(Continued from Page A 2) GOOD 1-2 23.00-45.00, FEW FLESHY DOWN TO 15.00. GOATS: ALL GOATS SOLD BY THE HEAD. BILLIES: MEDIUM AND LARGE 75.00-120.00, FEW TO 130.00. NANNIES: MEDIUM AND LARGE 45.00-80.00; YEARUNOS: CHOICE AND PRIME 50.00-75.00. KIDS: CHOICE AND PRIME 35.00-50.00. GOOD 20.0040.00. Lancaster County Weekly Lancaster, PA Friday, June 12, 1996 Cattle 2477 This Week 2593 1559 Last Week 2848 Last Year CATTLE: COMPARED TO LAST WEEK’S CLOSING PRICES. SLAUGH TER STEERS SOLD STEADY TO 50 HIGHER. STRENGTH FINALLY CAME AT THE END OF THE WEEK AFTER BOXED BEEF CUT-OUT VALUES INCHED HIGHER THROUGHOUT THE WEEK AND THE FUTURES MARKET FLEXED ITS MUSCLE BY CHARGING 1.25 HIGHER ON TUESDAY FOR THE NEARBY CONTRACT. PACKER ESTATE AUCTION RIFLE & SHOTGUN COLLECTION WED., JUNE 17th, 1998 at 5:30 PM ALLEN'S AUCTION BARN LANDING ST. f VINCENTOWN, NJ THIS COLLECTION WILL BE INCH ID ED IN OUR SCHEDULED A UCTJON. SHOTGUNS : 12 Gauge LC Smith Double Barrel, 28 Gauge Remington Single Barrel, 16 Gauge Iver Johnson Single Barrel. 10 Gauge Empire State Single Barrel, 16 Gauge American Gun Double Barrel Hammer, 12 Gauge Enterprise Arms Double Barrel Hammer, 10 Gaugp W. Richards Double Barrel Hammer, 12 Gauge Winchester Lever Action Yr 1887, 30.06 Springfield Yr. 1903, 30 06 Remington Yr 1903, 12 Gauge Parker Bros Double Barrel Hammer, RIFLES: Winchester 04A, Winchester 67, Springfield 56. Stevens 875, Savage 6A, Mossberg Scope 340 KC, Winchester - Antique 62A, Hamilton 14 ALSO FEATURED WILL BE A COLLECTION OF OVER 500 AVON PLATES & BOTTLES AND A COLLECTION OF BEAM BOTTLES ALLEN'S AUCTION SERVICE RICK ALLEN, AUCTIONEER 609-267-8382 THE 44th ANNUAL KEMPTON COUNTY FAIR FRIDAY TO SUNDAY JUNE 19 - 21 • Opens S p in • MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. 7 and 9 10 p in • TWITTY FEVER, 8 Hand IQhpm • Tractor Pulls, 6pm FRIDAY SATURDAY • Opens 11 a m • Mountain Madness Oft Road Races Figure B’s, 12 noon - Drags, 6 p in • SCOOTER THE CLOWN, Ipm • CRYSTAL MARIE, Ipm • ROBIN RIGHT 6p m and 9 I S p m • DAVID FRIZZELL 7 IS and II) I S pin • Children’s Day I to 4 p in SUNDAY • Opens at 11 a m • Ofl-Road Races Obstacle Course - 12 noon • KEMPTON FAIR SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT - 12 noon • Children’s Tractor Pull - I pm • JAZZ BAND, 1 p m • COMMON GROUND S p in • HANK WILLIAMS, 111. 7pm EVERY PAY • NEW NEW NEW, Agricultural contests and exhibits livestock, agriculture, home skills, arts and crafts The Midway Rides Food 100 Exhibitors Free Entertainment Ram or Shine ADMISSION? $4 00 per person Children 6 - 12, 1/2 price Under 6. Free FREE PARKING WATCH FOR COMING EVENTS MONTHLY AT KEMPTON KEMPTON COMMUNITY CENTER NEEDS WERE STILL LIGHT ENOUGH FOR BUYERS TO BE FAIRLY SELEC TIVE, WITH AN EXTRA-SHARP EYE OUT FOR OVER FINISHED CATTLE THAT MIGHT SUFFER THE STIFF YIELD GRADE 4 DISCOUNT. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS WERE ONLY LIGHTLY TESTED. SLAUGHTER COW PRICES ENDED THE WEEK UNEVEN; CANNER AND LOW CUTTER COWS FINISHED FULLY STEADY. WHILE HIGH CUTTER AND UTILITY COWS TRENDED .50-1.00 HIGHER IN ACTIVE TRADING. SLAUGHTER BULLS CLOSED MOSTLY STEADY. SUPPLY INCLUDED 52 PERCENT SLAUGHTER STEERS, 5 PERCENT SLAUGHTER HEIFERS, 34 PERCENT SLAUGHTER COWS, 4 PERCENT BULLS, WITH THE BALANCE FEEDERS. Calves 1609 1556 SLAUGHTER STEERS; HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 24 1090-1420 LBS. 63.50-68.10, LOW DRESSING 4-S’S 61.00-63.75. CHOICE 2-3 1015-1495 LBS. 6150-65.10, SEVERAL HIGH DRESSING UPTO 6750. SELECT AND LOW CHOCIE 2-3 1020-1500 LBS. 58.00-63.00; 1500-1800 LBS. 5450-5950. SELECT 1-3 925-1530 LBS. 56.00-61.25. HOLSTEIN STEERS; HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-3 1330-1650 LBS. 56.00-61.25 CHOICE 2-31200-1650 LBS. Located in Kempton five miles north j Of 1-78 on Rt 737 or Rl 143 Phone (610)756-6030 During Fair, (610) 756-6444 54.00- SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 1090-1680 LBS. 52.00- SELECT 1-2 1030-1700 LBS. 50.00-54.00. INIDIV. STANDARD 3 3275 LBS. 30.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: FEW HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-4 1250-1285 LBS. 63.25-64.25. CHOICE 2-4 1020-1340 LBS. 60.00-62.75, FEW HIGH DRESSING UP TO 64.00. SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 1075-1510 LBS. 55.00- HEIFERETTES: FEW COM MERCIAL AND STANDARD 2-4 900-1085 LBS. 41.00-48.75. SLAUGHTER COWS: BRKG. UTILITY/COMMERCIAL 2-4 LOW DREWSSING 37.50-42.00, BULK 39.00- HIGH DRESSING 43.50-46.75; CUTTER/BONING UTILI TY 1-3 LOW DRESSING 34.00-37.00, BULK 36.25-41.00, HIGH DRESSING 39.25-42.00; CANNER/LOW CUTTER 1-2 LOW DRESSING 30.00-34.50, BULK 33.00- HIGH DRESSING UP TO 38.75. SLAUGHTER BULLS: YIELD GRADE 1 960-2415 LBS. 46.50-57.75, INDIVIDUAL LIMOUSIN 1370 LB. 60.50. YIELD GRADE 2 930-2540 LBS. 4Z25-47.75. BULLOCKS: SELECT 1-3 900-1290 LBS. 48.00-61.75, FEW HIGH DRESSING UP TO 64.50. CALVES: COMPARED TO LAST WEEK’S CLOSE, VEAL CALVES SOLD MOSTLY 10.00 HIGHER WITH VERY GOOD DEMAND AND A LARGER Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. MON JUNE 15 - 3PM EM Murry Associates. 23 N Water St, Lititz, Pa Household goods, large selection of collectibles, glass ware, Pennsbury plates, Al Taft pnntes, beautiful carpet and pad. TVs, Maytag washer, square tub, mowers, shower doors, collection of books and records, saw sharp ening equip, box lots E M Murry Assoc, Aucts WED JUNE 17- 10 AM At the Ridge Fire Co, along Rt 23 between Rt 100 & Phoenixville, Pa Antiques, Clocks, Royal Ooul ton Mugs Kathy maurer, auct WED JUNE 17 - 5 30PM Allens Auct Barn, Landing St, Vmcen town NJ Rifle & shotgun collec tion, over 500 Avon plates & bot tles & Beam bottle coll Rick Allen. Auct 609-267-8382 WED JUNE 17 & THURS JUNE 18 - SPM Fine lot antique & collec table items, furniture, glassware, quilts, coverlets, old books, household, decorated 1/2 shade hanging & other lamps, lawn & garden tools Held at Redding Auction Service located taking Rt ESTATE AUCTION ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT., JUNE 20th, 1998 at 10:00 AM 1801 Jacksonville, Jobstwn Rd., Next to Fire House Jacksonville, NJ SELLING FOR JOHN & JULIA BAM , RETIRING AND MOVING TO A SMALLER HOME. 