Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 06, 1998, Image 185
Farm for sale; Located South Christian County, KY: 386 A, 382 crop acre, extra good crop bases. Only farm in South Christ ian for sale... as we know of. Pembroke & Crider soil & blacktop highway on 2-sides. For more informa tion, call or write; STAN LEY FRITZ REAL ESTATE a AUCTION, 1005 S.Virginia St, Hopkinsville, KY 42240 502-885-3117 days Stanley Fritz 502-886-4216 evenings. Kenneth Jones 502-886-3797 evenings. Farm for sale: 276 A farm, beautiful 8-room brick home w/full basement. County water available. 7-ponds. Fenced a cross fenced for cattle. Excellent farm. For more infomation call or write STANLEY FRITZ REAL ESTATE a AUCTION, 1005 S.Virginia ST., Hopkinsville, KY 42240 502-885-3117 days Stanley Fritz 502-886-4216 or Kenneth Jones 502-886-3797 FOR RENT OR RENT PURCHASE 200. Acre Dairy Farm, Freestall Par lor Set-up. Will rent com plete farm or will rent facili ties and provide feed. Bed ford County. 814-839-4271. Mountain Ground, 6 Acres, Mifflin County. Decatur Township. 1 Hour N.W. of Harrisburg. $22,000. Call after SPM. 717-436-9594. Juanita County near Waterloo, 68.7 acres, per ked and approved, for 7 building lots, $lOO,OOO 717-438-3115. Land Wanted; 10-20 Acres, South or East of Ha- nover ownsl Hummelstown 717-566-0814. Maryland's Eastern Shore, Greensboro, MD, 18 acres fronts 2 roads. House and several outbuildings. Zoned light industrial. Ex cellent potential for small business. $149,000. 302/284-8774. Maryland's Eastern Shore 573 acres near Ridgely, MD, approx. 400 tillable. New center pivot irrigation, fronts 3 roads. $950,000. Call owner 302/284-8774. r FOR RENT Commercial building near Ronks could be wood working or metal shop, or great storage building. Small office available with it, building approx imately 1500 sq ft. 717-442-4114 Call Harold Bare 717-687-8423 / horns office 717-442-7417 / voice mall rw UPPER DAUPHIN COUNTY Fertile Lykens Valley. Hoy Road 85 acres of which 75 are under cultivation No buildings $220,000 JCT REALTY, Inc. 129 Market St., Millersburg, PA 717-692-2206 MILK 80 OR 160 in this very good large tie stall barn Single story section has 83 ties on pipeline and hip roof section 77, both dump to 3000 gallon tank All stalls with mats and tiled mangers 6 silos include 24x60 Harvester tor HMC and 24x70 Sealstore TMR ted fiom wheeled mixing wagon 30x60 healed shop 213acreswith 130-I4otillable Ample land to rent or buy adjoining Nice housing lor 2 lamilies $275,000. Mort Wimple Associates ‘Eeaf‘Estate Safes - Management FBjSg U.S ROUTE 20 SLOANSVILLE N.Y. 12160 Internet Page (518) 875-6355 http //www albany nel/-wimple/ FAX: (518) 875-6749 CATALOGUES LANCASTER COUNTY FARM 58 acre General Farm in high state of cultivation in Conoy Twp r'42’xsoo’ 1 story broiler house, 46’x76’ bank barn, 36’x96’ frame tobacco shed A beautiful 2/ story 4 BR brick dwelling, 1 /- bath & modem kitchen, all buildings in very good condition For more information call Gene at Coldwell Banker Homesale Services Group 717-361-HOME or 717-665-HOME. Res 717-898-2345 Must see to appreciate Greatly reduced - $359,900 to $339,000. SNYDER COUNTY 2 7 acres, 2/’ story frame & vinyl dwelling, 4 BR, I'/ bath, new replacement windows, 19’x22’ 2-car garage, 16’x37’ shed & workshop, new oil furnace - 1992, also electric wood or coal stove, excellent spring water flowing through the property, good hunting, lots of game, for more information call Gene at Coldwell Banker Homesale Services Group, 717-361-HOME or 717-665-HOME Res 717-898-2345 $84,900. • HOMESALE SERVICES GROUP 1255 S MarketSt Elizabethtown, PA, 