Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 13, 1998, Image 109

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    Best: Buys in Used Equipment
Used Trailers
1) UM 3473 - General 9 Dow Tri-Axle 16’ Deck, Tag-
2) UM 3656 - Southeast Skidloader Trailer with New
Axles & Wheels & Tires
3) UM 3712 - McElrath 16’ Gram Trailer with Hay Gate
on Rear, Platform Over Deck for Hay Vac - Hyd
Brakes, 20,000 GVW, Used Very Little, Like New,
4) NE 4738 - Demonstrator Eager Beaver 35 Ton
Detachable 35 SLGS Trailer Air Ride with Broomwell,
Wet Line and Side Channel, Reinforced from Factory -
Gooseneck Trailer
‘ <V r "
Tandem Axle, 16’ Deck with 3’
Beaver Tail, 10,000 GVW
' lit
Ask For Dean
1989 Model 10,000
GVW Trailer
UM 3824
Tandem Axle Lamco with
G7B-15 Tires, 16 Foot Deck
Plus 3 Foot Beaver Tail
Ask For Dean
Worth The Price'
Used Truck Bodies
1) UM 3786 22’ Fiat Bed, Wood Floor, $6OO Ask For
133 Rothsville Station Rd. /—.j m • ' 1 "800-41 4-4705
P.O. Box 0395, Lititz, PA 17543-0395 iiii) Fax 717-626-0996
Located 1/2 Mile North of Rothsville V /
,r > 1998 CASE CORPORATION - -
Visit us on the Internet at /rffp //wmv cnsccorp cow CASE 111
Case 111 is a registered trademark nl Case Corpnial l on
9 Ton
Eager Beaver Trailer
UM 3823
3 Axle with 16’ Deck and 42"
Beaver Tail - $2,600
Ask For Dean
Ask About Our Interest Waiver Till
Jan. 1,1999 OR Low Rate Financing
(59-3 Years, 69-4 Years, 75-5 Years)
With Annual Payments Schedule
Plan With Credit Approval
Case IH Magnum 155 HP
Model 7220 with Approx 700 Hrs ,
3 Sets of Hyd Outlets Dual Shaft PTO,
540 and 1000 Combination
Miscellaneous Machines
John Deere 95 HP Articulate
Loader 1991 Model.
1) Dresser 4 in 1 Loader Crawler with POPS Powered
with Cummins 8 3 160 HP Diesel Hydrostatic Drive,
Rear Engine Powered - $31,000.
2) UT 3868 - Case 1550 Crawler Dozer, 10 Foot
Straight Blade Angle Tilt with Full Cab & A C., 168 HP
Cummins, with Rear Winch, 90% New U.C., 2800 Hrs.,
Price Reduced From $49,800 to $47,800.
3) UT 3896 - Low Hour Case 580 Super L Turbo 4x4
Cab & Air, Tractor Loader Extenahoe with 4 in 1 Loader
Bucket, Price Reduced From $59,800 to $56,800.
4) UT 3989 - 1989 John Deere 210 C 4x4 Tractor
Loader Backhoe with Cab & Standard Hoe, 60 HP -
5) UT 3757 - IH 1800 Diesel, 466 T Flatbed Truck, 5+2
Trans., 20’ Flat Bed, 30,000 GVW, Was $6,900, Now
?? - can.
6) 1983 DM Mack Truck 237 with Engine Brake, 6
Speed Low Hole Trans, with Top Fill 4000 Gallon
Manure Husky Tanker - Ask For Dean.
7) John Deere 5000 Lb. Model, 480 B Forklift, 2 Wheel
Drive with 14,’ Mast & Side Shifter, Engine Repower
Approx. 470 Hrs Ago - $lO,BOO.
8) John Deere 444 E Cab Articulated Loader, 1991
Model, with 95" Wide, 2 Yd. Bucket, 95 HP Power Shift
Approx. 21,000 Lb. Machine - $39,500 - Stop In For A
Better Deal!
9) UT 4018 - Cat 951 C Crawler Loader with Partial
Cab, 69# Serial No., Engine Rebuilt, 90% U.C , Very
Snappy Aggressive in Power and Shifting - $16,800
10) UT 3889 - Case 590 L 4x4 Cab Tractor Loader
Extenahoe, 95 HP Case Cummins Turbo, 2 Lever Hoe
Controls, Similar to J. Deere® Up to 60 Months
Financing with Credit Approval.
