Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 13, 1998, Image 65
MF 300 combine diesel, 13' header w/bean bar, only 710 hrs., in ex. cond. 717- 582-4588 Perry Co. TWH yearling coct. chest nut w/tan mane, tail. Blaze, socks, excellent bloodlines, blood typed, $775 080 717-359-5834 Adams Co. Sofa, early American 84" dark pine, black denim cushions, g.c.; also chair, early Amer. swivel rocker, red plaid. 717-567-6429 Perry Co. Top buggy on rubber, $1000; horse size cart on rubber w/fold down seat, $650; harnesses saddles, more! 973-697-1515 Morris Co. NJ Hay tedder/rake, 3 pth dolly wheels, spares PTO drive, $4OO 080. 908-832-0797 Hunterdon Co. 95' White Star IV Vegetable washer & absorber sorting belt (TEW), $1700; Hardie mist blower sprayer, $650; 5/8 baskets. 908-782-3391, NJ Farrowing crates, hog floor ing sections, SS sow and nursery feeders; 3* irrigation pipe, make offer. 717-361- 9404 Lane. Co. 1/4 ton military trailer, $400; 28v generators, $150; new Motorola car phone, $65; Camo clothing, pants, shirts, field jackets. 717- 848-1777 York Co. JD B tractor, $1950; #307 JD rotary - 6' $695; JD 3 pt. 3-bott, 14" plow, $425; JD, 10‘ disk, $1025; JD sickle bar; JD 4 bott. 717-359- 8283 Adams Co. Thick sheepskin hides, great as rugs, for car seats, warm in winter, cool in sum mer, great for convales cence. 610-932-8715 Chester Co. Gehl 4400 skldloaders, good working order; 87 Chevy S-10, 4x4, V 6, auto, sell or trade. 717-786-2239 Lane. Co. Farmall Cub tractor, exc. cond., w/Woods 5‘ belly mower, cultivators & wheel weights 410-239-0536 Car roll Co. 3 phase beach stroke sander, 80“ table used In wood working shop, works well, $BOO 717-246-2693 York Co. Two polled Hereford bred heifers Bull is easy calver, wormed, ready for pasture. Also 8' Mornsion utility body. 717-689-2158 Eves. Wayne Co. 4 row Int. cultivator w/spnng teeth, 3 pt, $BOO 610-932- 2353 Chester Co Hercules 6 cyl diesel, mod el DJX-H, exc cond , low hours, 99 hp, Rockford clutch, $1625 717-287- 3808 or 928-9571 Sullivan Co. ; Fairbanks platform scales, 500 lbs capacity w/roller wheels, $lOO, Cattleman's heavy duty dehorners, $lOO. 215-598-3818 Bucks Co. Heavy duty contractor lad der racks w/Knap-heide tool boxes, $1250 Minnesota Model A, treadle sewing machine w/ attachments, $75 080 215-536-2284 Bucks Co. Old oak counter top display case w/slidmg doors, $250, old spinning wheel rocking chair and good, $295 610- 287-9857 Mont. Co 931 Cat loader, good shape, $15,000 717-364-5714 Bradford Co 8 hp Cub Cadet rear tine roto-tiller, very good cond., $450; 5 hp, Montgomery Ward rear tine, $2OO. 717- 776-7692 Cumb Co. 1 yr old pony, colt, about 36“ tall, not trained, $2OO 717-799-5521 Col. Co 7000 Complanter, soybean meters, $l5 ea, Insecti cide boxes, $9O, transport wheels w/rim, $l5; monitor tubes, $l5. 717-442-4406 Lane. Co. 40" GE electric kitchen range, gold, good cond 717-597-8270 Frankl. Co. Utility trailers, various sizes, 3,000 lb. and 7,000 lb. models. Check out our tilt trailers, load your mower w/ease. 717-336-0896 Lane. Co. Ford 600 dump, $l2OO, farm license truck. 717- 345-8261 Schuyl. Co. 9N, 2N Ford tractor parts, Pygmy kid billies, black, 8 wks., Toulouse geese, 12 wks., Anend 5 hp rototiller, $l5O. 717-872-2168 Lane. Co 6 dog houses, built togeth er in 1 unit, w/6' wire runs, holds 12-18 dogs, insulat ed, $1750 0 80. 