A2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 27, 1998 Pasture Growth Rates Recorded In Penn State Study Editor’s Note: Craig Williams, Tioga County extension agent is coordinating a statewide pasture growth study related to rotational grazing. Here’s another update of the study. PA Pastuic Gmwlh Charts 1 his week we aic going to look at the pasture giowth in two diKcrcnl tcims One is Pastuic Giowth per day and the other is Avciagc Cover These charts will he from the study acioss PA Several Penn State County agents aic measuimg pastuic growth on Faims in then county and watching how the giowth is different across the state Pasture Giowth/day is the paddocks that increased in growth and then the mcicase is divided hy the days between samples For example, it the avciagc of the paddocks increases 700 lbs this week and thcic wcic 7 days between sampling, then the avciagc giowth would be 100 lbs per day No data on this chart means that all the measured paddocks for that week dccicascd in lbs of pastuic Avc Pastuic Cover is the avciagc amount of grass that is on the all paddocks measuicd on the (aim As you can sec the Avciagc Cover tends to increase thru the spnng as the glass glows lastci than the held can consume When this is happening a taster lotalion can be used oi take paddocks out for hay/haylagc I will have comments about each County Chail and what has affected the cr.iph Columbia County Longci rotations on this farm and paddocks were clipped in Late May, see the decrease in giowth the week after 2000 1800 1400 1200 1000 Lancaster County The paddocks were clipped in car ly June and this decreases the charts The giowth on May -‘'th is off of one paddock and this avciagc is a little high 3000 |- 2500 1 2000 | I 500 m 1000 500 * J Columbia Ave Pasture Cover Columbia Ave Growth/day Lancaster Pasture Cover Lancaster Ave Growth/Day Bradfoid County The paddocks weie mowed in Early June and see how the chart; the giowth/day chart with no data is when all paddocks were gr; 1400 1 350 1300 1250 1200 1 150 1 100 1050 30 I 20 I 10 I 4/30/98 5/7/98 5/1 4/98 5/21/98 5/27/98 Dauphin County 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 5/1 8 /98 5/26/98 6/1/98 6/8/98 6 Bciks County Notice the Dry wcathci effect on the Ave Covei 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 The Berks County Growth/day shows how the dry weather is 'slo May the grass was growing 70-100 lbs a day This paddock woi week If your herd needed to cut 1000 lbs per day, this paddock v weeks This faim was on two wefck rotations (oi some of this tim Bradford Pasture Cover Bradford Growth/day Dauphin Ave Pasture Covi Dauphin Growth/day Berks Ave Pasture Cover Berks Pasture Growth/Day ts *a: