Fry Brothers headlocks, 4 panels, new, never installed, six locks per pan el, each panel 10 ft, $1125 080. 301-745-6570 Wash. Co Peacocks, India Blue, beau tiful male and female, 1 yr old. 609-728-7515 Glouces ;er Co. 4 yr old Bay, saddle bred, broke to drive, will make good buggy horse Please call eves. 717-445-4847 Lane. Co. Belgian mare, smooth mouth, $700; 3 yr. old gray Percheron gelding, both broke, good workers, David Glick, 38 W, Eby Rd , Leola, Pa Lane. Co. New Holland haybme 488, new blade, some new guards, field ready, works great, made first cutting hay, $l5OO. 717-927-6967 Fel ton Co. Yellow & green spring wag on, rubber tires, hyd brakes. 1-1/2 hp stationary air compressor, 25 gal. tank, $150; 110/220 generator, Wisconsin engine, $lOO 717-354-0568 Lane Co. NH model 70 bale throwers, hyd & shaft drive, PTO shafts for NH balers, baler engine mounts 717-442- 1009 8-B'ls am Lane Co Pomeranian and Eskimo mixed pups, 6 wks old, nice and cute Aaron B Beiler, 450 A Vintage Road, Par adise, Lane. Co IS Perkins Sales & Service 3 • 7 -160 hp Open Power Units • Diesel Rebuilding • Cooling Compressor Units w/Air Motor or 12 V Clutch * • Batteries Belts Knirfftucl • 12 V Alternators ||WBW| • Ice Boxes ifllfi/ • Diesel Air Compressor tKys Units MEW IN STOCK • 57 HP Perkins Diesel • 37 HP Perkins Diesel LK SMUCKER REPAIR 125 LEACOCK ROAD GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Location: Peters Rd & Leacock Rd., 3 Miles South of New Holland 717-355-2606 MAILBOX MARKET Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. copies accepted! Please NO PHONE CALLS • I 'li ,1 PRINT LEGIBLY Check One: For Sale 1 I Notice I—l Wanted I I* 18 ' County Phone No. No Phone Ceils Please! Massey-Harns No. 6 sickle bar mower, 7' cut w/hyd. pick-up of cutting bar in good working cond $425 302-492-3261 Kent Co. Farmall Super A cultivator, compl., $300; Farmall Cub dirt plow and rear cult, lift mechanism, $lOO, front weights 610-759-5314 Northampton Co. JD 2030 w/146 loader. Scenic Road 18 bu feed cart, 10 ton Butler feed tank and 40 ft auger 301-371- 6972 Fred Co Polled ourebred Simmental bulls and heifers, can be registered, black or red and cow/calf pairs, docile. 814- 733-4705 Bedford Co. JD 24 skid loader, $3200, Ford 340 skid loader, $3850, 1H2400 diesel trac tor w/loader, $2BOO, NH553 skid loader, $7BOO 717- 445-4348 Lane. Co Oliver 1800 gas tractor, live hyd., dual PTO, exc tires, nice tractor, ready for field. 717-445-0576 or 814-749- 8867 Indiana Co. Hesston haybme 1150, 12’ good cond., $3500. 717- 866-5807 Leb Co. 4 yr old saddle bred traffi safe, sound, speedy, trotte Willis Martin, 1180 Woodly Dr., Denver, Pa. 1751 Lane Co. JD 513 rotary cutter, w/front guard chains and driveline slip clutch, used very little, $695 717-426-4419 Lane Co AD FORM Attach Your Here Tobacco plants, Md. anc Pa. Call John D. Burkholder 717-626-0295 Lane. Co 713 Nl Grain head, JD 60 801 hitch, 65 Cheve 3/4 T p/u, 18.4x38, tires new. 717- 733-6319 Lane. Co Registered PO.A filly, $1500; show paint pony, IS!'* or * rai 0r oac *, approx. $1150; AQHA cutting horse, 300 railroad ties, good $4500; yearling coles, make cond. for fence posts. Call offers, must sell! 717-362- 607-776-9380 Bath, 7433 Dauphin Co. NY Steuben Co. Farmall F-20, new manifold, runs good, starts easy, $750 717-933-9084 Berks Co, Allis Chalmers B w/Hendar son front loader, $l5OO, Waterloo Boy 5 hp engine, $lOOO. Both in nice condi tion 717-933-5398 Berks Co. Arabian mare, 3 yr old, green broke, $750 080, Hedgehogs, $25, AKC Lab pups, one yellow female, one choc, male, 717-733- 4292 Lane. Co JD 513 rotary cutter w/front tire guard chains and dnve line slip clutch, used very lit tle, $695. 