Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 13, 1998, Image 35
Brown Swiss Calf Sale A FREDERICK, Md. The Mid Atlantic Brown Swiss Calf Sale just completed another very suc cessful chapter as 35 “show qual ity” calves with breed-leading genetics, and performance pedi grees paraded through the sale ring for a sale average of $1,310 at the Frederick Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 25, 1998, Freder ick, Maryland. “The sale really had quality all the way through with several headliners this year,” said Sale manager, Cindy Warner. The top high-selling 10 animals sold for an average of $2,375, and the top five calves averaged $3,000, an impressive sale result in anybody’s book,” said Warner. “We congratulate and commend our consignors for sending such outstanding animals to this sale each year!” Celebrating its 24th year, this popular sale has gained quite a track record for show winners, Bell-Ringers, and even All- American Nominations and Win ners! Topping the sale at $4,000 was Top Acres Jetway Wisp, a tall, sharp and stylish September calf with lots of show and pedi gree possibilities written all over her. Her dam. Top Acres EJ Whis tle VG-88 is a full sister to the famous Top Acres EJ Whizzbang “2E-91,” All American and a Na tional Total Performance Winner. She was the consignment of Way ne Sliker, St. Paris. Ohio, and was purchased by Jacob Hushon, Delta, Pa. Now get investment-level interest without long-term commitment. MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT (0 / 5.12%' ANNUAL l’l l«,l NIACI Yll I.D BBNB's new Blue Chip Money Market Account offers you the convenience of a money market account with a CD-level rate of return. 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She was consigned by Steve Blessing, Ft. Wayne, Ind. A big, good-ribbed, and well grown June heifer also merited $3,000 and was the consignment of Lee Chaney, New Windsor, Md., GS TJR Quinn sold to Steve Watts, Killbuck, Ohio. Selling for $2,500 each rounded out the fourth and fifth high sell ing animals for the sale. A tall De cember calf with a great chest from Dublin Hills Swiss, Woods boro, Md. also went to Steve Watts. Dublin Hills KM Banana is a Hoosier Knoll Monaco daughter out of an “EX” Blend with 26,000 m. The other $2,500 animal was a R Hart Christines Astro daughter bom in early June 1997. This exceptional heifer was tall and really sharp over the shoulder, and was the consignment of Har old and Peggy Long, Thurmont, Md. Long View Astro Delight sold to Cheryl Satterfield, Ridge ly, Md. Two more calves commanded top bids over $2,000. At $2,100, the consignment of Becky Long Chaney, New Windsor, Md. GS Peer Raisinette sold to Bonnie and Tommy Remsberg, Middletown, Md. This fancy September calf is EBBINB Member TDK' Big Success • ••••••• f) 1998 Uluc Hall Nitional Ihnk a granddaughter of the famous Long View Jades Raisin cow, with several All American nominations and winner. Selling for $2,000 was a March calf from GS Associ ates. New Windsor, Md. This calf was a result of the high selling em bryo package in the 1997 calf sale, and writes quite a pedigree, being a Top Acres Combo Pretus out of the Top Acres EJ Hardee cow, “2E-90” with lots of production, and All-American honors. She was bought by Joseph Hushon, Delta. Pa. There were 20 calves that sold for $l,OOO or more. The quality of consignments merited good prices and went to states of Pennsylva nia. Ohio. Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, as well as to in-state Mary landers. “We had another good sale with solid and consistent prices which continues to indicate the demand and interest of new buyers and repeat buyers at this sale,” said Dennis Smith, vice pre sident of the Maryland Brown Swiss Association. “The demand for Brown Swiss is on the rise, and Mid-Atlantic Brown Swiss Calf Sale is the place to get a good one!” Another successful part of the Sale is the offering of outstanding embryo packages. This year the embryo packages featured gene tics from leading cow families and (Turn to Pago A3B) AGRICULTURAL FANS Belt Drive Fans with energy-saver motor, galvanized housing •36" B.D. 1/2 HP....790001 •48" B.D. 1 HP 790002 ★Full Line Parts Dept.* ★Sell, Service & Install* The high-selling calf at the Mid-Atlantic Calf Sale had a top price bid of $4,000. Top Acres Jetway Wisp sold to Jacob Hushon, Delta, and was the consignment of Wayne Sliker, St. Paris, OH. In the photo, front, Jacob, Joseph, and Joshua Hushon with Amanda Valintine at the halter. Back Denny Remsburg, auctioneer, and Wayne Sliker who red pedigrees and consigned the calf. EAIHERR Rt. 272 South 14 Herrville Road Willow Street, PA 17584 Ph. 717-464-3321 or Toll Free 800-732-0053 Store Hours Starting Apr. 7th ‘*< * Mon.-Fri. 6:30 am to 8 pm Sat. 7:30 am to 6 pm Sun. Closed Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 13, 1998-A35 Also Shutters & Thermostat Avail $229.°° $349.°° Lki L|Cf Hardware UPS Shipping Point Couple Wins Truck NEW MIDWAY, Md. Richard and Tammy Eaves of New Midway, Frederick County recently re ceived 'a new 1998 Dodge Dakota pickup truck as an incentive in the Maryland Farm Bur eau membership drive. The couple, which is active in the Frederick County Farm Bureau Young Farmers pro gram, earned the oppor tunity to win the truck by signing seven new members in this year’s Maryland Farm Bureau membership drive. Maryland Farm Bur eau members who joined or renewed their dues for 1998 by De cember 1, 1997 each earned one chance to win the bright red pick up truck, which had been outfitted with a sport package. Those eligible mem bers then earned addi tional chances for each new member they signed by January 31. 1998. The Eaves winning’ entry was chosen in a drawing held at Agricul tural Appreciation Day, sponsored by Maryland Farm Bureau and the Frederick Keys minor league baseball team. Maryland Farm Bur eau members are plan ning a similar incentive for the 1999 member ship year, which begins July 1. For more informa tion, contact Amy L. Miller or John Butler of the Maryland Farm Bur eau. (410) 922-3426.