Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1998, Image 59
MAILE X MARKET F R SALE SI 1 10 row horse drawn field sprayer, long tongue, field ready Levi King, 1851 Mine Road, Paradise, PA 17562. Lane Co. Gehl C-40 & No 9 McD silage cutters, like new Elam S Seller, 12 So Ronks Rd, Ronks, PA 17572 717-687-8065 Lane Co Fireproof vault door Large and small safe, can deliver 717-845-2350 York Co Peanut hulls, summer prices, eight 2' fan blades with 1/2" shaft, 2 bearings, Bio Stoltzfus, 326 Spring Garden, Kmzers, Lane Co John Deere 3010, needs engine rebuilt, $2OOO 814- 674-8119 Cambria Co Rams, Dorset and Dorset/Romney, Commer cial Dorset ewes and regis tered; 16 slot pig feeder, washable lamb pelts 610- 987-0510 Berks Co 16 in packer wheels, $lO, 600 lb capacity fiber drums, $5, Vicon wheel rake, $350 717-665-5513 Lane Co Hesston 5500 round baler, new gear box, extra belts, field ready, $4000.814-448- 2218 Hunt Co. Civil war era cannon com missioned by Muncy Penn sylvania. Complete history mcl $2BOO Forged after Gettysburg battle 717-754- 7725 Schuyl Co Case IH 600 Blower 717- 966-4515 Union Co 1990 FI 50 XLT Lanate, 4WD supercab, SL, 5 spd , red silver, PW, PL, AC class, 4 & Kingpin hitches, 4 mag wheels, extras w/86 Zim merman gooseneck deck over, 10,000 GVW, $13,900 717-758-3387 North'd Co Cornell bam cleaner chain, 200' B sprocket with or w/o drive unit, heavy duty chain Also 8 calf hutches 814- 793-4584 Blair Co 4-71 Detroit diesel w/PTO safety shutdown switches, heat exchanger, 247 hours, can hear run, delivery avail able, $1950 717-345-8179 Schuyl Co Since 1982 Power Systems Diesel 415 PETERS ROAD GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Specializing In MID RANGE • HEAVY DUTY C DIESEL ENGINES POWER UNITS PTO’s PUMP DRIVES CLUTCH REDUCTIONS SALES - SERVICE LARGE INVENTORY OF NEW & USED PARTS & ENGINES Used, Rebuilt And Exchange 3208 Caterpillar Engines INCREASE LIFE AND EFFICIENCY ON EQUIPMENT WITH wsum “THE FIRST IN SYNTHETICS’’ MOTOR OILS AND LUBRICANTS INDUSTRIAL - AGRICULTURAL - COMMERCIAL • COMPRESSOR • HYDRAULIC • GEAR • TRANSMISSION • GREASE • 2 CYCLE • BAR & CHAIN • CLEANERS • FULL FLOW. BY PASS & AIR FILTERS • FUEL ADDITIVES For More Information Write to Address Above or Call (717)354-4801 Service forage wagons, papec Ford and Badger blowers, good cond , stored indoors, leave message 814-274-8354 Potter Co Cultivators for Farmall A, $l5O, Allis D-15-17-19 front bumper, $5O, Allis D-15 radiator, like new, $2OO. 717-866-6485 Leb. Co Type 41 tob, plants, ready week of May 25 Amos F Stoltzfus, 230 Union School Rd, Oxford, PA 19363 IH 2-pt fasthitch to 3 pt converter compl w/adj toplmk, $220, complete fasthitch for IH 806, broken but repairable 610-488- 0736 Berks Co NH 495, 12' haybme, good working cond , $l2OO 080, Ml 5-bar hay rake, $4OO, Bnllion, 9', 2-roll packer 610-488-0736 Barks Co Tobacco lathe, the real good older type Write’RM Sear, PO Box 171, Stevens, PA 17578 Lane Co 2 Walker Foxhound pups, 7 months old, ready to tram, Action Cat and Helms breeding, $lOO ea 304- 782-3983 WV 6 door freezer, Boston 300- 1 series speed, reducer, $2OO, satellite dish, all box es, & cable, $6OO 814-948- 6453 Indiana Co Ford 28 disc transport, MF 2-row corn planter, 2 row tob hoer, both 3 pt, 2 sec rotary hoe, drag harrow, 2 wheel trailer 717-949-3778 Leb Co Polaris 93 4-wheeler, 350 4x4, 800 miles, exc cond , only $3500 717-898-8962 Lane