Baby Chicks; fast growing broiler chicks, high produc tion layer chicks, brown and white egg. Call Moyer's Chicks, Quaker town, PA, (215)536-3155. GQF hatcher & incubator, $3OO/pair. Shade cloth available, 3' 4' 6' sections. 410/635-3310. CHUKAR CHICKS AVAILABLE YEAR-ROUND .71c EA - 1000 CALL FOR PRICING ON 5000 OR MORE Shipped Insured for Live Delivery or Van Delivery Available with Minimum Order DOUBLE R. HATCHERY Ronald and Nancy Wolfe RD #2, BOX 92 Templeton, PA 16259 Order Toll Free (888) 584-3876 • Information (724) 868-2173 STARTED CAPONS AND CAPONIZING g|g|ig Qrnnpir none Ver V Low sli P Percentage ■ *T * ®* Well Feathered Bird 3493 Marietta Aye Qreat 4 . H Project Lancaster, PA 17601 A |so Available; Started (717) 285-7748 Pullets & Live or Dressed Gene or Jim Market Weight Capons. ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted Whites. Special Wholesale Prices 8 $ 24.95 15 $44-95 * 25 $ 67.95 f. W 50 $ 119.95 *4l# 100.. $ 189.95 “AVAILABLE NOW” W Cornish X Broiler Chicks Golden Red Egg Layer Chicks REICH POULTRY FARMS Marietta, PA 17545 (717)426-3411 RINGNECK PHEASANTS. Chicks & mature birds available now. 610(856-7671 after 4pm. SWANS: Black Australian, sexed and pinioned, $135/each, $3OO/pair. Call (717)362-3182 Carson ville, PA. CHUKAR CHICKS 72c.Buy 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 20,000 weekly WOLFE’S GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa. 15825 (814)849-3430 Receive healthy 3V4 week old surgically caponized chicks OR We will come to your farm to caponize your chicks Two Swans, one year, raised on private pond. Call (610)399-0299 after 7pm. WANTED: Fancy, heavy roosters for June thru De cember. Highest Prices. (717)484-4549 Wild Turkey Poults & Ring neck Pheasant Chicks for Sale. Evenings. 717-284-2225. Em feed i SEED 100 Tons corn sila< 10-king $3O/ton County. treated w/si Juniata 717-527-2667 21% protein RYELAGE Will mix w/corn silage. De livery available. (717)872-9152 (717)392-6864. 4x5 round bales grass hay, from new JD baler, tight bales, $l5/bale. 15-6448 600+ ton born silage from silo, inoculum added, $28.00 loaded on your truck. Ephrata, (717)733-8528. 95-100 ton corn silage, $25/ton at farm or make of fer. Lancaster County, (717)336-4626. 98 Alfalfa/Alfalfa Orchard grass, grass, square & round bales. Beeline An gus 410-778-6566 Worton, MD '9B wheat straw, 3x3xB bales, pickup in field. Best offer takes it. Approx. 20 acres. Dauphin County. Call (717)948-0208. ALFALFA HAYLAGE out of field or out of silo. Deliv ered and blown into your silo. Dale Good. Southern Lebanon County. 717-949^2371. Alfalfa Hay; dairy and horse quality,, big squares or small squares. We de liver anywhere. Rock Creek Ranch, Cleveland, OK, (918)358-2541 (918)640-0486 mobil, Dwain Carnes. Approx. 15 acres rye seed out of field for sale. Berks Co. 610/856-7654. Balage/Haylage & Corn Silage, rolled, delivered. John Landis. Leola. 717-656-6352 Barley Straw square bales, SIOQ/ton. (717)485-3272. Barley & Wheat Straw out of the field. Stumpland Farm, Berks Co. 610/488-1965. Buying damaged corn 717/426-2905. Buying feed barley and wheat. Lancaster County, (717)426-3135. Clean dry straw, dairy qual ity alfalfa, stored inside, tested. Can deliver. Rea sonable prices. (204)355-4980. COTTON SEED. CITRUS Pulp Pellets, com silage, com gluten feed, distillers, soy hulls, soy meal, any feed commodity In 22 ton lots. Robert McSparren, Jr.. 1-888-268-6733. Com Silage, hauling avail able. Computer feeder. (717)263-3521. Corn Silage: $2B/ton loaded on your truck from two silo's kernel processor. Ephrata, PA, (717)733-8798. Corn Silage 70 Tons. $25/Ton. Will Trade For Heifers. NO SUNDAY CALLS. (717)243-9815. York County. Com silage, straw, hay & balage. Delivery available. 610-932-8999 Com silage, treated, local delivery available. Inter course. 717/768-8586. Corn silage, irrigated, rolled. Call for price. Mor gantown, (610)286-9510. Corn silage for sale, 20x100 pile. 717/656-9403. Corn silage rolled and treated, $26 ton at farm. Local delivery available. Lancaster Co. 717-336-7288 Dry and High Moisture Shelled Corn. STUMP ACRES 717/792-3216. Good corn silage, harvested w/kemel proces sor. Delivery available. 717/393-1490. Grass hay round, 4x4, $25 at the bam, stored inside. 