Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 06, 1998, Image 194
E6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 6, 1998 GAY BROWNLEE Somerset Co. Correspondent BERLIN (Somerset Co.) “I’m changing to make it better for them,” said Doug Hillegass, allud ing to his and wife, Debra’s chil dren Desirae, a Pennsylvania State University student, and Jus tin and Jared, who attend the Ber lin High School. “The Idds have a choice about whether to be involved,” said Doug. “If our kids leave the farm,” Debra continues, “that’s all right, but at least they will know how to work.” The young individuals all say they want very much to be in volved even Desi, a 1997 FFA Keystone Degree recipient whose major, for a teaching vocation, is ag education and minor is dairy animal science. The siblings compose the fourth generation of Hillegass progeny. Sixty years of growth began with Doug’s grandfather, Daniel Hillegass, and continued with his late father, Glenden and Mother, Geraldine, 79. Their modern house is near the largo- farmhouse ters with Al technician Robert Fritz. ird work In the expanded dairy operation owned by she and her husband, Doug Hillegass, doesn’t stop Debra from planting flowers to dress up their Dairy of Distinc tion premises at Roxbury. Hillegass Family Commits To Preserving Farm that Doug’s family inhabits. Although Glenden hauled coal on his truck and shoveled it off himself, in the mid-1940s he and his wife would hand-milk seven cows and do chores prior to his leaving each day. Gradually, the herd was in creased to 21 dairy animals and Geraldine’s milking assistant was a lady who they also boarded. The system they used was to begin at opposite ends of the bam and work toward the midldle. Until the Eisenhower era of the 1950 s when Glenden finally bought a John Deere tractor, horses were used for fieldwork and to gather sugar water in maple season. They later supplemented their annual income because they could produce about 500 gallons of maple syrup to sell. A second farm that Glenden used for a potato operation was purchased in 1969. Twelve acres of spuds that Snyders of Berlin bought for making potato chips were harvested by hand, using burlap bags. A pipeline system and 30 milk cows governed the 19605. Backdropped by a network of Mountain View Farms’ buildings Is the Hlllegass family. Deslrae, Debra, and Jared are In front and Doug and Justin, In back, on a damp and rainy day near Berlin, Somerset County. More herd growth continued through the 1980 s. Doug came aboard full time in 1977 and a third farm was added in 1992. Mountain View Farms, located near the Routes 31 and 60 inter section at Roxbury (following a recent, major expansion) comfort ably accommodates about 350 milking Holsteins. Ensuring the goals they had set for the Dairy of Distinction were attainable allowed the couple to take the plunge. “It was the future of our farm, as a farm, to survive," Doug said. Visiting some of the most fu turistic dairy operations in the East, primarily those found in Pennsylvania and New York state, gave Doug and Debra information to ponder and evaluate. Voices of experience advised them about what worked and didn’t work in other setups. Then, too, the family had to consider the natural climactic con ditions found in Somerset Coun ty’s high elevation which usually mean a shorter growing season for crops. Doug said more acreage is re quired because the yield typically will be less than in other areas. Still, they try to grow the neces sary feed themselves. " * Doug HlHegass manages crops and feeds the 250 head Holstein dairy herd. He Is pictured on the John Deere 4440 tractor. Primarily. Doug’s role is man aging the crpps and feeding the herd. To predict futures and to secure contracts for feed and commodi ties, he relies on a communica tions system DTN and the Internet In 1994, plans fell into place for a spacious facility fit to house the entire herd. Finally, the inconven ience of milking 70 cows at home and a newly purchased 36-cow herd, three miles distant at a rented farm, was ended. By the fall of 1995 the four row, 220-stall, glu-lam (lamin ated) bam was completed. It was open in the center for added venti lation and additional cow comfort came from curtains controlled by automatic thermostats kept at 40 degrees. Designed for cow friendliness, the stalls are good for the most awkward adult bovine, which can easily get up from mattresses filled with shredded rubber. Mineral boxes are located near all the waterers for free-choice products. For a year, some 200-plus cows were milked in the old bam, with four switches being made. They had walked about 300 feet and re mained outside in holding lots. Debra, who in 1981 gave up her job as a registered nurse to work full time at the farm, recalled that production was at a standstill. One milking required four men and seven hours of time. By February 1996, a parlor was under construction. The new double-six Surge Auto-flow was completed that June. During the three-times-a-day milking, in four and a half hours one man getting his own cows can process some 300 head. The April 1998 DHIA report for the Hillegass herd at 329 cows is 27,131 pounds of milk, 877 pounds of fat, and 849 pounds of notein. Milk is sold to Galliker’s Dairy in Johnstown. “Milking three times a day has really helped,” Doug reported. Now die herd manager, Debra said the operation employs five full-time workers and one part time. They are David Keefer, George Kovacs, Charles Ulery, Mike Weimer, Carl Benning, and Morgan Dickey. “The hired people do milking and you keep them in that position only,” she said. “When our applicants started getting an hourly wage and a time card, that was the key to getting good help,” she reported of their success with the hired staff. “Never turn a good employee away if they want work,” is a philosophy the Hillegasses en dorse. “We arc totally committed,” Debra said. “If I have dinner plan ned with Doug and a heifer is go ing to freshen, she comes first She oversees the dry cows, springers, and calves, and keeps vaccinations current A Somerset County DHIA dir ector, Debra is the breeder of Hill (Turn to Pag* E 7)