Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 04, 1998, Image 39
Sale Reports CORNMAN SALE A Public Sale of fann machinery and butcher equipment was held June 25 by Mrs. Ken neth Comman on Mel vin Sensenig farm at Newville, Cumberland Co., Pa. Some prices in cluded: J.D. 730 tractor $3200, J.D. 520 tractor Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. IDES JUNE 30, 1000 AM 1825 E Boston Ave , Philadelphia, PA Office furniture, housewares, restaurant equipment, carpet, building matenals, artwork, gener al merchandise Wm F Comly & Son, Inc. Auctioneers WED JULY 1 - 10 00AM 3950 “D" SI, Philadelphia, PA A C units, loos, air tools, building material, doors, plumbing, tile, computers, and more Associated Auct WED JULY 1 -330 PM Hause man’s Farm Mkt Bam, Hill Church Rd, Pikeville, PA Signs on Rt 73 at Pleasantville Cars, trucks, trac tors, tools, hardware, guns, furni ture, antiques & more Gary Hauseman, Auct, 610-987-6826 MON JULY 13-9 AM Conestoga Wagon Restaurant (6 mi south of Lancaster, in Conestoga From 222 South of Lancaster, take 324 S Continue on New Danville Pike to Auction site) Restaurant equip ment mcl mixers, slicers, meat & coffee gnnders, fryer, deli cases, gnlls, freezers, work tables, racks, heat lamps, warmers, pots, pans,dishes, silverware, etc Richard A Kramer, Auct MON JULY 13 -11 AM Union Knitting Mills, 10 West William St, Schuylkill Haven, PA Real Estate - 12 noon Equipment, machinery Union Knitting Mills, owner Kerry Pae Auctioneers Horse Tack Auction Friday, July 10,1998 Starting 7:00 PM A Horse Tack Auction will be held at Tressler Auction along Route 64, between Mill Hall and 1-80 Exit 25, Lamar PA. Merchandise will be brought in by Carl Fisher of Lewistown. ALL NEW TACK Bill Tressler, Auctioneer, AU9S3L PA Licensed and Bonded R.D. #3, Box 451, Mill Hall, PA 17751 717-726-3200 TERMS: Cash or Good Check - Day of Auction No out of state checks All announcements day of sale take precedence over all others. y Estate Auction v Monday, July 6,1998 Starting SAM Inspection Sunday July sth 4:00 to 6:00 PM Guns & Related Equipment and Household Furnishings Guns & Related Items To Be Sold At Approx. 3:00 PM for the George W. Haage Est. Reading, pa. Partial Listing Coll Delta Elite - Rem Model 870 12 Ga shotgun - Mauser Model 98 BMM - Marlin 22 Rifle - FOUR D PM S Inc Model A-15 Rifles - Springfield rifle - Colt Model AR-15 -IJ Rev, - Ruger Single Six - China Polytech Rifle Model M-145 - High Standard Semi-Auto 22 Rev - Stoeger Arms 45 pistol - Springfield Armory Model 1911-A1 Rev - Like new bench model vertical milling machine - Like new Sheldon lathe - Bench grinder - Hobart Tni 2030-140 Welder - small hand tools- Also reloading equipment & componets Please Note - All firearms will be sold as per Federal, State & County Regulations. All transfers will be made Via local Gun Dealer. Order of Sale: Time Approx: SAM Box lots -9AM China, glassware,- household, jewelry etc. -1 PM Furniture -3 PM Gups & Related items. Auctioneers: Samuel M. Ferraro AU276-L Philip D. Ferraro AU2946-L Phone (610)775-2000 Fax (610)775-9388 1540 New Holland \ Reading, PA 19607 ■/ $l6OO, J.D. B tractor $560. Farmall M tractor $BOO, Hesston haybine $9OO, N.H. baler $675, 3 bin wagons averaged $350, N.I. com pickers $4OO & $BOO, hay rake $475. butcher kettles $45 & $B5, scalding trough $45, hay wagon $5OO, flat bed wagon $2OO and MP. manure WED JULY 15 - 4PM 3013 E Market St, York, PA appx 120 pcs Carnival Glass and other antiques Gary Gladfelter. Auct SAT JULY 18 - 9AM E Avon, 20 miles south of Rochester, exit 10 off Rt 390, 1 mile west Lawn ornaments, store assets, forklift, greenhouses, mdian statue, nurs ery inventory, flower storage, flower shop Roy Teitsworth, Inc, Aucts SAT JULY 18 - 9AM Dunkard Brethren Church, Comer of Wash ington & Keller Streets. Mechan icsburg Real Estate, pews, chairs, podium, heaters, kitchen equip, lumber, etc Glades Auc tionCo SAT JULY 18 - 9 30AM From Carlisle Rt 74 S, 3 miles from I -81 overpass, 1620 York Rd, Carlisle, PA Butcher equipment, guns, farm machinery, 1955 Ford (restored) Dorothy & late Blam Wickard, owner Kevin M Wickard, Auct SAT JULY 18 -10 AM Off Mont Alto Rd, just back of Mont Alto, Franklin Co, PA Tractors, trucks, trailer, generator, spreader, fertil izer, plows, discs, cultipackers, sprayer, harvesters, wagons, mowers, tedder, baler, elevator, feeders, hutches. sMIls, misc farm tools, hay Roy B Cluck, owner Edgar J. Stull and Lynn A Dietneh, Auct spreader $450 plus Pittsburgh 8’ disc $375. Steve Petersheim and Melvin Sensenig man aged the sale. SNYDER SALE A Public Auction of collectibles was held June 27 by Doloris Sny der for the late Leah Troutman in the village of Paxton, Pa. on comer of Rt 147 & Paxton Drive. Some items sold were: railroad lantern $35, Cloverdale ther mometer $2O, pressed glass butter dish $20,4 sherbets $22, milk pitcher $25, reverse painting of lighthouse $32, oak stand $42, baby picture $37, clock (lady’s head) $55, egg beater $l4, spatula $2O, granite pot $32, comb rack $25, dresser set $32, quilt $6O, throw rug $52, candy jar $4O. oak rocker $65, oak bed $375, single oak'bed $25. library table $9O, washstand $l4O, oak side-by-side $275, Mor ris style claw foot chairs $6O to $l9O, blanket chest $1.30, Empire chest of drawers $l7O, cedar wardrobe $lOO, dry sink $675 and cor ner cupboard $4OO. Little IKE Eichel berger was the auction eer. TOY SHOW Leesport Farmers Market Social Hall Rte. 61 Leesport, PA Sunday, July 5, 1998 - 8:30 am to 2 pm FREE ADMISSION Flea Market Open All Categories of old toys and collector toys 150 tables of toys indoors. Contact Gallagher Productions (610) 562-9404 Shamrock Auction Calendar - 18+ ac Home, outbuildings - great hunting w/stream, 44 + guns, antiques, tools located Liberty Corners off Rt 187, Durell, PA or off Rt 220 Airport Rd , Towanda, PA Owners Dave & Mary Ann Greish Sat.. July 25: 9:00 AM - Proctor & Gamble Surplus Auction - tool boxes, 2 stone saws, qty of copper wire, 1989 Bronco, Int Truck Located Shamrock Auction Center - Rt 267, 2 miles N of Meshoppen, PA II: 9:30 A] Tbes.. .lulv 28; 4:00 PM - Murray McCavin Estate - farm machinery - Ford Major Diesel 3 pt hitch, antiques, & house hold Located Auburn Twp , 3 mi from Meshoppen, PA Fri.. July 31: 4:00 PM - Pennsbury Gardens Located Rt 706 between Wyalusmg & Camptown PA - Int 574 D tractor w/quick hitch loader, brush hog. tiller, lawn mower, potted shrubs Owners Mr & Mrs Ray Merritt Fri. Nieht. Aue, 7 - 44+/- ac Horse farm - 2 story tarm house, enclosed 2 story barn, riding arena, 7 stall horse barn, & shop Located Rt 514 1/4 mi off Rt 414 West Franklin, PA, Franklin