D22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 4, 1998 WHOLESALE Truck load quantities ot CCA Southern yellow Pine treated round fence posts 6 1/2’ & 8’ lengths 30 year warranty Call or write for prices EDISTO WOOD PRESERVING RR 1, Box 44-A Olar, SC 29843 803-368*3011 FAX 803-368-8026 CATTLE 25 Head Holstein heifers, freshen within 2 months, $28,750 takes all. 410/734-6925. 2 Ayrshire, 13 Holstein herd, Ist & 2nd lactation, some papers. Intensive grazing herd, fancy udders, low SCO, milking well. 717-537-6486. (2) Red & white Holstein bulls, 1 Jersey bull, ready (or service. STUMP ACRES 717-792-3216 York Co 40 Holstein cows, 6 heifers for sale, 20 due to freshen next 3 months Low SCC 301/334-3979 50 Close Up Heifers due within 2 weeks, 50 due within 30 days, also good tie stall herds available. Joe Distelburger, 914/343-1726. 50 Dairy cows all ages, plus 10 bred fall heifers, 717-869-1208. 50 head of Jersey cattle, all stages of lactation. (717)573-4651. 5 Large Holstein 2nd & 3rd calf cows all due to freshen soon; also 1 Guernsey/ Jersey cross & 1 Holstein/ Jersey cross good size heifers 717/328-2235 Holstein Feeders: 400-600 lbs, dehorned, vaccinated, implanted, ted corn silage, gram healthy animals, ready f/feed tot $.65/lb. Bucks County, (215)249-3486. Large Dairy Wants To Buy Holstein Heifers, due within 3 months. 410-358-0412. LIMOUSIN CATTLE/ FULLBLOODS: Heifers and bulls of all ages. West mmster, MD (410)857-0176. Polled purebred red/black Simmental bulls & heifers. Al sired 600 U, Big Sky, Red General, X339U, Domin a t o r . (717)865-4420. Purebred Angus herd RE DUCTION SALE. Pairs, bred heifers, cows, bulls. Top A-l sires represented. 717-667-9817 home 814-865-5857 office Quality yearling polled Hereford bulls, Lancaster County, daytime (717)898-7271 evenings (717)553-8955. Reduction of top purebred performance herd) Excel lent Simmental females bred, open & pairs. Be first to choose from '9B calf crop Also few fullblood Simmental, same family that topped '97 Penn State bull test & sale. 610/469-1766. Reg. Holstein bulls. All sizes and ages, from Pre mier cow families of the holstem breed. Aden H. Keener 717-285-7426 Registered Angus. Selling Al/bred heifers and cow/ calf pairs by new design and VFVenture forward cattle have excellent pedi grees and EPl's originat ing from the top breeders in PA. Prices starting at $lOOO call 610-693-5480. (8) registered polled Here ford cows w/calves, dark red in color, excellent seed stock. (717)833-5007. 9 Holstein heifers for sale. 2 due in July, rest due in Sept, out of Al herd w/21,300 RHA. Delivery Available! (814)259-3221. Angus Bulls For Sale. Our 2 highest weaning weight (801 lbs, 7341b5) spring yearling bulls are still avail able. Also a 2 year old calv ing ease bull. Semen tested. South Branch Farms, 717/428-3526, 717/741-8395. Angus Bulls, Cows & heif ers for sale. Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York County. Attention Cattle Feeders! 1 provide order buying, ser vice & trucking. Denzil Heishman 540-465-5785. Barbados Sheep; 8 ewes FREE. After 4pm, (609)758-9182. Black heifers, 25 black cross bred heifers approx. 400/lbs. weened and bunk broke, 540-465-5785. Buyers - Sellers of Lives tock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You’ll get results' 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Custom Hiefer Feeding Available, 50-70 Head. Chester County. Call Even ings. 610-869-9387. Five cross-bi •// ired cows w, $4,000 calves, 717-235-3926 FOR SALE OR LEASE: Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires; dams re cords to over 30,D00M. Many to choose from 1 Red & white. Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 610/488-1965 Grade and Registered Holstein Heifers, also Ca nadian Herds. For further info, (717)671-5990 nets ana rugged Plus it pay.' for itself in profits from increased weight gains 1 available from: Our special TOX-A-WIK Insecticide is 1 EDWIN hoover EDMUND dutterer compatible with the animals natural '360 indiantown rd 2340 frizzelburg rd body oils, skin and hair and keeps ephrata, Westminster, them free of flies, lice, grubs, tictis, , pa 17522 MO 21157 mange and pinkeye , 717-733-8313 410-848-8638 • Insecticide tank wick feeds automatically, no 1 valves, jets or pumps to clog. 1 • Mineral feeder I • 1 to 4 applicators per unit. ' I • TOX-O-WIK Insecticide is the only insecticide I recommended for TOX-O-WIK Cattle Oilers, i Dairy units also available i Cleanest waterer ever invented! Self-cleaning The JUG is designed so that debris and feed are sucked up from the feed trap in the bowl with each watering, debris won’t foul the water Low-maintenance Light-tight design so that algae and odois won't build-up in the JUG's interior Animals adapt easily The JUG is designed so that animals. Choose *> 2 or 4 bowl ’ energy even calves, can suck water naturally, free ’ or energy-efficient models. , ~ , Meets requirements for dairy no balls or flaps to get m the way . J J approval. The JUG is manufactured by REINECKER AG PRODUCTS Edstrom Industries which has DAVID A. REINECKER 25 years experience designing 7270 Old Harrisburg Road, watering devices for animals York Springs, PA 17372 (717) 528-8428 inc —FAX (717)_ 528-7065 — Herd purebred Red Angus mostly bred back, 15 cows 2 heifers several breeding age bulls. Call (717)836-7654, leave message. Registered Holstein bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat. Stump Acres, 717-792-3216, York County. Registered Texas Long horns: bulls, heifers, cows. Reasonable prices. (717)637-3090. Reg. Jersey bull, fresh & springing Jersey cows, Heifers & calves. Reducing Herd. 814-466-6669 Service Age Holstein Bull; Dam VGB7 3Y 30,240 4.6 1389, 2nd dam EX9I 32,730 3.8 1 230, 3rd dam EX92 GMD 37,580 3.6 1338, next 4 dams all Very Good. 717/548-2597. Silver Scotish Highlander weanling bull calf, Who's Hill breeding (717)385-3078. BULLS We have service age bulls, and younger available. We specialize in choosing the right bull to fit your breeding program, focusing on type, longevity and production. WELK-CREST HOLSTEINS Matthew T. Welk 717-548-2597 TOX-O-WJX PRODUCTS, PARTS AND SERVICE S. MARKET ST, P.O. BOX 134 SCHAEFFERSTOWN, PA 17088 TOLL FREE: 1-800-530-5759 Simmental bulls & females for sale. Shoemakers Sim mentals 800/276-2123. Simmental, Hereford and Limousin cows, calves, steers. Call after 6pm, (908)874-4630. WANT: 500-800 lb open Holstein heifers. (814)542-2102 or (814)542-9507. Fresh and Springing cows and heifers. Reg. and grade. 300 on hand. Perry Co. (717) 789-3241 FOR SALE Open Shortbred and Springer Holstein Heifers 717-789-3003 DAVID MARTIN 717-949-2411 Always Wanted complete Dairy Herds Have Immediate Buyers Waiting Give us a call also groups of open and bred heifers. Quality Herds for Sale at All Times Happy Hollow Farms John H. Wetmore 717-253-5329 house 717-253-6995 barn 717-470-3364 car BULLS • BULLS • BULLS * BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • 3 On Sale .99<f Per Lb. c g Maternal Traits On Sale to • vaA Growth Traits On Sale i 3 VV Easy Calving On Sale = .2 Plenty of Muscle On Sale C 1? V* ') Gentle Disposition On Sale • |J3 To enable everyone to use our c '=s genetics to improve their herds, p ® Bulls From we are selling some of our bulls ? <o 600 Lbs. for a limited time for 990 per Lb ® j Take this opportunity to visit us and choose the bull p ,m to fit your needs FREE DELIVERY to Bred Cows & Heifers for Sale § is Please Call Ed z |? Days 410-866-4600 Call Collect • |!3 Evenings & Weekends 410-275-1239 c (g Worsell Manor Farm, Warwick. MD 21912 w • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS LIVESTOCK HAULING To and from New Holland, Vintage, Leesport Sales, Smoketown