Bull Stud President Gives (Contlnwd from Pago Al) with regulatory people,” Hileman , said. “I am a long way from the cows every day. Hileman said, Chesapeake Bay. but years ago, I so I spend my time managing la- had the Soi , Conservation Service bor and capital. draw up a plan for our farms based The Hilemans are especially on tbe ru ) es regulations that cognitive of the importance of a were set forth , Actually> it - s a . good labor force and work dili- plan we can easily , ive with gently to provide good working “ It - S a lot of common sense, conditions and satisfied personnel. We don - t spread manure all winter They are not afraid to be creative. on a flve acre field next t 0 the That s why they now milk the barn and beside a stream Evi . noon/midmght shifts. The em- dent , y some people do this but p oyees actually work a little less we so j] test every year an d we time and they have their evenings haul the manure far away where Tee ' the nutrients are needed.” My management style is to Hileman , ikes to farm He give the workers their duties and likes t 0 be his own boss let them decide how to accomplish farm has been good to him over the tasks, Hileman said. “They the years may not do it exactly like I would “Farming has paid a lot of bills do it, but if the end result is satis- over the years ;’ H ileman said. “1 factory, I m satisfied. bave spent a ] ot 0 f t j me at , t j Three of the employees do not don’t know if I would have put as have a farm background. much time into some other busi- Hileman is very optimistic ne ss, but j can > t see myse |f doing about the dairy industry. Along anything else. There are no se with the superior genetics that crets j was b , essed with good have been bred into today’s cows, management skills and I regog he sees the new milk promotion nized this early in life efforts as very positive. Such “ It ’ s easy to overextend your thmgs as flavored milk and pack- self there is a lot of aging milk in containers that are money out there that can be bor more convenient tor a fast paced rowed, feed costs are especially world cause Hileman to believe important t 0 watch> and o ver capi we can sell more milk. In addi- ta lization of machinery will crip tion, developing countries are , e you financia i ly . We „ willing to spend more for food so b]essed jn this area with d cus . this will help with the export tQm operators that get the plant . business too. fog and h a rve S ting done, and this •Demand will increase and that he , us t 0 save on our invest . will help the price to increase ment m e m ent.” Hileman said. We are on the As fm the er that took At threshold of being able to take ad- lantic Breeders cooperatlve under vantage of the growing export thfe umbre „ a of CRI Hlleman market. New Zealand does a good says e ff ic i enc j es f or members arc job, but they are a very small already evidenl country. The potential for us to -< Whcn ou merge, it boils get a lot better is there and the down [0 pc le .,y ou hate to losc technology is now available to good peop , e but you just don < t help us take advantage of eftic.en- need as many Qn lhe staff in lhe cies ' ... . merged cooperative. Obviously In dealing with the environ- thjs js Qne of the major ment and neighbors, Hlleman be- wc sec from the merger Wc also heves m common sense. were ab , e to lnsurance “The farmer should not put costs And Wlth the information himself in an adversary position technologyj we were able to re- ary. >pi You Can Take It With You. And when you take the gates Mobile Crimp™ 4-20 crimper with you, o(\-site repairs will be faster, easier and cover more applications than ever before. That’s because Gates designed this portable crimper with unmatched versitility and coverage. The Mobile Crimp 4-20 crimper allows for variable crimping positions and a swing-away cylinder for easier loading of dies and assemblies. Operating with nearly any hand, air, or electrical 10,000 PSI pump, you’ll be able to crimp anything from low-pressure return lines up to four-spiral hose with I 1/4” I.D. No other portable crimper has that kind of application & coverage. Visit your Gates distributor to find out more about the powerful Mobile Crimp 4-20 crimper - and feel free to take one with you. THE WORLD'S MOST TRUSTED NAME IN BELTS. HOSE AND HYDRAULICS, Thoughts On place many computers with one or two at CRI headquarters. “One of the things that has bothered me is that agriculture co operatives in the Northeast do not have a history of cooperation. I would love to see more of this cooperation take place. I belong to a breeding cooperative, Genex, that provides excellent genetics and services for dairymen to |preed cows that are competitive, profi cient, and long lasting. This helps the dairymen compete with neigh bors at home and around the world. “I also am a member of a DHIA cooperative that helps me manage my farm and provides the information USDA uses to pro vide bull proofs for my other co operatives. “And I am a member of an animal identification organization that happens to be the Pennsylva nia Holstein Association, but it could be any of the other breed or ganizations. “So I am a member of three cooperatives that provide services and information that by necessity are dependent on each other. Wouldn’t it be nice if all three ot these type organizations came to gether under one umbrella so I didn’t have to pay three member ship fees. “If you really want to dream, we could throw in a milk market ing cooperative and a few farm credit associations and really real ize efficiencies. “Actually, the greatest obstacle to this cooperation is found much more in the board rooms than in the membership.lt’s understand able that people who have a life- • E«t. 1979 Future Of Dairy Industry time experience with these organi zations want to perpetuate what they or their fathers have helped to start. But it’s a fine line between doing what is best for the coopera tive and what is best for the members. Take Atlantic Breeders for example. We all liked the beautiful headquarters along Route 283 in Lancaster. And if we would have done what was best for the cooperative,we would have tried to preserve the organization for a while longer. But for the good of the members we chose to let At lantic Breeders die so the members could continue to survive. “For those who say the local membership -has lost voting EO. 4 April Milk $14.27 ALEXANDRIA, Va. Middle er receipts totaled 567.9 million Atlantic Order Acting Market pounds during April, a decrease Administrator David Z. Walker of 29.5 million pounds from last today announced an April 1998 April and the average daily weighted average milk price of delivery of 4,135 pounds per pr 0514.27 $14.27 per hundredweight. ducer increased 426 pounds or The weighted average differ- 11.5 percent from a year earlier, ential price as $2.33 per hun- A total of 4,579 producers dredweight and the producer supplied Order 4 handlers dur nonfat milk solids (NFMS) price ing the month, a decrease of 790 was 77 cents per pound. from a year ago. The weighted average price Class I producer milk totaled was down 11 cents from March 219.3 million pounds and was but was 71 cents higher than a down 32.5 million pounds, or year earlier. The producer 12.9 percent from last April. NFMS price was down 12 cents Class I milk accounted for 38.61 from last April. percent of total producer milk The nonfat milk solids price, receipts during the month, corn applicable to handler payments, pared with 42 15 percent in was 77.27 cents per pound for April 1997 the month, down 12.23 cents The average NFMS test of from last year. The gross value producer milk was 8.70 percent, of April producer milk, adjusted down from 8.71 percent the pre to 3.5 percent butterfat was vious year The average butter sBo.s million, compared to $80.6 fat test of producer milk was million a year ago 3.66 percent, up from 3 62 per- Mr. Walker said that produc- cent in April 1997 introducing^ 4 M/hoL£ A/f Starting j umwp The perfect partner for wtgo ns. Choose t 0 vour crop residue auger unloading. management system gB5 bus hel capacities Sizes 4 to 16 rows. Lancaster fanning, Saturday, June 6, 1998-A37 power, this is a perception that isn’t a fact. In Atlantic, for exam ple we had one director represent ing 500 members. In Gencx, we have one voting delegate for every 100 members The ultimate power is with the delegates so members actually have more representation than they did before the merger. “I am very optimistic about the future of the dairy business. We can’t do much to change the price of milk. But there is a lot of things we can control. We can take advantage of the technology, the information that will help us think and plan ahead with antici pation 10 years into the future.