Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 04, 1998, Image 106

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    C3O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 4, 1998
Taction"!)- 5530.00
Proven Ion;: bai/long 1 8 4R3B* $545.00
bar dead design foi 5715.00
beucr iiaction and even 2Q BR3B ** $ 8 85.00
Open-cenici Head design 1 .... $685.00
tor better cleaning .. $890.00
Vibration resistant Head CALL FOR SIZES AND
design loi a smooth nde PLYS NOT LISTED
4285 Hanover Rd. (Rt. 116), Hanover, PA 17331
Serving Farmers in Adams, York,
TIRE Carroll and surrounding counties
fo|over IQyqars-
Super All 1 8.4x34 8 ply $425
Traction 23° , *. cc
>sen as original equipment 18.4x38 8 ply $455
many of America's finest 2 Q.8x38 8 ply $565
n tractors r 1
roven 21° long bar/long 23. 1 X26 10 ply $635
ir tread design tor even
/ear and a smooth ride 30.5Lx32 10 p1y.51065
ipen center tread design for . . _ _ _
nter cleaning and traction 30.5Lx32 1 2 ply. $l2OO
lal rubber components lor FWD’S IN STOCK
distance to tracking and axi ■ DDlfscc
idewall weather checking CALI- rUM
Traction 11.2X24 4 ply $134
'ield & Road ii.2x2B 4ply $155
■roven 23° long -| 2.4x28 4 ply $l7O
SSSESI, 13:6x28 6 ply $205
and a smooth ride 13.6x38 6 ply $275
ltep-up bar bracing for 14 g x 2B 6 ply $230
‘STontour for 1 5-5x38 6 ply $260
positive traction for 16.9x28 6 ply $2BO
longer wear 1 6.9x38 6 ply $355
18.4x34 6 ply $330