Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 04, 1998, Image 4
A4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 4, 1998 N.E. Weekly Shell Egg Report June 30, 1998 Report Supplied by USDA PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE “A” BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED TO RETAIL STORES: EX. LARGE 1.04 .97-1.01 .99-1.00 1.00-1.04 1.00 1.05-1.07 1.07 MAINE NEW HAMPSHIRE MOSTLY RHODE ISLAND MOSTLY VERMONT MOSTLY Lancaster farming • Staff- Everett R. Newswanger Managing Editor Lou Ann Good, Staff Andy Andrews, Staff Vernon Achenbach Jr., Staff Epbrata Office Phone (717) 626-1164 NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Joyce Bupp, York Comity Seven Valleys (717)428-1865 Carolyn Moyer, Bradford County Tioga & Susquehanna Roaring Branch (717) 324-2482 Randy Wells, Indiana Marion Center (412)397-2529 Judith Patton. Union Mifflmburg (717) 966-4770 Gail Strock, Mifflin Huntingdon Sc Juniata Belleville (717) 935-5675 Linda Williams, Bedford & Juniata Bedford (814)623-5745 Gay Brownlee, Somerset Salisbury (814)662-2127 David Hiebert, Westmoreland Scottdale (412)887-5929 Marsha Chess, Mercer Fredoma (412) 475-3937 Beth Miller, Cumberland Newville (717)776-6571 Virginia Wilt, Adams Wnghlsville (717)252-2038 Karen Butler, Maryland Frederick (301)698-5436 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Price: $29.50 per year; $57.00- 2 years $39.50 per year outside of; PA, NJ, MD, DE, NY, OH, VA & WV $77.00 - 2 Years Non-Refundable Lancaster Farming (ISSN 0023-7485) is published weekly for $29.50 per year; $57.00 - 2 years by Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609 1 E. Mam Street, Ephrata, PA 17522. Periodicals postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to LANCASTER FARMING, 1 East Mam Street, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: Lititz (717) 626-1164 or Ephrata (717) 733-6397, Lancaster (717) 394-3047, FAX 717-733-6058 For address change form or new subscription see near Mailbox Markets. Members of National Association Of Agricultural Journalists Pa Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative J.L. Farmakis, Inc. Phone (203) 966-1746 PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do nut lessen' the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. MEDIUM .64 .57-.61 ■59.60 .60-.64 .60 .67-.69 .67 LARGE .86 .80-.84 .82-.53 .S2-.86 .82 .89.90 Delmarva Broiler/Fryer Market Atlanta, Ga. June 30, 1998 FEDERAL-STATE Movement of reidy-to-cook whole birds wss about mod erate and was often noted as below pre holiday expectations. Seller offerings were generally adequate. Live supplies were mostly moderate; weights varied, but were mostly desirable to light. Processing sche dules were moderately heavy. Less than tiucklot asking prices were unchanged at 63 to 77 cents. Trade sentiment was at least steady. In the parts complex, volumes and items varied by plant, but supplies were generally adequate for the light and selec tive buying interest. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYBRS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT 06/30 06/26 06/26 06/23 06/19 2,466 3,658 4.64 2,503 4.93 •BROILER/FRYER CURRENT NEGO TIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED US. GRADE A RANGE 60-88 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 66.15 NO. OF BOXES 8,940 *7 of 9 plants reposting. Providing Optimum Performance Management and Investment Services to the Egg Layer Industry RD#h Box 213 • Annville, PA 17003 Northeast Agri Systems Your Authorized Distributor Shenandoah • CagHystemT * pP ace Heaters • Poultry & Swine * Incinerators Feeding * Brooders • Bins & Augers * Nests mRE£HANDm] HEATERS AND CONTROLS ... HWiIHWID Poultry, Dairy & Swine Buildings & Equipment TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 - Northeast Agri Systems, Inc na Ftywoy Business Park ” 188 139* WMtAFport Road “ Utttz. PA 17543 BjH Pn (717)569 2702 I-444.73M341 mIWB 1-800-673-2580 SSS Heinsey’s Poultry Roots, East Petersburg Tuesday, June 30, 1998 Report supplied by USDA Muscovy duck drakes 2.00-2.12, hens, 1.90-206. Peking ducks .60- .84. Red