717-738- 2985 Lane. Co. Young black swans, Indian Red jungle fowl, reg Faint ing goats, cross-bred ewes, ring neck doves, weeder geese 717-733- 2425 Lane Co Chopper/shredder, 18 hp, Honda, electric start, 6” cap, towable, like new, $2BOO 717-633-8420 York Co Taylorway 12'xHD offset disc, 28" discs, $4lOO Gram moisture tester, $75 AC6OO corn planter, no fert. $5OO 410-836-1722 Harford Co. MD Aluminum dump truck bed, 17‘, good cond , best offer 814-364-1296 Centre Co. 2 Oanco forage wagons, 10- ton, 3-beater, roof, front & rear unload, fill 1 silo, store inside, $4250 ea Call Dan 717-597-7185 Frankl Co JD 620 PS, 3 pt„ $3800; #45 loader, JD 1 bottom plow for JDM, 2 bottom JD trailer plow 717-249-4367 Cumb Co Smoker hay or gram eleva tor. 1 hp motor, new belt, high speed wheels for road traveling, asking $295 717- 776-4446 Cumb Co. JD 336 baler w/#3O ejector, $3500, NH 489 haybme, $2500, Gehl 99 Hi throw for age blower, $lOOO 717- 274-3350 Leb Co 1928 thru 1931 Model A Ford Roadster. Also Ford or Chevy. Conv. or 2 dr hd top. 717-273-3084 Leb Co. Corn silage from trench Hesston 540 round 4x4 baler, exc , $6OOO. Alfalfa balage, sth cutting and some oats 717-687-1227 Leb. Co Locust fence posts, 150 posts, 3"-5", 7'-8' long, $5.50 ea. No Sunday Calls 717-354-2959 Lane Co. AC D-15 Ser 11, 1140 hrs , 3500 AC loader, new dia mond plate running boards, (Chevy), 25 coppertone tange/hood 60 717-687- 0743 Lane. Co. Fir 2x125 .80 ft., 2x6xB’, $2 piece, 2x4xl6', 2x4xl2', used aluminum. $3O sq., tin $2O sq., 2" galv pipe Samuel Stoltzfus, Strasburg Rd.. Gap. 717-442-9173 Lane. Co. Blacksmith tools, forges, als ° smooth mouth Sorel Hardies, suages, anvil & tin- ™ ule> Gideon ners, tools, stakes, anvils, Swarey, 2761 N Cherry Ln. roller. Larry Martin Sale Honks, Lane. Co. June 26. New Holland. RRI Zimmerman 40 ft elevator, Box 1596, Jonestown, PA $llOO. Free delivery to 17038 Lane Co. Lane area 717-532-5382 1H 234 Mtd. corn picker, $150; Farmall BN $9OO, new broom poles, Cat 13pth $5O, leveler tor disc 814- 735-4898 Bedford Co Hunting, fishing cabin, Clearfield Co , state leased ground, 29x16,1 sty frame, 2 BR, good cond , $22,500 717-776-3984 Cumb Co. New Holland 514 manure spreader in good cond $l7OO 717-345-4902 Schuyl Co JD #3O combine, PTC bin, field ready, $495 5' bush hog, $325, flat wagon, $250 610-683-6028 Berks Co JD #95 combine, good cond , need minor repair, must sell BRO hay wag ons, feed grinder, 2 cyl JD tractors Eves, 908-782- 1725 Hunt Co Wisconsin eng, VE4, rebuilt, 1965 Ford Galaxie 2 dr hard top, JD 46A loauer w/buckel & fork 410-256- 7390 Balt Co JD 224 wire baler w/kicker, 3 pt hay rake, 34' baler ele vator, hay wagons, gravity wagons 908-735-5471 Hunt Co Mower decks for Kubota 86000, Kubota belly mowei, compl, Woods 3pt mower (revers PTO), pull behind lawn sweeper 609-769- 2158 Salem Co Ford loader backhoe #3400 w/cab 4 cyl, gas job, 10' hoe, 24" bucket, very good shape, $7500 908-735- 5532 Hunt Co JD B 1944, $875, Ferguson sickle bar mower, $5O, fan ning mill, $3O, 4 old gram drills 080 717-376-2246 Tioga Co Call us for all your jack needs or repairs Air or Manual $137.00 | Miy, $199.87 30, 50,100 ton available by