Twp Bradford Co between Canton & Monroeton, PA Owner Wm & Regina Cameron Sat.. Aug. 8:9:30 AM - 220+ ac newly remodeled farm home w/lg Amount of hunting land Located Off Rt 220, Athens Twp at gas station onto Wolcott Hollow Rd follow arrows to Murray Rd T-821 80% wooded, 20% open Complete con tents of house Owner Richard Baker Sat.. Ai - 2 parcel real estate Located Wilmot Twp Bradford, Co Williams Rd off Rt 87-2 mi from Dushore, PA to SR-1015 between Dushore & Wyalusmg, PA Parcel I - House, Barn, Pond, & stream - 17+/- ac Parcel II - 15+ ac open & wooded. Owner' Peg Ross Sat. Aug. IS: 12:00 PM (noon) - Macafee Estate - Lg Real Estate - 6 parcels Real Estate Located Rt 220 Athens Twp Bradford Co 218 ac Mam farm w/100 ac River flat planted into com, lg Bam, 3 silos, house & pole bam, 237 ac timber land w/qty of road frontage, 35 ac w/bams, 47 ac open & wooded w/stream, 77 ac open & wooded Atty Matthew Brann, Partilioner of the court **For more information contact SHAMROCK AUCTION SERVICE AU-116** Auctioneers: Jerry Burke & Assoc. Phone: 1-800-364-8392 Fax: (717) 833-2186/E-MAIL: HOUGH ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of per sonal property was held June 27 for the estate of Dorothy Hough, Tylers ville, Clinton Co., Pa. Prices received were: 1940’s A.C. WC trac tors (bad shape) $3OO & $4OO, cultipacker $175, brass bed $4BO. butcher ketdes $l6O & $lBO, li brary table $2lO. 6 plank-bottom chairs $2BO, Empire dresser $4lO, oak dry sink $250, pine dry sink $l5O and oak beds $2OO & $3OO. Bill Tressler was the auctioneer. BEAMESDERFER SALE A Public Auction of real estate and personal property was held June 26 & 27 for Marie Beamesderfer, 1099 Prescott Rd., Heidel berg Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa. The ranchers style house on a comer lot with a 2-car garage was sold for $90,000. Other prices were: dove-tailed chests $2OO & $365,1922 coin $95. old cereal box badges $2OO, old trumpet $6O. 10 Huber Bros, calen dar plates $7O. old wooden telephone $55, Seth Thomas clock $9O, antique 3-D viewer & cards $37, Shirley Temple glass $3O, "Ti tanic” book $B5, Indian dolls $35 each, bear banks $l2 to $2O each, 2 Army tags $45, clothes tree $4O and old metal desk chair $lOO. Cal Beamesderfer was the auctioneer. KURTZ ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of a farm and antiques was held June 27 for the estate of Anna Kurtz, 'A mile west of White Horse, Pa. in Lancaster County. There were 430 registered bidders at the sale. The 30-acre farm with a frame house, bank bam, loafing pen and 3 bay garage was sold to Eli Smucker of Gap. Pa. for $394,000. Other prices were: buggy wagon jack $lOO, walk-behind po tato plow $l6O, chicken waterers crocks $65 & $95. Hoosier cabinet $2400, oak hall rack $5OO, dry sink base $350, oak extension ta ble w/9 boards $3OO, dough box $3OO. cot tage dresser w/mirror mm*m RR#3, PO BOXIBS Mlddleburg, PA17842 (717) 837-2222 (7(7)837-25(2 Middleburg Livestock Dairy Sale Fri., July 10, (998 ■ 7PH loads of Fresh Cows mm Jim Hostetler Nice Load of Cows From Clar-Lean farms Plus A Good Selection Of local Cows, Heifers, ft Buds For Information Call; Clarence Shirii - 7(7-858-8793 or 7(7-837-2222 lie #000357 Seneca Pottery & Florist Going Out Of Business Auction Corner Of Rts 15 & 20 E Avon N.Y. Forklift; Store