PUBLIC AUCTION HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT HAZLETON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Corner of 9th & Wyoming Sts. SAT., JUNE 13,1998 - 9:00 AM FIRST OF TWO AUCTIONS Art Supplies & Equipment INDUSTRIAL ARTS DEPARTMENT: 36” Shear; Graymills Parts Cleaner; “Dee Blast” Blasting Unit; Horizontal Power Hacksaw; Arc Welder: Galvanized Sheet Metal - 3 Stock Metal; 48’ & 30’ Brakes; Sheet Metal Forms; Grinding & Buffing Wheels; Drill Press; Notcher; Bender; 24’ Jigsaw; Belt & Disk Sander; Hardware: Vises; Many Hand Tools - both new & used; Oak Tables; Metal Stools: plus other items. WOODWORKING DEPAR _ TMENT: Many Woodworking Tools; Hand & Power tools; Delta 6” Belt/ 12” Disk Sander; Model 26 Powermatic Shaper; Plastic Injection Molder; Oliver 14”Tablesaw; Dewalt 10” Radial Arm Saw; Max Drum Sander; 14” Bandsaws; Rockwell 8” Jointer; 24" Powermatic Surface Planer: Devilbliss Painting Booth 6’ x 8’; Anvil; Drill Presses; (floor); Bowl Turning Lathe: 12” x 36” Lathe; Delta 24” Jigsaws; Woodworking Work Benches w/vise; Many Clamps (C, Bar, Wood); Ingersol T-30 242- SD-Mod Air Compressor; Many Buffing Wheels: Wabash Paltis Mold Press; Wood stools; plus other items. GENERAL ITEMS: Desk; Butbher Block Work Tables; Metal Shelves; File Cabinets: Small Metal Desk; Desk Chairs; Newspaper Rack; Metal Cabinets: Chalkboards: Plot Document File Cabinets; Typewriters; Wood & Metal Chairs; Science Lab Tables; Lab Equipment & Supplies; Lumber; Sewing Machines: Maps; Tables; Xerox Word Processor: Restaurant Tray Racks; Trays; Pots: Pans; Molds; etc.; plus other items. MUSIC DEPARTMENT: Band Uniforms; Musical Instruments - Drums, Xylophones, Horns: Metal Adjustable Book Shelves; plus other items. AUCTION ORDER: 9AM CALL FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND DIRECTIONS PHONE: 717-533-4267 * FAX: 717-533-2114 WEBSITE: ZIEGLER AUCTION COMPANY, LTD. PA LIC. #2120-L 10 A.M. Along Fit. 23, Between Phoenixville, PA & Rt. 100 Exhibition: 7 - 9 P.M. Fri. Eve. and From 8 A.M. Saturday IN THE PAVILION: Selling exclusively for the Estate of L.A. “Buddy” Denson from Macon, GA. Brass “O” scale locomotives in profusion, pre-war Ives, Flyer and Lionel, Williams, M.T.H. & L.T.I. Repro “O” and standard gauge equipment. IN THE BLUE ROOM: Selling the private collection of a local busi ness exec who is being moved to Houston, Texas. There is some pre-war Lionel to be sure, but mostly modern era and mostly unused. Plenty of locomotives this time, and hundreds of box cars. UNDER THE TENT: Removed to R.F.C. for convenience of sale is as much of a huge professionally built layout consisting of “O” scale, HO traction and ON3 logging equipment. Something really different and well done. Also includes tools, parts, structures & ephemera. 10% BUYER’S PREMIUM WILL PREVAIL. THREE IN ONE TRAIN AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 13, RIDGE FIRE COMPANY TED MAURER (AU-000593-L) Successful Auction Management Phone 610-323-1573 in Pottstown, PA Public Auction June 27,1998 Noon 15 Acre Farmette In Amity Twp. Berks Cty, modern house, barn w/horse stalls, 2 ponds, tillable fields, fenced pasture. Preview June 14,1 pm or by appt. Farm equip, sold at 9am. Watch for full listing. JR’s AUCTIONEERING, X (610) 489-3661, AU3267L Wildlife Print Auction Sat., June 13,1998 10:30 A.M. Will be held in the Banquet Hall of the American Legion Post 272 - North Mountain Road Lingelstown, PA - just 1/2 Block off 1-81 exit 