Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 06, 1998, Image 206

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    ElB-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 6, 1998
Sale Reports
A Public Sale of
personal property and
antiques was held
Friday for Henry and
Alma Frankhouser,
1234 Muddy Creek
Road, Denver, before
153 registered bidders
by auctioneers Kline,
Kreider and Good.
Items of interest in
the sale included a
Massey-Ferguson 18
horsepower lawn
mower, $2,500; a
wooden wheelbarrow,
$255; a Roseville jar
diniere, $500; an auto
graphed movie star
picture, $225; a pink
depression glass dish,
$27; an iron bank.
$22; and a tin game
called “Alpine
Express,” $65
Also assorted
Roseville dishes, $160;
a box of plastic doll
house toys, $B5; a
Davey Crockett mug,
$9; photo albums, $B5
to $115; a windup
tractor and duck toy,
$5O; a Red Ryder BB
gun in original box,
$7O; two toy pistols
and holsters, $150;
and a tin windup rock
ing horse, $135.
A 2-1/2-story house
with a barn pasture
and garden sold for
$142,000 Tuesday at a
public real estate auc
tion held for Ernest H.
Sensenig and Louise
B. Sensenig, 79 E.
Farmersville Road,
West Earl Township.
Alan N. Weaver
and Alice B Weaver,
Leola, were the buy
The sale was con
ducted by Horst
Auctioneers, Ephrata.
A Public Auction of
over 350 Longaberger
baskets was held May
30 at Ziegler Auction
Co., 1550 Sandhill
Rd., Hershey, Pa.
Some prices
received were; 93 JW
Easter $145, 90
Gingerbread $75, 92
Shades of Autumn
Bittersweet $55, 94
800 basket $BO, 94
Lilac basket $95, 97
Hamper $230, 89
Inaugural basket
$200,86 round Sewing
basket w/stand $lB5,
88 JW medium gath
ering $230, 89 JW
Bankers Waste $330,
and 94 JJ umbrella
SAT, JUNE 13,1998 9am.
Loc: 7947 Rider Lane, Hummelstown, Pa. From
Rt.. 81 take exit #27 onto Rt 39 going toward
Hershey app. 2 mil turn left onto Rider Lane to
Bth house on right Or from Hershey take Rt 39
West (Hershey Park Exit) to 2nd traffic light,
turn left on Rt 39 app. 4 miles to Rider Lane on
Josef Guamercus Violin 60 Yr's Old; Old 12
String Mandolin Type Inst; Wurlitzer Manual
Organ w/Pedals & Synthesizer. 8 Pc. Haywood
Wakefield Dining Rm Suite; Marble Top
Washstand; Maple Hutch; Drop Leaf Table w/2
Leaves, 6 Chairs; White Corner Cupboard;
Windsor Chain sSofa; Rechner; 2 Uph. Chairs;
Table & Floor Lamps; Credenza & Mirror; Lrg Oval
Beveled Mirror; Portable RCA Color TV; Table
Model Victrola; Humidifier; Picture Frames; Metal
Knee Hole Desk & Chair; 2 Drawer Metal File
Cabinet; Cnb; Dinner Bell From Oley Valley
School; Sm Brass Kettle; Hamilton Wall Clock;
1940 Philco Table Model Radio; Umbrella Stand;
Iron Dog; Coffee Grinder, 78 RPM Records (Show
Time & Classics); Movie & Slide Projector;
Cameras; Bmm MoVie Viewer & Splicer; Books;
Lap Robe; 2 China Dolls; Metal Doll House; Tin
Toys; McCoy Jardiniere; Spoon Collection: Silver
Pc's; Canning Jars; 2 Elephant Bottles; 4
Numbered Norman Rockwell Plates; Avon
Collector's Plates & Figunne's from 75-'B4;
Sebastian & Precious Moment Figurines; Flow
Blue Plates: Roseville Frog; Pewter Candle
Holders; Collection of sm. Pitchers; Mikasa Glass
Bowl; Nontake & German Pc's; Butter Fly
Collection; Hat Pm; Eye Glasses; Cast Iron Molds;
Upright Freezer: 2 Humidifiers; Orthopedic
Cushions, Walker & 4 Legged Cane; Impex Club
Pro w/Self Cycling Pedals Slimfit 100; Exercise
Bike. Tools: Shopsmith Drill Press; 12" Craftsman
Band Saw; Craftsman Radial Arm Saw; 8" Table
Saw; Delta Jig Saw; 2 Craftsman 1/4" Drive
Routers; 1/4" & 1/2" Elec Drills; Signed Block Plane;
Miter Saw; Chop Saw; Welder’s Helmet; Lots of
Hand & Garden Tools; Craftsman Tool Chest; Tool
Boxes; Table Vise; Screws & Bolts; Tap & Die Set;
Pipe Die's; T Allen Wrenches; Open End
Wrenches; Craftsman Depth Ga.; Tachometer; 2
Starrett Micrometers; Heavy Duty Battery Charger;
Battery Cable Crimper; Engine Analyzer; Engine &
Generator Manuals; 2 Ton Engine Hoist & Stand;
Car Ramps; Air Control Valves, Pressure
Regulators, Oilers & Filters: In Dash Car Radios,
Speakers, CBs & Antennas; AM FM CB Radio;
Ladder Jacks; 2 Ext. Ladders; Metal Shelving; 16
gal. & 6 gal. Shop Vacs; 2 Bag Wagons; 2 Lockers:
Anens 20" Self Propelled Push Mower; Lawn
Spreader; Weed Eater; 5 Hp. Chipper Shredder;
RH Golf Clubs; Sleds; Bikes; Antique Scooter;
Shoe Lath; Clay Bird Thrower; Bow & Arrows;
Guns: Win 270 Pump Rifle; Ithaca 16 Ga. Pump
Shot Gun; 12 Ga. Dbl. Barrel Shot Gun; Gun Parts;
Mini Pistol; 2 Bayonets. Items too numerous to
mention. No Out Of State Checks. Lunch.
