AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 27, 1998 MIDDLEBURG LIVESTOCK AUCTION MIDDLEBURG, PA JUNE 16, 1998 SALENOT REPORTED JUNE 21. 1998' CATTLE 477 [PDA] Compared to last weeks sale slaughter steers mostly steady, si bulls unevenly steady SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2 4 1225-1410 lbs 65 00 67 00 Choice 2 1 1060-1420 lbs 61 SO 69 75 lew ISIS IS9O lbs S 2 7S 60 00. Select 1-1 S 8 2S 62 00 Standard I 2 S 8 SO-S 6 IS HOLSTEINS STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-1 1220-1540 lbs S 7 7S-60 00, Choice 2-1 119S-IS2S lbs S 4 00 S 7 SO. IS7S-1610 lbs SI 2S S 4 SO, Se lect 1-2 49 SO-S 4 SO, Standard I 2 42 00 48 2S HEIFERS one High Choice and Prime 2- 4 lI9S lbs 65 00, Choice 2 4 1010- 1280 lbs 59 00-61 SO, Select 1-1 S 8 00-62 00, Standard 1-2 47 00 S 7 00 COWS few early sales Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-1 18 00-42 7S Cht ter and Boning Utility 1-1 16 SO 42 00 Canner and Low Cutter I-2 10 00-17 7S Shells down to 2S 00 BULLOCKS few Select 1-1 47 CO -56 00 BULLS few Yield Grade I IS7O-167S lbs 47 SO SI 25, Yield Grade 2 1100 2240 lbs 44 7S-46 75 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium I 690-96 S lbs S 4 00-59 00. one lot 69 00 Large 2 Holstems 140 170 lbs 54 00 64 SO, S9S-680 lbs 44 00 60 00, 820-850 lbs SI 00-SS 00, HEIFERS few Medium 1 & 2 150-410 lbs SI 00-54 00, 700 BSO lbs SO 00 SSSO, BULLS Medium I SlO 690 lbs SI 00 60 00, 82S-9SO lbs 58 00 SSSO Large 2 640 710 lbs 41 GO -47 00, few 770-IOSS lbs IS 00 41 00 CALVES 20S VEALERS lew Good lIS I4S lbs 70 00 75 00. Standard and Good 75-1 OS lbs 16 00 42 SO, Util ‘’"Buffalo* FARM EQUIPMENT Automatic Round Bale Mover One-person handling system saves time! Three models available with 5 to 14 bale capacity. Quarter-Turn® Pickup Arm allows bale pickup in the same direction as the windrow. Rounded loops on chain prevent damage to the bale. Tilting bed allows easy unloading. , [g