Co JD 318 riding mower with 50" deck and new out house or telephone booth 717- 653-1883 Lane Co Oliver 1850 D, very good cond , with/without rotary mower Also cow hay for sale Wanted NH 258/260 rakes 302-834-7422 New Castle Co , DE NH 489 Haybme, Pequea 710 tay tedder, both field ready, 2 Semmental feeder heifers, 4 cab over metal hay rake, Wanted Yearling pull (717) 345- 8815 Eves Sch Co t, y ISU2U [RUCK Free: 8 feet small gram binder 717-859-2248 Lane. Co Good clean oats and wheat for sale $3 per bushel at the barn 717-776-4279 Newville, PA, Cumb Co Bobcat 520 skitloader, 3500 PSI pressure washer, $BOO, wanted 52" 54" rear steel wheels, front 30". 717-859- 2797 Lane Co Tenn Walker and mo Fox trotter, broke and sound, call for more info 717-933- 5202 Berks Co Fans 24 and 36 inch, 2 speed, like new 717-274- 7582 or 717-272-4786 Leb Co Niemeyerl7ft fluffer trans port, bright oats, macKissic grinder transport, 6" 31 ft transport auger, 4“ gram auger, mixed hay 215-256- 8533 Montg. Co N Holland #489 haybme, 9' cut, $l5OO, also 8' pickup box, made into trailer, title can be gotten, $lOO 717- 933-4721 Berks Co John Deere 640 hayrake, worksaver, 3 point, heavy duty, round bale carrier 2x3-1/2 ft heavy duty metal shelves 717-653-6444 Lane. Co Ford 1 ton dump truck, $lOOO, hand operated dirt scoop, $5O, sidehill hitch (older John Deere) 814- 447-3383 Hunt Co AKC Cocker Spaniel pups, many colors, ready May 27 and May 29 Shots and wormed, $2OO 717-865- 2115 Leb Co 3 red and white Holstein bulls, ready for service, Stump Acres 717-792- 3216 York Co IH 205 combine for parts, best offer, hay basket, used once 732-946-4532 Monm Co Farmhand wheel rake, one owner, $2OO Call after dark 610-347-2175 Chester Co Massey Harris pony, belt pulley, PTC $1525 firm 717-755-6946 York Co Ironworker, panel saw, portable welder, tire machine, spot welders, sanders, 1926 Model T Ford Roadster and more Scales 609-232-7585 Camden Co Flail mower, Mott super heavy duty, 84 inch, $4OO Cub 10-boy with 60 inch woods, mowing deck $2500 Call 8-9 am 610- 381-3303 Monroe Co Super six loader for Far mall-M, mint operating cond , best offer 914-986- 3030 Orange Co , NY eagsiS® TOO**®' I fans 3iSs^ 74 0 Elevator, hay or corn on wheels NH 36'5550 080 pair - 12-16.5 tractor/skid- der tires, 25% tread, $35 080. 717-374-7267 Sny derCo Six Visatron pulsators, four pulsators three years old, no claws, will service pnorto sale. Call after Bpm 610- 756-6639 Berks Co Three sailboats, all need work, $l5OO takes all; Miller tilt top trailer, good cond , $BOO, dual tires 609-296- 8998 Ocean Co 315 NH baler, excellent cond., $3500; 894 JD hay rake, good cond , $4OO 610-926-3296 Berks Co 2000 gal surge milk tank, complete, 22 ton feed tank with discharge auger 301- 271-2258 Fredenck Co 1969 Camero parts, offer, screens, storm windows 40- 3/8"x59-1/2”, $lO ea , 1974 Monte Carlo, decent body, $5O 610-932-2453 Chester Co 18 in , 35' I Beam, 8“ 15' Scout with snow plow, C 6 Ford tranny, 16/5 dual Ford 8-lug rims 717-286-0926 North Co 1986 Chevy Nova, automat ic, good body, inspected, motor quit, $4OO, Yamaha MXIOO frail bike, compl, not running, $l5O 717-367- 5165 Dauphin Co 4x and 6x white pine scrap material Great for making crafts and furniture 717- 589-7655 Perry Co 2-row pull type corn planter, wooden flat wagon bed, $2OO, 18 ft reefer box, $400,4-row JD front cultiva tor 717-361-9296 Dauphin Co International flatbed