17022 717-361-HOME 717-665-HOME 717-367-1112 (Fax) 1-800-850-1069 (PA Only) 717-367-3500 or 717-653-6600 Gene Kreider, Realtor 717-898-2345 GENERAL FARMS JUNIATA COUNTY, PA 60 MI. WEST OF HBG. 61 ACRES, 3 bedroom remodeled dwelling, 2 story bank barn, small cabin w/pond, 36 ac woodland, 8 acs tillable, 5 acs fenced pasture, 2 streams Excellent hunting $176,900 65 ACRES, 3 bedroom dwelling plus mobile home, newer 2 story bank barn, 2 streams, 30 acs woodland, 27 acs tillable & pasture Excellent hunting $232,500 FARMETTE ACREAGE 45 ACRES, Franklin Co., PA, 35 miles north of Chambersburg along Rt 75 midway between Concord and Doylesburg, 12 miles north of Willow Hill interchange off Turnpike Broker has financial interest Priced to sell at $72,500 14 ACRES, Juniata Co., PA, 60 miles west of Harrisburg Asking $46,900 8 ACRES, Juniata Co., PA, 48 miles west of Harrisburg, $35,900 WEEKEND RETREATS 7 1/2 WOODED ACRES, 8x22 travel trailer w/10x23 addition In ground septic system, drilled well Secluded, great potential for permanent home site $41,500 3 1/2 WOODED ACRES, small stream, mature hardwood/ hemlock trees Two 12x55 mobile homes connected by 12x15 addition Privy, drilled well, easy access $45,000 7 WOODED ACRES, Perry Co , great cabin site $22,000 OTHER TRACTS AVAILABLE Larry LONG REAL ESTATE OFFICE 717-527-4784 RAV LONG - AGENT TERESA O’NEAL - AGENT 717-527-2405 717-527-0034 Pager 1-888-812-4327 CALL OFFICE OR AGENT 24 HRS Farm For Sale Steuben County, NY along PA Line 125 - cow free stall with double - six parlor. Separate dry cow and heifer barns with cement pads. 320 acres, more to rent. Three-bedroom home plus trailer. 607-525-6145 Lancaster Co. Hog & Poultry Farm Presently In Operation Can Be Bought Turn Key' 73 Acre Limestone Soils Capacities - 400 Sows - 1100 Head Finishing Barn 150 Head of Beef (80 Bunk Feeder) 2 Large Concrete Silos 44x410 Bldg w/Pullet Cages Beautiful Dwelling - 2700 Sq Ft Limestone Home w/Attached 3-Car Garage Large Workshop & Equipment Bldg & Grain Storage All Very Nicely Blacktopped, Set Back in w/Stream Call today for more information and private showing 9.7 Acre Horse Farm Southern Lancaster 70 x 160 Barn Nice 2 story Frame House (1876) MAHLON OBERHOLTZER AGENCY Your Central PA Farm Broker Smoketown. PA 1 7576 (Lane. Co.) \ 717-392-1177 BEDFORD COUNTY - 117 acre farm minutes from]| j airport and turnpike 1 mile hard road frontage n 1 Large 2 1/2-story home & other outbuildings, Pond 5 & watering areas Excellent investment Call Wes | 814-944-1873. | BEDFORD COUNTY - Secluded 151 acre farm with an excellent view, 20 minutes from turnpike and Lake Raystown. Trout stream and spring 2Vz-story home, large barn and other outbuildings Call Wes 814- 944-1873. FRIEND'S COVE - 130 acre farm, 100 acres tillable Limestone soil. Good production soil Barn, 2 homes, stream. Call Wes 814-944-1873. BEDFORD COUNTY - 277 acres of land, 40 acres cleared with barn and spring, balance wooded. Excellent view, seclusion. 8 miles from turnpike. Excellent hunting Call Wes 814-944-1873. BEDFORD COUNTY - 144 acres of land. 40 acres cleared, balance wooded Excellent hunting Call Wes 814-944-1873. HUNTINGDON COUNTY - 474 acre farm, w/seclud ed setting 2 cottages, 2 houses, other out buildings, 60 acres tillable, balance woodland, excellent hunt ing, owner would consider sub-division HUNTINGDON COUNTY - 187 acre dairy farm, approx 130 tillable, stanchion barn, w/pipelme & bulk tank, 2 silos, loafing shed, freestall barn, imple ment shed, & much more Remodeled 2'k story home Call Wes 814-944-1873 ANOTHER GREAT BUY! #1572 - This farm must be sold 1 Owner says “Make an