Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 13, 1998, Image 76

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    832-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday. June 13, 1998
goods & tools ByEtvaM Weller
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
Internet Sale Register will be updated
every Sat. at 2:23 P.M.
SAT JUNE 20 9AM Antiques
collectibles At 248 Hanover St
Northumerland Pa Harry E
Hopewell jr Mark .I Jones auct
SAT JUNE 20 - 9AM Good s
Furn Outlet, 2110 Spring Valley
Rd Good's Plaza Rts 30 & 741
Lancaster PA Absolute Furniture
Auction Rudmck Assoc , 302-
SAT JUNE 20 - 9AM 1540 Con
astoga Rd, West Pikeland Twp ,
Chester Springs, PA Antiques,
furniture, Hh goods, old Civil War
document glassware, dolls 8
more By Edith Carmichael
Estate Nelson C Weidenbaugh
Auct. 610-327-2475
SAT JUNE 20 - 9AM Jet of Rt
82 & Buck Hollow Rd, Robeson
Twp, Berks Co, PA Shop tools,
atniques & Hh goods By William
S & Evelyn S Kennedy Horning
Farm Agency, Inc 610-286-
SAT JUNE 20 - 9AM Just off Rl
422 blwn Myerstown 8 Robeso
nia village of Slouchsburg, Berks
Co PA Restaurant 8 hotel
equip 8 furnishings E M Murry
Assoc . Aucts , 717-626-2636
SAT JUNE 20 - 9AM Real estate,
2 1/2 story home, barn/garate,
antiques HH goods, 1984 Centu
-y Buick 109 W Miller St, Stras
eurg Pa EarlH Moore Est Krei-
Jer, Kline 8 Good Aucts
SAT JUNE 20 - 9AM 109 Miller
Rd Strasburg, PA Real estate,
1984 Gentry Buick personal
10:00 A.M.
Located along Highland Rd., 1 mile S-E. of Bartville, Colerain
Twp., take Rt. 896 S. of Georgetown to Village of Ninepoints, turn
R. on Noble Rd., 2 miles to Bartville, turn left on Highland Rd., 1
mile to sale on left, 6 miles S. of Quarryville take Rt. 472 S. to
Noble Rd., turn left to Bartville, turn R. on Highland Rd. to sale.
Custom Built Ranch Home, 3 years old, with vinyl siding, 3 bedrooms, 2
full baths, living room, dining room, cat-in kitchen with bar, pantry & clos
et Closets in all bedrooms, slate foyer, carpet in all rooms, kitchen has
linoleum, 2-car garage, full basement, baseboard electric heat, ceiling fans,
front poich, rear deck, blacktop drive with extra parking, 14x20 shed, 2
wells, septic tank, 200 amp electric, large yard, large garden, I 'h acres, more
or less Beautiful view of countryside. If m need of nice home don’t miss
this one Conditions 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 45 days.
Open house June 6 & 13. 12 00-4 00 P.M or call auction service 717-786-
AC 3-pt plow, Snapper 511 P rear tiller, blade 3-pt., Lawn-Boy Mower, 250
gallon gas lank & pump, air compressor, stepladders, 32 ft. extension lad
der, electric cords, tools, wheelbarrow, lawn roller, log chain.
APPLIANCES: Whirlpool dryer 4 cycle, Magic Chef gas stove, Frigidaire
rtfr. with lop freezer, 27” Zenith TV color, appliances like new.
ANTIQUES: Victorian love seat, 2 chairs, I rocker, Victorian marble top
table, claw foot round extension table, cane seat chairs, pressed back chairs,
crocks, jugs, dinner bell, pine corner cupboard, low dry sink, 2 washstands,
school desk, coal oil light, 2 child’s chairs, oak scroll bedroom suite, 3 oak
clothes trees, cast-iron dogs, iron bootjack, skillets, depression sherbets, 2
small tables, toilet set, as is, dresser, quilt rack, milk strainer, Americana
H.H. GOODS & FURNITURE: Modern living room suite, coffee table,
chest of drawers, end table, cedar chest, chairs, heater, electric Quartz
heater, Hoover power vac. Sharp carousel microwave, toaster, can opener,
hand mixer, oak end table, 2 seat sofa, reclmer, desk, 6 folding chairs, fans,
cookie jar, roasting pans, flatware, Americana, lawn chairs, pots & pans,
bedding, towels, flying turkey saucers, iron bed, plus many more articles.
Bard’s Auction Service
Sam Ferguson Musser, Attorney
No Out of State Checks
property By Earl H Moore Estate
Kreider Kline & Good Aucls
SAT JUNE2O-9AM 616 N Mar
shall St Lancaster. PA Real SAT JUNE 20 - 9 30AM Real
estate antiques turn , glass Estate & Personal Property On
china, quilt, coverlets linens Hh he premises of 8821 Baker Ave
Farmersville Auction
Located in Farmersville,
3 miles east of Brownstown,
Lancaster Co., PA
General Household Goods, Antiques and
collectibles of all kinds.
