Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. “CONSIGNMENT SALE” 20th ANTIQUE GAS ENGINE SHOW AUCTION ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Located at the Antique Gas Engine & Tractor Show, come to Middletown on US 40-A, take Rt. 17 to Holler Road (Franklin St.) first st. on the left to Carnival Grounds. WATCH FOR SIGNS. SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1998 STARTING AT 5:30 P.M. Part of the Collection of Wayne T. Shankle - 16 pedal tractors new or restored, Amt. 600 and four carts -1952 Small 60,1955 large 60, 1956-620, 1958-130, 1963-20, 1970-Lgl, 1973-4430, 1978-4440, 1985-4450, 1987- 4450, 1987-4450, 1988-4450, 1990-IND 4450, 1991-4020 Diesel, 1986-3140, 1986- 3650 w/loader, 1988-AMT 600, 1950 trailer w/fender, 2-1972 trailers, 1990 IND trailer, 1952 umbrella and some John Deere Decal sets. Wheelhorse garden tractor parts, comic books, music box, cast iron beehive string holder, small skillet, old photo lantern, separa tor oil container, tins, flat iron w/handle, Georgia Jubilee Minstrel book, 2 bank notes, Moxie bottle, OWL letter opener, marbles, photos, bean pot, auto window defroster, wooden plane, kitchen scale, noodle rolling pin, 2 candle lamps, charcoal iron, railroad tin, lunch pail, Teddy Bear, Silver plate tea set w/tray, sap pails, wood ladle w/bird head han dle, AC display, 3 Ford wrenches, and many other items too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash or approved check. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsi ble for accidents on premises. Will accept consignments for sale of Antiques & Collectibles, until 4:00 p.m. on Saturday Please NO BOX LOTS. SPONSORED BY , CENTRAL MARYLAND ANTIQUE TRACTOR CLUB M.C. SKIP ZIMMERMAN AUCTION SERVICE Skip Zimmerman, Auctioneer PSOO6IOB For Information Call: 301-694-8605 Ca S/e/fir/i, & y\ntiqljg Friday a Saturday, June: 26 8c 27, 1998 N€W HOLLAND, PA Directions: From Rt. 23/West Main st., Turn South on Diller Ave. (at convenience store),turn left onto Orion Rd. (at Sindall trucking). Auction is on the right. Jlcmy THwUm & Auociatu P.O. Box 75, Hew Holkwd, PA 17557 717454-7806 SAT JUNE 20 • 9 30AM F3fm cat iiikjc on oonPM iomiC Machinery Auction By Daniel of A Rt Erbe, 57 Sharon Station Rd , Ske eS Montom qAm Allentown, NJ L Parker Sales, mwo, "2m S?ons Gml Inc, Daytime 609-758-8603 wagSns & COMPLETE PUBLIC AUCTION Wed., June 17, 1998 - 2:00 p.m. Selling Real Estate, Antiques & Collectibles, Household Items and Tools for: John Weller, New Berlin, Union County, PA DIRECTIONS: From Lewisburg. travel west on Rt 45 Turn left at the Dreisbach Church sign and continue toward New Berlin As you descend New Berlin Mountain, the property will be on the left This l-l/2± acre country lot features a 2 bedroom home with living room, kitchen, laundry and full basement Several outbuildings and a 2 car block garage are also located on the property Terms: 10% down. Balance due in 45 days. Real Estate offered at 5 p.m. International Hit & Miss Engine, Cowden A Wilcox Jug w/Blue Dove on the Nest: Misc Crocks. Oak Desk, Dry Sink, 3 Slack Glass Door Bookcase, Tall Hoosier Style Cupboard,. Set of 6 Chairs. Oak Stool, 2 Floor Md Radios. Tall Victrola, Dough Tray, Chest of Drawers w/Mir ror, Gilded Mirror. Odd Chairs, Brass Bucket, Platform Scales w/Ong inal