717-398-1739 Lycoming Co. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. We de liver. L.J. HAY, INC. 1-800-622-9902. Hay and Straw For Sale; Stump Acres 717-792-3216. York County. Hay for Sale! 4x5 round net wrap, good for horses, heif ers and dry cows. Quanti ties available. $9O/ton. De livery York Co and sur rounding areas. (717)428-3412. High Moisture Ear Corn, $7O/ton. Haylage $35/ton. Com Silage $2O/ton. Ches ter Co. 610/869-2527. High Moisture Shelled Corn, -26% Moisture. $BO/Ton, Located in Ly coming County. Cash on Delivery. You-Haull. 717-435-0436. IDAHO'S BEST ALFALFA delivered direct to you. Ida- Best Hay Co. 800/558-2378, ask for Darren. LIVESTOCK BEDDING: Clean sawdust up to 70 cd.yd. $4.25/per cu.yd., plus delivery. GIFT LUM BER CO., INC. Douglass ville, PA. 610-689-9483 7:3oam-4pm. Mixed hay for heifers and dry cows. 717/258-5224. Mixing salt, $9O/ton, Free Delivery within 60 miles of Gettysburg. 717-632-9144 MUSHROOM SOIL for sale. Delivery available or pickup. 610-939-9193 NEW HAY TIMOTHY MIX; $3.50/bale at barn, last years hay $3/bale at barn, can deliver 4/ton max, $l/mi per round-trip. 717-896-2481. ROLLED CORN SILAGE; $2O/Ton at the farm, delivered w/trucks equiped to unload directly into the blower. Tractor and blower available. Dale Good. Southern Lebanon County. 717-949-2371. Seed oats for sale. Cleaned & bagged. STUMP ACRES 717/792-3216 York Co, TMR DELIVERED: & blown into your silo. TMR consists of haylage, oom silage and high moisture com. All you would need yet, is additional mineral/ protien. Dale Good. South ern Lebanon County. 717-949-2371. mixed ha) lualit) $3.00/bale at barn 717/865-4650. Top quality corn silage- Chopped w/JD chopper w/ roller mill. Can deliver w/ self unloading truck and blower or tri-axle dump truck- Call for price and analysis. Star Rock Farms. (7.1 7 ) 8 7 2 - 9 1 5 2 (717)392-61 Balage - Hay - Bedding: Timothy, Alfalfa and Mixed hays, Western Hay. Straw, Bagged and Bulk Shavings, Shredded Paper For pricing and delivery, call Cook Forage at 800-443-2317 Kansas Alfalfa Top quality hay 717-530-1601 > 717-530-3612 " Corn Si Irrigated. Call Foi Morgai (610) 28< WANTED Hay& straw Square or Round Bales John Llpyd 610-869-2078 Good Quality Mixed Hay No rain. 800 lb. square bales. Bell Tower Farm 717/659-5123 C. ffi ICHNEUf Buying Delivered Racetrack Quality Hay & Straw 302/999-1201 COTTON SEED CITRUS PELLETS COTTON MEAL SOY HULLS Triple S Farm 5549 Old Philadelphia Pike Gap, PA 17527 717/768-7529 t SELLING i I HIGH f \ MOISTURE J { CORN 1 f Will Deliver ) { LUKE H. KURTZ } r . 610-944-0263 \ itfAiiven Wvitn i bif Mulch Hay, and Straw, round or square bales Call eve. (610) 893-T317 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 4, 1998*025 WANT: damaged or moldy WANT TO BUY: Moldy corn and barley. Hauling Grain, Feed, or Bi available. (800)453-6236. 410-526-6892 WANTED: Damaged or Wrapped balage for sale, moldy com, grain or soy- good quality, made in May. beans. 717/733-4516. 301-264-4662 BUYING BAR CORN Shelled Corn & Soybeans Contract or Daily Price Picked Up At Field Or Delivered To Manhelm (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 NOLL GRAIN Trailer loads of Mushroom Mulch available ft*9 3 I Livestock Pre-mixes Blender & Dist. • Feed Ingredients " Ask About Our Dairy Program. Try Our Liquid Energy for Appetite and Efficient Digestion * Hy-Ration Dog Food > [ (717) 354-5741 ; TOP QUALITY CORN SILAGE Chopped with JD chopper with roller mill, Have analysis available. Can deliver with self-unloading truck & blower or tri-axle dump truck. Call for price STAR-ROCK FARMS 717/872-9152 717/392-6854 WANTED MULCH HAY Square or Round Bales! No Alfalfa! Bodman Farms Gerald Bodman 717-437-2076 LIVESTOCK BEDDINC • Strips of Paper • Absorbs & holds fluid better than straw or newspaper • Free delivery • Approx. 1,100 lb. bales •$ 70/ton Daniel Ness (717) 767-8992 Leave Message * HIGH PROTEIN RYELAGE * 21.6% Protein 67% TDN - 30.4% AOF 54.7% NDF 67% Moisture .69 NEL - Currently being fed to our dairy herd averaging 91, lbs. of milk per day - Delivery available w/self-unloading truck 4 blower or tri-axle dump truck Call for Price Star Rock Farms 717/872-91 52 717/392-6854
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