Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 13, 1998, Image 34
A34-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 13, 1998 aS (Continued from Page A 10) ter, thru June 21. Kempton Country Fair, Kempton Community Center, Kempton, thru June 21. Wayne County Dairy Princess Pageant, Belmont Fire Com pany, Pleasant Mount, 7:45 n.m. Eastern State Master Gardener Conference, Penn State Berks Campus. Lancaster Farmland Trust Pedal To Preserve Bike Marathon, starts at Donegal High School, Mount Joy, 9 a.m., ends at the high school. Sullivan County Dairy Princess Pageant, Main Street, Dushore, 7:15 p.m. York County Dairy Princess Pageant, York County 4-H Center, Bair Station. Md. 4-H/FFA Spring Show, Gar rett County Ag Fairgrounds, McHenry. Berks Shire Hunt Paper Chase, Stonehaven Farm, Limekiln, 8 FARM EQUIPMENT Automatic Round Bale Mover One-person handling system saves time! • Three models available with 5 to 14 bale capacity. • Quarter-Turn® Pickup Arm allows bale pickup in the same direction as the windrow. • Rounded loops on chain prevent damage to the bale • Tilting bed allows easy unloading. [till CUMMINGS and MUCKER, Inc. 100 Stover Drive Carlisle, PA 17013 717/249-6720 Serving Farmers Through Farm Equipment Dealers Since 1961 . \ * v< * "ijC * ♦ Farm Calendar ♦ •><«* *< < , ,r*< a.m.-2 p.m. East Earl Community Farm Festi val, Conestoga School Yard (behind East Earl Goodwill Store), 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Armstrong County Dairy Princess Pageant, Bonello’s Steakhouse, West Kittanning, 7 p.m. Clearfield County Dairy Princess Pageant, Clearfield Agway, Clearfield. Berks County Wool Pool, Lees port Fanners Market, 7:30 Monday. June 22 6th Annual Pa. Friends of Ag Golf Tournament, Country Club of Hershey. 4-H Ambassador Conference, Penn State University, thru June 24. Southern Alleghenies 4-H Camp, Camp Kanesatake, Spruce Creek, thru June 25. Schnecksville Community Fair, Schnecksville. thru June 11. _ WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS 100-120 Lehigh Ave -PO Box 928 Batavia, New York 14021-0928 716/343-5411 Tuesday. June 23 Fresh From the Farm Ag Science Cr York Cr «y 4-H Cr w Kent County Extension Office, i%t:. Chestertown, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Fruit Twilight Meeting, GraybilTs * Fruit Farm, Richfield, 6 1998 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show, Farm Show Com plex, Harrisburg, thru June 28. Living Mulch Tour, Schuylkill County Meet at Mahantongo Fire Company, Pitman, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Open Jacket Wether/Ewe Lamb Show, Mercer County 4-H Park, 8 p.m. Shepherd’s Night, Mercer County 4-H Park and Extension Center, 5:30 p.m. American Farmland Trust Tour of Cove Mountain Farm, Mercers- County Fairgrounds, Brookville. Lititz Historical Foundation Annual Antique Show and Sale, John Bonfield Elementary, Lititz, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. and June 27. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. - Congratulations To Doug and Debra Hillegass 208 Cow Free Stall and MUktag Center with Holding Ana. Designed and Built by Tripie H Construction f Ephrata,PM Featuring; Loose Rubber Filled Cow Mattresses; Norbco Stalls, Gates & Fencing, Dump Waterers; Glulam Rafters by Rigidpiy Rafters; Astra glazed Tile Block; Empire Agri Systems Curtains w/Auto Controllers. //i, - Butler Fair, Prospect, thru July 4. Beekeeping Short Course at Dela- Valli Colli 9' -4 Western State Master Gardener Conference, Penn State Beaver Campus. Pa. German Fesdvan, Kutztown Fairgrounds, thru July S. Crawford County Dairy Princess Pageant, Christ Evangelical Free Church, Saegertown. National Holstein Convention, Louisville, Ky., thru June 30. 18th Annual Hickory Ridge Anti que Farm Show, Horace Potter Residence, Milford, Del., thru June 28. Marburger Farm Dairy Open House, Marburger Farm, Evans Summer Picnic, Ephrata Park, Holstein Association 113th Annu al Convention Meeting, Louis ville, Ky., thru June 30. IDFTA Summer Orchard Tour, NYSFDMA 3d Annual Summer Tour To Western New York, departs Smith’s Family Farm Market, Medina, N.Y., 9 a.m.. TRIPLE H Construction 717-738-2142 1-(800)-874-7531 TRIPLE H Construction 430 Springsvilte Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 Builders of Dairy, Storage, Residential & Commercial Buildjngs returns 5:45 p.m. Butler County Dairy Princess Pageant, Butler County Fair grounds, Prospect Wolfs Comers Fair, Tionesta, thru July 4. Beekeeping Tri-County Meeting, Keeney and Ziegler Apiaries, International Harvester Collectors of Western Pa. Chapter 16 Combined Show, Ashtabula Cr Ai Clarion County Fair, New Beth lehem, thru July 11. '<■ Co>’ Gr F? : and Colored Fleece and Sheep Sale, Derry Ag Fair, New Der- ry, thru July 11. Derry Township Fair, New Derry, thru July 11. Clin ton/Cen tie County Pa. Hols tein Junior Judging School, noon, thru July 7. , K, ' *’■