Dairy Sales. Also Slaughter Plants, Etc. DOWN & CRIPPLE CATTLE REMOVAL SERVICE Serving Berks, Chester, Lancaster and Lebanon Counties, PA _ TOM MULVANEY JR. & SON l-800-789r"COWS M (1697) 7-DAY SERVICE WANT Worn Out and CdppledCows (717)789*3089 25 BRED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS Due July, Aug & Sept (914) 856-7189 . After 7pm y WANTED X Dairy Cows or Heifers, all ages, registered or grades. "(610) 28“909T " “(717) 656*842(7 ' » Leroy Smacker No Sunday Calls For Sale Quality Springing & Breeding Age Holstein Heifers. Also Service Age Registered Holstein Bulls 653-5408 ISfsl EXOTIC ■■ ANIMALS Bottle-Fed White Tail Fawns For Sale. Berks County. 610-488-7758. Wag (610) 868- II I 0186 Log Cabin LCamas David & Flo IEAJiy Hamish 717-733-1700 117 Valley View Road Ephrata, PA 17522 Large Number of Llamas For Sale Winding Creeks Fam Lebanon, PA 717-965*4473 Some mighty fine miniature donkeys Nice group of Reg. Llamas, young & bred females Scotch Highland cattle, all ages Miniature sheep Jacob sheep Pygmy goats Hedgehogs Emu eggs ' Taking orders for Rag Doll kittens White, White Tail Deer Fawns, on the Bottle & also Brown Buck Fawns. 717-458-4462. HORSES & ■■ MULES 171 ft’ Officers Generals saddle, good condition, $250. 410/635-3310. 2 young Jacks. Yearling by Elmer Click’s. 2 year old - Hickory breeding, fertile. Yearling Morgan standard bred filly. Jack service, Earl 15H, Hickory 17H. Christ ian G. Eshk, 364 Osceola Mill Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529. 3 Registered riding mares, one Paint, one Quarter horse, buckskin, one regis tered Paint mini- mare, one registered Appaloosa mini stud. Call after 5:30, (717)866-9336. 8 Year old Haflinger geld ing, good broke w/snap, white mane & tail, $2400 080. John Stoltzfus, 100 Haiti Road, Quarryville, PA 17566, 717/786-3915. AMHA miniature horses, 28% ' Pinto stallion, mare, beautiful Pinto (illy. (717)667-3465. Amish Carriage w/Rubber Tires. $2,000. 717-442-9727. Amish carriage, fiberglas box, 12V system, excellent condition, 5 years old, never used hard. Mornings or evenings,& (717)442-4858. Appaloosea Gelding very striking Black Dapple, 11 yrs, 16H, w/saddle, bridle, excellent all around, good for begineer, experienced nder. 717-286-4076. AUCTION; To be sold at A&C Diffenbach Auction, New Holland, July 10. 1-Single seat, 1 2-seat, new Mennomte carriages. Big, Strong Standardbred Carriage Horse, Traffic safe & sound, anyone can drive, 9 yrs old, $1450, 717-560-9564. CLYDE-SADDLEBRED CROSS MARE, 7 years old, traffic safe. Erin C. Lundy 315/493-1051. FOR SALE; Registered Yearling Percheron Stud. Black w/Star. Sired by Blackhome Granduer Lyn 21371. Registered Black Mare-in-Foal Aug 98' Drives Single, Double, Rides. Aaron F. Beiler 129 South Maple Ave, Leola, PA 17540. FOR SALE: Gaited Horses, Kentucky ML, Ten nessee Walkers, Spotted Saddle, etc. 13.2-16 Hands. SPOTTED FEVER FARM 717-582-7831 717-582-8808 (fax) HORSES BOARDED; 70x170 Indoor Areana, Pasture, Trails, Box Stalls. $3OO/Month. 717-336-7325. Reinholds. Beautiful Reg. Haflinger mare; fancy reg. Haflinger gelding. Brewster run about. 814/445-6358. Miniature Horses: Wea nlings, yearlings, mares and stallions. Mature heights starting at 27Vi Some have been shown. Starting at $6OO. Pet to Show quality, registered. (908)852-6301. Miniature horse beautiful weanling AMHR Pinto colt $lOOO also pet quality yr ling filly 25.5* $5OO, reg. miniature weanling brown jennet and yrling black jen net 609-466-6780 N.J. Morgan For Sale; Bay Yearling Phllly 13+ Hands, By Pimary Purpose Out Of Strawberry Shana. Very Gentle & Wall Manored. Started Lunging. $l,BOO. Leave Message 717-442-3136. Registered Saddlebred Stud Service, Also Saddle breds For Sale. Over 3yrs old. Broke. Paul B. Stoltfus H.C.R.I Box 54 Madison burg PA 16852. ‘
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