Decoration, Old Wood Beer Sign, Wood Wheel Barrow, Red Lantern Globe, Yellow Stop Sign, Bell Phone Enamel Sign, Black Ball Box, Glass Lamp Shades, Navy Recruiting Sign, Utica Club Sign, Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, Coffee Tin, Jar Oiler w/Cap, Black Death & Box. Wmsprt, Lion Biscuit Tin, Auger, Cherry Seeder, Ice Tongs, Wooden Airplane Propeller. Fancy Desk Lamp, Brass Ladle & Strainer, Child’s Hand Cuffs, Linens & Fancy Work, 2 Man Saw, Con vex Picture Glass,OW Frame & Prints, Prince Albert Cans, Bell, Cast Fan,Old Locks, Early TV, Brass Blade Fan. Block Plane, Sad Irons, Kero Lamp, Fernery, Carom Board, Christmas Tree Holder, Bean Scales, Cast Fry Pans, Wood Buckets. Wood Wheel, Vecdol Can, Peters Shell Box, Scythe. Bee Smoker, Bee Box Parts, Round Coke Thermo . Chrysler Hub Caps Vanhorn New Berlin Ad, Lots ot 30 s Lighting, Childs Walker/Scooter Atlantic Grease Bucket, Copper Fire Extinguisher. Blue Jars, Old Magazines Sleds, Wedges Pretzels Tin, WoocTShutters. Manbeck Motors Ad, Wall Mount Drill Hub Caps, Meat Saws, Buttons, Bennington Spitton, Open Mortise Bench Old Wooden. Doors, Old Meal Grinder Dutch Boy Pretzel Tin, Butcher Kettle, Butcher Bench Knives, Buzz Saw, Woolnch Coat, 2 Cast Stoves, 1949 Chevy Parts. Pontiac Radiator Cap & Indian Throwing Horse Shoes, Sets of New Horse Shoes, Shoe Last, Wood Spoke Car Wheels, Cylindrical Records & Player. Butter Churn Advertising Cig Lighters, Wood Wash Tub, Record Player/Radio Etched Mirror Jewel ry Box, 3- Wood Coke Cases. Breyer's I C 85th Anmv Pin (1951) Metal & Stoneware Thermos 40” Elect Stove. Gas Dryer, Washer, Dbl Wooden Bed. Floor Lamp, Metal Wardrobe, Elec mantel Clock, Bicycles, Stove Casters, Chisels. Early Floor Jack. Come Along, Dollies. Push Cultivator, Hedge Trim mer. Lawn Mower, Misc Lumber, Lots of Tools, Craftsman Tool Box,Lots of Meta) Scraps KENNETH E. HASSINGER RR 02, Box 985 McClure, PA 17841 (717) 658-3536 AU-001532-L 150 vehicles expected for Saturdays auction with over 40 carriages being sold at absolute auction! A partial list of all inventory includes: Brewster landau; Rockaway (consigned by Robert Wagner); Brewster Stanhope Gig (3/4 sixe); Shooting Breaking (lor pair or team); Studebaker 3/4 size Roof Seat Break; lull size Roof Seat Break; Natural wood Wagonette; Pony pair Kuhnle marathon vehicle; Wane marathon vehicle (pony pr v pony four-in-hand, or small horse pr.); Pony Victoria; Cut-Under Wap (horse size); Miniature horse harness; Greg Hunt single harness; 2 sets Pony Cob size Four-in-hand harness; Russet harness made in England; Pony Gig lamps; Parasol; Leather Coaching Horn case; Large consignment of Driving bits; New Smucker's Draft Horse harness; Smucker's Cobb size Pleasure harness (like new); books; Derby's; Top hats; Leather hat box; Bells for 8 up Conestoga hitch; Work horse harness (single & pair); Assorted miniature horse & pony harness; Blacksmith tools; Granite stone horse tie; approx. 