26 (Harrisburg Area) (Partial Listing) NED SMITH: (More than 30 pcs.) "Dutch Country Bluebird"; "Old Orchard Buck"; "River Otters"; "Winter Cardinals"; "Big Woods Bobcat"; "Suspicious"; "Last Drake" - AP w/Stamp; 1981 PA Conservation w/Stamp; "Springtime Grouse"; "Dixie Prince" #1 of 600; (Plus Others). ■ BEV DOOLITTLE: Breakfast"; "Eagle Heart"; R. C. KRAY: (Appr.. 2 doz pcs.) "Twin Trophies";. "Almost Time To Leave" "Changing the Guard"; "Secret Crossing"; "High Country Cats" 808 SOPCHICK: "Bib Country Brum"; "A Snap Of A Twig"; "Autumn Challenge"; (Plus Others) ROB STINE: "Indian Summer"; "The Duel"; (Plus Others) Plus Prints from other Artists such as J. Paluh - Pierce - Pritko - Bowers - Wetzel - Dan Crist - Hansel - McGovern and others - over 100 Prints in all. For complete Listing Call or Write: Adams Auction Sale Service, 208 Maple St., Millersburg, PA 17061 - Ph. (717) 792-3076 AYOOQI43-L ADAMS eM ,„ c /A 717-692-3076 JpALjU CTIOFN 208 Maple Street SALES SERVICE Millersburg, PA 17061 "Three More For 1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. OCTOBER FRI OCT. 2 - 7PM Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA _Graded Feeder Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners. 717-837-2222 SAT OCT 3-10 AM New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Dairy Heifer Sale 717-354-4341 btel KS nlw Hd C n on S s«rAuc“ & q garden, land, Co “a Horse Sale firewood ’ lumber & more Ro 9- e ? TOOLS • LUMBER • BUTCHERING ITEMS • SLEIGH PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., JUNE 13,1998 • 10 AM 410 King’s Highway, Marysville, PA (Near Harrisburg, take Park Drive from Route 11-15 at Specialty Bakers, one mile to sale - signs) Antique wood working tools, some Stanley, and modern power tools, 10 ton press, 4 inch joiner, chain hoist, much more. Approx. 4000 board feet lumber (air dried 15 yrs.), some planking, saw mill items, auto parts, 4 iron kettles, much more. Phone for full listing (leave address) 2 Generations HOBBIE AUCTIONEERS 2591-L (717) 233-0115 PUBLIC SALE Friday Evening, June 12,1998 6:00 P.M. Located approximately 50 miles Northwest of Harrisburg, PA, in the village of Richfield, PA, at Basom Memorial Park. Follow sale signs off Rt. 35 in Richfield. Sale consisting of John Deere toys, Winross & Ertl trucks, Hess trucks, Ertl banks, construction toys and misc. TOY TRACTORS. TRUCKS. CONSTRUCTION TOYS Wmross Trucks Including: Ist Edition Wood Mode, 1990 Lancaster Farm Toy Show, Hershey's 1998 Farm Show And Others; Ertl Trucks Including: 1991 Caterpillar Toy Fair, 1994 Hershey’s 100th Anmv, Massey Ferguson, Numerous John Deere Trucks And Others; John Deere Toy Tractors In Boxes Including: Model 720 Diesel Precision classic, General Purpose; Model 70 With Hay Rake; 6200 With Loader; J.D. Model MC Crawler; Model 720 Row-Crop Tractor; Model 4010 1/16 Scale; 1/16 Scale Precision J.D. “Motorsport’ Stock Cars; Remote Control J.D. Tractor And Others...; SHOW TRACTORS - 1989 Farm Progress Show Tractor; 1990 Nat. Farm Toy Show “Case”; “Massey Harris” 1987; J.D. 1990 Parts Expo; J.D. 1996 Aftermarket: J.D. 1994 Plow City Show Tractor And More; J.D. Motorsport Golf Cart; J.D. 1997 Motorsport Grand Pnx Car; J.D. Tractor, Mailbox; The Deere Co. Model 1907 Type B Diecast Car; Ertl Farm Country Farm Sets; J.D. Collector Series “Farming The Heartland” Collector Plates; Ertl Banks: 1993-94-95; J.D. Airplane Banks; J.D. Anvil Cast Bank; J.D. Co. Truck Bank; 1994 Coca-Cola Bank; U.S. Mail