, few to 36 50 CALVES 201 [All calves sold per cwt] VEALERS Choice 135-195 lbs 70 DO -87 50, few Good 135-150 lbs 42 50- 55 00, Standard and Good 90-130 lbs 25 00-4100, 65-85 lbs 25 00-36 00, Utility 50-95 lbs 14 00-21 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls steady to 300 lower No I Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 60 00-85 00 mostly 67 50-77 50, No 2 85-120 lbs 36 00- 61 00, few No 1 Holstein heifers 90- 110 lbs 82 50-127 50, fewNo 2 75-1 10 lbs 50 00-75 00 Beet type bulls and heifers 100-125 lbs 75 00-100 00 HOGS 36 BARROWS AND GILTS LS 1-3 215 255 lbs 37 50-40 00 US 2-3 220-320 lbs 35 00-37 00 three LB 1-3 198 lbs 34 00 SOWS US 1-3 315-430 lbs 2 3 00- 32 00 two Medium 300 lbs 20 00 & 21 00 BOARS couple 260-850 lbs 17 00 18 00 FEEDER PIGS 16 US 1-3 25-35 lbs 9 00-17 00 40 55 lbs 23 00-32 00 - per head SHEEP 118 Slaughter lambs steady to 5 00 lower OLD CROP LAMBS one High Choice and Prime 120 lbs 85 00, Choice 40 50 lbs 76 00-82 00, 55 75 lbs 81 50-94 00, 80-100 lbs 86 00- 89 00, Good and Choice 55-75 lbs 39 00-49 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 15 00-38 00 GOATS II Medium Billies 3100- 55 00, Large Kids 27 00-35 00, Small II 00-21 00 --- per head ERRY PIPE — WATERLINE QUEST-PEX RR 2 Box 345 Elliottsburg, PA 17024 (717) 582-2758 NEW WILMINGTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION NEW WILMINGTON, PA JULY 6, 1998 CATTLE 98 [PDA], si. cows 1 00 to 5 00 lower SLAUGHTER STEERS couple Select 1-3 53 00 & 55 75 HOLSTEINS few Select 1-2 47 00- 50 00 HEIFERS few Standard 1-2 45 00-50 25 COWS Breaking Util ity and Commercial 2-4 34 50-39 00, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 32 50- 35 25, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 29 75-34 00 Shells down to 25 00 BULLS couple Yield Grade 2 1650 & 1690 lbs 43 00 & 43 25 FEEDER CATTLE HEIFERS few Me dium 1 445-740 lbs 54 00-57 00, few Medium 2 350-465 lbs 42 00-48 00, BULLS few Medium 1 415-595 lbs 60 00-62 00, few Medium 2 350-695 lbs 49 50-54 50 CALVES 184 VEALERS few Choice 260-305 lbs 65 00-80 00, few Good 120-150 lbs 43 00-69 00, Standard and Good 70-115 lbs 27 00-40 00, Util ity 60-70 lbs 15 00-25 00 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 95-135 lbs 79 00-94 00, No 2 90-120 lbs 50 00-74 00, few No 1 Holstein heifers 85-115 lbs 115 00-140 00, few No 2 95-125 lbs 40 00-105 00 1 Beef type bulls and heifers 80-140 lbs 40 00-100 00 HOGS 160 Barrows and gilts mixed 25 higher to 50 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1 2 220-270 lbs 41 GO -43 10, US 1-3 220-270 lbs 39 50- 4110 US 2-3 250-270 lbs 38 GO -39 25 SOWS US I 3 370-650 lbs 25 00- 30 50 BOARS tew 310-640 lbs 16 75 17 00 FEEDER PIGS 57 US 1 3 20-35 lbs 12 00-22 00 35-45 lbs 25 00-36 00 - head US 1-3 140-175 lbs 30 00- per cwt - per 38 50 SHEEP 54 SLAUGHTER LAMBS High Choice and Prime 65-105 lbs 78 00- 90 00, Choice 50-105 lbs 60 00- 76 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP few 25 00-29 00 GOATS 8 Medium and Small 25 00 55 00 per head MERCER LIVESTOCK AUCTION MERCER, PA JULY 7, 1998 CATTLE 203 [PDA] Compared with last week’s sale si cows steady to 2 50 lower SLAUGHTER STEERS few Choice 2-3 1020-1470 lbs 59 50- 65 75, Select 1-3 55 00-60 75 