Fixtures & Inventory Saturday, July 18,1998 @ 9:00 A.M. Plants; lawn statues & fountains. Garden supplies; Giant Indian Statue. Notice: After 2 generations the owners have decided to pursue other inter est. This is a wall to wall auction. Location: E. Avon 20 miles south of Rochester, exit 10 off Rt. 390 1 mile west. Lawn Ornaments - one of New York's largest inventories of concrete stat ues - religious; animals; human figures & more, sidewalk pavers & wall stone, trees & shrubs; planters ceramic; plastic; concrete & red clay. Cemetery ums; fountains & bird baths, garden chemicals & fertilizers; mulch; soil & much more. Store Assets - Cash registers; time clock; fax; phone systems scales; oak desk; filing cabs; office supplies; computers; TV; VCR, Ox Yoke; old china buffet; 100 yr. old jade tree; many display benches; Christmas tree, baler; weed fabric; shade cloth & more. Forklift - 1994 Cat GPOIB gas - like new Greenhouses - 18x108 GGS gutter connect; 1997 Crop King 15x48 Indian - 27' Landmark Statue Nursery Inventory • 2 gas heaters; Sodium lights; display unit; shelving; sign machine: nursery carts; Welmaster plant cart & lumber; dnp imgation system. Flower Store - Bxlo walk in cooler; 38' storage trailer, fan; sign cabinet; hand & power tools; chain link fence; 115 hp outboard motor; traveling sprinklers. Flower Shop - Bush 4 door display cooler; Powers 2 door display cooler; signs; supplies; paints; containers; balloons; silk; baskets; design & wrap ping counters; ribbon; seasonal merchandise & more. Note - This list may be adjusted due to daily business ifntil store closes. Owner: Seneca Pottery Terms - Full settlement auction day, cash or good check. RoyTeitsworth, Ipc. (716) 243-1563 FAX (716) 243-3311 6502 Barber Hill Road Geneseo, New York 14454 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 4, 1998-A39 $250. oak buffet $625, oval oak library table $325, Larkins book case/desk $B5O, wicker baby coach $2OO, oak high-back beds $6OO & $750, oak dresser $3OO, jelly cupboard $9OO, dough chum $9O. roll ing pin $5O, half-pint Lancaster milk bottle $25, 1843 coverlet of Leacock Twp. $B5O, Heisey bowl $lOO and pink Depression pitcher $125. Leon D. Kurtz and J. Omar Stoltzfus were the auctioneers. MILLER SALE A Public Auction of household goods and antiques was held June 26 and June 27 by Mar vin E. Miller and Alma Miller. 706 White Oak Rd., 5 miles south of Strasburg, Pa. Some prices were: settee $3lO, jelly cup board S6So, small ta bles w/drawers $llO to $225,2 bookcases $2OO & $450, chest of draw er* $350, high chest of drawers $2200, blanket chests $225 to $250, Selling samplers $225 to $325, china bowl $3lO, cedar chest $5OO, antique 3-pc. bedroom suite $l2OO, antique hall rack $llOO, blind corner cupboard $1575, child’s rockers $175 to $3lO, colored bottle $290, old bread wrappers $3O to $37 each, Brookmeade & Park H. Miller dairy calendars $l7 to $4l each, stuffed bear $l5O and cup/saucer $3lO. Snyder’s Auction Service managed the sale. BAKER SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held June 25 by Gerald N. and Dawn E. Baker. R.D. 4. Mohnton, Pa. near Alle ghenyville at Kremp Rd. intersection. The 2 acres witih a 2-story horse bam, mo bile home with septic and wall was sold for $75,500. Kline. Kreider & Good were the auction eers. •m