717-426-4419 Lane. Co. MAILBOX MARKET WANTED Someone to bale uf) 12 ac. mowed horse pasture in Mt Nebo (Pequea), cut 5/30 717-284-5287 Lane. Co. Farmall model 100 or 130 grill and grill shell also Bat tery Boy cover. Jim Dow gm, Dayton, NJ 732-329- 6729 Mlddl. Co. 9’ sickle bar mower, 3 pt or trail w/hydraulic lift 410- 795-2194 Carroll Co. Riding mule wanted at least 15 hands, no older than 5 yrs. 724-632-3305 Wash. Co. SAFEGUARD LIVE ANIMAL TRAPS Heavy gauge wire reinforced with steel rods #24 8x7x24” Long- Squirrels, rabbits, etc $26.90 #3O 11x12x30" Long-Raccoons, woodchucks, etc $34.90 #36 11x12x36" Long-Large Raccoons, Fox (gray), etc $38.90 Add $5 90 S&H per order pa residents add 6% Tax exempt Includes tax numbers R.E. Black, 497 Bull Run Rd., Wrightsvllle, PA 17368 Mali Order Onlyl st °if>o ? a Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers Sprayar Parts and Repair • Pressure Washers • Hydraulic Hoses • Black Walnut Cracker 858 Pumping Station Road Answering Service Kirkwood PA 17536 77 7-529-6553 ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORM!' Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed “one" free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Fanning Mailing Label must be attached. 3) Limit; 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Markets that do not meet these requirements ** Generator, 110/220v, single phase, 7 StoISKW, 4cyl., water cooled, propane fueled. 607-387-5838 Trau mansburg. NY Hand-crank ice cream Freezer, 20 quart 717-733- 0933 Lane. Co Wanted, service manual and other parts for JD 1010 tractor. 410-923-3074 A.A County, MD Family looking for Norman C. Lutz Dairy and Landview Dairy milk bottles from Sny ders, PA. Please call 717- 386-2416 Schuyl. Co. Piston .030 over size for V 6 Toro Flow CMC diesel 814-395-3983 Somerset Co. PTC shaft and slip clutch assembly for Int #435 baler. 717-758-8085 North’d Co. Gnll guard for 1990 S-10 Chevy truck and bow-an arrow case 717-354-7115 Lane. Co. Wood planer 12" to 15" capacity in useable or repairable cond tor home work shop. 6pm-9pm 717- 569-8331 Bam-spm 717- 299-5220 Lane Co Bed spring for iron dbl. bed, collector No Sunday calls7l 7-758-8671 Northumb Co Home Comfort cook stove, average to above average cond., also other brands 717-274-0069 Leb Co Asphalt paving to trade for almost new 17' ski boat 717-367-7490 Lane. Co. Hydraulic cylinder, 26" long, fits front bucket of a Pippin backhoe and loader. 610-326-0156 Montq. Co. \aix FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS Mall To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 1 E. Main SL P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 No Phone Celia Please! Budding H finger weeder, single row. 215-249-0241 Bucks Co Old metal glider. 717-739- 4045 Schuylkill Co. 3 pt assembly wanted for Oliver 77, also Hillside hitch for Oliver 880. Call after 8 pm 610-837-4989 Northampton Co. Black Locust and/or White Oak trees, logs or custom sawed dimension lumber 610-539-5360 Montg. Co Will buy all large hand hewn beams, oak 10"x10", 10-*XI2", 8"x8" Tractor trail er load needed, ASAP 717- 677-9698 Adams Co. 2 ft I.D concrete pipe to extend bndge, any length; also small 2 or 4 hole pig feeder Amos K Lapp, 3128 Harvest Dr, Ronks, Pa. 17572 Lane. Co Farmall Super A tractor, no junk, reasonable, also