Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1998, Image 9

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Feeder Sales
Richmond, VA
Mon May 18, 1998
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
Suty of Livestock Auctions by Areas:
Northern Vir?ia Livestock Summary
Marshall, Rockingham, Shenandoah,
Staunton Union and Winchester Virginia
for the Week of May 11-16, 1998
Feeder Cattfe 1026 Head
Sleets Med&L? Med&Lge 2 200-300
86.00 • 102.00 92.00 - 93.00 300-400
88.00 - 104.00 84.00 - 96.00 400-500
90.00 -104.00 7880.00 - 96.00 Few 85.50 -
95.00 - 500-600 85.00 - 100.00 90.00
600-700 75.50 -87 JO - 700-800 72.00 -
79.75 74.00 800-900 69.00 - 73.50 -
900-1000 68.00 - 71.25 -
Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2 200-300
80.00 300-500 67.00 - 75.50 500-700
67.00 - 78.00 700-900 60.00 - 63.50
Heifers Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge
2 200-300 80.50 - - 300-400 72.00 - 90.00
80.00 82.00 - 92.00 400-500 70.00 - 88.50
74.00 - 76.00 78.00 - 91.00 500-600 74.00
- 83.00 76.07 7772.00 - 79.00 600-700
69.00 - 77.50 - 67.00 - 75.00 700-800
71.75 - lulls Med&Lge 1 Small 1
Med&Lge? 200-300 - - 106.00- 107.00
300400 95.00 - 101.00 78.00 80.00 -
87.00 400-500 90.00 • 94.00 - 89.00 -
95.00 500-600 71.00 - 88.00 - - 600-700
64.00 - 74.00 700-900 54.00 - 63.50 - -
Slaughter Cattle 376 Head
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Ken Doug Andrew Elizabeth
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Mike Dixon Fred Dixon
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In the Northeast, PA, KY, Ml, VA, OH, WV. IN, Wl, IL, NC, SC, AL, GA, TN, MN, MO and IA Min lease $5,000
Slaughter Cows 321 Head Bieaking
Utility and Commercial 2-4 33.00 - 41 JO
Cutter and Boning Utility 1-332.00-41.75
Caimer and Low Cutter 1-2 28.00 - 36.00
Slaughter Bulls 45 Head Yg 1-2
900-1300 Lbs 47.00 - 58.25 Yg 1-2
1300-1600 Lbs 45.00 - 56.00 Yg 1-2 1600
Lbs and over 42.00 - 55.00
Slaughter Calves and Vealers 10 Head
Calves Good and Choice 250-500 Lbs
71.00 - 77.00
Cows with calves at side 11 pairs -
Medium and Large i, 5-7 yrs old with
calves 150 lbs 650.00-760.00 per pair.
Baby calves returned to farms 41 head
newborn to 4 weeks old 30.00-62,00 per
head. Over 100 lbs 20.00-110.00 pet cwt
Lambs Total Receipts 227 Head Slaugh
ter Lambs 135 Head New Crop Choice
Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 92-107 lbs 78.35 -
80J0 Good and Few Choice 1-2 84 lbs
84.00 Feeder Lambs 71 He? Medium and
Large Frame 1-2 70-85 lbs 86.00 -88 JO
Medium and Large Frame 1-2 60-70 lbs
91.00 - 100.00 Medium and Large Frame
50-60 lbs 81.00 Slaughter Ewes and
Rams 21 Head Ewes Choice 2-4 20.00
Utility and Good 1-3 25.00 - 30.00 Cull
and Low Utility i-2 20.00 - 36J0
Slaughter Hogs 44 Heads Barrows and
Gilts US 1-7 200-250 lbs 32.00 - 34.00
Sows US 1 -3 300-500 lbs 22.00 - 25.00 US
1-3 500 lbs and over 22.00 - 26.50 Boms
300-600 lbs 11 Jo
Lisa Francisco Sonnen
Richmond, VA
Mon May 18, 1998
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
Summary of Livestock Auctions by
Areas: Southwest Virginia livestock Sum
maiy Including
Hollins, Tri-state and Wytheville, Virgi
nia For the Week of May 11-16, 1998
Feeder Cattle 895 Head
Sleets Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2
200-300 89.00 - 103.00 ? - 300-400
7884.00 - 103.00 - 84.00 - 96.00 400-500
89.00 - 107.00 82.00 - 90.00 82.00 - 98.00
