Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 13, 1998, Image 61
Berks Society 6 Berks County Farm Women Group #6 held its April meeting at the home of Beth Glick. Nine members toured Glick's Greenhouse. Hosted By David Glick Prior to the meeting. Cindy Pick and Wendy Vogel were installed as new members Nine members attended "Everyone's Birthday Party" in the home of Pearl Hoffman for t k V S j I I i V f I • P.S. - Don’t Forget Your Father-In-Law! IVJ PLEASE SEND MY FATHER LANCASTER FARMING 51 IJk nj, oh, md, de, (Check one) vi |4& NY, VAtWV ' 0 eC ° ne; \l| I T □ $29.50 -1 YEAR □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION JR I □ $57.00 - 2 YEARS €»■ |Ti OTHER STATES □ RENEWAL & If. a $39.50 - 1 YEAR Y I ■ □ $77.00 - 2 YEARS ENCLOSED IS A ‘ / ■ SJI □ CHECK □ CASH □ MONEY ORDER (To (wlp corroctly coda your addrai, ploaao furnish COMPLETE addrttl A* an eiampla, Include number o) the Urn. I\ 1 dwelllt*, street name, city and state When appropriate, Induda other specific Information such as suite, | pS* ■ | \ apartment floor, bos number, etc. If you have an RD„ please Include los Number) ngi | ■T! NAME ~ Vl |fj ADDRESS | / CITY_ STATE o>% |»f ZIP +4 _ ‘/.f COUNTY / * Cd | Send Gift Card From 4* Jr / Send us your coupon now with your payment to: # & Lancaster Farming & A P.O. Box 60b A Oj Ephrata, PA 17522 A i Allow 2 weeks for delivery of your first issue. We can also add 1 year to existing subscriptions sent in for renewal. the May meeting. Gifts were exchanged and cake was enjoyed by all. A bake sale was held to bene fit Brandon Wagner, son of member Dorothy Wagner. All who attended the Spring Rally had an enjoyable time. The June meeting will be in the home of Linda Youse. Subscription Price: $29.50 per year; $57.00 - 2 years $39.50 per year outside of: PA, NJ, OH, MD, DE, NY, VA & WV Berks Society 4 The Berks Society of Farm Women Group #4 met on May S at Cherry’s Flowers, Boyertown. The program for the evening was conducted by Cheryl Reifsnyder, owner. She demonstrated how to arrange flowers in a container. The group then was instructed in making bows and a corsage. Everyone went away with a beau tiful corsage for Mother’s Day. Members traveled to the home of hostess Georgcnna Fullerton for the business meeting. The Roll Call of “What was your most memorable Mother’s Day?” was answered by the six members pre sent President Elsie Rothenberger conducted the business meeting. Many verbal thank you’s were received for cookie trays. Virginia Taylor-Sloan reported that she needs the Stanley orders as soon as possible. Lothie Hildenbrant gave the report from the County Board meeting. The County Bas ket Bingo was a success with a profit of $3,917. This will be used for Berks Heim and 4-H needs. The county project this year is “Acts of Kindness.” Ruth Walters, county president, is checking with Reading Emergency Shelter to see what is needed. Virginia Sloan read a poem “It Couldn’t Hurt” by Sandy Egrines, from “Chicken Soup For A Woman.” Improve Your Milk Cooling Efficiency with an A' Alfa Laval Agri~ SMOOTH OPERATOR- TRANSFER PUMP CONTROL • Slows down the plate cooler, • Less foam from • Can reduce bac • Less compresso • Can lower ranci CA imm DAIRY E’ Blue Ball Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 13, 1998-817 Lancaster Society 18 Lancaster Fann Women Society 18 met May 16 in the home of Mildred Kreider and admired the one-level living quarters recently added. An entertaining program was held by Martha Bowman, who described her “make believe first” plane ride, a skit of an “unassum ing woman’s concern for the needs of her new acquaintances ’midst her own air sickness experience. Eighteen members and two visi tors were present. President Martha Stoner called the meeting to order and Ruth Rohrer led devo tions. £ I