Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 04, 1998, Image 32
A32-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 4, 1998 (Continued from Page A 1) seven states have been selected to participate during the first six month period. Other states that have counties participating in clude; California, Minnesota, New York, .Texas, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Selection was based on those counties and states that have a high dairy concentration. Funding has been approved for a three-year program so hopefully other counties in Pennsylvania can be included after this initial round. If you receive a letter from Risk Management/USDA, please take a few minutes and read it carefully! It will provide details about this program along with instructions on how you sign up to participate. From the time you receive the let ter, you will have approximately two weeks to return die registra tion form. If you have questions about the information in the letter, do not hesitate to contact your lo cal Penn State Extension office. If a producer chooses to partici pate, they will need to attend a four-hour training program in late August or early September where the final details of the program will be explained. This program will be limited to 100 producers per county. Just what is the DOPP? The Dairy Options Pilot Program al lows USDA to help share the cost of brokerage fees and option pre miums that you would purchase to set a floor price for your milk. This allows producers to gain Thanks and Congratulations to Featuring: • Feeding • Nipples • Ventilation • Shenandoah Brooders * Panelized Building • IB Poured Walls SIMPLE, VERSATILE and AFFORDABLE Chore-Time* SUPER-Selector' PNT Ventilation Control Is a user friendly 12-stage microprocessor control designed to efficiently work with nearly all ventilation methods - natural, negative satlc pressure, and tunnel Easy to operate, this control features two heat and 10 cooling stages The SUPER-Selector Is easy to set up and adjust to fine tune for your building's specific ventilation requirements Dairy Options some education and experience in using options without spending much money. During the six month period, if your county is se lected to participate, you may pur chase option contracts on up to 600,000 pounds of production. USDA will then pay 80 percent of the premium cost for the option and $3O of brokerage fees for each transaction. The minimum amount that needs to be contracted during the six months of the program is only 100,000 pounds. This allows both large and small producers to participate in the program. What is an option, you ask? A BFP milk option allows the holder (producer) the right to sell a BFP contract at a guaranteed minimum floor price while still providing for upside potential, should the market move upward unexpected ly. This type of option is referred to as a “Put” and is used to protect you from falling prices. An easy way to think of options is that they are similar to insurance. The better the policy, the more it costs. An option for $l3 BFP milk will cost more per cwt than an option for $11.75. What if the BFP is above my option price when the contract ends? If this happens, then your contract expires and you are for tunate to receive the higher cash market price. Similarly, if you have car insurance and do not have an accident, your policy ex pires without you collecting any money. What price options can I pur- Michael & Barbara On their new 44’x500’ Broiler chase with this program? Options are available in 2S-cent incre ments above and below the cur rent BFP or strike price for a given month. You will be allowed to purchase options that are at least 10 cents below the current BFP strike price. For example, if the August BFP is $13.54, then you may purchase options from $11.50 to $13.35. This would then provide a floor price on the amount of milk in the option con track How do I initiate an option con tract? Once producers have com pleted their training session in August or September, they will be given a list of brokers who are ap proved to help you work with BFP options. You can then decide what portion of production for which you’d like to purchase an option. No more than 200,000 pounds may hedged in any one month. Each option contract must be held for a minimum of two months. For example, if it is September and you want to take a Put option un der this program, you will need to work with December ’9B or early ’99 contracts. Option contracts come in differ ent sizes depending on which trad ing exchange you work with. BFP contracts are traded daily on the Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange in New York and at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in Chicago. Contracts on the Coffee Exchange arc in 100.000-pound increments while contract sizes at the Mer- j^yw __ ..J \ « Authorized ffi j jyp master distributor since 1982 ■ Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. c tS&S! ie Flyway Business Park Delmarva Office Housing In Union, J2fSSST , “ SSKI; S Snyderand i-soo-673-2580 1-800-735-6361 ■MI Other Surrounding Ph: (717) 569-2702 410-754-9434 Counties Store Hours:: Mondav-Frldav 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Contact Jay Kreider 24 Hour-7 Day Repair Service |pj @ 1 -800-673-2580 Program In Chore-Time nipple drinkers come fully assembled for quick and easy installation and feature a low profile aluminum support channel. To eliminate problems there Is no glue, sonic welding or rubber "O” rings In the nipples, saddles and pipe assemblies. "Building and Equipment b Your Mailbox cantile Exchange are 50,000 pounds and 200,000 pounds. If 1 participate in this program, does it change the way I get paid from my milk company or co operative? Absolutely not Your milk is still marketed as always and your milk check from your milk buyer will not change. Should the futures BFP price drop below your option floor price, you would receive money from your option account That money com bined with your cash price would equal your floor price. Both trading exchanges have excellent educational material, available at no cost, that help to explain BFP futures and options trading. Information can be ob tained from the Chicago Mercan tile Exchange by calling (312) Feltman, Richfield, PA er Shenandoah r4 JSS!rulLnt your cold CAS BROODERS weather friend Shen Glow Saves , fuel because 1- , V' 40,000 BTU Shen ' Glow does the 4 work of 2-30,000 Shen ' BTU pancake /Tan/TTTnn 11 brooders. <SllL£a-Aj ' *« >y Northeast Agri Systems” Hous 930-1000, or from the Coffee, Su gar & Cocoa Exchange at (212) 742-6100. The Coffee exchange also has a free book available enti tled: From Price Taker to Price Maker. This easy »o read book dis cusses BFP hedging and provides numerous examples for you to fol low. If you are one of the six selected countries, be watching your mail for DOPP details. Any producers in PA who have questions on this program are encouraged to contact their county Extension office for additional information. Additional contact persons would be Glenn Shirk, Lancaster County Exten sion Office (717) 394-6851, and Larry Swartz or Larry Yager, Adams County Extension Office (717) 334-6271. D*ok»t*d to rjtA)WtßSHlpi* Quality *i Building'' and Equipment