Few 84.00 - - 500-600 75.00 - 99.00 -
78.00 - 97.50 600-700 71.00 - 89.50 - -
Holstein Steer Med?Lge 2 200-300
Heifers Med&L? Small 1 Med&Lge 2
200-300 72.00 - 85.00 - - 300-400 79.00 -
88.00 67.00 - 75.00 76.50 - 85.00 400-500
80.00 - 86.00 65.00 - 78.00 74.00 - 85.50
500-600 78.00 - 8650 - 7050 - 80.00
600-700 64.00 - 6850 - 61.00 - 65.00
700-800 62.00 - 64.00 - - 800-900 61.00 -
65.50 - -
Bulls Med&Lge 1 Smalt 1 Med&Lge 2
200-300 90.00 -703.00 - 88.00 - 103.00
300-400 80.00 - 9250 - 80.00 - 87.00
4782.00 - 895 0 81.00 - 82.00 79.00 - 88.00
500-600 79.00 - 86.00 76.00 - 77.00 74.00
- 80.00 600-700 74.00 - 76.00 - 70.00 -
Slaughter Cattle 198 Head
Slaughter Cows 177 Head Brealdng
Utility and Commercial 2-47.50 - 74.75
Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 32.00 - 44.00
Cann?r and Low Cutter 1-2 30.00 - 37.75
Slaughter Bulls 2i Head Yg 17300 lbs
45.00 - 54.00 Yg 1-2 1300-1600 lbs 44.00 -
48.00 Yg 1-2 1600 lbs and over 47.50 -
Lambs Total Receipts 59 Head Slaugh
ter Lambs 35 Head New Crop Cho?Prime
l-27 Few 3 106-113 Lss 75.00 - 81.00
Feeder Lambs 24 Head Medium and Large
Frame 1-2 70785 Lbs 78.00 Medium and
Large Frame 1-2 60-70 Lbs 80.00
Baby calves returned to farms 13 head
newborn to 4 weeks 45.00-90.00 per head.
Frank Hunter
Mike Fullam
Richmond, VA
Mon May 18, 1998
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
Summary of Auctions by A7as; Central
And Southeast Virginia Livestock Sum
mary Including
Soolhside (Blackstone) And Lynchburg
Virginia for th7k of May 11-16, 1998
Feeder Cattle 855 Head
Steers Med&Lge 1 Small I Med&Lge 2
200-300 109.00- 112.00 90.00 103.00
109.00 300-400 8950 - 95.00 86.00 -
90.00 91.00 - 9650 7400-500 89.00 - 95.50
76.00 - 87.00 847 - 93.00 500-600 86.007-
95.00 76.0010 80.00 - 97.00 Few - - 77.00
600-700 80.00 - 83.00 7150 - 75.00 76.50
- 82.00 700-800 - 50.00 - 55.00 70.00
800-900 68.00 - 60.00 7 Holstein Steer
Med&Lge 2 200-300 7350 300-500 65.00
- 75.00 500-700 58.00 - 65.00 700-900
Heifers Med&Lge 1 7 Small 1
Med&Lge 2 200-300 - 76.00 77.00 - 88.00
300400 75.00 - 82.00 65.00 - 73.00 71.00
- 83.00 400-500 76.00 - 78.00 60.00 -
74.00 71.00 - 82.00 500600 78.00 - 82.00
60.00 - 68.00 65.00 Z :rOO 600700 6950 -
75.00 - 65.00 - 69.00 700800 - - 7 5550 -
68.00 800900 57.00 - 6250 - 55.00
Bulls Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2
200300 104.00 - 89.00 - 94.00 300-400
86.00 - 93.00 84.00 - 89.00 85.00 - 9450
400500 8050 - 94.00 70.00 - 88.00 7950
- 93.00 500600 88.00 - 9350 65.00 -
6950 70.00 - 81.00 600700 75.00 - 79.00
- 700900 58.00 - 62.00 - 58.00 - 69.25
Slaughter Cattle 188 Head
Slaughter Cows 167 Head Br7aking
Utility and Commercial 2-4 33.00 - 36.00
Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 7 32.00 -
3550 Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 25.00 -
Slaughter Bulls 21 Head Yg 1-2
900-1300 lbs 47.00 Yg 1-2 1300-1600 lbs
42.00 - 48.00 Yg 17 1600 lbs and over
43.00 - 52.75
Cows returned to farms IS head -
Medium 1, Large 1 And Large 2,800-1 ISO
lbs 285.00-490.00 per head?4l.oo-54.00
per cwt Baby calves returned to farms 8
head newborn to 4 weeks 30.00-35.00 per
head. Over 100 lbs 68.00-74.00 per cwt
Slaughter Hogs 12 Head Barrows and
Gilts US 1-3 200-250 7 33.50 Sows US 1-3
300-500 lbs 25.00 Boars 300-600 lbs 14.00
State Graded Feede? Cattle 242 head sold
at Lynchburg, Virginia on May 11, 1998.
Steers 126 Head. Heifeis 116 Head.
