Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 04, 1998, Image 155
HELP WANTED Welders Needed!! We are a growing Farm Machinery and Trailer Manufacturer that has positions for production MIG welders available Pay will be commensurate with experience and benefits are included. We’re looking for hard working individuals for a long-term steady position with us. Please apply in person or fax to (717) 7f>B-BJBO P.O. Box 10 - 3230 East Gordon Rd. Gordonville, PA 17529-0010 HELP WANTED » Mechanic to work on farm equipment and skid loaders. Salesman for farm equipment dealership. ftH- ** A* + 717-786-7318 HELP WANTED Work on Forklifts . Must have clear driver’s record. Experience helpful but will train. Fay according to experience. Benefits available. Sam’s Mechanical Service 39 Colonial Road, Gordonville, PA 717-768-7492 Ask for Sam Growing dealership needs experienced service technician. Company provides uniforms, factory training, competitive pay, 401 K Excellent working conditions Call Tony or Bob CERESVILLE FORD NEW HOLLAND, INC. 811)2 1 tbirU Road • FO. Box A ship parts UPS Fed I rtdenck. MD 21701 Express every day 301-662-4197 • 1-800-331-9122 FARM MANAGER WANTED Good wages, medical and other benefits, modern house & utilities. Maintain fields, fences, buildings and lovable miniature donkeys. Year round work for farm or ranch experienced, reliable, hands on, person or couple to live on and care for western Penna showcase farm. Rolling Ridge Farms 800-874-4875 or send resume and list of farm equipment operated to 2080 Ehrman Rd., Cranberry Jwp., PA 16066 LAWN CARE TECHNICIAN If you are interested in working in the Lawn Service Industry, Why Not Join Our Team In The Berks/Lehigh County Area. The Position Includes Competitive Wages, Pd. Vacation, Pd. Holidays, Hospitalization and an Opportunity For Advancement. Cat 7 Applicators License Needed Or We Will Tram The Right Person. We Are Looking For Hard Working Individuals For A Long Term Steady Position With Us. CALL (610) 683-8893 OPERATORS Excavation Company in Southern Chester County seeks F/T experienced Heavy Equipment Operators. Bonus program and benefits. Send resume to: *O. Box 182, New London, PA 12360 B A On Swine Farm In Central PA: Salary Position Housing Included (717) 653-7007 Experienced person needed to operated Diamond 400 egg grading machine and a new 400 case per hour Staalkat egg machine Must have both technical and people skills Good pay and benefits If interested please contact Dave Garrett, CFO Buckeye Egg Farm L.P. • Croton, OH 740-893-7200 Part Time Delivery Driver Some Warehouse Work Apply in Person: Scheid Produce Inc. 316 Blue Rock Road South Side Rt. 999 * Millersville, PA (Lane. Co.) Reliable experienced milker on modem Berks County dairy farm, full-time including benefits. (610)987-3433. layer operation BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY L accepting Wanted' People who are tired of just getting by This is not applications for a Qet-rich-quick program, but many who have answered FT and PT ° ur ad are makin 9 a comfortable income selling a 1 vmsnt product that is needed, and quite literally, sells itself We employment. specialize in only a few products, and we offer training Immediate and support openings Call this number for more information: 717-653*4743 -^^7T7|66^667o^llFree^BB)W^9o^^^^. VjjiIBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Full time poultry house manager needed ti work 2 poultry houses. Duties mcludi Managing 250,000 layer hens from 2( weeks old to end-of-flock. Poulti knowledge helpful. Will train if necessary. Good starting pay. Company paid benefit? after 90 days. Housing available to th« right candidate. Applications available at: Kreider Poultry Farms 301 Longview Dr., Middletown, PA 17057 ~ 717-566-9422 717-558-7736 after 6 pm ask for Roy HELP. WANTED FABRICATOR and SHOP MECHANIC M Full-time positions. Experience preferred, I but will tram Paid holidays, paid vacation, { hospitalization and work uniforms J , Apply af I ÜBeUetivdra ulics | AAH fm nryp Ann • Leoie PA • 717 • tax 717 656-Jfitfc? 