special order Pressure Power 14471 Hollowed Church Rd. Waynesboro, PA 17268 Phone (717)597-1592 New and Used Jack Sales Repair on most brands Used poultry equipment, call 717-649-5445 Nrthumb Co. Gram auger, 20 ft. x 6 in , new cond , $4OO 610-488- 6177 Berks Co. Storm front carriage, good cond , $l6OO market wag on, needs repairs $450 717-656-2123 Lane. Co. JD 660 rake dolly wheel, $1550, Pequea 710 PTC tedder, $B5O, Hesston PT •10 9 ft haybme, needs repair, $350 610-683-5428 Berks Co 5 yr old Sorrel, man’s horse, needs work 717- 354-0595 Lane. Co Apprx 300, 12" block. 28 cents ea 6x12 dog kennel, $150; 7'6"xB'w insulated garage door, good cond , 2- H beams 6-1/4x6x2o', 18' sito roof 717-665-5240 Lane. Co. 41 type tob. plants for sale, G. Chalmers, good shape. 4' harrow and roller, 8 hp roto-tiller Snapper 18", 3 pt plow, all in good shape 717-626-7857 Lane Co Milling mach small Burke #4, 110 v, power feed, very accurate, perfect of hobby ist or gunsmith 301-854- 6431 Howard Co New Holland #450 sickle mower, 7', 3 pt, ex cond , $l2O, 275 gal fuel tank w/hand pump, $75 610- 488-1476 Berks Co Ferguson 40 NF live PTO 3 pt, $2500, 9N, 3 pt, $1650, runs excellent, front mount woodsaw, $B5 Keep trying 717-264-5089 Frankl Co 20x60 Madison silo roof lad der, fill pipe 20 ft Hanson unloader, 12x35 Ribstone silo unloader roof fillpipe 717-294-3345 Fulton Co JD 4400 combine, rotary screen, 13 ft gram head, good cond, no Sunday calls, 814-473-8231 Clanon Co 5 string banjo hammer dul cimer, appalachian dul cimer, alum siding for trailer (new), sofa bed for conver sion van, also windows 717-865-2941 Leb Co I & J cultivator, 4 r, used 2 seasons, $ll5O, JD 1240 corn planter, $5OO, neg , NH Super 23 blower, $l9O 717- 369-4983 Frankl Co JD 4010 WF diesel, works good, $6OOO HW trackhoe C-148 w/bucket & grapple, $25,000 17 disc gram 717- 966-3154 Union Co 1982 LNBOOO Ford 3208 Cat 10 spd , Road Ranger, 2 spd , air axle 11' CA, $5500 John Parsons 301- 334-3352 Preston Co Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 13, 1998-821 6-18' mult-fan, 240 v., very good cond., $80; 9 pc., now $275; 1 - 200,000 BTU space heater, $2OO 717- 933-9201 Berks Co Trac-Vac 5 hp, 3 pt lawn vacuum system, fan for Steiner MR6O mower deck, Trac-Vac dump cart w/hop per. 814-364-9333 Centre Co Witte 5 hp saw ng, $550, 3 hp JD-E 1450 Hercules, 1- 1/2 hp ignitor, $550, 1-1/2 hp Fuller Johnson, $550 10a-4p 732-367-7546 Ocean Co.. NJ Stubben Seigfned German model saddle - fittings. $525, good cond , Hartley close contact hunt seat model - new, $l5OO. 717- 259-7721 York Co. 1993 Toyota TlOO 4x4, 5 hp, 60,000 mi A/C. tilt, cloth, AM/FM cass., new tires, timing belt, bed liner. 717-755-1477 York Co. Heavy duty “house” bush hog mower, 6 ft., 3 pt, new, $775 Riding tractor mower, Ingersol, 1212 H, new, $lOOO 717-687-7336 Lane Co 1946 Farmall A, new tires, paint and 5' Woods belly mower, $4OOO 610-363- 1944 Chester Co 19368 N JD 6 2 diesel engine GM 215-233-4088 Montg Co JD 420 tractor, $2lOO, Hon da 350 4x4, very good, $2400, JD 112 tractor, Ford 12 hp tractor 717-334-6655 Adams Co Certified organic (PA) shelled corn, about 250 bushel left, delivery avail, 610-562-2334 Berks Co Same Saturno #BO 4 WD tractor, good cond, 12' transp disk, $9OO, AKC Bull dog