good Safemark 11 2 x 36" tires After 7 pm 610-683-8540 Berks Co. 2-19x26 combine tires needed 4-sale, 1 row horse drawn potato digger, 1 row cultivator, 1 row, walk behind cultivator w/engme Make offer 717-386-3335 Carbon Co. JD H, good cond , prefer electric start 609-466-2644 Mercer Co Certified organic hay, small bales pref’d but would con sider Ig square bales. Also need organic shelled corn 717-964-3742 Leb Co Wanted to buy, miniature horses, mares w/foals by side, 34” or under with or w/o papers, inexpensive 973-398-7954 Sussex Co Welder torch, shop tools, vise 717-872-5520 Lane Co. MAILBOX MARKET NOTICE AKC Registered Rottweiler stud sen/., big litters 717- 354-0293 Lane. Co Subscription Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $29.50 per year or $57.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas - $39.50 per year, - ( $77 00 for two years) Payment must accompany order. Allow ' three weeks for delivery. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. ■ When writing us about your subscription please attach your I 1 Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to: . I LANCASTER FARMING , P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 I 1 Phone: 717-626-11 640 r 71 7-394-3047 j PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective May 1,1998 PA, MD. DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV □ $29.50 -1 YEAR □ $57.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION Name . Address RD#. City Zip+4 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 13, 1998-823 LEFEVER ESTATE SALE Household goods, collectibles and tools were sold Monday at a public auction held for the estate of Loretta G. Lefever, 138 Country Lane, East Coventry Township, Chester County. There were 235 registered bidders. Highlights included a Kitchen Aid mixer $140; a set of kettles, $210; a radial arm saw, $310; a band saw; $105; a jointer, $105; a Delta drill press, $140; a table saw; $100; a welder, $130; a metal cabinet with contents, $100; a garden tractor, $1,350; a snowblower, $525; a Troy Bilt tiller, $300; a Zenith color TV, $140; six oak chairs, $195; a General Electric refrigerator, $220; and a Lincoln Mark VII coupe, $3,600. The sale was con ducted by Horst Auctioneers, Ephrata. FISHER SALE A Victorian three piece parlor set brought $1,650 Saturday at a public auction held for Steve and Jean Fisher, 38 . Mount Hope School Pequea Hoad, Township The sale drew 251 bidders. Box# State County Non-Refundable Also sold were a Henry Slaugh hunt board, $1050; a Victorian three-sec tion settee/gossip bench, $900; a six pane corner cupboard, $900; a wicker shelf, $400; a washstand, $275; an oak Mission table, $160; a fainting couch, $170; and early wood Wheel Express Meekins News deliv ery wagon, $375; "The Ice King" wooden ice cutter, $110; an elec trified "Gone With The Wind" lamp, $410; an electrified signal lantern with red globe, $210; a Hamilton model 27.22 caliber rifle, $280; and a Hubley fire truck, $265. Also sold were a Lenox teapot with sil ver overlay, $155; a slag-glass floor lamp, $140; an Ideal Shirley Temple doll, $150; and 1868 show towel, $120; a copper kettle, $9O; a string of bells, $9O; a tin toy Wolverine wringer washer, $75; two miniature Steiff ani mals, $7O; a cranberry glass basket, $7O; a bear mechanical bank (as is), $105; and a German cat creamer, $55. The sale was con ducted by Roy & Eric Probst Auctioneers, Willow Street. OTHER STATES □ $39.50 - 1 YEAR □ $77.00 - 2 YEARS □ RENEWAL