World Leaders Agree On Value Of Domestic Farm Programs MANILA, PHILIPINES - More than 300 farm leaders from around the world, agreed that included within the upcom ing World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations should be provisions that enable govern ments to continue domestic farm programs. The discussions were held here May 27-June 4 at the International Federation of Agricultural Producers’ (IFAP) semi-annual World Farmers Congress. “Farmers throughout the world realize that trade is important but that farm income is more important,” said confer ence participant National Farmers Union (NFU) President Leland Swenson. “Trade is just one component of a healthy agrh cultural economy. As farm lead ers, we agree to work to ensure that farmers worldwide receive a fair price for their products. It is each government’s responsi bility to establish and maintain a safety net in agricultural poli cies to provide a stable food sup ply, a fair price for producers and a healthy agricultural econ omy.” Swenson noted that NFU is pushing U.S. lawmakers to improve the safety net for fami ly producers by removing the cap on commodity loan rates and JUNE DA Adamstown Equlpmant Adamslown PA *717/484-4391 Chambaraburg Farm Sarvica Chambersburg PA* 717/264 3533 CharlaaS Snydar Inc Tamaqua PA *717/386 5945 CH Rlnahlmar Berwick PA*7l7/752-7131 Daar Creak Equlpmant Whitaford, MO • 410/452-5252 Daarf laid Ag A Turf Watsontown, PA*7l7/538-3557 Rtf A— .. ■■ extending the loan period so farmers are better able to mar ket their crops. “The Asian financial crisis has taught us all that sound farm policies must be main tained to ensure farmers receive a fair pnce for their products regardless of international mar ket conditions beyond their con trol,” said Swenson. The final IFAP policy paper adopted dur ing the conference stated that trade rules should enable gov ernments to work to secure a sufficient income level for farm ers worldwide. According to Swenson, one of IFAP’s goals has been to finalize a common policy on trade-relat ed issues to present during the next round of WTO negotiations in 1999. The diverse group of farm organizations agreed that WTO negotiators must accept that domestic measures are nec essary to secure farm income.- IFAP and NFU plan to partici pate in the next WTO negotia tions to represent fanners’ views on agricultural trade issues. Established more than 50 years ago, IFAP is comprised of members from 85 farm organi zations, representing 500 mil lion farmers in more than 60 countries. NFU, representing 300,000 U.S. family farmers and ranchers, is a founding member of IFAP. RY MONTH 1998 0 Pequea Machine, Inc. TVusted On Farms Everywhere. We don’t take it lightly. From Spreaders and Tedders to Bale Wagons and Trailers, our equipment is designed to earn your trust every day. • Model 646 G has gooseneck hitch. j Pequea Machine Manufactures A Complete Line of Farm Equipment & TVailer* • Call Your Local Dealer Today! Dunkle A Greib Equipment Hines Equipment Kermft Kietler North East Distributors Thomas Equipment Center Hall PA*Bl4/364-9109 Cresson PA • 717/886-4183 Lynport PA*6lO/298 2011 West Clifford PA• 717/222-9090 Taneytown MD* 410/756-2506 Eckroth Bros Farm Equipment C 6 Hoober A Son, Inc. New Ringgold PA* 717/943-2131 McAlllsterville PA* 717/463-2191 Ekfef Sales * Service Stoneboro PA *412/376-3390 Heflin Salas A Sarvlca Woodsboro MD • 301/898-3233 Hanry Horning Litltt. PA *717/626-5033 Hatrlcka Farm