Starting wAools, glassware. Guns at 12 Noon,
furniture last
Phone 717-566-0302
Auction By:
Lloyd Kreider, Randal V. Kline
Roy E. Good, Jr. Auctioneers
Lie. #SI3L -499 L -2116 L
Ziegler Auction Co.,
LTD conducted the
C 3 •rsargjpi
ros.. Po;
J 2 vert, up-right saws, 18” Reed prentice lathe .
I 48” c/c, 20” Morando lathe 84” c/c, 16” I
I Hendey lathe 40” c/c, 12” Pedestal grinder, 12” |
[ Johnston cut off saw (hor.), 21” floor drill #3 .
I spindal, 3-1/2 floor model drill presses, #2 Cine I
I Univ. mill, dual spindal Delta floor drill (#2 |
i taper), metal brake & shear, 15 ton hyd. press, ■
I 1 ton Arbor press, Amco 4000 brake drum ■
I lathe, 10 hp air comp., 77 Chev 4 WD 1/2 ton |
j shortbed w/snow plow, ‘B4 Chev SlO, s’xB’ ■
I utility trlr., tune-up equip., mig. welder, battery J
| tester, plus 40 years of misc. tools, drills & |
I parts! _.. I
AUCTION: Sat., June 27 at 9 AM J
I Comer of Rte. 100 & Cadmus Roads I
Newark Valley, N.Y. Area
WED., JUNE 17th, 1998
11:00 A.M.
Auction to be held at Farm on West Creek
Road (Cty. Rd. 33), Newark Valley, NY. From
Newark Valley, Take Rt. 38 South 5 Miles to
West Creek Road, Turn and Proceed 3-1/2
Miles to Farm. From Owego, take Rt. 38
North 3 Miles to West Creek Road, Proceed
3-1/2 Miles to Farm. Watch for Arrows off Rt.
*lll Good Holsteins 111*
(73) Extra nice mature Holstein cows of which
33 are due in July and August, 21 due
September and October, 10 due November
and December. Some recently fresh. A good
herd here, which are milked in tie-stalls,
housed and fed in free-stalis, wHI' go ejtf)dr.j
way. (19) Super Bred Heifers, due from July
on. (19) Started Calves to Short Yearlings. A
Wonderful Herd here to buy replacements
from. Pregnancy examined, shot for shipping
fever, blood & TB tested, eligible for immedi
ate shipment day of sale.
Farm Equipment fA Clean Lineunl
JD 4630 Diesel Tractor, Powershift, 4 post
POPS, Good 20.8x38 tires, real nice; JD
2755 Diesel Tractor, 15.5x38 tires, w/JD 146
Front end loader (to be sold 3 waysj, nice
unit; JD 4020 Diesel Tractor, 18.4x34 tires,
side console, real sharp; 1985 Ford FI 50 PU
Truck, 4x4, loaded, 94K Original Miles, 1
owner; 1954 Ford F-600 Dump Truck; JD
1327 Discbine Mower, sharp; Fahr 4 Umbrella
Hay Tedder: NH 256, and 56 Side rakes; Hyd.
Dolly, dual rake hitch; JD 336 Baler w/Kicker,
nice; (3) Wooden Kicker Wagons on good
gears; JD 3940 Harvester, elec. Controls, w/2
Row Corn Head &PU Head; JD 115
Transport Disc; JD 5x trip beam plow; JD
transport drags; JD 610, 10 shank chisel
plow, real nice; JD 494 4x Corn Planter, nice;
Bullion Cultipacker-seeder, w/wheels, real
sharp; Dion 1016 T/A SU Wagon, 3 btr.,
w/roof, sharp; (2) NH Crop Carrier 8 S/U
Wagons; NH 30 Blower; NH 26 Blower; Baltic
3 pth Fert. Spreader; Winco 25 kw Pto
Generator on wheels; Badger 333 T/A box
spreader, w/endgate.