440 Concrete Ave., Leola, PA 17540 717-656-4878 • Fax 717-656-4682 Ej experienced B M REFRIGERATION « « MECHANIC M m to assist manager in established m m - . .r m m refrigeration company. m M Good benefits. Pay based on qualifications Contact: Ken Kopp RUFUS BRUBAKER REFRIGERATION Northern Service Center Myerstown, PA 17067 717-933-4711 M M tt:::z::::rz:z:::::::z:zzz:::::z:z:£ FEED MILL MANAGER Pennfield Corporation, a growth-onented agri business headquartered in Lancaster, PA, is seeking a reliable team member to manage our Northern PA feed mill which produces quality bulk dairy feed This individual will be responsible for directing the production, maintenance and delivery functions, as well as ensuring compliance with all related government agencies, such as OSHA, DER and FDA The successful candidate will have a minimum of three to five years experience In mill management Desirable but not essential is a BS degree in agribusiness We offer a full range of benefits, including medical/dental/life insurance, matching 401 (k) and company-paid pension. Qualified individuals should submit a resume and salary requirements in confidence to. pcnnfldd corporation Don Horn, Jr. Director, Human Resources P.O. Box 4366, Lancaster, PA 17604 Fax: 717-295-8766 E-mail: EOE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 4, 1998-D3l NMM I to le !0 _ ■p i |'£%business H mOPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS/EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: A small, but growing Landscape/Tree business in Sounthern York County, Has stabel clientle & much growing potential. 717-244-2876. 3 Refrig. Dell Cases. Work ing. Also 1 Comm. Fndge. To Be Sold NOW; Bargain' (717)656-7045. ADAMS CO., PA: Turkey farm, country setting. 19+A, pond, hog barn, bank bam, modern opera tion, capacity 28,000 birds. Call Randy for info or ap pointment 717-633-5092 Small Animal business raising kittens Good re turn. Records available for verification of profits Will consider all offers (301 )842-3829 SUBSCRIBE TO THE LEATHER GRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL Learn leather craft, har ness,saddle and bootmak ing. Full-size patterns. Re sources for leather, tools, allied materials. Send $3 for sample copy; LC & SJ, 331 Annette Ct, Rhinelan der, Wl 54501-2902, 715-362-5393. TAKE THAT FIRST STEP TO A NEW FUTURE. Thousands per month pos sible. NOT MLM. 24 hours free message 1-800-320-9895 ext-3020. \IA PETS 10x20 Barn w/5 outside runs, asking $l2OO 610/286-9714. 10x20 whelping barn w/4 inside pens, 4x5 outside runs for large dogs. Hot water heated floor, $BOO 080. 717-768-7059 leave message 1 AKC Chocolate Male, 8 AKC Golden Retnever Fe male Breeders. 2 Rot tweiler Female Breeders. $1 00/ea/obo. 717-768-7485. 4 adorable Eskimo Spitz puppies, males, $75, fe males $BO. Call 717-627-5635 AKC German Shepherd puppies. German blood lines, ex temperment, hips guaranteed. (Black, Black/ tan, Black/silver).Oak Ridge Shepherds. Details (717)323-1494. AKC Labs Females 5 yrs. old, 1 yellow, 1 chocolate, good breeders $75.00 John K. Beiler, 336 Lyn wood Rd„ Ronks, PA. AKC Reg. Chocolate Lab, male, 9 months, asking $65. 717-922-3365 AKC Rottweiler pups, Ger man show & working lines, great temperament for companion, parents both here, vet approved, hip & health guaranty, shots & wormed. 61Q/926-8157. AKC SL Bernard, beautiful large male, great disposi tion, 2'h /yrs. Best offer. 610-869-2550. AKC Yellow Lab pups, shots & wormed, ready now, very .healthy, $275. Franklin Co. 717/369-4568. Australian cattle dogs, bom 5/18/98, parents on premises, $3O/ea. Henry Yoder, 449 Balance Meet ing RD., Peach Bottom, PA 17563 Australian Shepard Pup pies, 1 Red/White, 1 Black/ White 4 Red Merles. Shots/ Wormed. Ready to Gol Asking $125-$350. Call (717)865-0210 Please Leave Message.