Stamp Truck; Hershey’s Coca Truck Bank; J.D. Lube Express Bank; 1996 Christmas Trolly Bank; Numerous J.D. Truck Banks; Gulf Truck Bank And Others: “Home Budget” metal Bank; J.D. Mailbox Bank; HESS TRUCKS 1984 Thru 1995 ( Except 19891: Mobil And Other Gas Trucks; 150+ of 1/64 Scale Jphn Deere Toy Tractors And Implements: Construction Toys Of All Kinds; Fire Trucks: "Life-Like HO Scale Train Engines And Misc. Cars; Toy Tower Crane; Hershey’s K-Line Train (Needs track). Sears Craftsman 15-1/2” Drill Press; Sears Craftsman 12" Band Saw- Sander; Dewalt 2 Hp. Radial Arm Saw; Sears Craftsman 6" Jointer; 14’ Blue Fin Semi-V Bottom-Aluminum Boat w/4.5 Mercury Motor & Cox Trailer. A Collection Of Fire Co. Mugs; Sunray Electric Range; Girl’s “Huffy” Mountain Bike, New; Boy’s Training Bike, New; Floor Model Fireproof Safe; “Fantom” Upright Sweeper; John Deere Table Lamp; J.D. Desk Clock: And Other Items... a TERMS: Cash or PA Check AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This sale has a nice selection of John Deere and Ertl toys most in original boxes Preview at 4-00 p m Auctione'ers Robert L. Leitzel - AU-002062-L (717) 694-3287 • Richfield, PA Tim L. Kline - AU-002998-L (717) 837-0280 • Middleburg, PA Owners And Auctioneers Not Responsible For Accidents Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 6, 1998-E35 lel Hoover. Auct 717-354-8397 MON OCT 5 -10 AM 100 W Jackson SI, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dirfenbach Auction, Inc TUES OCT 6 - 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc . 717-249-4511 TUES OCT 6 - Rogers Comm Auct, 20 mi S of Youngstown, OH on St Rt 7, to Rogers, OH, 1 mi W & ERTL BANKS >WER TOOLS MISC. ITEMS OWNER: Audrey Schur And Others Community Auction Inc jju -227-3236 TUES OCT 6- 7 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Feeder cattle sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249- 4511 WED OCT 7 -109 N Maple Ave Leola, Lane Co, PA Lumber & Building Materials Sale Wolge muth Auction. 717-656-2947 WED OCT 7-10 AM Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth. Auct WED OCT 7 - 6 30PM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co. Pa Wmross Hess, farm & toys A&C Dittenbach Auction Inc FRI OCT 9-9 AM 100 W Jack son St, New Holland, Lane Co Pa Tractors, farm equip, & sup plies A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc FRI OCT 9-IPM 548 Alexander Spring Rd , Carlisle, PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 717-249- 4511 FRI OCT 9 - 6PM New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland Lane Co, PA Feeder Cattle Sale 717-354 4341 FRI OCT 9-7 PM Middleburg Livestock Auct Sis Inc Middle burg, PA Dairy Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717- 837-2222 SAT OCT 10 ■ Lebanon Valley Lvsl Mkt, 1 mi Eof Fredericks burg, PA along Rt 22 Work dri ving & riding horse sale Consign welcome, 717-866-5783 Keith Byers & Gerald Hoover, Aucls MON OCT 12 -10 AM 100 W Jackson SI, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Diffenbach Auction. Inc WED OCT 14 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth Auct FRI OCT 16-7 PM Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Feeder Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners, 717-837- 2222 FRI OCT 16 - 7PM Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, PA Graded Feeder Sale For more info Gene Glick, 717-667-2703 or Sale Bam. 717-935-2146 AuemNms BOAT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers