Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 13, 1998, Image 69
QUESTION Doyle Whitney wants information on where employment in an area of ag dealerships or repair shops might be had where his experience of 25 years could be used. He also wants to know about rural communities where a farm could be purchased. He doesn't want real estate agents, but perhaps county extension agents or someone from the Dept, of Ag could help with the information. Call him collect at (860) 423-8218 or write to 331 Bass Rd., Wind ham, CT 06280. QUESTION A reader would like information on keeping a pair of swans in their pond in order to keep a Canada goose population under control. Which breed of swans works the best? Do you need to clip the wings to keep them in the pond? What kind of care do swans require? QUESTION Don Miller, Summit Hill, wants to know who can appraise the value of an antique goat cart. Call him at (717) 645-9693. QUESTION R. Himmelberger, 129 Poplar Rd., Fleetwood, PA 19522, would like poems with the word thimble in them. QUESTION—Mrs. B. Weaver, New Holland, pur chased a used set of Tinker Toys, but it didn’t have a manual to show how to make things. If you can help her. send it to her at 618 N. Railroad Ave., New Hol land. PA 17557. QUESTION Grace Pierce, Palmyra, would like to know where to get the words and music to ‘Abide With Me ’tis eventide.” - Martinsburg Wmeland Equipment, Inc Mercersburg Smith’s Implements, Inc, Mill Hall Dunkle and Greib, Inc New Holland ABC. Groff, Inc, New Alexandria Lone Maple Sales & Serv, Inc. Oakland Mills Lost Creek Implement, Inc. Oley Pikeville Equipment, Inc. Red Lion Waltemyer’s Sales & Serv., Inc. Somerset Scheffel Equipment Co, It’s the Groat John Deere SaJe-a-bration! Now here’s somethin! I Stoneboro Elder Sales & Service, Inc. Towanda S.P.E., Inc Tunkhannock Barton Supply, Inc Uniontown Greenlme Supply, Inc, QUESTION Ella Keyser, Zieglerville, wants to Know where to buy a belt for an antique sewing machine. The treadle machine is a New American #2909819 and Belt No. 25. QUESTION Vlad. Koropchak has a 20-quart milk can that was used in milk fountains. Does any one know of a company that would galvanize it to restore it to the original condition. QUESTION Art Sholly Jr., Mt. Joy, wants to know where to find a gas-fired Royal Peanut Roaster, any condition and any size. QUESTION Frank Furl, 231 Walnut Rd.. Clar ence, PA 16829, wants to raise hogs and would appreciate information on the raising and caring of hogs. QUESTION Fannie Beiler, Lancaster, would like to know where to purchase a Bio-Snacky sprou ter of someone who is willing to sell theirs. QUESTION Margaret Diamond, Kunkletown, wants instructions to make lamps or other items from popsickle sticks. QUESTION Harold Wolf, New Cumberland, is looking for copies of “Flying” magazine published from the mid 1950 s to 1962 only. QUESTION—Vera Sloop, Landisburg, would like information on where to buy strainer parts for a gal vanized watering can. Watsontown Deerfield Ag & Turf Center, Inc. West Chester M.S. Yearsley & Sons, Inc. WEST VIRGINIA Moorefield K&W Equipment, Inc, Lancaster Fanning, Saturday. June 13. 1998-825 QUESTION —Sharon from Elverson is looking for additional pieces to a Pfalzgraff set of dishes that were made 15-20 years ago. Pieces have a cream background with dark blue accents that include either a cow, a flower, a rocking horse, a pineapple, a cat, or a farm scene. Some pieces include the label Spec trum by Pfaltzgraff. QUESTION Thane Lafollette, Bemville, would like information on how and where to sell broom corn. He has about 75 stalks to sell. QUESTION Ivan Gromling, Manchester, writes that when he was young and growing up in the 1950 s and 19605, his family used Troutaman's Cough Syr up, which was black in color. Where can he purchase it today? QUESTION Mary Pazzaglia, Columbia Cross Roads, wants addresses for suppliers for chipwood baskets that measure 4'A -inch wide and 3V* -inch deep, and 2'A -inches high. QUESTION —Terry Lowe, New Park, is hoping to purchase wood or coal grates for a Wincroft #BBBB2R cookstove, made in Middletown. QUESTION Evan Weidman, Westfield, would like information about old cookers that he has. On top, it says American Cooker, patented Nov. 29, 1910, other patents pending, No. 70. the other one says the same thing but has a No. 66 on it. He’d like to know who made them and any other instructions. ANSWER —For Anna Mae Dukert who wanted to know where to purchase seeds for long neck dipper gourds, write to The American Gourd Society Inc., P.O. Box 274, Mt. Gilead. Ohio 43338-0274. They have seeds for many types of gourds and a 1998 seed list for members to advertise dried gourds and seeds for sale. Thanks to Doris Hellerick, Dublin, for sending this information. ANSWER Last week two people answered the request on how to get Christmas cactus to bloom. This week, we received two more unique methods. Thanks to Mary Ann Reich who writes that her mother in law told her to put it outside during the summer months and in the fall it would bloom beautifully. She tried this and so did her sister. It works everytimei she writes. Thanks to Bonnie Fogelman, Milton, who said that hers didn’t bloom until a friend told her to use Peters household plant food. She began using it a short time and it bloomed and has been blooming ever since. She also tried Miracle Grow, which works. Her plants hardly stop blooming. She waters once a week about % to 1 cup of water with the mixture. Now they are blooming on her patio. In the winter, she sets them in her bow window where the sun rises in the morning. ANSWER Bill Kelley, Purcellville, wanted to know where to have a meat grinder recoated or refin ished. Thanks to Florence Noit, East Greenville, who writes that galvanizing is done by John Hurd, Hazel ton. Call (610) 926-3645. f , ANSWER Helen Heavner, Upper Tract, W.V., wanted the address for Flavor Mill Artificial Butter Fla vor. Thanks to David Anspach, Giorgio Foods, Temple, who writes that Flavor Mill is a brand name of Chefmaster Co., 41 Columbia, Laguna Hills, CA 92656-1460. Chefmaster’s Parent Company is Byr nes & Kiefer Co., 131 Kline Ave., Gallery, PA 16024. ANSWER Carl Detwiler, Zionsville, wanted to know where to get wire rope flemish spiced and swaged. Thanks to David Anspach, Giorgio Foods, for suggesting he contact a nearby canning factory. Many of them use plastic coated wire rooe to convev their cans. The maintenance manager of the factory should be able to tell him who does it for them. ANSWER—A reader wants to find a shower cur tain with cows on it. Thanks to Nancy Harvatine, Thompson, who writes that it is available from Woody Jackson, Holy Cow, Inc., P.O. Box 906 L, Middlebur ry, UT05753. Phone (802) 388-6737, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Mr. Jackson is discontinuing his catalog at the end of the year so call soon. Nancy has the shower qurtain, which is excel lent quality and attractive. ANSWER Pam Eyer, Carlisle, wanted to know where to find plans to make a wooden playhouse like those sold at places that sell wooden storage sheds. Thanks to Ruth Archer, Englishtown, N.J.Jor writing that a woodcrafters’ catalog called Cherry. Tree has plans for a take-apart playhouse and a book of instructions for a dozen other playhouses. The address is Cherry Tree Toys, Inc., P.O. Box 369, Bel mont, OH 43718-4363. Phone 1-800-848-4363.