Equipment Naw Balhleham PA • 814/275-3507 P*qu«a Machine, Inc. • 3230 E. Gordon Rd. • Gordonvilla, PA 17529 • 717/768-3197 • 717/768-8380 fax Papec 1 row com harvester w/grass head, very good, $350 717-243-1281 Cumb. Co. None better Rototiller front tine, 2 hp, good cond , BO Call days, 717-464-4104, eves , 717- 687-0361 Lane. Co 1982 GMC 5000 w/12' Delta van body, 18,500 GVW, new tires, exc working cond. $4OOO 08 0 610- 285-6872 Lehigh Co 70 Olds Cutlass Sublime convert, new top, new mt, new price, $3500 P/U cap, full length; 69 Chevy p/u 717-334-6006 Adams Co Cow mats, 18 3/4 48x66, 5 2 inch mats, used 3 mos , 40 ft., flat bed trailer, not road use 717-993-2919 York Co Pair 1400Rx20 radial recap tires, 100% tread on Miche lin casings, $5O ea Wanted 8 5x20 rim for tube type 717-437-3568 Eves Mon fourCo 1978 Chevy 4x4, $l5OO, Ford bus hauler, $l5OO, modified pulling tractor, $12,000. 410-592-2157 Balt. Co. Restaurant, only liquor license in town, 405 apts above prime spot In growing comm , partner died, des perate 717-336-0222 Schuyl Co. Old drag scoop, $250, 2 .coonhounds, 1 Treeing Walk er, 1 English Bluetick, both w/papers After 4'30 pm 610- 759-3866 Northmptn Co Gleaner model E w/corn head, $2500. Call after 6 pm. 717-458-5111 Col. Co. Stone mortar mixer, 8 hp, Honda motor 1-1/2-2 bag size, hwy. tires, adjustable axles, exc cond , $2OOO 717-684-8781 Lane Co Hutton Farm Equlpmant Mahaffey PA •814/277-6647 fckaa Farm Supply Ostorburg PA *Bl4/276-3422 IvanJ Zook Belleville PA* 717/935-2948 Stoltztut Farm Sarvlc* Cochrtnville PA • 215/593-2407 .. pPEGUEnw 'Hfct' J. David MulHnix Dayton MO • 301/489-4363 i aS J lh #46 bailer, #lO kicker, 1954 Chevy trk 12' flatbed $lOO #3O c d dump; Farmall M tractor $75 #llO bel m * wer , yi”o33 Adams P Co er « 75 71^44-7630 Delaval 76 vacuum pump w/PVC tank & 3 hp motor, $375; 5 hp balder motor, used 1 yr. $2OO 717-786- 2103 Lane Co 20"x20" heavy portable work table, steel, used for pipe work. $5O Drum pumps 1-1/2“ Pneumatic impact wrench 610-865- 4635 Northmptn Co 5 - 7 50x20 tires & bud wheels for Chevy, $l5O for all, used 2"x4” - B'-16' lengths; utility body for p/u, air slide sth wheel, $B5 610-589-2449 350 JD bulldozer, $7BOO, 56 New Holland hayrake, ' $1200; 315 New Holland haybaler, like new, $6OOO 717-589-3407 Jun Co JD 2020 gas tractor, rebuilt eng., new tires, 540 & 1000 PTC, $5600 717-445-0664 Lane Co. Australian Shepherd, red morale pup ready 6/24, wormed, $l5O 080 Iv mssg. 717-786-9230 Lane Co JD L runs good, $2OOO, MC Crawler parts, JD M weights, L weights, JD 440 Crawler parts 717-482- 2070 Lyo. Co 2 Chore Time flex augers w/dnve units, 2 in 110 ft each $lOO ea 717-866- 7863 Leb Co 9N Ford tractor, new tires, generator, uses oil, $lBOO firm, 427 Petersburg Rd., Carlisle. Call after 5 pm 717-249-2089 Cumb Co. Electric meat grinders, $l5O up, Toledo comml mixer, 30 qt, $B5O, Homemade 60 qt. mixer, $750, electric deer skinner, $625 717-749- 7100 Frankl Co Agtec 20' prop lagoon agita tor like new, make offer Also 12 ton feed bin, no rust, $lOOO 717-243-4796 Cumb. Co. Combine Head Transport- Round rest bar allows smooth loading & unloading Adjustable to move or store any size combine heads Adjustable head rest brackets & rest bars offer a choice for different size heads Optional adjustable step dpwn tongue Wagon Goars- Models 603, 606, 806, 1086, 1286 & 1288 • Designed for heavy payloads • Large reinforced spindles & oversi; • Tapered roller bearings assure loa stability on road or field • All models allow a choice of narrow wide nm wheels • Convenient rear hitch • 4 models with adjustable tongue Knott A Gaiabart, Inc. Frederick MD • 301/662 3800 Longeneckera, Inc Williamsburg, PA • 814/793-3731 Marshall Machinery Honesdale PA*7l7/729-7117 Mayers Implement, Inc. Greencastle PA*7l7/597-2176 Morris International Everett PA*Bl4/652-6101 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 13, 1998-D3 JD3IB w/50" mower and Onan motor New battery, blades and rings Very nice cond., $3200 firm 814-784- 5467 Bedford Co JD 630 tncycle, 3 pt hitch, good tin, power steering, $4500 717-432-3389 York Co 16' Haines bulk body, used very little, $l2OO, Hawes seed elevator, $2OO, can be added to bulk body 301- 842-3721 Wash Co JD 4010 gas WF, exc tires, dauls 2 remotes, 3 pt front weights, above avg tractor, $6200 060 215-536-3649 Bucks Co Kenmore 19 5 c.u ft upright freezer, Kenmore Westmghouse dryer, $lOO, singer sewing mach , $75, hospital bed elec $350. walkers, $65-45 610-998- 0168 Chester Co Heavy duty double gang 8' pull disk, very good cond total 28 disks, $250 410- 858-7571 Harford Co MD Pot bellie piglatts (small/cute), M/F white w/black markings, $3O 410- 822-6646 after 5. Easton Md Crane Louden 3 ton w/200 of track, $6500, also 3 ton Wright runs on i-beam 1500. 410-879-1981 Har Co Buckets, white, square, 4 gallon w/llds, hundreds avail, for fruits, vegs. etc 50 cents ea. 610-754-7251 Montg. Co. Ford F 250, 1994 4WD, 43,000 mi., 8600 GVW, VB, 351, 5 spd , hitch, bedlmer, dual fuel tanks, $14,000 610-682-0671 Berks Co Ashley central woodburning furnace, hot air, good cond spare parts, $250 18 ft equipment trailer ramps, brakes, $1250 410-556- 6116 Q.A. Co. Pikeville Equipment Olay PA • 215^67-6277 Ralph Kyle Mercer PA *412/748 4300 RAW Equipment Carlisle PA *717/243 2686 Scheffel Equipment Somerset PA*Bl4/445-6500 1977 Ford bus, recent eng , needs work for inspect call for details Owned by a church, used little 717-469- 2756 Dau. Co Blue Heelers, 2 makes, 1 red, 1 blue, 10 mo also 1 blue male, 1 red female, 8 wks old, $5O ea , can deliv er 717-292-6595 York Co 3 yr old leather harness for sale, very good cond , $250 080. Ben Zook, 313 Bell Road, Chnstiana PA 17509 2 NH forage wagons, 16 & 18 ft w/exts tandem, exc , best offer, 80 free stalls, head locks 717-243-4677 Cumb Co 1975 Komatsu truck loader, Ser # 18994 D-31-S 4-D -105, eng $10,500, full cab 717-784-2408 Col Co Reg mgenan dwarf goats, 3 mos old. $2OO ea or 4 for $500; good starter herd, all does 814-342-2295 Clearfield Co Woods #348, 4 ft belly mower, good cond , $350, 2 wheel trailer 3000 lb lights wAitle, $l5O 08 0 717-367- 2461 Lane Co 1973 Int 10 wheeler trk 492 cu in gas needs clutch, good farm trk body good, good tires 717-362- 9930 Dau Co Used lumber, plywood, peg board, homemade steel shelving, antique bubble glass, fiberglass insulation, tar paper 610-385-3187 Berks Co Tractor 1070 Case 115 hp, rurs good, looks good, good rubber, $6BOO. 610- 488-6950 Berks Co Farmall 400 & Farmall H both for $2500 or trade for utility tractor 20' gooseneck trailer, 1998 Low Pro 10,000 gross. $3200 717-799- 5425 Col Co 30 gallon steam kettle unit, $100: Toledo 3 phase pota to peeler, $295; meat grinder and shredder attachments, $275 717- 467-2679 Sch. Co Triple H Equipment Peach Bottom PA« 717/548-3775 Umbergera of Fontana Lebanon PA *717/867 5161 Wattemyer's Sales 4 Service, Inc fled Lion PA • 717/244 4168 Zimmerman Farm Service Bethel PA *717/933-4114