HOLSTEINS Choice 2-3 1200-1570 lbs 53.00-56 75, couple Select 1-2 52 50-53 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-4 1090-1500 lbs 57 50-63 25, one 65 00, few Select 1-3 53 25-55 00, few Standard 45 50-52 50 COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-3 35 75-41 00, one 42 75, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 32 00- 38 25, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 29 50-34 75 Shells down to 25 50 BULLS couple Yleld Grade 1 1535 & 1840 lbs 52 50 & 57 25 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Me dium 1 465-530 lbs 60 00-70 00, few Medium and Large 2 395-950 lbs 48 50-52 00, HEIFERS Medium 1 370- 620 lbs 55 00-61 00, few Large and Medium 2 480-625 lbs 50 00-55 00, BULLS few Medium 1 475-700 lbs 56 00-71 00 CALVES 108 VEALERS few Good 145-300 lbs 60 00-71 00, Standard and Good 70-100 lbs 30 00-39 00, Util ity 50-75 lbs 15 00-28 00 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 90-130 lbs 70 00-90 00 mostly 80 00- 85 00, No 2 85-125 lbs 39 00-65 00, few No 1 Holstein heifers 85-105 lbs 130 00-140 00, few No 2 80-130 lbs 55 00-125 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 75-120 lbs 45 00-95 00 HOGS 15 BARROWS AND GILTS one lot US 1-2 248 lbs 43 00 FEEDER PIGS 0 NO MARKET TEST' SHEEP 3 SLAUGHTER SHEEP few 13 00-19 00 GOATS 1 Large Nannies 39 00 head MIDDLEBURG LIVESTOCK AUCTION MIDDLEBURG,PA JULY 7, 1998 CATTLE 323 [PDA] si steers weak to 100 lower, cows 50 to 100 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2 4 1155-1425 lbs 63 00-65 00, Choice 2-3 1160-1430 lbs 60 25- 63 75, Select 1-3 56 00-61 25, Standard 1-2 47 25-53 50 HOLSTEINS STEERS few High Choice and Prime 2-3 1335-1585 lbs 57 25 58 25, Choice 2-3 1 100-1550 lbs 54 00-56 25, Select 1-2 48 75- 54 25, Standard 1-2 45 00-46 75 HEIFERS few Choice 2-4 1175-1270 lbs 58 00-6150, Select 1-3 55 00- 58 00, few Standard 1-2 45 00-50 00 COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-3 39 25-43 75, one 45 00, low dressing 38 00-39 00, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 36 00-40 75, low dressing 35 00-36 50, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 32 00 37 50 Shells WATERLESS TOILETS “Sun-Mar” Composting Toilets Several models available including non-electric. • NO Chemicals Save the Environment! Recycle Back to Nature! FREE: re Color Catali 12 P down to 29 50 BULLOCKS few Select and Choice 1 - 3 45 00-56 50 BULLS few Yield Grade 1 1340-1630 lbs 47 00-50 75, few Yield Grade 2 1120-1975 lbs 45 00-46 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium and Large 1 300-480 lbs 60 00-68 00, 515-620 lbs 58 00-69 50, few 730- 970 lbs 52 00-56.50, HEIFERS few Medium 2 290-680 lbs 42 00-51 50, Large 2 320-480 lbs Holstems 41 GO -52 50, few 580-640 lbs 49 50-51 50, BULLS Medium 1 300-650 lbs 50 CO -62 00, few Medium and Large 2 835- 870 lbs 46 00-47 50 CALVES 265. VEALERS few Good and Choice 130-170 lbs 65 00-77 00, Stan dard and Good 85-110 lbs 28 00- 35 00, Utility 55-70 lbs 10 00-24 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls steady to strong No 1 Holstein bulls 95-130 lbs 85 00-117 00 with a few down to 80 00, No 2 95-125 lbs 42 00- 82 00, 80-90 lbs 30 00-55 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 