2 Antique Step Back Cupboards, Oak Texas Side By Side; Old Pine Double Door Closet With Bottom Drawer; Child’s Roll Top Desk; Hall Tree, Antique 5 Piece Rattan Set; 3 Pieces Depression Bedroom Set Including: Bed, Vanity With Mirror, And Armoire; Oak Desk Chair; Victrola Table, Pressed Back Child’s Rocker; Carnival Glass; Depression And Other Glassware And China; Old Crocks; Brown Ware Mixing Bowls, Bachs 2 Hole Com Sheller; Milk Cans; Advertising Boxes; Old Gas Cans; Bill Pick; Ice Tongs; Lanterns; Hay Saw; Old Harness; Wagon Jack; Buck Saw; Chicken Crates; Wood Pump; Feed Bins; Grain Cleaner; Large Fnehoffer Bread Boxes; One Horse Cultivators And Plows; Old Balance Scale; Old Tools; Lots Of Canning Jars w/Bale And Zinc Tops; ALSO - Modem Furniture; Maple Kitchen Set With 6 Chairs; 3 Pieces Living Room Set; Half Moon Table; 3 Piece Coffee And End Table Set; Maple And Other Dressers; Sewing Machine; Computers And Parts; Over 200 Boxes Of Miscellaneous Household Goods Including: Christmas Decor; Kitchen Utensils; Cookware, Etc. Lots More Not Mentioned Preview 1 Hour Before Sail Food Stand ALLEN'S AUCTION SERVICE RICK ALLEN, AUCTIONEER 609-267-8382 34.1/2 mile Nof Gettysburg, Pa bear right at Y & continue 2 miles on Table Rock Road to auctin site Bernice L Wenschhof Estate ReddmgAuclion Service FRI JUNE 19 - SPM, SAT JUNE 20 -11 AM & SUN JUNE 21 - 11AM 44th Annual Kemplon Country Fair, located in Kempton, 5 mi Nof 1-78 on Rl 737 or Rt 143 For info 610-756-6030 SAT JUNE 20 - 9 30AM 500 Head Good Holstems Oros Farms, On farm, located at Lower Cmcinnatus-Cincinnatus Rd from the S follow 1-81 to Exit 8 (Whit ney Point), follow NYS 26 N approx 11 miles to Willel, then Lower Cmcinnatus-Cincinnatus Rd 3 1/2 miles to farm Managed by Gene Wood’s Auction Center SAT JUNE 20 - 9 30 AM City of Newark Maintenance Complex Phillips Ave , Newark. De Take 896 off 1-91 to Ritter Lane off S College Ave or Apple Rd off Newark-Elkton Rd Trucks, Cars Equip , Bicycles and other misc items John J McGrellis 111. auct THAN NORMAL VOLUME. LARGER SLAUGHTER CALVES SOLD STEADY TO 5.00 LOWER. DEMAND WAS LIGHT ALL WEEK FOR HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RETURNING TO FEED AS PRICES CLOSED 10.00-20.00 LOW ER. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS WERE IN VERY GOOD DEMAND AND TRADE WAS ACTIVE ENDING 5.00-15.00 HIGHER. VEALERS: GOOD AND CHOICE 75-115 LBS. 25.0045.00, LATE MOST LY 35.00-45.00. STANDARD AND LOW GOOD 60-95 LBS. 15.00-35.00. FEW New York Growers Talk Stones, Pits GENEVA, N.Y. Fruit grow ers met on the shores of Seneca Lake in Geneva, N.Y. to talk pits, cast out the stone in "stone fruits,” and make some waves. The eager gathering of 96 parti cipants from across New York, Pennsylvania, and the Niagara Peninsula were attending the first ever New Yoik Stone Fruit School hosted by Cornell University, March 16-17. One of the high lights of the two-day events was the launching of a new growers’ association for stone fruit growers in New York and neighboring slates. The association is as yet unnamed. “The growers are looking for