Steers Med&Lge 1 Med&Lge 2 370-400
- 94.00 400-500 89.00 - 99.00 85.00 -
93.00 500-600 87.50 - 96.00 88.50 - 94.50
600-700 68.00 - 73.50 83.50 - 87.00
800-900 70? -
Heifers Med&Lge 1 Med&Lge 2
300-400 - 76.00 400-50? 78.50 - 79.00
79.50 - 81.00 500-600 76.75 - 78.75 68.00
- 75.75 6007700 69.00 - 75.50 -
• Separate gas dram valve for long-term storage * BIG 6 5 gallon tank
•13 HP Honda industrial OHV engine • Frame measures 31V* “L x 23 S A” W
• Packs 8000 surge Watts, 6600 x 22 A" H
continuous Watts • Runs for 9 1 hours on half load 7
• Easy access control and outlet hours at full load
panel has two 120 Volt 15 Amp • Optional 2-wheel kit #165916 sold
outlets, two 120 Volt 20 Amp separately
outlets and one 240 Volt twistlock • Ship Wt 210 lbs Item # 165914
30 Amp outlet $1,829
5500 Watt Generators 13.4
Hours on One Tankful!
• 9 Hp Honda industrial OHV engine
• Delivers 5500 surge Watts, 4500
continuous Watts
• Easy Access control panel has two
120 Volt 20 Amp outlets and one 20
Amp, 240 Volt twistlock outlet
• Frame measures 31V/L x23V»”Wx
• Optional 2-wheel kit #165916 sold
• Runs for 13.4 hours on half load, 9.2
hours at full load
nii' * ® hl P 180 lbs - l,em #165911
- <5l 350
i liiii Georgetown ’***
I Answering Service (610) 593-2753
Wheel Kit
• The most balanced, strongest wheel
kit we know of
• Bolts onto #165911 or #165914
generator: no drilling
• Tow 10” pneumatic wheels on
steel axle
• 1/25 tubular steel handles, U.S.A.
• Ship Wt 19 lbs. Item #165916
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998-A9
Stale Graded Feeder Cattle 154 heed
sold at Souths!de (Blackstone) Vi? on May
13.1998. Steen S 1 Head. Hdfen 77 Head.
Steers Med&Lge 1 Med&Lge 2400-500
8670 - 91.50 84.00 -95.2 S 500-600 86.00 -
89.75 85.00 - 88.75 600-700 77J0 - 85.25
72.00 - 82.00 700-800 72.00 - 72.50 -
Heifers Med&Lge 1 Med&Lge 2
300-400 73.00 - 74.50 - 400-500 78700 -
79 JO 76J0 - 79.00 500-600 78JO - 80J0
77 JO - 78.00 600-700 68.00 - 74J0 -
Central Carlot
Beef Report
Thursday, May 21, 1998
REPORT (includes major production areas
in the Midwest and TX) as of 11:15 AM
HA 3.0 Loads Reported. Compared to
Wednesday’s 3:00 P.M. report: Utility car
casses 1.00 higher; Cutter not established.
Demand and offerings light to moderate.
Lds Price Range Latest Estb. Mkt
UT.brk 2-4 450#/op 1.0 61.00 61.00
UT.bng 1-3 400#/up 2.0 65.00 65.00 Cut
ter 1-2 3SO#/up 7 7 68JO D Bulls YG 1
500#/up unq
COAST Loads Reported. Compared to last
Market for Week Ended: May 15, 1998
Lds Price Range UT.brk 2-4 450#/up
UT,bng 1-3 400#/up 67.00 Cutter 1-2
350#/up 67.00 Bulls YG 1 500#/up
BEEF TRIMMINGS 28.0 Loads Reported.
Boneless processing beef ady. Demand
and offerings light to moderate.
Price Range Wtavg 90% ft ? 18 94.0 - 96.0
95.17 90% fz unq 85% fr 88.0 • 90.0 89.20
B 85% fz unq 75% fr 2 70.0 70.00 75% fz
unq 65 % fr 4 54.0 - 55.5 54.75 65 % fz unq
50% fr 50% fz 50% bx Bull 92-94
MA: Ohm Ln Lds Price Range Wtavg 90%
fr 4 93.093.0090% fzunqBS% frunq 85%
fz 75% fr 75% fz 65% fr 65% fz
Lds Price Range Wtavg 90% fr 97.0 - 98.0
97.53 A 90% fz unq 85% ?r 93.0 93.00 A
85% fz 75% fr 75% fz ? 65% fr ? 65% fz
Week Ended: 5/15/98 Chm Ln Lds Price
Range Wtavg 90% fr 92.00 - 98.00 94.67
90% fz unq 85% ft 85.50 - 92.00 88.15
85% fz unq 75% ft 73.00 73.00 75% fz
ui. ] 65% fr 54.00 - 58.00 56.00 65% fz un
50% fr 32.00 - 36.00 34.25 50% fz unq
**ABCDE after quotes represents days
since last actual market test. Quotes are
dropped after 5 days of no lest or before if
they no longer reflect current market
From North Star
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