300 lots of harness and horse accessories already consigned PLUS another large consignment from Smucker's Harness Shop!! Ihl 609-723-2010 SERVICE P.OA. Violet Blylcr NEIL A. COURTNEY R.D. #1 Box 239 * Richfield, PA 17086 (717)539-8791 AU-002651-L For more information on this auction or how to take advantage of our internet site, please do not hesitate to contact our office. H U! S ni **«9AT JUNE 20 -10 AM Antique Auction Located at Cross Keys diction Center one mile N of Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 13, 1998-833 DuncansWle, Pa off Rt 764, between Old & New Rts 22 Col K R Miller, Jf auct SAT JUNE 20 -10 AM Rt 302, 1817 Barclay Rd , Barclay, MD Farm Consign Auct, equip, trac tors, trucks, lawn S garden, tools tmisc Elbom Aucts . 410-438- 137 SAT JUNE 20 -10 AM Along Highland Rd, 1 mi SE of Bartville, Coleram Twp, PA Real estate, tractor, riding moewr, Hh goods & antiques By James Miller Estate Bard's Auct Svc, 717-786-1146 SAT JUNE 20 -10 AM 76 Grade Holstems, Machinery Jack & Jeanme Burbage Farm Dispersal On Tyler Hill Rd, from the town of Wellsburg, NY, take Rt known as Turnpike Road" approximately 8 mi S to Tyler Hill Rd, go approx 1 mi to Ist farm Shaylor Aucts SAT JUNE 20 - 10 30 AM Real Estate, garage equip, model T car, car parts, tires and tools Rt 544 W of Crumpton, M d Approx 4 miles from Dixon's Sale Barn Mrs Clifford Baker, owner Col Ross Rhodes, auct SAT JUNE 20 - 12 Noon Btwn Exit 1 & 2 of 1-83, N of Shrews burg on Susquehann Trail to St Pauls Lutheran Church, E on Haln Rd to Ist cross road, turn L to 3rd farm Southern York Co, PA 95 Acres, zoned agricultural w/5 bldg rights. log house w/alum siding By Sam S Peggy Fosdick Rentzel’s Auct Svc, 717-764- 6412 SAT JUNE 20 - 5 30 PM 20th Antique Gas Engine Show Auc tion, antiques & collectibles Located at the Angique Gas engine & Tractor Show, come to Middletown on US 40-A, take Rt 17 to Holler Rd Franklin SI first st on thel eft to Carnival Grounds Sponsored by Central Maryland Antique Tractor Club Skip Zim merman. auct MON JUNE 22 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Diffenbach Auction Inc MON JUNE 22-10 30AM Snow man Farms Machinery Auction, Coudersport (Potter Co) Pa At the farm on Ayers Hill from US Ry 6, two miles east of Couder sport, take state route 872 S app 2 miles to left turn onto hard road (signs “Bone” and “proutyPark") follow hard road 2 miles to sale site By Snowman Farms/Galen Snowman James P Pirrung, aucts ___ MON JUNE 22-10 30AM Coud ersporf Potter Co, PA Snowman Farms Dispersal of Potato & Gram Farm Machinery Pirrung Aucts, me MON JUNE 22 - 3PM Carl and Emma Shirk Tractors, sleighs, farm machinery, tools, antiques, horse drawn machinery At 1595 Maytown Rd , Elizabethtown, Pa 3 miles S of Elizabethtown, Pa on Rt 743 Wiman Aucts MON JUNE 22 - 3PM EM Murry Assoc Auct Emporium 23 N Water St, Lititz Lane Co PA Xmas Deco Auction E M Murry Assoc ■ Aucts , 717-626-2636 MON JUNE 22 - 6PM 400 E Mam St, Annville Lebanon Co, PA Annville Frozen Foods Com plete Liquidation, real estate, business & equip By Eugene & Ethel Ditzler Nelson L Ebersole, Auct. 717-867-5221 TUES JUNE 23 -8 30AM - Tack 11AM Horse Sale Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Clarence Shirk & John Shirk Owners 717-837-2222 TUES JUNE 23 - 6PM 120 S Mam St, Southwest (corner S Mam &Rt 272) Brownstown, West Earl Twp Lane Co , PA Real estate, 1/2 acre w/2 truck garage By Thomas H Levering Horst Aucts , 717-859-133_1 WED JUNE 24 109 N Maple Ave, Leola Lane Co PA Farm Equipment Auction Wolgemuth Auction 1 217-656-2947_ WED JUNE 24 9AM Final phase of complete liquidation Aberdeen, Md Everything Sells to Highest Bidder Regardless of PnceJHunyady Auction Co