a more consumer-friendly name for their fruits,” said grower Jim Bitt ner. who led the participants in discussing the values they will get from their new association. “Growers feel that stone fruits does not convey to most people what they produce. They arc open to suggestions." The stone fruit industry refers to peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots, and sweet and sour cher ries as stone fruits because of their hard pits. But “stone” is counter intuitive to consumers, who are more apt to thing of the fruits as soft, smooth, juicy, and tender. Stone fruits are grown for fresh consumption and processing mar PLAN NOW FOR THIS SEASON’S CROP • Bucket Elevators • Stirring Systems • Utility Augers • Weight-Tronix Feed Mill • Transport Augers Farm Fan ABB Automatic Batch GT Model 370 PTO Grain Dryer Farm Fan ABI2 Automatic Batch ★Full Lin* Part* Dept.* ★Sell, Service & Inetall* “ a Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 13, 1998-A43 UITLITY DOWN TO 11.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: GOOD AND CHOICE 250-350 LBS. 75.00-95.00; 350-500 LBS. 60.00-85.00. UTILITY AND LOW GOOD 250-350 LBS. 70.00- 350-500 LBS. 60.00-75.00. RETURNED TO FARM: HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-125 LBS. 50.00-100.00, LATE MOSTLY 50.00-70.00. PLAINER CALVES 80-120 LS. 32.00-70.00. HOLS TEIN HEIFERS 75-120 LBS. 95.00- FEW UP TO 182.00. PLAINER CALVES 70-120 LBS. 50.00- keis. When ripe, the fruit tends to bruise if shipped long distances, so stone fruits are particularly well-suited for local niche markets and regional consumption said ex tension pomologist Bob Ander sen, who organized this unique school. ‘The highlight for me was that so many growers would come out to learn more about growing stone fruit,” said Bittner, who is the managing partner of Singer Farms in Appleton, N.Y. He farms 500 acres of fruit, half of which is de voted to stone fruits and half of which is devoted to apples. "With the future of apples not as rosy as it was a few years ago, most of us are looking at the possibility of planting some more stone fruit” The reports of large apple plant ings in the Northwest, California, and China have some growers concerned about the future of the New York apple industry. But the fact that consumers are becoming more quality conscious enhances growers’ optimism that there will be an increased demand for local ly produced soft fruits that arc har vested at optimum maturity. Grower Steve Clarke felt an “aura of excitement and opti mism” at the meeting, and came away with this message: “Find the market before you plant the tree.” EAIHB3R • Feed Bins • Wet Tanks • Gram Bins AUTOMATIC BATCH OR CONTINUOUS FLOW GRAIN DRYERS • k r -’ r Rt. 272 South 14 Herrville Road Willow Street, PA 17584 Ph. 717-464-3321 or Toll Free 800-732-0053 Mon.-Frl. 6:30 am to 8 pm Sat. 7:30 am to 6 pm Sun. Ctoaad • Air Drying Systems • Gram Dryers • Parts & Motors The Competitive Edge “Smart system” eliminates guesswork. JCE 37 m Harxfwtrm UPS Shipping Point 6/13
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