trailer, 1995 BxlB deck over Beavertail and ramps, 12000 GVW, 1-5/16 ball, exc cond , $2250 609-358- 4781 Salem Co 500 gal Century sprayer, 50' booms, foam marker, all electric controls, 200 gal FMC, 3 point, 48' booms, manual controls 410-848- 0067 Northern Carroll Co 1500 gallon poly water tank, like new, used for water only, $3OO 717-859-2880 Lane Co Cornell barn cleaner, 120 ft chain and chute, $2OO, old smoker elevator, needs work, $75 717-653-4979 Lane Co Two utility trailers, one wood frame, 4' x s', $250, one steel frame, wood rack, tilt 4’x6', $350 717-741-3584 York Co IHC threshing machr jchine, 20x32, always stored in barn, 9' cultipacker with center bearing Both in good cond 717-292-1343 York Co. i b B B b B B b | \ New & Used jj 1 Wind Mills | ' E & R WIND MILL SALES & SERVICE g 717-354-5554 g 717-354-9320 I •♦mmunaiaß UslHUsh STOP Feeding Ezpcnitre Feed to Pest Birds Avitrol treated gram baits successfully remove pest birds from feedlots and farm buildings HESSAGRI MARKETING 218 Rockpoint Rd, Marietta, PA 17547 (717)426-3135 ERA Approved A^ltrot OOVCMCN Massey Ferguson 510 com bine, 13' gram head, $3OOO, New Holland baler, $7OO 610-262-6400 Northampton Co 32 ft sth wheel camper, sleeps six, full bath, air cond , new refndg , stereo sys , exc cond , $l2OO 080 610-967-3691 Lehigh Co Tires, (1) 215/75815 bias bit, whitewall, never used, $l5, (1) 1655R15 german continental on VW wheel (4 bolt), unused spare $l5 ea, $25 both 610-827- 7561 Chester Co JD 110 w/deck, round steel fenders, s/n 11388, 8 hp Kohler, $350, 10 bolt rear Dodge PU frame w/tires, 32x11 50 RISLT, parts/trail er? $35 732-928-5029 Ocean Co Disc s', 3 pt light duty Like new but weathered, $250, 18" dia x 36" Ig lawn roller VG, $6O 1/2 pnee 410-374- 2894 Ball Co IH 2000 loader attachment w/2 buckets on IH 424 trac tor, try before you buy, will remove at purchase, $l5OO 610-756-6049 Lehigh Co McCormick Deerlng 10-20, nice ong cond , Case Mod el L, Rollamatic steel wheels, good shape, 2 Met ropolitan convertibles 717- 6y48-7015 Schuyl Co Kemm Kemiflo applicator for hay baler Model 3302,4 ton metal feed bin, JD corn planter shoes 610-367- 7256 Berks Co 1985 Ford FBOO dump truck, 38,000 miles, 8 2 liter diesel, 33,000 GVW and 1986 Eager Beaver trailer, $18,500 717-427-8334 Carbon Co Log splitter for 3 point hook up, heavy duty, $4OO 717- 677-7008 Adams Co Old hand crank corn shellers, also old wood gram cleaner, $95 Make good decorative ornaments, delivery avail 717-927- 6967 York Co Welder 400 amp, 6 cyl, flat hd , LG antq drill press garage tools, front rear, lift air operated 717-339-4847 N Umbertand Co 1935 McCormick, deenng 1020 and Triumph Spitfire for parts or restoration “Max" 6-wheel ATV Two garden tractors, reason able 908-369-6303 Hunt Co sta £Qft Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers Sprayer Parts and Repair • Pressure Washers • Hydraulic Hoses • Black Walnut Cracker ’ 858 Pumping Station Road Answering Service Kirkwood PA 17536 717-529-6553 Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace • Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal or Wood by-products • Multi-Fuel Model Burns Wood, Coal, Oil or Gas Adapls lo any existing heal system Installation & Accessories Available Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998-823 JD 1240 4R corn planter, $750, 302 FI Ford motor, $3OO, 2 ply, 4 cyl motors, 27,000 M, $2OO 717-423- 5306 Cumb