85-110 lbs 110 00- 157 00, few No 2 75-85 lbs 30 00- 80 00 Few beef type bulls and heifers 85- 135 lbs 40 00-95 00 HOGS 232 (7/06 & 07/98) Bulk of supply sold on Monday and supplied by the auction Barrows and gilts 300 to 4 00 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-3 225- 270 lbs 35 00-37 75, few US 2-3 270- 290 lbs 34 00-34 75, lightweights US 1-3 175-205 lbs 33 00-36 00 SOWS US 1-3 270-475 lbs 23 50- 25 50, few 495-595 lbs 26 50-28 75, few Medium 320-480 lbs 15 GO -21 50 BOARS 465-645 lbs 14 00-15 00, few 225-310 lbs 16 00-19 75 FEEDER PIGS 111 US 1-3 30 45 lbs 15 00-23 00,50-65 lbs 27 00-34 00 - per head SHEEP 8 SLAUGHTER LAMBS few Choice 90 lbs 80 00 GOATS 23 Few Large Billy 95 00- 115 00, few Medium 36 00-43 00, cou ple Large Nannies 57 50 & 66 00, Large Kids 28 00-43 00, tew Small 22 00-24 00 per head LEESPORT LIVESTOCK AUCTION LEESPORT, PA JULY 8, 1998 CATTLE 229 [PDA] [Supply included 108 slaughter steers and heifers, 99 slaughter cows, and 18 feeder cat tle] Compared with last Wednesday's sale slaughter steers steady to mostly 1 00, spots 1 50 lower, si cows 1 00 to 150 lower, si heifers I 50 to 200 lower SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 2-3 1100-1450 lbs 60 25-62 75, few 930- 985 lbs 56 50-58.00, Select 1-3 57.00-60.25, Standard 50 00-56 25 HOLSTHNS STEERS few High Choice and Prime 2-3 1430-1570 lbs 55 50-56 50, Choice 2-3 1280-1745 lbs 52 50-55 00, few down to 51 00, Select 1-2 48 25-51.75, few Standard 1-2 45 00-48 00 HEIFERS Choice 2-4 905-1225 lbs 57 00-59 75, Select 1-3 54 25-59 00, Standard 1-2 51 25-54 50 COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-4 37 00-41 75. one 45 00, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 35 00- 37 50, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 32 25-36 25 Shells down to 22 50 BULLS one Yield Grade I 1225 lbs 51 25 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Large 1 465-630 lbs 68 00-71 50, few Large 2 600-650 lbs 53 00-59 00, HEIFERS few Medium 2 350-475 lbs 58 00-63 00, BULLS few Medium and Large 2 375-525 lbs 52 00-55 00 CALVES 171 VEALERS few Choice 160-220 lbs 77 00-80 00, few Good 120-160 lbs 59 00-67 50, Standard and Good 70-95 lbs 30 00-34 00, Util ity 45-90 lbs 12 00-27 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls mostly steady and Holstein heifers steady No 1 Holstein bulls 95-120 lbs 77 50-90 00, few to 95 00, No 2 95- 120 lbs 50 00-65 00, No I Holstein heifers 90-120 lbs 130 00-145 00 Few beef type bulls and heifers 70- 160 lbs 33 00-80 00 HOGS 123 Barrows and gilts unevenly steady BARROWS AND GILTS US 1 - 3 225-260 lbs 36 00-38 00. US 2-3 220-265 lbs 35 00-36 25, US 1-3 190-215 lbs 31 75-32 50 SOWS few US 1-3 335-470 lbs 24 00-26 25 BOARS 250-554 lbs 14 00-15 25 FEEDER PIGS 63 One lot US 1-3 25 lbs 110 00, 35-65 lbs 65 00-72 50, one lot 82 50 per cwl SHEEP 45 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 30-65 lbs 85 00-103 00, 70-90 lbs 78 00-83 00, Good 30-60 lbs 59 00-70 00, several 26 00-30 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 12 00-35 00 few Yearlings 48 00-55 00 GOATS 27 Few Medium Billies 67 50 82 50, few Large Nannies 47 50-66 00 few Medium 40 00-42 50, Large Kids 37 50-47 50, Small 23 00-37 50 - per head