Produce - 200 ft. Ag Bag Full of Corn Silage,
approx. 200 ton; Ag Bag of Corn Silage, 100
ft. approx. 100 ton; Ag Bag of Haylage, 30 ft.
approx. 30 ton; 24x60 Silo with 7 Doors of
Corn Silage.
Auctioneer’s Note - The Poreda’s have been
farming for over 39 years on this farm, you
have a good set of cattle, and a line of equip
ment 2nd to none. If you want to buy good
merchandise this is a Must Attend Auction-
Sale Order - Equipment First, Followed by
Cattle, Be on Time, No Small Items.
Terms - Cash or Good Check Day of Auction
w/Positive ID. Payment in Full Day of
Auction. Nothing Removed Until Settled For.
Lunch Available
Save This Date - This Ad Will Not Appear Agaii£
P.O. Box 738, Route 11
Whitney Point, NY 13862
A 607-692-4540
---v") 1-800-MANASSE
MFfe Fax: 607-692-4327
Members of NYSAA and
Auctioneers NAA Associations
Visit our Website ®
Tuesday, June 9,1998^4PM^|
Rt. 41 & Sadsbury Avenue
Christiana, PA
~ The former Smallwood’s Nursery ~
Dir: 3 Mile S. of Gap on Rt. 41
near Dutchman’s Market
Farmall A Tractor w/Cultivator, 1 Big Cart,
Farmall Cub Tractor w/5’ Cycle Bar, 1-2 Way
Plow, Post Hole Digger, Spring Tooth Harrow,
Subsoiler, Disc Harrow, Salamander Heaters,
Bench Saw, Gill Grader w/Scarifier, Tools,
Workbenches, Seeder, Grinder, Mowers, Gates,
Drill Press, Shoe Lathe, Trimmers, Fencing,
Greenhouses: 2 Gutter Connected - 14’ x 96’
Acc., 5 Hoop Houses 85’x96’xl4’, 2 Bow
Houses 24’ x 96’, 12 Oil Heaters, 3 - 1,000 Gal.
Tanks, 5 - 275 Gal. Tanks.
3 Mercedes Benz ‘65 Sdn 4 Dr, 14’ Boat, TR, 35
ANTIQUES: 1896 Ch. Organ, Old Desk,
Tools, Art Benches, Lamps, Sewing Machines,
Victrola, Books, Glassware, China, Primitives,
Folk Art.
~ Partial Listing ~
Still unpacking lots of great antiques
No Out-of-State Checks
Not Responsible for Accidents
Sale For: Harrison Enterprises
(717)687-6857 AU-1723L
wn. Pi
NOTICE: We will sell a huge array of heavy
equipment, landscape equipment, farm machin
ery, cars & trucks to the highest bidder.
If you have any items to sell this is a market you
won’t want to miss We have loading docks,
loaders & forklifts for fast consignor service.
You are encouraged to list your equipment now
so we can advertise accordingly For questions or
trucking information call (716) 243-1563
SELLING: Early list from contractor liquidation
includes - 1987 Kenworth Conventional tractor,
1985 Peterbilt 362 tractor; 1972 GMC 10 wheel
dump, 1972 GMC I ton, 1978 Eager Beaver Lo-
Boy trailer; 1981 Wisconsin tilt deck trailer,
office & storage trailers, Morgan concrete con
veyor, Cat 931 track loader, Limda 24 ton truck
crane, air compressors; Morgan Mustang con
crete pump and much more
EQUIPMENT: Cat El 208 excavator; Cat E7OB
excavator; Cat EIIOB excavator; Case 580 K
backhoe; Case 602 D compactor; approx
Autocrane 2403 1 ton crane; (60) lawn tractor
mowers; (35) farm tractors; (25) trucks and much
ALSO SELLING All kinds of farm equipment,
landscape equipment, trucks & more including
the following- 1985 CMC 36’ framesless dump
trailer; 1985 IH 2200 S/A tractor; 1989 Chevy
1500 pickup.
assortment of shade trees & evergreen trees; pot
ted shrubs; rhododendrons;’lilac, yews; arbs;
burning bush & much more.
TERMS Full settlement auction day, cash or
good check. No junk or used tires. This list is
subject to consignor delivery.
Portable Johns
(716) 243-1563
FAX (716) 243-3311
6502 Barber Hill Road
SAT., JUNE 20,1998
at 9:00 a.m.
Equipment From
Banks & Credit Companies, |
Trucks, Farm & Heavy Equipment
GROVELAND, (Geneseo), NY ,
LOCATION: Barber Hill Road, Grovelartd, 8
mi S.E. of Geneseo, 2 mi. S.W. of Conesus Lake,
30 mi South of Rochester
RoyTeitsworth, Inc.