Check About Long Term Quick Financing Approvals
With Good Credit. Let’s Get Together Now!
Don’t-Miss This One!
Beautiful Case 590 L Turbo Diesel, 95 HP 4x4
with Extenahoe with Cab
890 Original Hours with Front Aux Hyd , 2. Lever Hoe
Controls, Similar to J D - $56,800.
Ask About Competitive Rate 60 Month Financing!
John Deere 210 C 4x4
Backhoe With Cab
UT 3989
60 HP Range, Ask About
Good Financing - $21,800
UT 3889
Nice 1486
Cab & Air
UT 3994
Dual Shaft,
540-1000 PTO,
Rack of Weights
Lancaster Fannli
Check Our Selection Of
Pre-Owned Tractors
Certain Tractors May Qualify For
Interest Waiver Till Jan. 1, 1999
5.9% for 3 Years fpyyrPt%
6.9% for 4 Years
7.9% for 5 Years HAT * D
With Annual Payment Plans
Available , With Credit Approval
1) UT 3981 - Kubota L245A, One Row Offset Cultivator
Diesel Tractor with Fert. Side Dresser.
2) 1986 Ford 4610 Series II 4x4 with Loader, 52 HP,
2086 Original Hrs. with Ford 776 F Loader, $18,750.
3) UT 3955 - 1995 Case IH 5240 MFD, Cab & Air, 100
Plus HP, P Shift & Shuttle, 813 Original Hours, Loaded,
Priced to Sell.
4) UT 3934 - Massey Ferguson 3090, 2WD, Drive Cab
& Air Turbo Charge, 110 Plus HP, 1987, Very Clean
with New 18.4x38 Radial Tires
5) UT 4007 - Allis Chalmers 7000, Cab, 2WD with
20.8x38 Duals, Approx. 100 HP Range. Very Low Cost
6) UT 4006 - IH 1466 with 540-1000 PTO, 100 Plus HP
with Loader.
7) UT 3977 - Case IH 7120, 2WD, Cab & Air, 150 HP,
540-1000 PTO, Dyno Tested 178 HP, 18 Speed P. Shift,
One Owner.
8) UT 3921 - Case IH 7220 Magnum, 2 Wh Drive, Late
1995 Model, 155 HP, 672 Original Hours, 540-1000
Dual PTO, Triple Remotes, Loaded
9) Case 830 - Comfort King Diesel. 50 HP Case-O-
Matic with 2458 Hrs , 3 Pt. Hitch, Good Straight Sheet
Metal & Paint, $4,850 - Come & See.
10) Ferguson 30, 3 Pt. Hitch
11) UT 4020 - Case 2WD Model 2090 Cab, Power Shift
A.C. Converted to New 134 A Freon, Rated 110 HP,
20.8x38 70%. s
12) UT 4028 - Case IH 2WD Model 885 Cab & Air, 72
HP with Hi-Lo P. Shift, 2 Hyd. Outlets, 18 4x34 Rubber,
6 Front Weights - $14,800.
13) UT 4013 - Case IH Maxxum 5130 2WD Canopy, P
Shift & Shuttle Reverser, 9Q HP, 18 4x38, Loader
14) UT 3994 - IH 1486 Cab & Air, 540-1000 PTO, 146
HP Rating.
1995 Model 5240
Case IH 4x4 Loaded
UT 3955
Only 813 Actual Hours,
Traded On New MX Model,
Like New 18 4x38 Firestone
Radials 85% and 14 9R24
Firestone, Deluxe Cab With
Digital Dash, Air Ride Seat
Fender 3 Pt Hitch Controls, 2
Remotes with Flow Controls,
AM/FM, 12 Weigths, Bar Axle,
Rear Cab Window Wipers
Allis Chalmers
7000 Tractor
UT 4007 *’*'
(Cheap HP) Dyno Tested,
100 to 110 HP, 20 Bx3B
with Duals
Call Landis For Super Deal!
I, Saturday, Juna 13, 1998-Cl'
Good Solid Tractor
Serviced by Binkley
& Hurst Bros., Inc.
Case 2090, Rated
110 HP Cab & Air
Good Condition
Come & See
One Row Offset
Cultivator Tractor.
Kubota Diesel
Model L245A with
Fertilizer Side
Serviced Ready To Work
Only $7,800