fowl 4-4J4 .40-.54,5-6 lbs. .60-.74. Crossbred fowl 5-9 lbs. .50.76. Crossbred roosten 4-6 lbs. .40-1.10, 7-11 lbs. .50-.94. Guinea fowl .601.35. Banty roosters 4.50-9.00 ea., hens 2004.00. Leghorn hens, not enough. Leghorn Roosters, not enough. Silkies 2503.00 ea. Geese 9-14 lbs., not enough. Pigeons 2002.75 ea. White pigeons 4.35-5.00 ea. Rabbits 4-6 lbs. .40.92, 7-11 Ibe. .60.98. SMALL .48 .41-.45 .43-.44 .44-.4S Bunnies .502.50 ea. Guinea pigs 1.505.00 ea. Gotus 30.007250 ea. Kid goats 18.003200 ea. Doves 3.004.25. Chukars, not enough. Pullets .60.84. Total coops 704. National Egg Market At A Glance Atlanta, Ga. June 30, 1998 Pricei were unchanged to lower for large in the Southern, and unchanged on the balance. Hie market tone was barely steady. Demand covered the fiill range and war mostly moderate to good. Jumbos were tight to adequate, extra-large continued occasionally tight to mostly adequate, and the balance of sizes was at least adequate. Breaking stock offerings were adequate to fully adequate for the light demand, and prices were unchanged to lower. Offerings of spent hens were hilly adequate for reduced holiday schedules. USDAMMS POULTRY PROGRAMS, MARKET NEWS BRANCH For addition al information, please call (404) 562-5850. 717-867-8366 w Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes Prices Supplied by Urner-Barry WHITE JUMBO EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM PULLETS BROWN EXTRA LARGE LARGE MEDIUM UNDERGRADES AND CHECKS BREAKING STOCKS: MON. 42-44 LBS. T6-.28, 48-50 LBS. .30.38, 50 LBS. AND UP .38-.40; WED. 42-44 LBS. .24-76. Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, June 30, 1996 Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL .401.10 LB. LEGHORN FOWL: 1.25 LB. BROILERS .15-.90 LB. PULLETS 4.25-4.75 EACH. GEESE .15 LB. BANTAMS .40 LB., 1.25-4.50 EACH. ROOSTERS .301.00 LB., .503.00 EA. BUNNIES 2003.25 BA. DUCKS .401.70L8., 1.003.25 EACH. RABBITS 70.90 LB., 1.001.50 EA. PIGEONS .75-3.75 EA. GUINEAS .75-270 EA. GRADE A EGGS: WHITE JUMBO .85. EX. LRGE. .80-.86, LARGE .47-.70, MEDIUM .30-.52. PULLETS .30. BROWN JUMBO .7S-.84, LARGE AND EX. LRGE. .65-.BJ, LARGE .50-.74, MEDIUM .48. Risser s Poultry Inc. P.O. BOX 52 • LITITZ, PA v y k Buyers and Haulers ff of Leghorn, Medium, I and Heavy Fowl. Now using carts for the most efficient Over 60 years of e , y J means of moving prompt payment and dependable spent Jowl, service. Tel. 717-626-5466 FAX 717-627-3599 Thinking of Adding a New Building? Need to Remodel and Older One? Check Out Your Options with Farmer Automatic of America. Multi Deck Layer Cage System Step-A-Matic Layer Cage System • Automated system for feeding, • Rugged A-Frame construction watering, egg collection & manure • Proven Multi-Deck features removal • Step rail feed through • Sold • Provides stress free environment galvanized partitions • Solid partition walls • -Plastic coated removable cage floors • Plastic coated removable floor • Heavy duty manure deflector • Produces more eggs per hens • Egg Collector System with top or housed bottom transfer • Lower feed conversion and mortality • Egg Saver System • Stainless steel rate nipple drinker • Increases profits • V-Link feeding system MAXIMIZE YOUR PROFITS WITH FARMER AUTOMATIC sheM^,. - Regioiul Manager JBh* ifmtlWf. P.0.80x57 VrAIAOmSOC So. China, ME 04358 1-800-683-2634 QF AMERICA. INC. Front June 25-July 1 FRI. MON. TUES. .92 .92 .92 .92 .79 .79. .79 .79 .71 .71 .71 .71 .52 .52 .52 JO .41 .41 .41 .41 .75 .75 .75 .75 .68 .68 .68 .68 .52 .52 .52 .52 .23 .23 73 .23 Southeast Heavy Live Hen Report June 29, 1998 Atlanta, Ga. FEDERAL-STATE Majority price* trended lower when com pared to a week earlier. Demand wai fair for fully adequate offering*. Preceding tcheduler were generally reduced became of the holiday. Undertone wa* barely iteady and caution*. HEAVY TYPE HENS (7 POUNDS AND UP) * FINAL PRICE, CENTS PER LB., GEN ERALLY FOR SLAUGHTER THE WEEK OF 29-JUN-98 RANGE MAJORITY WTD AVG AT FARM BUYER LOADING 14.5-23.25 CENTS/LB. 15-21 17.91 AT FARM PRO DUCER LOADING TOO FEW TO REPORT FOB PLANT TOO FEW TO REPORT * WEIGHTS UNDER 7 LBS. SUBJECT TO DISCOUNT.