Too Much To List!
TUBS., JUNE 16™, 1998 @ IKK) PM
Slate top pool table
Approx. 800 laser discs with movies
1000 s of VCR tapes, some new
Audio & video equip., speakers, etc.
Approx. 200 lots of furniture
Approx. 800 lots of small items
Too much to list.
Furniture sells at 7:00 p.m.
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, MAC Accepted
Call Larry Rutt 717-354-5095
Auctioneer's Lie. #AU-2455-L
James Miller Est.
Miller & Siegnst, Aucts, 717-687-
SAT JUNE 20 - 9 AM Antiques,
Collectibles, RR Lanterns 1712
Slackbndge Rd (Bellgrove) N
Annville Twp, Annville, Pa
Charles 8 Nancy Shifflet owners
Klemfelter’s Auction Service
SAT JUNE 20 - 9AM Center
Ave to gavel lane Spry, York Co
3 A Tractors, Rumely oil pull farm
aquip, vehicles, antiques 8
nouse trailer Ralph Brenneman &
Rick Foreman, Aucts 717-757-
Beltway (695) to exit 31 (Harford
Bd - South to Parkville) 3 blocks
o Moreland Ave, go left, follow to
and at Baker Ave A moss 4 Free
man. aucts
BAT JUNE 20 - 9 30AM Wood
working, metal working 4 misc
00l 4 machinery auction 9001
Hansonville Rd, Frederick Md 8
miles N of Frederick off Rt 15
Wolfe Aucts
T v _ Annville Frozen Foods
Mon., June 22,1998
6:00 PM
400 East Main
Complete Liquidation Of Real Estate,
Business And Equipment Selling As A
Bulk Sale One Bid Buys All
REAL ESTATE Consists of a 2 story brick
building, a list of equipment included in the
sale is available for buyers inspection.
Eugene & Ethel Ditzler
lEY: John Feather, Esquire
LICENSE# - AU-001307-L
PHONE (717) 867-5221
FAX (717) 867-5606
Homestead Sale of the
late Leah Troutman
Antiques - Household
Goods - Furniture -
Collectibles - Tools
Sat., June 27th 1908
Time: 8:30 a.m.
From the square in Millersburg, PA, go nqrth
on Rt. 147 approx. 5 miles to the Village of
Paxton, PA. Sale on corner of Rt. 147 &
Paxton Drive. Sign Posted.
Antiques - Furniture - Collectibles, etc.:
Antique 2 pc. corner cupboard (80” H x 44” W
base) 22” solid shelf, 12 lite door, painted white;
low zinc lined dry sink 52” H & 44” W, 3 drawer
& shelf; fancy ladies head morris arm chair; oak
4’ high bed w/ginger trim; oak library table; oak
side by side dresser & chifferobe; 2 oak morris
chairs; oak wash stand; floor model radio; 30’s
style dresser: dovetail blanket chest; cedar
wardrobe; oak record cabinet; single Pineapple
post bed; Empire chest of drawer; PFAFF sewing
machine; reed planter; wrought iron flower
stand; sm. oak stand; 2 quilt frames; camel back
trunk; wall pictures; reverse painting of Light
House; nude bronze shelf clock; mirrored comb
rack; Bakelite dresser set; Griswold #7 pan & #8
griddle; old kitchen ware; tin lunch bucket; pot
tery planter; Sterling candle holders; orange car
nival dish; press glass pcs.; China bowl;
Ironstone pitcher & bowl set; pink depression
cover dish; amber saucers & cracker jar; mixing
bowl; China strawberry pattern milk pitcher;
S&P shakers - chicken on nest; comforters;
Columbia Cracker & Biscuits Co. Columbia, PA
box; Peanut Kids Peanut butter kettle; Von
Kocker Coal & Cloverdale Soda thermometers;
Piels & Kaiers beer trays; wooden rooster pin &
spool holder; sm. crocks; East Malta milk bottle;
opera Germany harmonic in case; piano rolls;
needle point pcs.; straight razor; P.R.R. token;
custom jewelry; 10K man ring; books; wooden
barrel; washboard; coal bucket; 2 milk buckets;
one man saw; hand & garden tools; 2 power push
mowers; brass tire pump; elect, weed eaters;
Spear Mfg. Co. 1925 RR lantern; plus lots of
items not mentioned. This is a partial listing.
Auctioneer note: If looking for antiques & col
lectables, don’t miss this good sale. Parking m
church parking lot nearby on Rt. 147.
Terms of sale: Cash or good personal PA checks
w/proper ID No out of state checks.
Refreshments by Trinity Church of Delmanta.
Not responsible for accidents.
terms by Doloris Snyder
Little IKE Eichelberger Auctioneer
Pa. Lie, #AU.1954-L
Now booking all types of public sales
Ph. Dillsburg 717-432-0006
SAT JUNE 20 - 9 30AM Locat
sd in Juniata Co along Jon
estown Rd just oft old Rt 22, 2
1/2 miles W ofThompsontown.or
8 miles E of Mifflintown, Pa Turn
at Walker Municipal Building
Tractor, Pickup, Camper, Lawn S
Garden Equip, Butchering Equip ,
antiques, household itesm & col
lectibles Jerauld R Jones
owner Bryan D Imes, auct
Street. Annville
Lebanon Count'
PA 17003
Leesport Farmers Market Social Hall
Rte. 61 Leesport, PA
Sunday, July 5, 1998 - 8:30 am to 2 pm
Flea Market Open
All Categories of old toys and collector toys
150 tables of toys indoors.
Contact Gallagher Productions
(610) 562-9404
Public Auction
Fri.. .Tune 19 @3:00 pm
it.. June 20.1998
8:30 AM
LOCATION: 4225 Bull Rd., Dover, Conewftgo Twp.
York County, Pa. From Denny's Rest, at Rt. 30 go
5.3 mi. or from Rt. 30 (West Manchester Mall) take
Rt. 74 north to Dover sq. Make right on West Canal
Rd. & Bull Rd., (Hake's Store). Dim left on Bull
Rd. & go 1 mi.
REAL ESTATE -12 noon
Nicely nested 3 bedroom brick rancher on 3+
acres, having 2 baths; kitchen & hv. room; full
basement, ground cellar; 1 car garage; covered
cement patio on back, blacktopped drive leading
to a 3 car garage. Property is well kept & in good
12 pane corner cupboard with spoon rack, dark
finish, Singer Sew. mach. w/treadle, grandfather
clock, 2-5 pc.blonde bedroom suits; Lane blanket
chest, blanket chest w/ball feet, small blanket
chest w/3 drawers inside, oak secretary desk
w/beveled mirror; York Safe, 24x29" oak desk
w/glass knobs; plank rocker, wooden benches,
old stone trough (from sq. in Dover); Burroughs
cash register, top of desk, Whirlpool washer &
dryer, Kelvmator upright freezer; metal wardrobe,
2 showcases, 2 drawer filing cabinet, Gold Star
microwave, butcher kettle, sausage press; lard &
milk cans, 4 burner gas stove, copper wash boil
er, galvanized tub, Kodak camera in case with
twmdar lens, motion picture reel w/shippmg box;
Kodak Royal Magaz. camera, kerosene lamp,
Zenith transistor radio; large scoop scales; Pepsi
Cola clock, baskets, Nifty pretzel can, quilt; gran
ite pans, Avon redware, costume jewelry,
Christmas items; books, lawn chairs; sprinkling
can; milk glass, candy dish, Wagner frying pans,
plus the usual kitchenware; canning jars.
1979 one dollar Susan B. Anthony, 10 rolls of 25,
Indianhead pennies, back to 1883; iron pennies,
NO war nickels; Jefferson blk. & red wooden nick
els; 1950'5-1970's uncirculated mint sets; wheat
NICE FARMALLI4O wide front with fast hitch; fast
hitch cart, fast hitch blade, fast hitch one row
planter: one btm. plow; side dresser; cultiv., pota
to plow; drag disc; Int'l Harvester manure spread
er; sickle mower; cement mixer; 4' pull type rotary
mower; dump rake; Cobey utility trailer; 3 pt. pota
to plow; 3 pt. cultiv.; Wheelhorse C-145 w/cultiv. &
snow blower; Planet Jr. 1 row planter; Mighty Mac
rototiller; Power Kraft router; CT air compressor;
bench grinder; Tool Kraft drill press; Craftsman
table saw; Craftsman 3/8 drill; fruit & veg. signs;
wheelbarrow; lawn cart; yard spreader: Parker
lawn sweeper; 3 HP garden sprayer; doz. of berry
crates & carriers; hand cultiv.; Stihl weedeater;
pruner; apple picker; single, double & triple trees,
1 & 2 man saws; buggy jack; metal ad. signs; 3
heavy duty shop carts 4'x7'; old gas cans; all kinds
of hand tools & garden tools. All kinds of supplies
& hardware from Lester Crone's former Blue Bell
Market located on the sq. of Dover.
Winchester model 71, 348 WCF lever action;
Remington model 41, 22 short long or long rifle;
Remington model 10A, 22 ga. pump, full choke;
Remington 222 bolt with scope.
1941 PONTIAC 6 cyl. coupe, 51,000 original miles
(new paint); 1980 PONTIAC Catalina 4 dr. 8 cyl.
Estate 10% down & balance in 60 days. Any statements
made auction day supercedes all printed material. Not
responsible for accidents. Refreshments by Farm
Women's Group #l6.
FRIDAY'S SALE includes household, coins & collectibles.
SATURDAY'S SALE includes lawn, garden, shop tools;
Real Estate at 12 noon; autos; guns.
4225 Bull Rd., Dover, Pa. 17315
POA's: Wayne & Ralph Crone
Atty; George Eveler, 111
6264 Big Mount Rd., East Berlin, Pa. 17316