Offer 1 ” 265 acres, 120 cropland, 120 pasture, bal. wooded. Very productive land and lays nice 73 tie stall barn, heifer barn for 50 head, two silos Six room home needs remodel ing Very nice location, close to machinery deal ers and shopping This could be a real buy. Make us an offer' #1486 - 850 acre farm, 300 freestalls, big bunker silo, heifer barns, 4 houses Owner is anxious to sell. Make us an offer 1 #1426 - Great buy for a father and son farm. Two houses, 70 cow barn plus heifer barn. 280 acres of very productive land, nice location close to equipment dealers and shopping Asking $240,000. #1537 - Very good farm 1 Located north east of Binghamton 285 acres, 125 tillable Very good land Exceptionally nice 100 cow tie stall barn plus big freestall heifer barn, manure lagoon, machinery building, modular home A real buy! $250,000. Ask for free farm list' Farms shown by appointment, POSSON REALTY and Auction Service 7(17 n,it(", Wilson Rond Non-'ii h NY 1 381 7 (607) 334-9727 hllp ."\\ W U ML IU It ] 1 IH'l ' }7M »\t 11 \ ■ 1 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 6, 1998-D45 WANTED!! MOUNTAIN LAND/FARM LAND IN PERRY COUNTY. The last couple of years we have sold approximately 450 acres in Perry County In the process, we have acquired more buyers than we have land to sell to them If you own property there and would consider selling, please get in touch with us We can offer references and expertise in Perry County land sales and can assure you of getting the maximum value for your acreage Please call SPENCER & SPENCER REALTORS 717/258-4666 a K J Black Lake Campground includes home with J “ apt, 6 cottages, fish house, boat launch & J a more 495' lake frontage Reduced $250,000. « a St. Law. Co. dairy farm with 107 acres, duplex 5 a home, barn with 42 stanchions, pipeline milker, ” “ silo, 40x60 quonset hut & more $125,000 £ S Hobby Farm with 4 bedroom farmhouse on 10 £ J acres Many updates 26x42 barn and creek » «j Great for horses. St Law Co s4o's. * a 200 year old stone home on 45 acres with 132 a a more acres available Home has many updates * * including new septic, furnace, wiring & 2 stall £ J garage Small barn and greenhouse Over g J 1800’ roadfront & 2200' on Little Sucker Brook j* « St Law Co. $99,000 » a For Info Call Kathy Cary Asso. Broker a a a * Pirate Realty g a f onh in/’ 809 Ford Street g Jj Nr 61 . y«TH Ogdensburg, New York 136695 J Business (315) 393-0021 j» *j Residence (315) 393-5055 j» a k KKmmKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK r<K<- <♦> '•s*s*' <«• *s*s' <«• <«• -s*B' * F/Vte Oak Bar * £ Sullivan County Restaurant, featuring a $ * fabulous Oak Bar; relaxed and elegant dining. v Js Seating for 165, owner financing available £ * Reduced $249,000. ijf More than just a pretty face 1 This 3 BR. I bath ‘•'home has personality Bcautilully maintained *•' £& tastefully furnished in Shrcwsbuiy Twp & $95,000 &2 BR, I bath 12 x 60 trailer along Elk Creek 6 y near Hillsgrove $15,000 v Twp 5 II acres on Lick Creek off^ ‘•'Gamer Hill Road 2 story home that could be ' &used for a permanent residence or a summer^ * retreat $65,000 v ijf Double lots wooded with access to Ganoga ‘•'Lake and 2000 acres of private woodland * £ $39,000 • § ' 11 acres of peace and serenity touched by $ thousands of acres of State Game Lands § * Perced and utilities Place youi cabin here 1 ' * $25,000 9 WATERFRONT Beautiful Ganoga Lake, perc approved. $ y wooded & open lot $71,000 v $2 level lots on Peninsula at Beavei Lake 6 v $39,000 ! A $ 1 Sullivan County 'jl Real Estate, Inc. Eagles Mere, PA 17731 & 717/525-3225 *•' INTERNET $ •as' *3c- •se** <«' >*?