breeders, 8 fern, 2 male 717-933-8962 Berks Co Remington model 7, 243 custom w/Leopold 3x9 scope, glass stock shoots 3/4“ groups, ammo, box, $5OO firm 410-560-0879 Balt Co Pheasants, 3 blue earred cock birds, 1 yr old, White King pigeons, many pairs Many Goldens Ken Knowl den 607-692-3198 Broome Co Gravely model L tractors plus attachments, best offer 610-926-9147 Berks Co Yakima roof racks, 1 gutter less, 1 gutter ski & bike attachments, used cedar 4"x6", nice for landscaping Solid cherry entertainment center 717-866-2531 Leb Co ' 1989 Mallard travel trailer, 2 dr, pvt bedroom sofa, dinette, sleeps 6-8, bath room, awning, must sell, excellent, $5300 717-964- 3426 Leb Co MF 50 w/new rear tires, $2950, Co-op E 3, $1395, restored Farmall H. $lOOO, ACWD $1295, 1989 Kawasaki 80cc, $695 717- 582-8354 Perry Co 56 Ft. Super Chic Reasonable weekday rates Blue Fish, Flounder, Wreck, Shark, Tuna and overnight canyon trips. 6th street, Barnegat Light, NJ Captain Ted White Captain Les Osborn 609-296-4480 4 SPORTFISHING CHARTERS Inshore and Offshore 6 PASSENGERS From CAPE MAY, NJ on the 32’ TOPAZ MAID MARIAN CHARTERS MOUNT JOY. PA | Flounder« Weakfish * Marlin»Tuna«Blues' Captain Jim McKinley d| (609)624-1461 #2890 combine mm, needs work, has com head & gram head, BO 717-754-3107 Sch. Co. (2) Red & White Holstein bulls, age 9 mo Liconce x Caveman, Red -Marker x Momentum, have info Daniel Weaver, 717-733- 4763 Lane. Co Standard scale company 37,000 lb. capacity m-floor beam scales, 9'xlB‘ wood deck, inside building, you remove 717-322-1554 Lycoming Co. Old gas engines, hit and miss, 1 hp, spotless, Palmer Bros inboard marine engine, Elto Senior Speed ster outboard. 717-456- 6256 York Co. Forklift, white, 5000 lb lift, 154’ very good shape, new tires, propane, $2950 After 5 pm 717-545-6401 Dau Co 820 JD 730 Std DSI, JD fenders B thru 720, JD rear wheel weights, H thru 830 After 7 pm, 717-292-6620 York Co 1941 Chevy sedan body and frame good cond , V 8 mounts, no motor or trans exc street rod, $l3OO 080 304-262-2748 WV Agco Allis tractor, 3 cyl, air cooled diesel, 40 hp, canopy, 200 hrs , like new 717-548-3486 Lane Co Two Nubian Doc kids, exc breeding stock, choc col ored, $BO ea Call after dark 717-799-0169 Col Co New Idea cutdithener w/engme mount, 12' tobac co rails, fire wood Gideon Lapp 94A Glenbrook Rd Leola, Lane Co 6 in disc, 4 in belt sander, good cond , choice of 2, also typewriters OK 717- 442-8317 Lane Co NH 66 haybaler, new paint, needs little work, IH 816 haybme, 9' cut, make offers 717-444-3748 Jun Co 16' doubled gooseneck live stock trailer, $l2OO, metal bt feed bin, 7' legs, $200,8' round bale feeder, $125 080 717-244-3914 York Co 4 mute swan signets, $lOO ea , also, used Coleman Scanoe, $2OO good for farm pond 717-626-8912 Lane Co New Holland 66 baler PTO 1960 Ford engine skirts chrome, 1972 Chevy Rally Nova grill 717-725-3312 Clinton Co > Cultivators, plow, fertilizer 5- dresser for Cub, Super A cultivators for JD L trans planter, hillers, JDIO ft transport disk antiques, turn , bicycles 609-358- 8625 Salem Co 5 ft 3 pt Ford rotary mower good cond 717-284-6932 Lane Co Cnppen gramer cleaner, $2300, IH #55 chisel plow, 9 t, $llOO, grade Holstein springing heifers, $llOO. straw, $lOO/ton 717-426- 1742 Lane Co