Page 6—Foraging Around, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 11, 1998 Franklin County Dairymen Understand Needs Of Grazing Cows (Conllnued from Pag* 2) The cows arc allowed free access to the pastures for feed. The milking cows are fed two mixer loads per day. The mixer gets a bag of minerals in-addition to 1,400 pounds of high-moisture corn and a combination % com silage and l A grass (including alfalfa/orchardgrass and some barley). The challenge is to keep the cows fed well, despite the fact there are “more cows than stalls,” said Martin. This spring, some legumes were seeded mostly white clover in the fields. Last year, matua was seeded using a four-wheeler and a broadcast spreader. On the existing pastures, last year SO units of nitrogen per acre were spread in straight urea form. Urea is placed on the pastures 2-3 times per year, although last year the summer applica lots are arranged in paddocks measuring two acres each. “Smaller lots more often Is what the cows like,” said Martin. “So we give them what they like.” New Conveyor Box Blower Feeders In Stock At Discount Prices. Purchase A Platform Feeder From Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc. For transferring any feed material from dump boxes, truck boxes, or rear unloading wagons. Dump whole loads, and head back for more' Eliminates delays, plugging and down-time Model K-R Kelly Ryan This Unique Platform Feeder puts the desired steady flow of fresh-cut silage, ear corn, small gram, etc., into blowers, grinders, elevators, or any hopper, without spilling. Your choice of right or left delivery. SAVE $ ONLY s^6ool Get One Now - Ask For Don Hoover NOW ONLY $7,800 binio£‘S«st m H BBOS.INC.-' OKKH 133 Rothsville Station Rd. P.O. Box 0395, Lititz, PA 17543-0395 (717) 626-4705 1-800-414-4705 Fax (717) 626-0996 tion was skipped because of the drought. The fields require less com mercial nitrogen because the cows are “doing a good job of spreading the manure,” said Martin. Some manure is hauled to rented ground. What are the cows looking for when they enter a pasture? For the Martins, the “cows like a new lot every day,” he said. For the cows, it could be even a “psychological” thing, having fresh grass to mow down. Importantly, the cow paths have to be smooth. Recently Martin graded out a very rocky lane leading to the major pastures on the farm. The lanes have 6-8 inches of slate and are about 16-20 feet wide. Manure can be scraped from the lanes when necessary. Some fields have fescue and barcel BALE ELEVATORS CONVEYORS IWlhbhhbt I I A\l\i" Lj portable elevators Ww *_ j^^ v -*^r ,J *&&?? *tiL IW£_B HAn-o: BUILT LIKE YOUR FARM DEPENDED ON IT, Fresh water Is pumped out to the pastures on a 3/4-lnch black plastic line, which was simply laid down and ended up burying Itself. The line, when It eventually wears out, will be replaced with a 1-Inch line, Martin said. grasses. Others have matua, ryegrass, bluegrass, and clover an “eclectic” mix that cows enjoy. Martin indicated, however, that cows “really love Johnsongrass.” Fresh water is pumped out to the pastures on a % -inch black plastic line, which was simply laid down and ended up burying itself. The line, when it eventually wears out, will be replaced with a 1-inch line, Martin said. The lots are arranged in paddocks measuring two acres each. “Smaller lots more often is what the cows like,” said Martin. “So we give them what they like,” The mixture of terapo orchardgrass, ryegrass, and matua was seeded two years ago in the spring. Weeds can be handled with spot spraying. With a four-wheeler, farm hands go through and use a field spray er with Banvel and 2,4-D for control of Canada thistle. The farm still maintains enough stored feed for the winter months and for the supplemental feeding. Accord ing to Holderman, the farm harvests about 350 acres of com. About 100 acres of alfalfa are chopped. Fifty acres of bariey arc also chopped and the farm also harvests about 30 acres of wheat. High moisture com is stored in two \ ♦ upright silos at the farm. Bunkers maintain the com silage and a good percentage of barleyage and haylage. The Martins are host to Isaac Ouat tara from Burkina Fasa, West Africa. Isaac helps in the fields, driving trac tors, repairing fence, and working in the milking parlor. He is staying with the Martins for a year through the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) visitor exchange program. Isaac said that in his country, 70 per cent is subsistence farming. “We have cows,” he said. But a lot of farming is citrus fruit, including oranges and grapefruit He noted that the experi ences he has had on the Martin farm have been good, “with so many cows to milk.” There are 65 students in the exchange program, two on farms. Many travel to grade school to teach students about the programs, including the 10,000 villages program offered by the MCC. Also working at Pleasant Valley Jerseys are full-time employees Sha ron Ocker and Harold Shover. Sharon does milking while Harold helps with fieldwork, feeding, and various tasks. There are two part-timers, Jack Rotz and Holley Carbaugh, who v/cric after school and on v/eekends. Both help with milking in addition to other jobs.