Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 04, 1998, Image 127
COLUMBUS. Ohio Water logged fields in southern Ohio could likely see crop injury and potential yield losses because of excessive rains in June that flooded very young com plants. Com is especially vulnerable if floodwaters cover the crop for ape «as! Move to Kubota Country Move to Kubota country and you'll find versatility, durability and operator comfort. Kubota's 13 to 18 PTO HP B-Senes tractors are compact enough to fit m tight places and powerful enough to get lots of jobs done. Kubota per formance matched implements include rotary tillers, front load ers, mid and rear mount mowers, boxscrapers and snowblower. Need even more power? Move up to the innovative Grand PENNSYLVANIA ALBURTIS/LEHIGH VALLEY Canns-Bilco Outdoor Power Equipment 125 E. Penn Ave (610) 966-2001 (610) 820-0222 BLOOMSBURG Tractor Parts Company 355 Central Road (717) 784-0250 CHAMBERSBURG Stouffer Bros Inc. 1066 Lincoln Way West (717) 263-8424 COCHRANVILLE Stoltzfus Farm Service 1043 Gap Newport Pike . (610) 593-2407 COGAN STATION C H Waltz & Sons Farm & Industrial Sales, Service & Rental Lawn & Garden Equipment 1 Mile West of Warrensville on Route 973 (717) 435-2921 ELIZABETHTOWN Messick Farm Equipment Rheems Exit Route 283 (717) 367-1319 more than two days when the plant’s growing point is below the soil surface, which is prior to the leaf collar stage or growth stage six, said Peter Thomison, an agro nomist with Ohio State Univer sity. After 48 hours of flooding, the oxygen supply is usually de- PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon.. Tues.. Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM Ohio Rootworm Damage Could Be High This Year L-Senes with 25 to 37 PTO HP. Hydrostatic steering, shuttle transmission with shift-on-the-go provides ease of operation Kubota's exclusive optional Glideshift transmission has clutchless operation through all eight speeds, forward and reverse Grand L's are smooth and quiet, with Kubota's E-TVCS engine which ensures clean HONESDALE Marshall Machinery Inc R R 4 (Box 630) Route 652 (717) 729-7117 LANCASTER Keller Bros 1950 Fruifville Pike (717) 569-2500 LEBANON Keller Bros RD #7 Box 405 (717) 949-2000 NEW BERLINVILLE Erb & Henry Equipment Inc 22-26 Henry Ave. (610)367-2169 Fax (610) 367-6715 PIPERSVILLE Pipersville Garden Center Route 413 (215) 766-0414 READING Nicarry Equipment Inc Route 65 (610) 926-2441 STATE COLLEGE Keystone Power Equipment Rentals ♦ Sales ♦ Service 2501 E. College Ave (8141 234-8311 pleted in the soil, and the plant cannot perform critical life func tions. Those kids of conditions occur red in low-lying areas of southern Ohio’s Jackson County, leaving farmers with some tough manage ment decisions in waning mo- emissions while providing high torque rise. Get one with an integral cab with heat and air conditioning for year 'round comfort. Visit your Kubota dealer and find out how to make your move - to Kubota country 1 Kubota Tractor Corporation markets a full Inn of trac tors through a nationwide m twork of on r i 000 dealer* Financing is available through Kubota Cruiif Corporation Kubota.^ MARYLAND CHESTERTOWN W N Cooper & Sons Inc Route 291 (888)333-7348 (410)778-3464 NKW JERSEY BRIDGETON Farm-Rite, Inc 122 Old Cohansey Road (800)752-6373 (609)451-1368 ELMER Roork's Farm Supply Inc 163 Route 77 (609) 358-3100 MOUNT HOLLY Material Handling Systems By Hamesport Auto & Truck Repair Center Inc 1320 Route 38 (609)267-6100 Fax (609) 267-2114 merits of the planting season, said the county’s extension agent Dave Samples. “In our major creek bottoms, we have several places where wa ter was over the com for four days,” Samples said. Although excessive rainfall was unwelcome in southern Ohio as well as other other parts of the wa ter-weary Midwest, it broke a month-long dry spell in north western Ohio, one of the state’s major crop production areas. “Even where you had too much rain and there were pockets of ponding, the rest of the field really benefited,” said Paul Houdashelt, manager of the Northwestern Branch of Ohio State’s Ohio Agri cultural Research and Develop ment Center in Wood County. YORK York Tractor Inc 2397 Carlisle Road (717) 764-1094 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 4, 1998-D3 “We really needed the rainfall,” Houdashelt said. Ohio’s No. 1 wheat, com and soybean production county is Wood County. Neighboring coun ties consistently rank in the state’s top 10 annual production for those crops. As for fanners in water-logged areas such as Jackson County, Samples said they might consider replanting to shorter-season com varieties, which take less time to reach maturity than earlier planted com. But time is fast run ning out in the planting season for any com variety to reach maxi mum yield potential by fall. Farm ers may also consider switching to soybean as long as their com herbicide program is compatible with the crop, he said. Com planted with no-till or reduced-tillage practices on upland soils escaped flooding and arc generally better off than crops in low lying areas. Samples said. No-till and re duced-tillage practices are conservation me thods that minimize soil losses to wind and water erosion. Jackson County had a weekend reprieve from wet conditions June 19 to June 20, al though other parts of the state got rainfall. Samples said. By June 22, the county had gone four days without rain, he said. “The wheat is coming along real nicely,” Samples said. “As for soybeans, the crops that are on better-drained soils are doing all right, but are still pale. The beans that saw water impounding are stunted, and we sus tained losses there.” Thomison said that corn’s chances for sur viving a flood are better when the growing point is above the soil surface and also it temperatures are less than 77 degrees F dur ing flooding. “Since some of the com in southern Ohio that was subjected to saturated soil condi tions had not yet reached the six-leaf stage, there is potential for flooding and ponding in jury,” Thomison said. Even if com plants survive flooding, farm ers’ problems aren’t over yet, Thomison said. The crop can see some longer-term produc tion problems later in the growing season. A disease known as crazy top is a common problem in a wet year, and hybrids have lim ited resistance, Thomison said. Symptoms of crazy top are rolling leaves or the proliferation of husks due to abnormal tissue growth. The fungus causing crazy top depends on saturated soils to infect com seedlings, resulting in abnormal tissue devel opment “That’s been the potential characteristic in this bottom ground when you get the water over the com,” Samples said. “But com smut seems to be more of a problem here than crazy top.” In addition excessive moisture during ear ly growth stages can retard com root devel opment Thomison said. If the weather turns dry, the roots will not be developed enough to reach deeg>into the soil moisture reserves. Too much rain can also affect nitrogen fer tilizers that farmers applied to their fields. “Flooding and ponding can also result in los ses of nitrogen through denitrification and leaching,” he said. Farmers who suspect flooding injury can visually check the color of plants’ gibwing points for damage potential, Thomison said. A darkened or softened growing point pre cedes plant death, while a white cr cream colored growing point indicate a healthy plant. To be sure, check fields for new leaf growth three to five days after water drains away. The Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service reported that Ohio precipitation is almost two inches above normal for the growing season starting April 1. The state received 11.94 inches for the growing season as of June 21, the service reported. High-moisture regions are the southwest, west central and south cen tral. which exceeded the precipitation norm, respectively, by 7.93 inches, 4.07 inches and 3.66 inches.