Co 14 year old gray mare Reg istered AQHA, great stable manners, good breeder, needs loving home, experi enced rider, $950 717-426- 3992 Lane Co New Idea tobacco planter, good cond , $5OO, 1-1/2 horse submersible well pump, $l5O, A Hoover, 261 Clouse Lane, E Earl, 1 mi W of Blue Ball Lane Co John Deere 401 A Industrial Front End Loader with cab, gas job brand new tires, $5595, new paint 908-735- 5532 Hunt Co , NJ NH 275 baler, wire thrower, $l7OO, Koch 7' sidemount mower, $250, wanted han dhft sickle mower for BN Farmall 973-571-9096 Eves Warren Co Carriage in good cond also Bio plastic harness and standard bred horse, 9 yrs old, runs good 717-442- 9658 Lane Co Chevrolet pickup, 87 4x4, $5500, JD 510 backhoe loader, $10,500, storage trailers, 40' $l6OO, enclosed trailer, 7'xl2', $lBOO, Cater pillar pan 610-444-4410 Chester Co 802 Uni-system and attach ments, 6610 Hesston SP haybme, 14 717-265-3161 Bradford Co New Holland 451 sickle bar mower, $9OO Please call evenings 717-836-4199, Wyo Co For sale with silos, slurry store 23x62 bottom agita tion pump at each end Goliath bottom unloader for 20 silo 814-349-2203 Cen tre Co Florist Cooler, three door stainless Foley display unit in good shape has new 220 compressor, $975 Call pager, 1-800-502-0506 Chester Co __ Farmall 504 high crop, 2500, Case 800 1100, McClenny, 15' TNCIS rofo tiller, Hester 6' side tiller Nights 215-968-4808 Bucks Co John Deere 6620 sidehill combine with 215 fbx head with poly, exc cond , field ready 410-374-4993 Car roll Co \oix 7 5 KW generator w/17 hp Wisconsin motor setup on cart w/tires, exc cond, ready to go, $950 080 717-656-6275 Siberian Husky puppies with blue eyes, shot and wormed, ready by May 30 Jacob Beiler, 78 Peach Lane, Ronks 717-684-8843 Ex 2 Lane Co Fox Terrier Russel pups, $65, hay racks, calf hutch es, $5O Roy Fisher, 90 Hess Road, Quarryville, PA 17566 Lane Co JD Bagger system fits 200 and 300 series tractors, exc cond, $375 717-336-1336 Lane Co 609 Tobacco plants, ready now Levi Stoltzfus, 395 Green Lane Rd , Q-ville, PA 17566 Call Mon eves 8 00 to 830 717-529-9017 Lane Co Suffolk Hamp ewe lamb, born Feb Free to good home 2 yr old Aust Blue Heeler 717-529-2831 Lane Co 7 Pair Belgium Drafts Drive single and double 15-15 2 H Must be well broke and reasonably priced 304- 876-2754 Jefferson Co Wanted used forage wag on and 1830 C skid loader 610-683-7214 Berks Co Wanted female pony, preferably painted in color, 44-49 inches Call eves 717-626-4072, no Sunday calls Lane Co Wanted 40+ foot flatbed trailer, floor unimportant, to span gully Need sickle bar mower for 801 Ford tractor 717-469-1146 Dauphin Co Old cigar box labels want ed, paying top prices Write 264 Forge Hill Road. Wnghtsville, PA 17368 717-252-2023 York Co , Caterpillar tractors prior, do 1940, any condition Wo Sunday calls 717-656- 9660 Lane Co 4-row narrow corn heaifcr NH 1500 combine 7t7- 354-9368 Lane Co Old ignition model airplane & boat engines made before 1949, with miniature sparkplugs and related parts 610-670-9544 Berks Co Wanted good set pallet forks, 48“ for large Case skid loader or other mod els Can make case mount ing 717-530-1656 Cumb Co Wanted good used tilt table For sale fifty acorn lever stalls Also, badger mill with vertical auger 7170532-7009 Frnkln Co To buy med sized incuba tor 717-249-3224 Cumb Co Allis Chalmers D-14 side panels under fuel tank, power steering for same 717-677-7840 Adams Co