Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 04, 1998, Image 130

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    D6-Lancaster Fanning. Saturday, July 4, 1998
Somerset Jackpot Supreme
Champion Is Shorthorn Heifer
Somerset Co. Correspondent
Co.) When it came to a final
decision for the supreme champ
ion at the Somerset County Beef
Jackpot Show, judge Steve Tay
lor, from Connersville, Ind., chose
a Shorthorn heifer owned by Arm
strong Farms, Ssxonburg, Butler
County, shown by John Allen.
The heifer had already defeated
the other 14 entries to earn the
grand champion heifer title. The
heifer of Jeanette Hildreth won re-
Tammi Grubb holds her reserve champion steer at the
Somerset County Beef Jackpot Show and Heather Fuls,
beef princess, holds the trophy.
, ft
This Shorthorn heifer from Armstrong Farms and shown
by John Allen, right, was named supreme champion at the
Somerset County Beef Jackpot Show on June 20. Heather
Fuls is a beef princess for the Pennsylvania Cattlemen’s
The club calf winner and county exhibitor trophies for
Jason Fisher’s steer are being held by Heather Fuls, Penn
sylvania Cattlemen’s Association beef princess. Jason
Fisher was recovering from a broken arm, so Brad Fisher is
showing the steer. Judge Steve Taylor is center.
Kevin Campbell, 16, of Syca
more, Greene County, had the
grand champion steer, sired by
Tammi Grubb, 17, from Han
over in York County had the re
serve champion steer, sired by
Winks Polled Comhusker.
The county exhibitor champion
was awarded to Jason Fisher, as
was the county club calf champ
ion. The steer was sired by Play-
County exhibitor reserve
champion, from Rockwood, was
Luke Svonavec.
Taylor, who is the marketing
representative for Umbarger
Show Feeds, in his closing state
ment at the show’s end said he
was even more impressed this
year with the quality he saw in the
steers than when he came last year
and saw outstanding animals.
“The quality of the steers is out
standing,” he said, adding that in
at least 40 of them he saw the po
tential to be shown anywhere in
North America. Another 20 he
said were ideal for county fairs.
One quality he liked in Camp
bell’s steer was there was more
expression in the muscles, a com
petitive attribute worthy of a show
ring, the carcass class, and against
other cattle.
“I want to express my sincere
appreciation for being invited
back,” Taylor said. “You have a
great, great set of kids.”
The show was sponsored by the
Somerset County Beef Producers
and Pennsylvania Cattleman’s As
sociation which was represented
by its beef princess. Heather Fuls,
the trophy and ribbon presenter
from Richland, Berks County.
Harford County Team
Wins Maryland Envirothon
of five students from Fallston
High School in Harford County
recently beat out teams from more
than IS counties across the state to
win the Maryland Envirothon, an
annual two-day outdoor natural
resources competition for high
school students.
This year’s event was held June
18-20 at the Lathrop E. Smith En
vironmental Education Center in
Montgomery County, Maryland.
As winners of the Maryland En
virothon, Harford team members
Julie Weil, Mary Hryncewich,
Catherine Wurster, Eric Genso,
Andrew Cook, Christy Donhaus
er, and coach Thomas Trafton will
now go on to represent the state at
the National Envirothon slated for
July 27 in East Lansing, Mich.
More than 35 teams from the
United States and Canada are ex
pected to compete at the national
event During the past five years,
Maryland teams have consistently
placed in the top 10 percent at na
tional competitions.
Established in 1991, the objec
tives of the Maryland Envirothon
are twofold —to test student’s en
vironmental knowledge and un
derstanding of state resource is
sues and to motivate young people
to care for the environent by prac
ticing stewardship in their homes,
schools, and'communities. Since
its inception, the program has
grown from 2SO students to more
than 1,000 students this year. The
competition is sponsored by the
Maryland Association of Soil
Conservation Districts and the
State Soil Conservation Commit
“This year’s event was the most
competitive yet, with only five
points separating the second
through seventh place teams,”
said Craig Hartsock of the Alle
gany Soil Conservation District,
one of the event’s organizers.
“The team from Harford Coun
ty was truly outstanding, placing
Kevin Campbell, right, with his grand champion steer at
the Somerset County Beef Jackpot Show, is joined by
judge Steve Taylor and beef princess Heather Fuls.
Sam Armstrong was the show
This year eight trophies were
sponsored by area businesses.
Following is a list of top three
in each class:
Clu* 1 : 1 Armstrong Farms 2 Jordan
Conner. 3 Armstrong Farms
Close 2: 1. Jeanette Hildreth 2 Tim
Bishop 3 Jason Fisher
Close 3: 1. Kevin Campbell 2 Stephen
Biggerstaph 3 Tammi Grubb
Class 1:1 Tim Bishop 2 Matt Teats 3
Richard Heineman.
Class 2:1 Sara Noll 2 EncStonesiter. 3.
Elizabeth Roberts
Class 3: 1. Lucas Svonavec 2 Bnttney
Bryner. 3 Jeff Roberts
Class 4:1 Jason Fisher 2 Jadyn Upper-
tops in the categories of forestry,
wildlife, and watersheds. I believe
Harford will represent Maryland
very well at the National Enviro
thon next month in Michigan,” he
The Maryland Envirothon is
held once a year at an outdoor en
vironmental education center. Stu
dents taking part in the competi
tion have been studying Mary
land’s natural resources for the
past year in hopes of winning.
Working in teams of five (with
one to two alternates), students are
trained and tested in four natural
resources areas including soil,
aquatics, forestry, and wildlife,
plus a current environmental issue
that changes from year to year.
This year’s issue was watersheds.
The students who hail from
virtually every region in the state
rotate through the various test
stations where they are asked to
identify and categorize living re
sources, perform soil surveys, and
solve other complex natural re
man 3. Megan Fuls
Class 5:1 Justin Fuls. 2 Jessica Stoltz
fus. 3 Chad McDonald
Class 6: 1 Kevin Campbell 2 Donnie
Bensenhaver. 3 Doug Koontz
Class 7: 1 Heather Light 2 Ryan
Schmuck. 3 Ryan Biggerstaph
Class 8: 1 Tammi Grubb 2 Kayla
Wedge 3 Katie Noll
Class 9; 1 Jeanette Hildreth 2 Matt
Teets. 3 Herman Hake.
Class 10:1 Reed Myers 2 Kelly Myers
3. Eric Stonesifer
Class 11:1 Kristy Myers 2 Andy Myers
3. William Sines
Class 12: 1. Brandon Bryne 2 Shawn
Troutman 3. Donnie Bensenhaver
Div. I: 1. Lucas Svonavec 2 Sara Noll
Div. II: 1 Kevin Campbell 2 Justin Fuls.
Div. Ill; 1. Tammi Grubb 2 Jeanette Hil
Div. IV: 1 Brandon Bryner 2 Kristy My
source issues. The team with the
highest cumulative total wins the
competition and the opportunity to
represent Maryland at the Nation
al Envirothon.
At the 1998 competition, the
Harford team scored 449 points
out of a possible 500. They were
followed by teams from Howard
County (420 points). Baltimore
County (418 points), and Wash
ington County (417 points).
The first Envirothon competi
tion was held in Pennsylvania in
1979. Since then, more than 30
states. Canada, and Australia have
embraced the program and sent
teams to the national competition
in late summer.
Contributors and supporters of
the Maryland Envirothon Program
also include the Maryland Depart
ment of Agriculture, National Re
sources and Environment, the Co
operative Extension Service, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, the
U.S. Natural Resources Conserva
tion Service.